{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} module GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole ( findValidHoleFits , tcCheckHoleFit , withoutUnification , tcSubsumes , isFlexiTyVar , tcFilterHoleFits , getLocalBindings , pprHoleFit , addHoleFitDocs , getHoleFitSortingAlg , getHoleFitDispConfig , HoleFitDispConfig (..) , HoleFitSortingAlg (..) , relevantCtEvidence , zonkSubs , sortHoleFitsByGraph , sortHoleFitsBySize -- Re-exported from GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole.Plugin , HoleFitPlugin (..), HoleFitPluginR (..) ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types ( HoleFitDispConfig(..), FitsMbSuppressed(..) , ValidHoleFits(..), noValidHoleFits ) import GHC.Tc.Types import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType import GHC.Tc.Zonk.TcType import GHC.Core.Type import GHC.Core.TyCon( TyCon, isGenerativeTyCon ) import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep( Type(..) ) import GHC.Core.DataCon import GHC.Core.Predicate( Pred(..), classifyPredType, eqRelRole ) import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Builtin.Names ( gHC_INTERNAL_ERR, gHC_INTERNAL_UNSAFE_COERCE ) import GHC.Types.Id import GHC.Types.Var.Set import GHC.Types.Var.Env import GHC.Types.TyThing import GHC.Data.Bag import GHC.Core.ConLike ( ConLike(..) ) import GHC.Utils.Misc import GHC.Utils.Panic import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env (tcLookup) import GHC.Utils.Outputable import GHC.Driver.DynFlags import GHC.Data.Maybe import GHC.Utils.FV ( fvVarList, fvVarSet, unionFV, mkFVs, FV ) import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) ) import Control.Monad ( filterM, replicateM, foldM ) import Data.List ( partition, sort, sortOn, nubBy ) import Data.Graph ( graphFromEdges, topSort ) import GHC.Tc.Solver ( simplifyTopWanteds ) import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad ( runTcSEarlyAbort ) import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify ( tcSubTypeSigma ) import GHC.HsToCore.Docs ( extractDocs ) import GHC.Hs.Doc import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface ( ModIface_(..) ) import GHC.Iface.Load ( loadInterfaceForName ) import GHC.Builtin.Utils (knownKeyNames) import GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole.FitTypes import GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole.Plugin import qualified Data.Set as Set import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Data.FastString (NonDetFastString(..)) import GHC.Types.Unique.Map {- Note [Valid hole fits include ...] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `findValidHoleFits` returns the "Valid hole fits include ..." message. For example, look at the following definitions in a file called test.hs: import Data.List (inits) f :: [String] f = _ "hello, world" The hole in `f` would generate the message: • Found hole: _ :: [Char] -> [String] • In the expression: _ In the expression: _ "hello, world" In an equation for ‘f’: f = _ "hello, world" • Relevant bindings include f :: [String] (bound at test.hs:6:1) Valid hole fits include lines :: String -> [String] (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘base-’)) words :: String -> [String] (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘base-’)) inits :: forall a. [a] -> [[a]] with inits @Char (imported from ‘Data.List’ at mpt.hs:4:19-23 (and originally defined in ‘base-’)) repeat :: forall a. a -> [a] with repeat @String (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.List’)) fail :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => forall a. String -> m a with fail @[] @String (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)) return :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => forall a. a -> m a with return @[] @String (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)) pure :: forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => forall a. a -> f a with pure @[] @String (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)) read :: forall a. Read a => String -> a with read @[String] (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘Text.Read’)) mempty :: forall a. Monoid a => a with mempty @([Char] -> [String]) (imported from ‘Prelude’ at mpt.hs:3:8-9 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)) Valid hole