module OneToManySpec ( test, spec, ) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Database.GP.GenericPersistence import Database.HDBC import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 import GHC.Generics import Test.Hspec -- `test` is here so that this module can be run from GHCi on its own. It is -- not needed for automatic spec discovery. -- (start up stack repl -- test to bring up ghci and have access to all the test functions) test :: IO () test = hspec spec prepareDB :: IO Conn prepareDB = do conn <- connect AutoCommit <$> connectSqlite3 ":memory:" setupTable @Article conn defaultSqliteMapping setupTable @Author conn defaultSqliteMapping return conn data Article = Article { articleID :: Int, title :: String, authorId :: Int, year :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) instance Entity Article where autoIncrement = False data Author = Author { authorID :: Int, name :: String, address :: String, articles :: [Article] } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) instance Entity Author where fieldsToColumns :: [(String, String)] -- ommitting the articles field, fieldsToColumns = -- as this can not be mapped to a single column [ ("authorID", "authorID"), ("name", "name"), ("address", "address") ] autoIncrement = False fromRow :: Conn -> [SqlValue] -> IO Author fromRow conn row = do let authID = head row -- authorID is the first column articlesBy <- select conn (field "authorId" =. authID) -- retrieve all articles by this author return rawAuthor {articles = articlesBy} -- add the articles to the author where rawAuthor = Author (col 0) (col 1) (col 2) [] -- create the author from row (w/o articles) col i = fromSql (row !! i) -- helper function to convert SqlValue to Haskell type toRow :: Conn -> Author -> IO [SqlValue] toRow conn a = do mapM_ (persist conn) (articles a) -- persist all articles of this author (update or insert) return [ toSql (authorID a), -- return the author as a list of SqlValues toSql (name a), toSql (address a) ] article1 :: Article article1 = Article { articleID = 1, title = "Persistence without Boilerplate", authorId = 1, year = 2018 } article2 :: Article article2 = Article { articleID = 2, title = "Boilerplate for Dummies", authorId = 2, year = 2020 } article3 :: Article article3 = Article { articleID = 3, title = "The return of the boilerplate", authorId = 2, year = 2022 } arthur :: Author arthur = Author { authorID = 2, name = "Arthur Miller", address = "Denver", articles = [article2, article3] } spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Handling of 1:N References" $ do it "works like a charm" $ do conn <- prepareDB _ <- insert conn arthur _ <- insert conn article1 authors <- select conn allEntries :: IO [Author] length authors `shouldBe` 1 articles' <- select conn allEntries :: IO [Article] length articles' `shouldBe` 3 author2 <- selectById conn "2" :: IO (Maybe Author) fromJust author2 `shouldBe` arthur length (articles $ fromJust author2) `shouldBe` 2