module FWGL.Shader.GLSL (
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.Typeable
import FWGL.Shader.Shader
import FWGL.Shader.Language ( Expr(..), ShaderType(..), Unknown, Action(..)
, ContextVarType(..) )
import FWGL.Shader.Stages (VertexShader, FragmentShader, ValidVertex)
import Text.Printf
type ShaderVars = ( [(String, String)]
, [(String, String, Int)]
, [(String, String, Expr)])
vertexToGLSLAttr :: ValidVertex g i o => VertexShader g i o
-> (String, [(String, Int)])
vertexToGLSLAttr v =
let r@(_, is, _) = vars False v
in ( shaderToGLSL "#version 100\n" "attribute" "varying"
r [("hvVertexShaderOutput", "gl_Position")]
, map (\(t, n, s) -> (n, s)) is)
vertexToGLSL :: ValidVertex g i o => VertexShader g i o -> String
vertexToGLSL = fst . vertexToGLSLAttr
fragmentToGLSL :: Valid g i '[] => FragmentShader g i -> String
fragmentToGLSL v = shaderToGLSL "#version 100\nprecision mediump float;"
"varying" ""
(vars True v)
[("hvFragmentShaderOutput", "gl_FragColor")]
shaderToGLSL :: String -> String -> String -> ShaderVars -> [(String, String)] -> String
shaderToGLSL header ins outs (gs, is, os) predec = concat
[ header
, concatMap (var "uniform") gs
, concatMap (\(t, n, _) -> var ins (t, n)) is
, concatMap (\(t, n, _) -> if any ((== n) . fst) predec
then []
else var outs (t, n)
) os
, "void main(){"
, actions
, concatMap (\(n, s) -> replace n predec ++ "=" ++ s ++ ";")
, "}" ]
where var qual (ty, nm) = qual ++ " " ++ ty ++ " " ++ nm ++ ";"
replace x xs = case filter ((== x) . fst) xs of
((_, y) : []) -> y
_ -> x
(_, outNames, outExprs) = unzip3 os
(actions, outStrs) = compile outExprs
compiledOuts = zip outNames outStrs
vars :: Valid gs is os => Bool -> Shader gs is os -> ShaderVars
vars isFragment (shader :: Shader gs is os) =
( staticList (undefined :: Proxy gs) globalTypeAndName
, staticList (undefined :: Proxy is) inputVar
, stFold (\acc x -> outputVar x : acc) [] outputs)
where outputs = shader (staticSTList (undefined :: Proxy gs) globalExpr)
(staticSTList (undefined :: Proxy is) inputExpr)
globalExpr, inputExpr :: (Typeable x, ShaderType y) => x -> y
globalExpr x = fromExpr . Read $ globalName x
inputExpr x = fromExpr . Read $ if isFragment then varyingName x
else attributeName x
inputVar :: (Typeable x, ShaderType x)
=> x -> (String, String, Int)
inputVar x = let (ty, nm) = if isFragment
then varyingTypeAndName x
else attributeTypeAndName x
in (ty, nm, size x)
outputVar :: (Typeable x, ShaderType x)
=> x -> (String, String, Expr)
outputVar x = let (ty, nm) = varyingTypeAndName x
in (ty, nm, toExpr x)
type ActionID = Int
type ActionMap = H.HashMap ActionID Action
type ActionSet = H.HashMap ActionID ()
data ActionInfo = ActionInfo {
actionGenerator :: ActionGenerator,
actionDeps :: ActionSet,
actionContext :: ActionContext
type ActionGenerator = String -> String
data ActionContext = ShallowContext ActionSet
| DeepContext ActionSet
deriving (Show)
type ActionGraph = H.HashMap ActionID ActionInfo
compile :: [Expr] -> (String, [String])
compile exprs = let (strs, deps, _) = unzip3 $ map compileExpr exprs
depGraph = contextAll deep . buildActionGraph $ H.unions deps
sorted = sortActions depGraph
in (sorted >>= uncurry generate, strs)
generate :: ActionGenerator -> ActionGraph -> String
generate gen graph = gen $ sortActions graph >>= uncurry generate
sortActions :: ActionGraph -> [(ActionGenerator, ActionGraph)]
sortActions fullGraph = visitLoop (H.empty, [], fullGraph)
where visitLoop state@(childrenMap, sortedIDs, graph)
| H.null graph = map (makePair childrenMap fullGraph) sortedIDs
| otherwise = visitLoop $ visit (head $ H.keys graph) state
visit aID state@(_, _, graph) =
case H.lookup aID graph of
Nothing -> state
Just ai -> visitNew aID ai state
visitNew aID ai (childrenMap, sortedIDs, graph) =
let deps = actionDeps ai
(childrenMap', sortedIDs', graph') =
(\aID _ state -> visit aID state)
(childrenMap, sortedIDs, graph)
in case actionContext ai of
DeepContext ctx | H.null ctx ||
ctx == H.singleton aID () ->
( childrenMap', sortedIDs' ++ [aID]
, H.delete aID graph' )
DeepContext ctx ->
let smap = (\_ -> H.singleton aID ai
) ctx
cmap' = H.unionWith H.union smap
in (cmap', sortedIDs', H.delete aID graph')
makePair childrenMap graph aID =
( actionGenerator $ graph H.! aID
, case H.lookup aID childrenMap of
Just g -> (delDeep aID) g
Nothing -> H.empty )
delDeep k ai = let (DeepContext ctx) = actionContext ai
