fused-effects-squeal: A fused-effects adapter for squeal-postgresql.

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A fused-effects adapter for squeal-postgresql. It allows you to conjure MonadPQ instances and manage connection pools in a `fused-effects` stack.

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Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), fused-effects (>= && <1.1), squeal-postgresql (>= && <0.6), unliftio (>=0.2.12 && <0.3), unliftio-core (>= && <0.2), unliftio-pool (>= && <0.3) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Ilya Kostyuchenko
Author Ilya Kostyuchenko
Maintainer ilyakooo0@gmail.com
Category Control
Home page https://github.com/ilyakooo0/fused-effects-squeal#readme
Uploaded by iko at 2020-01-26T15:51:09Z


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This is an overview of the way this library works. If you would like to learn how Squeal itself works you should head to the morphismtech/squeal repository.


There are two sepaeate effects with corresponding carriers: Squeal (with SquealC) and SquealPool (with SquealPoolC).

Squeal mimics the functions from MonadPQ (from squeal-postgresql) and represnts the "inside a transaction" effect.

You can run it directly with runSquealWithConn family of functions, but you probably want to use a connection pool.

SquealPool allows you to call runSqueal function, which picks a connection from the connection pool and runs the Squeal effect.