.. _installation:
There are two main ways to install the Futhark compiler: using a
precompiled tarball or compiling from source. Both methods are
discussed below. If you are using Linux, see
:ref:`linux-installation`. If you are using Windows, make sure to
read :ref:`windows-installation`. If you are using macOS, read
Futhark is also available via `Nix `_. If you
are using Nix, simply install the ``futhark`` derivation from Nixpkgs.
The Linux binaries we distribute are statically linked and should not
require any special libraries installed system-wide.
When building from source on Linux and macOS, you will need to have
the ``gmp`` and ``tinfo`` libraries installed. These are pretty
common, so you may already have them. On Debian-like systems
(e.g. Ubuntu), use::
sudo apt install libtinfo-dev libgmp-dev
If you install Futhark via a package manager (e.g. Homebrew, Nix, or
AUR), you shouldn't need to worry about any of this.
Actually *running* the output of the Futhark compiler may require
additional dependencies, for example an OpenCL library and GPU driver.
See the documentation for the respective compiler backends.
Compiling from source
The recommended way to compile Futhark is with the `Haskell Tool
Stack`_, which handles dependencies and compilation of the Futhark
compiler. You will therefore need to install the ``stack`` tool.
Fortunately, the ``stack`` developers provide ample documentation
about `installing Stack`_ on a multitude of operating systems. If
you're lucky, it may even be in your local package repository.
You can either retrieve a `source release tarball
`_ or perform a checkout
of our Git repository::
$ git clone https://github.com/diku-dk/futhark.git
This will create a directory ``futhark``, which you must enter::
$ cd futhark
To get all the prerequisites for building the Futhark compiler
(including, if necessary, the appropriate version of the Haskell
compiler), run::
$ stack setup
Note that this will not install anything system-wide and will have no
effect outside the Futhark build directory. Now you can run the
following command to build the Futhark compiler, including all
$ stack build
The Futhark compiler and its tools will now be built. This step
typically requires at least 8GiB of memory. You may be able to build
it on a smaller machine by adding the ``--fast`` option, although the
resulting Futhark compiler binary will run slower.
After building, you can copy the binaries to your ``$HOME/.local/bin``
directory by running::
$ stack install
Note that this does not install the Futhark manual pages.
Compiling with ``cabal``
You can also compile Futhark with ``cabal``. If so, you must install
an appropriate version of GHC (usually the newest) and ``cabal``
yourself, for example through your favourite package manager. On
Linux, you can always use `ghcup
`_. Then clone the
repository as listed above and run::
$ cabal update
$ cabal build
To install the Futhark binaries to a specific location, for example
``$HOME/.local/bin``, run::
$ cabal install --install-method=copy --overwrite-policy=always --installdir=$HOME/.local/bin/
Installing from a precompiled snapshot
Tarballs of binary releases can be `found online
`_, but are available only for
very few platforms (as of this writing, only GNU/Linux on x86_64).
See the enclosed ``README.md`` for installation instructions.
Furthermore, every day a program automatically clones the Git
repository, builds the compiler, and packages a simple tarball
containing the resulting binaries, built manpages, and a simple
``Makefile`` for installing. The implication is that these tarballs
are not vetted in any way, nor more stable than Git HEAD at any
particular moment in time. They are provided for users who wish to
use the most recent code, but are unable to compile Futhark
We build such binary snapshots for the following operating systems:
**Linux (x86_64)**
`futhark-nightly-linux-x86_64.tar.xz `_
**Windows (x86_64)**
`futhark-nightly-windows-x86_64.zip `_
You will still likely need to make a C compiler (such as GCC) available on your own.
.. _`Haskell tool stack`: http://docs.haskellstack.org/
.. _`installing Stack`: http://docs.haskellstack.org/#how-to-install
.. _linux-installation:
Installing Futhark on Linux
* `Linuxbrew`_ is a distribution-agnostic package manager that
contains a formula for Futhark. If Linuxbrew is installed (which
does not require ``root`` access), installation is as easy as::
$ brew install futhark
Note that as of this writing, Linuxbrew is hampered by limited
compute resources for building packages, so the Futhark version may
be a bit behind.
* Arch Linux users can use a `futhark-nightly package
`_ or a
`regular futhark package
* NixOS users can install the ``futhark`` derivation.