fits are found by checking top level identifiers and local bindings in scope for whether their type can be instantiated to the type of the hole. Additionally, we also need to check whether all relevant constraints are solved by choosing an identifier of that type as well, see Note [Relevant constraints] Since checking for subsumption results in the side-effect of type variables being unified by the simplifier, we need to take care to restore them after to being flexible type variables after we've checked for subsumption. This is to avoid affecting the hole and later checks by prematurely having unified one of the free unification variables. When outputting, we sort the hole fits by the size of the types we'd need to apply by type application to the type of the fit to make it fit. This is done in order to display "more relevant" suggestions first. Another option is to sort by building a subsumption graph of fits, i.e. a graph of which fits subsume what other fits, and then outputting those fits which are subsumed by other fits (i.e. those more specific than other fits) first. This results in the ones "closest" to the type of the hole to be displayed first. To help users understand how the suggested fit works, we also display the values that the quantified type variables would take if that fit is used, like `mempty @([Char] -> [String])` and `pure @[] @String` in the example above. If -XTypeApplications is enabled, this can even be copied verbatim as a replacement for the hole. Note [Checking hole fits] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If we have a hole of type hole_ty, we want to know whether a variable of type ty is a valid fit for the whole. This is a subsumption check: we wish to know whether ty <: hole_ty. But, of course, the check must take into account any givens and relevant constraints. (See also Note [Relevant constraints]). For the simplifier to be able to use any givens present in the enclosing implications to solve relevant constraints, we nest the wanted subsumption constraints and relevant constraints within the enclosing implications. As an example, let's look at the following code: f :: Show a => a -> String f x = show _ Suppose the hole is assigned type a0_a1pd[tau:2]. Here the nested implications are just one level deep, namely: [Implic { TcLevel = 2 Skolems = a_a1pa[sk:2] No-eqs = True Status = Unsolved Given = $dShow_a1pc :: Show a_a1pa[sk:2] Wanted = WC {wc_simple = [W] $dShow_a1pe {0}:: Show a0_a1pd[tau:2] (CDictCan(psc))} Binds = EvBindsVar Needed inner = [] Needed outer = [] the type signature for: f :: forall a. Show a => a -> String }] As we can see, the givens say that the skolem `a_a1pa[sk:2]` fulfills the Show constraint, and that we must prove the [W] Show a0_a1pd[tau:2] constraint -- that is, whatever fills the hole must have a Show instance. When we now check whether `x :: a_a1pa[sk:2]` fits the hole in `tcCheckHoleFit`, the call to `tcSubType` will end up unifying the meta type variable `a0_a1pd[tau:2] := a_a1pa[sk:2]`. By wrapping the wanted constraints needed by tcSubType_NC and the relevant constraints (see Note [Relevant constraints] for more details) in the nested implications, we can pass the information in the givens along to the simplifier. For our example, we end up needing to check whether the following constraints are soluble. WC {wc_impl = Implic { TcLevel = 2 Skolems = a_a1pa[sk:2] No-eqs = True Status = Unsolved Given = $dShow_a1pc :: Show a_a1pa[sk:2] Wanted = WC {wc_simple = [W] $dShow_a1pe {0}:: Show a0_a1pd[tau:2] (CNonCanonical)} Binds = EvBindsVar Needed inner = [] Needed outer = [] the type signature for: f :: forall a. Show a => a -> String }} But since `a0_a1pd[tau:2] := a_a1pa[sk:2]` and we have from the nested implications that Show a_a1pa[sk:2] is a given, this is trivial, and we end up with a final WC of WC {}, confirming x :: a0_a1pd[tau:2] as a match. To avoid side-effects on the nested implications, we create a new EvBindsVar so that any changes to the ev binds during a check remains localised to that check. In addition, we call withoutUnification to reset any unified metavariables; this call is actually done outside tcCheckHoleFit so that the results can be formatted for the user before resetting variables. Note [Valid refinement hole fits include ...] