#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 705
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
module Generics.Deriving.Uniplate (
, uniplate
, universe
, rewrite
, rewriteM
, contexts
, holes
, para
, childrendefault
, contextdefault
, descenddefault
, descendMdefault
, transformdefault
, transformMdefault
, Uniplate'(..)
) where
import Generics.Deriving.Base
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import GHC.Exts (build)
class Uniplate' f b where
children' :: f a -> [b]
descend' :: (b -> b) -> f a -> f a
descendM' :: Monad m => (b -> m b) -> f a -> m (f a)
transform' :: (b -> b) -> f a -> f a
transformM' :: Monad m => (b -> m b) -> f a -> m (f a)
instance Uniplate' U1 a where
children' U1 = []
descend' _ U1 = U1
descendM' _ U1 = return U1
transform' _ U1 = U1
transformM' _ U1 = return U1
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
(Uniplate a) => Uniplate' (K1 i a) a where
children' (K1 a) = [a]
descend' f (K1 a) = K1 (f a)
descendM' f (K1 a) = liftM K1 (f a)
transform' f (K1 a) = K1 (transform f a)
transformM' f (K1 a) = liftM K1 (transformM f a)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
Uniplate' (K1 i a) b where
children' (K1 _) = []
descend' _ (K1 a) = K1 a
descendM' _ (K1 a) = return (K1 a)
transform' _ (K1 a) = K1 a
transformM' _ (K1 a) = return (K1 a)
instance (Uniplate' f b) => Uniplate' (M1 i c f) b where
children' (M1 a) = children' a
descend' f (M1 a) = M1 (descend' f a)
descendM' f (M1 a) = liftM M1 (descendM' f a)
transform' f (M1 a) = M1 (transform' f a)
transformM' f (M1 a) = liftM M1 (transformM' f a)
instance (Uniplate' f b, Uniplate' g b) => Uniplate' (f :+: g) b where
children' (L1 a) = children' a
children' (R1 a) = children' a
descend' f (L1 a) = L1 (descend' f a)
descend' f (R1 a) = R1 (descend' f a)
descendM' f (L1 a) = liftM L1 (descendM' f a)
descendM' f (R1 a) = liftM R1 (descendM' f a)
transform' f (L1 a) = L1 (transform' f a)
transform' f (R1 a) = R1 (transform' f a)
transformM' f (L1 a) = liftM L1 (transformM' f a)
transformM' f (R1 a) = liftM R1 (transformM' f a)
instance (Uniplate' f b, Uniplate' g b) => Uniplate' (f :*: g) b where
children' (a :*: b) = children' a ++ children' b
descend' f (a :*: b) = descend' f a :*: descend' f b
descendM' f (a :*: b) = liftM2 (:*:) (descendM' f a) (descendM' f b)
transform' f (a :*: b) = transform' f a :*: transform' f b
transformM' f (a :*: b) = liftM2 (:*:) (transformM' f a) (transformM' f b)
class Context' f b where
context' :: f a -> [b] -> f a
instance Context' U1 b where
context' U1 _ = U1
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
Context' (K1 i a) a where
context' _ [] = error "Generics.Deriving.Uniplate.context: empty list"
context' (K1 _) (c:_) = K1 c
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
Context' (K1 i a) b where
context' (K1 a) _ = K1 a
instance (Context' f b) => Context' (M1 i c f) b where
context' (M1 a) cs = M1 (context' a cs)
instance (Context' f b, Context' g b) => Context' (f :+: g) b where
context' (L1 a) cs = L1 (context' a cs)
context' (R1 a) cs = R1 (context' a cs)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
(Context' g a) => Context' (M1 i c (K1 j a) :*: g) a where
context' _ [] = error "Generics.Deriving.Uniplate.context: empty list"
context' (M1 (K1 _) :*: b) (c:cs) = M1 (K1 c) :*: context' b cs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
(Context' g b) => Context' (f :*: g) b where
context' (a :*: b) cs = a :*: context' b cs
class Uniplate a where
children :: a -> [a]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
default children :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a) => a -> [a]
children = childrendefault
context :: a -> [a] -> a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
default context :: (Generic a, Context' (Rep a) a) => a -> [a] -> a
context = contextdefault
descend :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
default descend :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
descend = descenddefault
descendM :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
default descendM :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
descendM = descendMdefault
transform :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
default transform :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
transform = transformdefault
transformM :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
default transformM :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
transformM = transformMdefault
childrendefault :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a) => a -> [a]
childrendefault = children' . from
contextdefault :: (Generic a, Context' (Rep a) a) => a -> [a] -> a
contextdefault x cs = to (context' (from x) cs)
descenddefault :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
descenddefault f = to . descend' f . from
descendMdefault :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
descendMdefault f = liftM to . descendM' f . from
transformdefault :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
transformdefault f = f . to . transform' f . from
transformMdefault :: (Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
transformMdefault f = liftM to . transformM' f . from
uniplate :: Uniplate a => a -> ([a], [a] -> a)
uniplate a = (children a, context a)
universe :: Uniplate a => a -> [a]
universe a = build (go a)
go x cons nil = cons x $ foldr ($) nil $ map (\c -> go c cons) $ children x
rewrite :: Uniplate a => (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
rewrite f = transform g
g x = maybe x (rewrite f) (f x)
rewriteM :: (Monad m, Uniplate a) => (a -> m (Maybe a)) -> a -> m a
rewriteM f = transformM g
g x = f x >>= maybe (return x) (rewriteM f)
contexts :: Uniplate a => a -> [(a, a -> a)]
contexts a = (a, id) : f (holes a)
f xs = [ (ch2, ctx1 . ctx2)
| (ch1, ctx1) <- xs
, (ch2, ctx2) <- contexts ch1]
holes :: Uniplate a => a -> [(a, a -> a)]
holes a = uncurry f (uniplate a)
f [] _ = []
f (x:xs) gen = (x, gen . (:xs)) : f xs (gen . (x:))
para :: Uniplate a => (a -> [r] -> r) -> a -> r
para f x = f x $ map (para f) $ children x
instance Uniplate Bool where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate Char where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate Double where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate Float where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate Int where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate () where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (b,c) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (b,c,d) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (b,c,d,e) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (b,c,d,e,f) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (b,c,d,e,f,g) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (b,c,d,e,f,g,h) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (Maybe a) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate (Either a b) where
children _ = []
context x _ = x
descend _ = id
descendM _ = return
transform = id
transformM _ = return
instance Uniplate [a] where
children [] = []
children (_:t) = [t]
context _ [] = error "Generics.Deriving.Uniplate.context: empty list"
context [] _ = []
context (h:_) (t:_) = h:t
descend _ [] = []
descend f (h:t) = h:f t
descendM _ [] = return []
descendM f (h:t) = f t >>= \t' -> return (h:t')
transform f [] = f []
transform f (h:t) = f (h:transform f t)
transformM f [] = f []
transformM f (h:t) = transformM f t >>= \t' -> f (h:t')