in ai { actionContext = DeepContext $
H.delete k ctx }
buildActionGraph :: ActionMap -> ActionGraph
buildActionGraph = flip H.foldrWithKey H.empty $
\aID act graph ->
let (info, deps) = compileAction aID act
in H.union (H.insert aID info graph)
(buildActionGraph deps)
contextAll :: (ActionID -> ActionGraph -> (ActionContext, ActionGraph))
-> ActionGraph -> ActionGraph
contextAll f g = H.foldrWithKey (\aID _ graph -> snd $ f aID graph) g g
deep :: ActionID -> ActionGraph -> (ActionContext, ActionGraph)
deep aID graph =
case actionContext act of
ShallowContext sctx ->
let (dctx, graph') = H.foldrWithKey addDepContext
(sctx, graph)
(actionDeps act)
ctx' = DeepContext dctx
in (ctx', H.insert
aID (act { actionContext = ctx' }) graph')
ctx -> (ctx, graph)
where act = graph H.! aID
addDepContext depID depInfo (ctx, graph) =
let (DeepContext dCtx, graph') = deep depID graph
in (H.union ctx (H.delete depID dCtx), graph')
compileExpr :: Expr -> (String, ActionMap, ActionSet)
compileExpr Empty = ("", H.empty, H.empty)
compileExpr (Read s) = (s, H.empty, H.empty)
compileExpr (Op1 s e) = first3 (\x -> "(" ++ s ++ x ++ ")") $ compileExpr e
compileExpr (Op2 s ex ey) = let (x, ax, cx) = compileExpr ex
(y, ay, cy) = compileExpr ey
in ( "(" ++ x ++ s ++ y ++ ")"
, H.union ax ay, H.union cx cy )
compileExpr (Apply s es) = let (vs, as, cs) = unzip3 $ map compileExpr es
in ( concat $ [ s, "(" , tail (vs >>= (',' :)), ")" ]
, H.unions as, H.unions cs)
compileExpr (X e) = first3 (++ "[0]") $ compileExpr e
compileExpr (Y e) = first3 (++ "[1]") $ compileExpr e
compileExpr (Z e) = first3 (++ "[2]") $ compileExpr e
compileExpr (W e) = first3 (++ "[3]") $ compileExpr e
compileExpr (Literal s) = (s, H.empty, H.empty)
compileExpr (Action a) = let h = hash a
in (actionName h, H.singleton h a, H.empty)
compileExpr (ContextVar i t) = (contextVarName t i, H.empty, H.singleton i ())
compileExpr (Dummy _) = error "compileExpr: Dummy"
first3 :: (a -> a') -> (a, b, c) -> (a', b, c)
first3 f (a, b, c) = (f a, b, c)
compileAction :: ActionID -> Action -> (ActionInfo, ActionMap)
compileAction aID (Store ty expr) =
let (eStr, deps, ctxs) = compileExpr expr
in ( ActionInfo (\c -> concat [ c, ty, " ", actionName aID
, "=", eStr, ";" ])
( (const ()) deps)
(ShallowContext ctxs)
, deps )
compileAction aID (If cExpr ty tExpr fExpr) =
let (cStr, cDeps, cCtxs) = compileExpr cExpr
(tStr, tDeps, tCtxs) = compileExpr tExpr
(fStr, fDeps, fCtxs) = compileExpr fExpr
deps = H.unions [cDeps, tDeps, fDeps]
name = actionName aID
in ( ActionInfo (\c -> concat [ ty, " ", name, ";if("
, cStr, "){", c, name, "=", tStr
, ";}else{" , name, "=", fStr, ";}" ])
( (const ()) deps)
(ShallowContext $ H.unions [cCtxs, tCtxs, fCtxs])
, deps )
compileAction aID (For iters ty initVal body) =
let iterName = contextVarName LoopIteration aID
valueName = contextVarName LoopValue aID
(nExpr, sExpr) = body (ContextVar aID LoopIteration)
(ContextVar aID LoopValue)
(iStr, iDeps, iCtxs) = compileExpr initVal
(nStr, nDeps, nCtxs) = compileExpr nExpr
(sStr, sDeps, sCtxs) = compileExpr sExpr
deps = H.unions [iDeps, nDeps, sDeps]
in ( ActionInfo (\c -> concat [ ty, " ", valueName, "=", iStr, ";"
, "for(float ", iterName, "=0.0;"
, iterName, "<", show iters, ".0;"
, "++", iterName, "){", c
, "if(", sStr, "){break;}"
, valueName, "=", nStr, ";}" ])
( (const ()) deps)
(ShallowContext $ H.unions [iCtxs, nCtxs, sCtxs])
, deps )
actionName :: ActionID -> String
actionName = ('a' :) . hashName
contextVarName :: ContextVarType -> ActionID -> String
contextVarName LoopIteration = ('l' :) . hashName
contextVarName LoopValue = actionName
hashName :: ActionID -> String
hashName = printf "%x"
globalTypeAndName :: (Typeable t, ShaderType t) => t -> (String, String)
globalTypeAndName t = (typeName t, globalName t)
varyingTypeAndName :: (Typeable t, ShaderType t) => t -> (String, String)
varyingTypeAndName t = (typeName t, varyingName t)
attributeTypeAndName :: (Typeable t, ShaderType t) => t -> (String, String)
attributeTypeAndName t = (typeName t, attributeName t)
variableName :: Typeable t => t -> String
variableName = tyConName . typeRepTyCon . typeOf
globalName :: Typeable t => t -> String
globalName = ("hg" ++) . variableName
varyingName :: Typeable t => t -> String
varyingName = ("hv" ++) . variableName
attributeName :: Typeable t => t -> String
attributeName = ("ha" ++) . variableName