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the `-frefinement-level-hole-fits=N` flag is given, we additionally look for "valid refinement hole fits"", i.e. valid hole fits with up to N additional holes in them. With `-frefinement-level-hole-fits=0` (the default), GHC will find all identifiers 'f' (top-level or nested) that will fit in the hole. With `-frefinement-level-hole-fits=1`, GHC will additionally find all applications 'f _' that will fit in the hole, where 'f' is an in-scope identifier, applied to single argument. It will also report the type of the needed argument (a new hole). And similarly as the number of arguments increases As an example, let's look at the following code: f :: [Integer] -> Integer f = _ with `-frefinement-level-hole-fits=1`, we'd get: Valid refinement hole fits include foldl1 (_ :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer) with foldl1 @[] @Integer where foldl1 :: forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a foldr1 (_ :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer) with foldr1 @[] @Integer where foldr1 :: forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a const (_ :: Integer) with const @Integer @[Integer] where const :: forall a b. a -> b -> a ($) (_ :: [Integer] -> Integer) with ($) @'GHC.Types.LiftedRep @[Integer] @Integer where ($) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b fail (_ :: String) with fail @((->) [Integer]) @Integer where fail :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => forall a. String -> m a return (_ :: Integer) with return @((->) [Integer]) @Integer where return :: forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => forall a. a -> m a (Some refinement hole fits suppressed; use -fmax-refinement-hole-fits=N or -fno-max-refinement-hole-fits) Which are hole fits with holes in them. This allows e.g. beginners to discover the fold functions and similar, but also allows for advanced users to figure out the valid functions in the Free monad, e.g. instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where Pure a >>= f = f a Free f >>= g = Free (fmap _a f) Will output (with -frefinment-level-hole-fits=1): Found hole: _a :: Free f a -> Free f b Where: ‘a’, ‘b’ are rigid type variables bound by the type signature for: (>>=) :: forall a b. Free f a -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b at fms.hs:25:12-14 ‘f’ is a rigid type variable bound by ... Relevant bindings include g :: a -> Free f b (bound at fms.hs:27:16) f :: f (Free f a) (bound at fms.hs:27:10) (>>=) :: Free f a -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b (bound at fms.hs:25:12) ... Valid refinement hole fits include ... (=<<) (_ :: a -> Free f b) with (=<<) @(Free f) @a @b where (=<<) :: forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b (imported from ‘Prelude’ at fms.hs:5:18-22 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)) ... Where `(=<<) _` is precisely the function we want (we ultimately want `>>= g`). We find these refinement suggestions by considering hole fits that don't fit the type of the hole, but ones that would fit if given an additional argument. We do this by creating a new type variable with `newOpenFlexiTyVar` (e.g. `t_a1/m[tau:1]`), and then considering hole fits of the type `t_a1/m[tau:1] -> v` where `v` is the type of the hole. Since the simplifier is free to unify this new type variable with any type, we can discover any identifiers that would fit if given another identifier of a suitable type. This is then generalized so that we can consider any number of additional arguments by setting the `-frefinement-level-hole-fits` flag to any number, and then considering hole fits like e.g. `foldl _ _` with two additional arguments. To make sure that the refinement hole fits are useful, we check that the types of the additional holes have a concrete value and not just an invented type variable. This eliminates suggestions such as `head (_ :: [t0 -> a]) (_ :: t0)`, and limits the number of less than useful refinement hole fits. Additionally, to further aid the user in their implementation, we show the types of the holes the binding would have to be applied to in order to work. In the free monad example above, this is demonstrated with `(=<<) (_ :: a -> Free f b)`, which tells the user that the `(=<<)` needs to be applied to an expression of type `a -> Free f b` in