-- | Generic combinators to derive type class instances.
-- == Orphans
-- The 'Data.Generic.Orphans' module should be imported to derive the following
-- classes using this library:
-- - 'Eq1' and 'Ord1'
-- - 'Semigroup' and 'Monoid' on GHC 8.4 or older (base <= 4.11)
-- == __Minor discrepancies__
-- Here are documented some corner cases of deriving, both by GHC and
-- generic-data. They are all minor and unlikely to cause problems in
-- practice.
-- === Empty types
-- - Some of the derived methods are lazy, which might result in errors
--   being silenced, though unlikely.
-- - The only generic-data implementation which differs from GHC stock
--   instances is 'gfoldMap'.
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | Class method     | GHC stock | generic-data | Comment               |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | @('==')@         | lazy      | lazy         | 'True'                |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | 'compare'        | lazy      | lazy         | 'EQ'                  |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | 'fmap'           | strict    | strict       | must be bottom anyway |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | 'foldMap'        | lazy      | strict       | 'mempty' if lazy      |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | 'foldr'          | lazy      | lazy         | returns accumulator   |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | 'traverse'       | strict    | strict       |                       |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- | 'sequenceA'      | strict    | strict       |                       |
-- +------------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+
-- === Single-constructor single-field types
-- @data@ types with one constructor and one field are extremely rare.
-- @newtype@ is almost always more appropriate (for which there is no issue).
-- That said, for @data@ types both strict and lazy, all generic-data
-- implementations are lazy (they don't even force the constructor),
-- whereas GHC stock implementations, when they exist, are strict.
-- === Functor composition
-- Fields of functors involving the composition of two or more functors
-- @f (g (h a))@ result in some overhead using "GHC.Generics.Generic1".
-- This is due to a particular encoding choice of @GHC.Generics@, where
-- composition are nested to the right instead of to the left. @f (g (h _))@ is
-- represented by the functor @f 'GHC.Generics.:.:' (g 'GHC.Generics.:.:' 'GHC.Generics.Rec1' h)@, so one must use
-- 'fmap' on @f@ to convert that back to @f (g (h _))@. A better choice would
-- have been to encode it as @('GHC.Generics.Rec1' f 'GHC.Generics.:.:' g) 'GHC.Generics.:.:' h@, because that is
-- coercible back to @f (g (h _))@.

module Generic.Data
  ( -- * Newtypes for Deriving Via
  , GenericProduct(..)
  , FiniteEnumeration(..)
  , Generically1(..)

    -- * Regular classes

    -- | Default implementations for classes indexed by types
    -- (kind @Type@).

    -- ** 'Semigroup'
  , gmappend

    -- ** 'Monoid'
  , gmempty
  , gmappend'

    -- ** 'Eq'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , geq

    -- ** 'Ord'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , gcompare

    -- ** 'Read'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , greadPrec
  , GRead0

    -- ** 'Show'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , gshowsPrec
  , GShow0

    -- ** 'Enum'
  , GEnum()
    -- *** 'StandardEnum' option
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , StandardEnum()
  , gtoEnum
  , gfromEnum
  , genumFrom
  , genumFromThen
  , genumFromTo
  , genumFromThenTo
    -- *** 'FiniteEnum' option
  , FiniteEnum()
  , gtoFiniteEnum
  , gfromFiniteEnum
  , gfiniteEnumFrom
  , gfiniteEnumFromThen
  , gfiniteEnumFromTo
  , gfiniteEnumFromThenTo

    -- ** 'Bounded'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , gminBound
  , gmaxBound
  , GBounded()

    -- ** 'Ix'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC as part of the standard.
  , grange
  , gindex
  , ginRange
  , GIx()
  , gunsafeIndex

    -- * Higher-kinded classes

    -- | Default implementations for classes indexed by type constructors
    -- (kind @Type -> Type@).

    -- ** 'Functor'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC (@DeriveFunctor@ extension).
  , gfmap
  , gconstmap

    -- ** 'Foldable'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC (@DeriveFoldable@ extension).
  , gfoldMap
  , gfoldr
  , GFoldable

    -- ** 'Traversable'
    -- | Can also be derived by GHC (@DeriveTraversable@ extension).
  , gtraverse
  , gsequenceA
  , GTraversable

    -- ** 'Applicative'
  , gpure
  , gap
  , gliftA2

    -- ** 'Alternative'
  , gempty
  , galt

    -- ** 'Eq1'
  , gliftEq

    -- ** 'Ord1'
  , gliftCompare

    -- ** 'Read1'
  , gliftReadPrec
  , GRead1

    -- ** 'Show1'
  , gliftShowsPrec
  , GShow1

    -- * Fields wrappers for deriving
  , Id1(..)
  , Opaque(..)
  , Opaque1(..)

    -- * Newtype
    -- | Generic pack/unpack.
  , Newtype
  , Old
  , pack
  , unpack

    -- * Generic coercions
  , gcoerce
  , gcoerceBinop

    -- * Accessing metadata

    -- | Using @TypeApplications@.

    -- ** Datatype
  , gdatatypeName
  , gmoduleName
  , gpackageName
  , gisNewtype
  , GDatatype

    -- ** Constructor
  , gconName
  , gconFixity
  , gconIsRecord
  , gconNum
  , gconIndex
  , Constructors
  , GConstructors

    -- *** Constructor tags
  , ConId()
  , conId
  , conIdToInt
  , conIdToString
  , conIdEnum
  , conIdNamed
  , ConIdNamed

  , conIdMin
  , conIdMax
  , NonEmptyType
  , IsEmptyType

  -- ** Using type families
  , MetaOf
  , MetaDataName
  , MetaDataModule
  , MetaDataPackage
  , MetaDataNewtype
  , MetaConsName
  , MetaConsFixity
  , MetaConsRecord
  , MetaSelNameM
  , MetaSelName
  , MetaSelUnpack
  , MetaSelSourceStrictness
  , MetaSelStrictness

    -- * The @Generic@ class

    -- | Reexported from "GHC.Generics".
  , Generic()
  , Generic1()
  ) where

import Generic.Data.Internal.Prelude hiding (gfoldMap, gtraverse, gsequenceA)
import Generic.Data.Internal.Enum
import Generic.Data.Internal.Generically
import Generic.Data.Internal.Meta
import Generic.Data.Internal.Read
import Generic.Data.Internal.Show
import Generic.Data.Internal.Traversable
import Generic.Data.Internal.Newtype
import Generic.Data.Internal.Resolvers
import Generic.Data.Internal.Utils

import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
import Data.Orphans ()  -- Eq and Ord of Generically1