g2q: G2Q allows constraint programming, via writing Haskell predicates.

[ bsd3, formal-methods, library, symbolic-computation ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

G2Q allows constraint programming, via writing Haskell predicates. A quasiquoter, g2, is provided which can take concrete arguments at runtime, and solve for unknown symbolic arguments.

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  • G2Q
    • G2Q.Interface


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Dependencies base (>=4.10 && <4.11), g2 (>= && < [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author William Hallahan, Anton Xue
Maintainer william.hallahan@yale.edu
Category Formal Methods, Symbolic Computation
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/BillHallahan/G2Q.git
Uploaded by WilliamHallahan at 2019-06-30T03:12:47Z
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Status Docs not available [build log]
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G2Q allows constraint programming, via writing Haskell predicates. A quasiquoter, g2, is provided which can take concrete arguments at runtime, and solve for unknown symbolic arguments.

For example, to find inputs from a list xs which sum to a given number n, you can write:

sumToN :: Int -> [Int] -> IO (Maybe [Int])
sumToN = [g2| \(n :: Int) (xs :: [Int]) ->
              ?(ys :: [Int])
            |  sum ys == n
            && all (\e -> e `elem` xs) ys
            && length ys >= 1 |]