order to match. If -XScopedTypeVariables is enabled, this hole fit can even be copied verbatim. Note [Relevant constraints] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As highlighted by #14273, we need to check any relevant constraints as well as checking for subsumption. Relevant constraints are the simple constraints whose free unification variables are mentioned in the type of the hole. In the simplest case, these are all non-hole constraints in the simples, such as is the case in f :: String f = show _ Here, the hole is given type a0_a1kv[tau:1]. Then, the emitted constraint is: [W] $dShow_a1kw {0}:: Show a0_a1kv[tau:1] (CNonCanonical) However, when there are multiple holes, we need to be more careful. As an example, Let's take a look at the following code: f :: Show a => a -> String f x = show (_b (show _a)) Here there are two holes, `_a` and `_b`. Suppose _a :: a0_a1pd[tau:2] and _b :: a1_a1po[tau:2]. Then, the simple constraints passed to findValidHoleFits are: [[W] $dShow_a1pe {0}:: Show a0_a1pd[tau:2] (CNonCanonical), [W] $dShow_a1pp {0}:: Show a1_a1po[tau:2] (CNonCanonical)] When we are looking for a match for the hole `_a`, we filter the simple constraints to the "Relevant constraints", by throwing out any constraints which do not mention a variable mentioned in the type of the hole. For hole `_a`, we will then only require that the `$dShow_a1pe` constraint is solved, since that is the only constraint that mentions any free type variables mentioned in the hole constraint for `_a`, namely `a_a1pd[tau:2]`, and similarly for the hole `_b` we only require that the `$dShow_a1pe` constraint is solved. Note [Leaking errors] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When considering candidates, GHC believes that we're checking for validity in actual source. However, As evidenced by #15321, #15007 and #15202, this can cause bewildering error messages. The solution here is simple: if a candidate would cause the type checker to error, it is not a valid hole fit, and thus it is discarded. Note [Speeding up valid hole-fits] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To fix #16875 we noted that a lot of time was being spent on unnecessary work. When we'd call `tcCheckHoleFit hole hole_ty ty`, we would end up by generating a constraint to show that `hole_ty ~ ty`, including any constraints in `ty`. For example, if `hole_ty = Int` and `ty = Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool`, we'd have `(a_a1pa[sk:1] -> Bool) -> t_t2jk[sk:1] a_a1pa[sk:1] -> Bool ~# Int` from the coercion, as well as `Foldable t_t2jk[sk:1]`. By adding a flag to `TcSEnv` and adding a `runTcSEarlyAbort`, we can fail as soon as we hit an insoluble constraint. Since we don't need the result in the case that it fails, a boolean `False` (i.e. "it didn't work" from `runTcSEarlyAbort`) is sufficient. We also check whether the type of the hole is an immutable type variable (i.e. a skolem). In that case, the only possible fits are fits of exactly that type, which can only come from the locals. This speeds things up quite a bit when we don't know anything about the type of the hole. This also helps with degenerate fits like (`id (_ :: a)` and `head (_ :: [a])`) when looking for fits of type `a`, where `a` is a skolem. -} -- We read the various -no-show-*-of-hole-fits flags -- and set the display config accordingly. getHoleFitDispConfig :: TcM HoleFitDispConfig getHoleFitDispConfig = do { sWrap <- goptM Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits ; sWrapVars <- goptM Opt_ShowTypeAppVarsOfHoleFits ; sType <- goptM Opt_ShowTypeOfHoleFits ; sProv <- goptM Opt_ShowProvOfHoleFits ; sMatc <- goptM Opt_ShowMatchesOfHoleFits ; return HFDC{ showWrap = sWrap, showWrapVars = sWrapVars , showProv = sProv, showType = sType , showMatches = sMatc } } -- Which sorting algorithm to use data HoleFitSortingAlg = HFSNoSorting -- Do not sort the fits at all | HFSBySize -- Sort them by the size of the match | HFSBySubsumption -- Sort by full subsumption deriving (Eq, Ord) getHoleFitSortingAlg :: TcM HoleFitSortingAlg getHoleFitSortingAlg = do { shouldSort <- goptM Opt_SortValidHoleFits ; subsumSort <- goptM Opt_SortBySubsumHoleFits ; sizeSort <- goptM Opt_SortBySizeHoleFits -- We default to sizeSort unless it has been explicitly turned off -- or subsumption sorting has been turned