module Generics.SOP.GGP
( GCode
, GFrom
, GTo
, GDatatypeInfo
, gfrom
, gto
, gdatatypeInfo
) where
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP.NP as SOP
import Generics.SOP.NS as SOP
import Generics.SOP.BasicFunctors as SOP
import Generics.SOP.Metadata as SOP
import Generics.SOP.Sing
type family ToSingleCode (a :: * -> *) :: *
type instance ToSingleCode (K1 i a) = a
type family ToProductCode (a :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance ToProductCode (a :*: b) xs = ToProductCode a (ToProductCode b xs)
type instance ToProductCode U1 xs = xs
type instance ToProductCode (M1 S c a) xs = ToSingleCode a ': xs
type family ToSumCode (a :: * -> *) (xs :: [[*]]) :: [[*]]
type instance ToSumCode (a :+: b) xs = ToSumCode a (ToSumCode b xs)
type instance ToSumCode V1 xs = xs
type instance ToSumCode (M1 D c a) xs = ToSumCode a xs
type instance ToSumCode (M1 C c a) xs = ToProductCode a '[] ': xs
data InfoProxy (c :: *) (f :: * -> *) (x :: *) = InfoProxy
class GDatatypeInfo' (a :: * -> *) where
gDatatypeInfo' :: Proxy a -> DatatypeInfo (ToSumCode a '[])
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0))
isNewtype :: Datatype d => t d (f :: * -> *) a -> Bool
isNewtype _ = False
instance (SingI (ToSumCode a '[]), Datatype c, GConstructorInfos a) => GDatatypeInfo' (M1 D c a) where
gDatatypeInfo' _ =
let adt = ADT (moduleName p) (datatypeName p)
ci = gConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) Nil
in if isNewtype p
then case isNewtypeShape sing ci of
NewYes c -> Newtype (moduleName p) (datatypeName p) c
NewNo -> adt ci
else adt ci
p :: InfoProxy c a x
p = InfoProxy
data IsNewtypeShape (xss :: [[*]]) where
NewYes :: ConstructorInfo '[x] -> IsNewtypeShape '[ '[x] ]
NewNo :: IsNewtypeShape xss
isNewtypeShape :: Sing xss -> NP ConstructorInfo xss -> IsNewtypeShape xss
isNewtypeShape SCons (x :* Nil) = go shape x
go :: Shape xs -> ConstructorInfo xs -> IsNewtypeShape '[ xs ]
go (ShapeCons ShapeNil) c = NewYes c
go _ _ = NewNo
isNewtypeShape _ _ = NewNo
class GConstructorInfos (a :: * -> *) where
gConstructorInfos :: Proxy a -> NP ConstructorInfo xss -> NP ConstructorInfo (ToSumCode a xss)
instance (GConstructorInfos a, GConstructorInfos b) => GConstructorInfos (a :+: b) where
gConstructorInfos _ xss = gConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy b) xss)
instance GConstructorInfos GHC.V1 where
gConstructorInfos _ xss = xss
instance (Constructor c, GFieldInfos a, SingI (ToProductCode a '[])) => GConstructorInfos (M1 C c a) where
gConstructorInfos _ xss
| conIsRecord p = Record (conName p) (gFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) Nil) :* xss
| otherwise = case conFixity p of
Prefix -> Constructor (conName p) :* xss
GHC.Infix a f -> case (shape :: Shape (ToProductCode a '[])) of
ShapeCons (ShapeCons ShapeNil) -> SOP.Infix (conName p) a f :* xss
_ -> Constructor (conName p) :* xss
p :: InfoProxy c a x
p = InfoProxy
class GFieldInfos (a :: * -> *) where
gFieldInfos :: Proxy a -> NP FieldInfo xs -> NP FieldInfo (ToProductCode a xs)
instance (GFieldInfos a, GFieldInfos b) => GFieldInfos (a :*: b) where
gFieldInfos _ xs = gFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy b) xs)
