module Generators where import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER (DER)) import Data.ASN1.Encoding (ASN1Decoding (decodeASN1)) import Data.ASN1.Types (ASN1Object (fromASN1)) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (first)) import Data.ByteString.Base32 (encodeBase32Unpadded) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Int (Int64) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.X509 (PrivKey (PrivKeyRSA)) import Hedgehog (MonadGen) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Tahoe.Announcement (Announcements (..), StorageServerAnnouncement (..)) import Tahoe.CHK.Types (Parameters (..)) -- | The maximum value an Int64 can represent. maxInt64 :: Integer maxInt64 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int64) -- | Generate Parameters values for which all field invariants hold. genParameters :: MonadGen m => m Parameters genParameters = do paramSegmentSize <- Gen.integral (Range.exponential 1 maxInt64) paramTotalShares <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 2 256) paramRequiredShares <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 1 (paramTotalShares - 1)) -- XXX We're going to get rid of "Happy" from this type. For now it's -- easier not to let this value vary and it doesn't hurt anything. let paramHappyShares = 1 pure $ Parameters{paramSegmentSize, paramTotalShares, paramHappyShares, paramRequiredShares} genAnnouncements :: MonadGen m => Range.Range Int -> m Announcements genAnnouncements size = Announcements <$> size ((,) <$> genServerIDs <*> genStorageServerAnnouncements) genServerIDs :: MonadGen m => m T.Text genServerIDs = T.toLower . encodeBase32Unpadded <$> Gen.bytes (Range.singleton 32) genStorageServerAnnouncements :: MonadGen m => m StorageServerAnnouncement genStorageServerAnnouncements = StorageServerAnnouncement <$> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.linear 16 32) Gen.ascii) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.linear 16 32) Gen.ascii) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.bytes $ Range.singleton 32) {- | Build RSA key pairs. Because the specific bits of the key pair shouldn't make any difference to any application logic, generating new RSA key pairs is expensive, and generating new RSA key pairs in a way that makes sense in Hedgehog is challenging, this implementation just knows a few RSA key pairs already and will give back one of them. -} genRSAKeys :: MonadGen m => m RSA.PrivateKey genRSAKeys = Gen.element (map rsaKeyPair rsaKeyPairBytes) -- I'm not sure how to do IO in MonadGen so do the IO up front unsafely (but -- hopefully not really unsafely). rsaKeyPairBytes :: [LB.ByteString] {-# NOINLINE rsaKeyPairBytes #-} rsaKeyPairBytes = unsafePerformIO $ mapM (\n -> LB.readFile ("test/data/rsa-privkey-" <> show n <> ".der")) [0 .. 4 :: Int] rsaKeyPair :: LB.ByteString -> RSA.PrivateKey rsaKeyPair bs = do let (Right kp) = do asn1s <- first show (decodeASN1 DER bs) (r, _) <- fromASN1 asn1s case r of PrivKeyRSA pk -> pure pk _ -> error "Expected RSA Private Key" kp