Otherwise (or if the version in the package system is too old), your
best bet is to install from source or use a tarball, as described
.. _`Linuxbrew`: http://linuxbrew.sh/
.. _macos-installation:
Using OpenCL or CUDA
If you wish to use ``futhark opencl`` or ``futhark cuda``, you must
have the OpenCL or CUDA libraries installed, respectively. Consult
your favourite search engine for instructions on how to do this on
your distribution. It is usually not terribly difficult if you
already have working GPU drivers.
For OpenCL, note that there is a distinction between the general
OpenCL host library (``OpenCL.so``) that Futhark links against, and
the *Installable Client Driver* (ICD) that OpenCL uses to actually
talk to the hardware. You will need both. Working display drivers
for the GPU does not imply that an ICD has been installed - they are
usually in a separate package. Consult your favourite search engine
for details.
Installing Futhark on macOS
Futhark is available on `Homebrew`_, and the latest release can be
installed via::
$ brew install futhark
Or you can install the unreleased development version with::
$ brew install --HEAD futhark
This has to compile from source, so it takes a little while (20-30
minutes is common).
macOS ships with one OpenCL platform and various devices. One of
these devices is always the CPU, which is not fully functional, and is
never picked by Futhark by default. You can still select it manually
with the usual mechanisms (see :ref:`executable-options`), but it is
unlikely to be able to run most Futhark programs. Depending on the
system, there may also be one or more GPU devices, and Futhark will
simply pick the first one as always. On multi-GPU MacBooks, this is
is the low-power integrated GPU. It should work just fine, but you
might have better performance if you use the dedicated GPU instead.
On a Mac with an AMD GPU, this is done by passing ``-dAMD`` to the
generated Futhark executable.
.. _`Homebrew`: https://brew.sh/
.. _windows-installation:
Setting up Futhark on Windows
The Futhark compiler itself is easily installed on Windows via
``stack`` (see above). If you are using the default Windows console,
you may need to run ``chcp 65001`` to make Unicode characters show up
It takes a little more work to make the OpenCL and PyOpenCL backends
functional. This guide was last updated on the 5th of May 2016, and
is for computers using 64-bit Windows along with `CUDA 7.5`_ and
Python 2.7 (`Anaconda`_ preferred).
Also `Git for Windows`_ is required for its Linux command line tools.
If you have not marked the option to add them to path, there are
instructions below how to do so. The GUI alternative to ``git``,
`GitHub Desktop`_ is optional and does not come with the required
.. _`CUDA 7.5`: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
.. _`Anaconda`: https://www.continuum.io/downloads#_windows
.. _`Git for Windows`: https://git-scm.com/download/win
.. _`GitHub Desktop`: https://desktop.github.com/
Setting up Futhark and OpenCL
1) Clone the Futhark repository to your hard drive.
2) Install `Stack`_ using the 64-bit installer. Compile the Futhark
compiler as described in :ref:`installation`.
3) For editing environment variables it is strongly recommended that
you install the `Rapid Environment Editor`_
4) For a Futhark compatible C/C++ compiler, that you will also need to
install pyOpenCL later, install MingWpy. Do this using the ``pip
install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/carlkl/simple mingwpy``
5) Assuming you have the latest Anaconda distribution as your primary
one, it will get installed to a place such as
``C:\Users\UserName\Anaconda2\share\mingwpy``. The pip installation
will not add its bin or include directories to path.
To do so, open the Rapid Environment Editor and add
``C:\Users\UserName\Anaconda2\share\mingwpy\bin`` to the system-wide
``PATH`` variable.
If you have other MingW or GCC distributions, make sure MingWpy takes
priority by moving its entry above the other distributions. You can
also change which Python distribution is the default one using the
same trick should you need so.
If have done so correctly, typing ``where gcc`` in the command prompt
should list the aforementioned MingWpy installation at the top or show
only it.
To finish the installation, add the
``C:\Users\UserName\Anaconda2\share\mingwpy\include`` to the ``CPATH``
environment variable (note: *not* ``PATH``). Create the variable if
6) The header files and the .dll for OpenCL that comes with the CUDA
7.5 distribution also need to be installed into MingWpy. Go to
``C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include``
and copy the ``CL`` directory into the MingWpy ``include`` directory.