instance GFieldInfos U1 where
gFieldInfos _ xs = xs
instance (Selector c) => GFieldInfos (M1 S c a) where
gFieldInfos _ xs = FieldInfo (selName p) :* xs
p :: InfoProxy c a x
p = InfoProxy
class GSingleFrom (a :: * -> *) where
gSingleFrom :: a x -> ToSingleCode a
instance GSingleFrom (K1 i a) where
gSingleFrom (K1 a) = a
class GProductFrom (a :: * -> *) where
gProductFrom :: a x -> NP I xs -> NP I (ToProductCode a xs)
instance (GProductFrom a, GProductFrom b) => GProductFrom (a :*: b) where
gProductFrom (a :*: b) xs = gProductFrom a (gProductFrom b xs)
instance GProductFrom U1 where
gProductFrom U1 xs = xs
instance GSingleFrom a => GProductFrom (M1 S c a) where
gProductFrom (M1 a) xs = I (gSingleFrom a) :* xs
class GSingleTo (a :: * -> *) where
gSingleTo :: ToSingleCode a -> a x
instance GSingleTo (K1 i a) where
gSingleTo a = K1 a
class GProductTo (a :: * -> *) where
gProductTo :: NP I (ToProductCode a xs) -> (a x -> NP I xs -> r) -> r
instance (GProductTo a, GProductTo b) => GProductTo (a :*: b) where
gProductTo xs k = gProductTo xs (\ a ys -> gProductTo ys (\ b zs -> k (a :*: b) zs))
instance GSingleTo a => GProductTo (M1 S c a) where
gProductTo (SOP.I a :* xs) k = k (M1 (gSingleTo a)) xs
gProductTo _ _ = error "inaccessible"
instance GProductTo U1 where
gProductTo xs k = k U1 xs
class GSumFrom (a :: * -> *) where
gSumFrom :: a x -> SOP I xss -> SOP I (ToSumCode a xss)
gSumSkip :: Proxy a -> SOP I xss -> SOP I (ToSumCode a xss)
instance (GSumFrom a, GSumFrom b) => GSumFrom (a :+: b) where
gSumFrom (L1 a) xss = gSumFrom a (gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy b) xss)
gSumFrom (R1 b) xss = gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gSumFrom b xss)
gSumSkip _ xss = gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy b) xss)
instance (GSumFrom a) => GSumFrom (M1 D c a) where
gSumFrom (M1 a) xss = gSumFrom a xss
gSumSkip _ xss = gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy a) xss
instance (GProductFrom a) => GSumFrom (M1 C c a) where
gSumFrom (M1 a) _ = SOP (Z (gProductFrom a Nil))
gSumSkip _ (SOP xss) = SOP (S xss)
class GSumTo (a :: * -> *) where
gSumTo :: SOP I (ToSumCode a xss) -> (a x -> r) -> (SOP I xss -> r) -> r
instance (GSumTo a, GSumTo b) => GSumTo (a :+: b) where
gSumTo xss s k = gSumTo xss (s . L1) (\ r -> gSumTo r (s . R1) k)
instance (GProductTo a) => GSumTo (M1 C c a) where
gSumTo (SOP (Z xs)) s _ = s (M1 (gProductTo xs ((\ x Nil -> x) :: a x -> NP I '[] -> a x)))
gSumTo (SOP (S xs)) _ k = k (SOP xs)
instance (GSumTo a) => GSumTo (M1 D c a) where
gSumTo xss s k = gSumTo xss (s . M1) k
type GCode (a :: *) = ToSumCode (GHC.Rep a) '[]
type GFrom a = GSumFrom (GHC.Rep a)
type GTo a = GSumTo (GHC.Rep a)
type GDatatypeInfo a = GDatatypeInfo' (GHC.Rep a)
gfrom :: (GFrom a, GHC.Generic a) => a -> SOP I (GCode a)
gfrom x = gSumFrom (GHC.from x) (error "gfrom: internal error" :: SOP.SOP SOP.I '[])
gto :: forall a. (GTo a, GHC.Generic a) => SOP I (GCode a) -> a
gto x = (gSumTo x id ((\ _ -> error "inaccessible") :: SOP I '[] -> (GHC.Rep a) x))
gdatatypeInfo :: forall a. (GDatatypeInfo a) => Proxy a -> DatatypeInfo (GCode a)
gdatatypeInfo _ = gDatatypeInfo' (Proxy :: Proxy (GHC.Rep a))