fuzzy-dates: Libary for parsing dates in strings in varied formats.

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Please see the README on GitHub at https://github.com/ReedOei/fuzzy-dates#readme

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Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), fuzzy-dates, hourglass, hspec, lens, parsec [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 Reed Oei
Author Reed Oei
Maintainer oei.reed@gmail.com
Category Parsing
Home page https://github.com/ReedOei/fuzzy-dates#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/ReedOei/fuzzy-dates/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/ReedOei/fuzzy-dates
Uploaded by ReedOei at 2018-05-03T19:02:38Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:, NixOS:, Stackage:
Reverse Dependencies 2 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables fuzzy-dates-exe
Downloads 4093 total (13 in the last 30 days)
Rating 1.75 (votes: 2) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2018-05-03 [all 1 reports]

Readme for fuzzy-dates-

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fuzzy-dates is a Haskell library for parsing dates when you don't know/care to specify the format of the dates beforehand.

It is heavily based off of https://gitlab.com/doshitan/hourglass-fuzzy-parsing, which had not been updated for over 2 years at the time of writing, so I created this library, and added numerous new date formats to it.


Import the main module, then call one of the extract dates functions, like so:

>>> import Data.Dates.Parsing
>>> extractDatesY 2018 "The party will be on 6/9"
[Date 2018 June 9]