Name: ghc Version: 8.2.1 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: The GHC Team Maintainer: Homepage: Synopsis: The GHC API Description: GHC's functionality can be useful for more things than just compiling Haskell programs. Important use cases are programs that analyse (and perhaps transform) Haskell code. Others include loading Haskell code dynamically in a GHCi-like manner. For this reason, a lot of GHC's functionality is made available through this package. Category: Development Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=2.0 extra-source-files: utils/md5.h Unique.h HsVersions.h nativeGen/NCG.h parser/cutils.h autogen/ghc_boot_platform.h autogen/CodeGen.Platform.hs autogen/Config.hs autogen/GHCConstantsHaskellExports.hs autogen/GHCConstantsHaskellType.hs autogen/GHCConstantsHaskellWrappers.hs autogen/*.hs-incl Flag terminfo Description: Build GHC with terminfo support on non-Windows platforms. Default: True Manual: True Flag buildable Description: Make this package buildable (highly experimental) Default: False Manual: True Library -- The generated code in autogen/ has been generated for a linux/x86_64 target -- So everything else is definitely not working... if !(os(linux) && arch(x86_64) && impl(ghc == 8.2.1)) build-depends: base<0 -- ...while this package may in theory allow to reinstall lib:ghc -- under very limited constraints, this most likely could fail in -- weird ways (e.g. mismatched tag numbers, GHC panics, etc), and -- since cabal doesn't mark this package as non-upgradable, we -- declare this package out of reach to the cabal solver by default -- here if !flag(buildable) build-depends: base<0 Default-Language: Haskell2010 Exposed: False Build-Depends: base == 4.10.*, deepseq >= 1.4 && < 1.5, directory >= 1 && < 1.4, process >= 1 && < 1.7, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11, binary == 0.8.*, time >= 1.4 && < 1.9, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.6, array >= 0.1 && < 0.6, filepath >= 1 && < 1.5, template-haskell == 2.12.*, hpc == 0.6.*, transformers == 0.5.*, ghc-boot == 8.2.1, ghc-boot-th == 8.2.1, ghci == 8.2.1, hoopl >= 3.10.2 && < 3.11 if os(windows) Build-Depends: Win32 >= 2.3 && < 2.6 else if flag(terminfo) Build-Depends: terminfo == 0.4.* Build-Depends: unix == 2.7.* build-tools: alex ^>= 3.2.1, happy ^>= 1.19.5 GHC-Options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -- if flag(ghci) -- CPP-Options: -DGHCI -- Include-Dirs: ../rts/dist/build Other-Extensions: BangPatterns CPP DataKinds DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveTraversable DisambiguateRecordFields ExplicitForAll FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving MagicHash MultiParamTypeClasses NamedFieldPuns NondecreasingIndentation RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving Trustworthy TupleSections TypeFamilies TypeSynonymInstances UnboxedTuples UndecidableInstances Include-Dirs: . parser utils -- We need to set the unit id to ghc (without a version number) -- as it's magic. But we can't set it for old versions of GHC (e.g. -- when bootstrapping) because those versions of GHC don't understand -- that GHC is wired-in. if impl ( ghc >= 7.11 ) GHC-Options: -this-unit-id ghc else if impl( ghc >= 7.9 ) GHC-Options: -this-package-key ghc cpp-options: -DSTAGE=2 Install-Includes: HsVersions.h, ghc_boot_platform.h c-sources: parser/cutils.c ghci/keepCAFsForGHCi.c cbits/genSym.c hs-source-dirs: autogen include-dirs: autogen hs-source-dirs: backpack basicTypes cmm codeGen coreSyn deSugar ghci hsSyn iface llvmGen main nativeGen parser prelude profiling rename simplCore simplStg specialise stgSyn stranal typecheck types utils vectorise Exposed-Modules: DriverBkp BkpSyn NameShape RnModIface Avail BasicTypes ConLike DataCon PatSyn Demand Debug Exception FieldLabel GhcMonad Hooks Id IdInfo Lexeme Literal Llvm Llvm.AbsSyn Llvm.MetaData Llvm.PpLlvm Llvm.Types LlvmCodeGen LlvmCodeGen.Base LlvmCodeGen.CodeGen LlvmCodeGen.Data LlvmCodeGen.Ppr LlvmCodeGen.Regs LlvmMangler MkId Module Name NameEnv NameSet OccName RdrName NameCache SrcLoc UniqSupply Unique Var VarEnv VarSet UnVarGraph BlockId CLabel Cmm CmmBuildInfoTables CmmPipeline CmmCallConv CmmCommonBlockElim CmmImplementSwitchPlans CmmContFlowOpt CmmExpr CmmInfo CmmLex CmmLint CmmLive CmmMachOp CmmMonad CmmSwitch CmmNode CmmOpt CmmParse CmmProcPoint CmmSink CmmType CmmUtils CmmLayoutStack MkGraph PprBase PprC PprCmm PprCmmDecl PprCmmExpr Bitmap CodeGen.Platform CodeGen.Platform.ARM CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs CodeGen.Platform.PPC CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin CodeGen.Platform.SPARC CodeGen.Platform.X86 CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 CgUtils StgCmm StgCmmBind StgCmmClosure StgCmmCon StgCmmEnv StgCmmExpr StgCmmForeign StgCmmHeap StgCmmHpc StgCmmArgRep StgCmmLayout StgCmmMonad StgCmmPrim StgCmmProf StgCmmTicky StgCmmUtils StgCmmExtCode SMRep CoreArity CoreFVs CoreLint CorePrep CoreSubst CoreOpt CoreSyn TrieMap CoreTidy CoreUnfold CoreUtils CoreSeq CoreStats MkCore PprCore PmExpr TmOracle Check Coverage Desugar DsArrows DsBinds DsCCall DsExpr DsForeign DsGRHSs DsListComp DsMonad DsUsage DsUtils Match MatchCon MatchLit HsBinds HsDecls HsDoc HsExpr HsImpExp HsLit PlaceHolder HsPat HsSyn HsTypes HsUtils HsDumpAst BinIface BinFingerprint BuildTyCl IfaceEnv IfaceSyn IfaceType ToIface LoadIface MkIface TcIface FlagChecker Annotations CmdLineParser CodeOutput Config Constants DriverMkDepend DriverPhases PipelineMonad DriverPipeline DynFlags ErrUtils Finder GHC GhcMake GhcPlugins DynamicLoading HeaderInfo HscMain HscStats HscTypes InteractiveEval InteractiveEvalTypes PackageConfig Packages PlatformConstants Plugins TcPluginM PprTyThing StaticPtrTable SysTools SysTools.Terminal Elf TidyPgm Ctype HaddockUtils Lexer OptCoercion Parser RdrHsSyn ApiAnnotation ForeignCall KnownUniques PrelInfo PrelNames PrelRules PrimOp TysPrim TysWiredIn CostCentre ProfInit SCCfinal RnBinds RnEnv RnExpr RnHsDoc RnNames RnPat RnSource RnSplice RnTypes CoreMonad CSE FloatIn FloatOut LiberateCase OccurAnal SAT SetLevels SimplCore SimplEnv SimplMonad SimplUtils Simplify SimplStg StgStats StgCse UnariseStg RepType Rules SpecConstr Specialise CoreToStg StgLint StgSyn CallArity DmdAnal WorkWrap WwLib FamInst Inst TcAnnotations TcArrows TcBinds TcSigs TcClassDcl TcDefaults TcDeriv TcDerivInfer TcDerivUtils TcEnv TcExpr TcForeign TcGenDeriv TcGenFunctor TcGenGenerics TcHsSyn TcHsType TcInstDcls TcMType TcValidity TcMatches TcPat TcPatSyn TcRnDriver TcBackpack TcRnExports TcRnMonad TcRnTypes TcRules TcSimplify TcErrors TcTyClsDecls TcTyDecls TcTypeable TcType TcEvidence TcUnify TcInteract TcCanonical TcFlatten TcSMonad TcTypeNats TcSplice Class Coercion DsMeta THNames FamInstEnv FunDeps InstEnv TyCon CoAxiom Kind Type TyCoRep Unify Bag Binary BooleanFormula BufWrite Digraph Encoding FastFunctions FastMutInt FastString FastStringEnv Fingerprint FiniteMap FV GraphBase GraphColor GraphOps GraphPpr IOEnv Json ListSetOps ListT Maybes MonadUtils OrdList Outputable Pair Panic PprColour Pretty State Stream StringBuffer UniqDFM UniqDSet UniqFM UniqSet Util Vectorise.Builtins.Base Vectorise.Builtins.Initialise Vectorise.Builtins Vectorise.Monad.Base Vectorise.Monad.Naming Vectorise.Monad.Local Vectorise.Monad.Global Vectorise.Monad.InstEnv Vectorise.Monad Vectorise.Utils.Base Vectorise.Utils.Closure Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting Vectorise.Utils.PADict Vectorise.Utils.Poly Vectorise.Utils Vectorise.Generic.Description Vectorise.Generic.PAMethods Vectorise.Generic.PADict Vectorise.Generic.PData Vectorise.Type.Env Vectorise.Type.Type Vectorise.Type.TyConDecl Vectorise.Type.Classify Vectorise.Convert Vectorise.Vect Vectorise.Var Vectorise.Env Vectorise.Exp Vectorise Hoopl.Dataflow Hoopl -- CgInfoTbls used in ghci/DebuggerUtils -- CgHeapery mkVirtHeapOffsets used in ghci Exposed-Modules: AsmCodeGen TargetReg NCGMonad Instruction Format Reg RegClass PIC Platform CPrim X86.Regs X86.RegInfo X86.Instr X86.Cond X86.Ppr X86.CodeGen PPC.Regs PPC.RegInfo PPC.Instr PPC.Cond PPC.Ppr PPC.CodeGen SPARC.Base SPARC.Regs SPARC.Imm SPARC.AddrMode SPARC.Cond SPARC.Instr SPARC.Stack SPARC.ShortcutJump SPARC.Ppr SPARC.CodeGen SPARC.CodeGen.Amode SPARC.CodeGen.Base SPARC.CodeGen.CondCode SPARC.CodeGen.Gen32 SPARC.CodeGen.Gen64 SPARC.CodeGen.Sanity SPARC.CodeGen.Expand RegAlloc.Liveness RegAlloc.Graph.Main RegAlloc.Graph.Stats RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 RegAlloc.Graph.Coalesce RegAlloc.Graph.Spill RegAlloc.Graph.SpillClean RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost RegAlloc.Graph.TrivColorable RegAlloc.Linear.Main RegAlloc.Linear.JoinToTargets RegAlloc.Linear.State RegAlloc.Linear.Stats RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap RegAlloc.Linear.Base RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs Dwarf Dwarf.Types Dwarf.Constants Convert ByteCodeTypes ByteCodeAsm ByteCodeGen ByteCodeInstr ByteCodeItbls ByteCodeLink Debugger Linker RtClosureInspect DebuggerUtils GHCi -- ghc:Serialized moved to ghc-boot:GHC.Serialized. So for -- compatibility with GHC 7.10 and earlier, we reexport it -- under the old name. reexported-modules: ghc-boot:GHC.Serialized as Serialized