Next, go to ``C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\OpenCL`` and copy
the ``OpenCL64.dll`` file into the MingWpy ``lib`` directory (it is
next to ``include``).
The CUDA distribution also comes with the static ``OpenCL.lib``, but
trying to use that one instead of the ``OpenCL64.dll`` will cause
programs compiled with ``futhark opencl`` to crash, so ignore it
Now you should be able to compile with ``futhark opencl`` and run
Futhark programs on the GPU.
.. _`Stack`: http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/#windows
.. _`Rapid Environment Editor`: http://www.rapidee.com/en/about
Setting up PyOpenCL
The following instructions are for how to setup the
``futhark-pyopencl`` backend.
First install Mako using ``pip install mako``.
Also install PyPNG using ``pip install pypng`` (not stricly necessary,
but some examples make use of it).
7) Clone the `PyOpenCL repository`_ to your hard drive. Do
this instead of downloading the zip, as the zip will not contain
some of the other repositories it links to and you will end up with
missing header files.
8) If you have ignored the instructions and gotten Python 3.x instead
2.7, you will have to do some extra work.
Edit ``.\pyopencl\compyte\ndarray\gen_elemwise.py`` and
``.\pyopencl\compyte\ndarray\test_gpu_ndarray.py`` and convert most
Python 2.x style print statements to Python 3 syntax. Basically wrap
print arguments in brackets "(..)" and ignore any lines containing
StringIO ``>>`` operator.
Otherwise just go to the next point.
9) Go into the repo directory and from the command line execute
``python configure.py``.
Edit ``siteconf.py`` to following::
CL_TRACE = false
CL_ENABLE_GL = false
CL_INC_DIR = ['c:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v7.5\\include']
CL_LIB_DIR = ['C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v7.5\\lib\\x64']
CXXFLAGS = ['-std=c++0x']
Run the following commands::
> python setup.py build_ext --compiler=mingw32
> python setup.py install
If everything went in order, pyOpenCL should be installed on your machine now.
10) Lastly, Pygame needs to be installed. Again, not stricly
necessary, but some examples make use of it. To do so on Windows,
download ``pygame-1.9.2a0-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl`` from `here
`_. ``cp27``
means Python 2.7 and ``win_amd64`` means 64-bit Windows.
Go to the directory you have downloaded the file and execute ``pip
install pygame-1.9.2a0-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl`` from the command
Now you should be able to run the `Game of Life`_ example.
11) To run the makefiles, first setup ``make`` by going to the ``bin``
directory of MingWpy and making a copy of
``mingw32-make.exe``. Then simply rename ``mingw32-make –
Copy.exe`` or similar to ``make.exe``. Now you will be able to run
the makefiles.
Also, if you have not selected to add the optional Linux command
line tools to ``PATH`` during the ``Git for Windows``
installation, add the ``C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin`` directory
to ``PATH`` manually now.
12) This guide has been written off memory, so if you are having
difficulties - ask on the `issues page`_. There might be errors in
.. _`PyOpenCL repository`: https://github.com/pyopencl/pyopencl
.. _`Game of Life`: https://github.com/diku-dk/futhark-benchmarks/tree/master/misc/life
.. _`issues page`: https://github.com/diku-dk/futhark/issues
Futhark with Nix
Futhark mostly works fine with Nix and `NixOS
`_, but when using OpenCL you may need to make
more packages available in your environment. This is regardless of
whether you are using the ``futhark`` package from Nixpkgs or one you
have installed otherwise.
* On NixOS, for OpenCL, you should import ``opencl-headers`` and
``opencl-icd``. You also need some form of OpenCL backend. If you
have an AMD GPU and use ROCm, you may also need
* On NixOS, for CUDA (and probably also OpenCL on NVIDIA GPUs), you
need ``cudatoolkit``. However, ``cudatoolkit`` does not appear to
provide ``libcuda.so`` and similar libraries. These are instead
provided in an ``nvidia_x11`` package that is specific to some
kernel version, e.g. ``linuxPackages_5_4.nvidia_x11``. You will
need this as well.
* On macOS, for OpenCL, you need ``darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenCL``.
These can be easily made available with e.g::
nix-shell -p opencl-headers -p opencl-icd