gh-labeler: Github Standard Labeler

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Please see the README on Github at

[Skip to Readme]


Note: This package has metadata revisions in the cabal description newer than included in the tarball. To unpack the package including the revisions, use 'cabal get'.

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.1.0
Dependencies base (<5), directory, github, memory, text, vector [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 Vincent Hanquez
Author Vincent Hanquez
Revised Revision 1 made by HerbertValerioRiedel at 2019-02-17T14:02:15Z
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by VincentHanquez at 2018-03-13T09:39:28Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables gh-labeler
Downloads 758 total (4 in the last 30 days)
Rating (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs not available [build log]
Last success reported on 2018-03-13 [all 3 reports]

Readme for gh-labeler-0.1.0

[back to package description]


This is a simple CLI tool to create, delete and synchronise labels on a github repo.


The simplest method is to install stack and then:

stack install gh-labeler


Create a github OAuth token with the public_repo priviledge (in repo section), and copy the token into a file in your HOME directory called .gh-labeler.


  • Listing labels:
gh-labeler vincenthz gh-labeler list
  • Create a label
gh-labeler vincenthz gh-labeler create myLabel eeb2d3
  • Delete a label
gh-labeler vincenthz gh-labeler delete myLabel
  • Synchronise from a file (See Example label file for the format):
gh-labeler vincenthz gh-labeler sync my-labels.txt


  • The tools doesn't yet support label description, since the underlying library doesn't support them.

Example label file

Very simple syntax of <color> <name>:


b60205 B - Bug
0e8a16 D - easy
d93f0b D - hard
fbca04 D - medium
006b75 P - high
006b75 P - low
cccccc R - duplicate
cccccc R - invalid
cccccc R - wontfix
4ef47d X - WIP
fef2c0 X - code-structure
fef2c0 X - for-discussion
fef2c0 X - help wanted
fef2c0 X - question
fef2c0 X - voting