on. ; return $ if not shouldSort then HFSNoSorting else if subsumSort then HFSBySubsumption else if sizeSort then HFSBySize else HFSNoSorting } -- If enabled, we go through the fits and add any associated documentation, -- by looking it up in the module or the environment (for local fits) addHoleFitDocs :: [HoleFit] -> TcM [HoleFit] addHoleFitDocs fits = do { showDocs <- goptM Opt_ShowDocsOfHoleFits ; if showDocs then do { dflags <- getDynFlags ; mb_local_docs <- extractDocs dflags =<< getGblEnv ; (mods_without_docs, fits') <- mapAccumLM (upd mb_local_docs) Set.empty fits ; report mods_without_docs ; return fits' } else return fits } where msg = text "GHC.Tc.Errors.Hole addHoleFitDocs" upd mb_local_docs mods_without_docs fit@(HoleFit {hfCand = cand}) = let name = getName cand in do { mb_docs <- if hfIsLcl fit then pure mb_local_docs else mi_docs <$> loadInterfaceForName msg name ; case mb_docs of { Nothing -> return (Set.insert (nameOrigin name) mods_without_docs, fit) ; Just docs -> do { let doc = lookupUniqMap (docs_decls docs) name ; return $ (mods_without_docs, fit {hfDoc = map hsDocString <$> doc}) }}} upd _ mods_without_docs fit = pure (mods_without_docs, fit) nameOrigin name = case nameModule_maybe name of Just m -> Right m Nothing -> Left $ case nameSrcLoc name of -- Nondeterminism is fine, this is used only to display a warning RealSrcLoc r _ -> NonDetFastString $ srcLocFile r UnhelpfulLoc s -> NonDetFastString s report mods = do { let warning = text "WARNING: Couldn't find any documentation for the following modules:" $+$ nest 2 (pprWithCommas (either ppr ppr) (Set.toList mods) $+$ text "Make sure the modules are compiled with '-haddock'.") ; warnPprTrace (not $ Set.null mods) "addHoleFitDocs" warning (pure ()) } -- For pretty printing hole fits, we display the name and type of the fit, -- with added '_' to represent any extra arguments in case of a non-zero -- refinement level. pprHoleFit :: HoleFitDispConfig -> HoleFit -> SDoc pprHoleFit _ (RawHoleFit sd) = sd pprHoleFit (HFDC sWrp sWrpVars sTy sProv sMs) (HoleFit {..}) = hang display 2 provenance where tyApp = sep $ zipWithEqual "pprHoleFit" pprArg vars hfWrap where pprArg b arg = case binderFlag b of Specified -> text "@" <> pprParendType arg -- Do not print type application for inferred -- variables (#16456) Inferred -> empty Required -> pprPanic "pprHoleFit: bad Required" (ppr b <+> ppr arg) tyAppVars = sep $ punctuate comma $ zipWithEqual "pprHoleFit" (\v t -> ppr (binderVar v) <+> text "~" <+> pprParendType t) vars hfWrap vars = unwrapTypeVars hfType where -- Attempts to get all the quantified type variables in a type, -- e.g. -- return :: forall (m :: * -> *) Monad m => (forall a . a -> m a) -- into [m, a] unwrapTypeVars :: Type -> [ForAllTyBinder] unwrapTypeVars t = vars ++ case splitFunTy_maybe unforalled of Just (_, _, _, unfunned) -> unwrapTypeVars unfunned _ -> [] where (vars, unforalled) = splitForAllForAllTyBinders t holeVs = sep $ map (parens . (text "_" <+> dcolon <+>) . ppr) hfMatches holeDisp = if sMs then holeVs else sep $ replicate (length hfMatches) $ text "_" occDisp = case hfCand of GreHFCand gre -> pprPrefixOcc (greName gre) NameHFCand name -> pprPrefixOcc name IdHFCand id_ -> pprPrefixOcc id_ tyDisp = ppWhen sTy $ dcolon <+> ppr hfType has = not . null wrapDisp = ppWhen (has hfWrap && (sWrp || sWrpVars)) $ text "with" <+> if sWrp || not sTy then occDisp <+> tyApp else tyAppVars docs = case hfDoc of Just d -> pprHsDocStrings d _ -> empty funcInfo = ppWhen (has hfMatches && sTy) $ text "where" <+> occDisp <+> tyDisp subDisp = occDisp <+> if has hfMatches then holeDisp else tyDisp display = subDisp $$ nest 2 (funcInfo $+$ docs $+$ wrapDisp) provenance = ppWhen sProv $ parens $ case hfCand of GreHFCand gre -> pprNameProvenance gre NameHFCand name -> text "bound at" <+> ppr (getSrcLoc name) IdHFCand id_ -> text "bound at" <+> ppr (getSrcLoc id_) getLocalBindings :: TidyEnv -> CtLoc -> TcM [Id] getLocalBindings tidy_orig ct_loc = do { (env1, _) <- liftZonkM $ zonkTidyOrigin tidy_orig (ctLocOrigin ct_loc) ; go env1 [] (removeBindingShadowing $ ctl_bndrs lcl_env) } where lcl_env = ctLocEnv ct_loc go :: TidyEnv -> [Id] -> [TcBinder] -> TcM [Id] go _ sofar [] = return (reverse sofar) go env sofar (tc_bndr : tc_bndrs) = case tc_bndr of TcIdBndr id _ -> keep_it id _ -> discard_it where discard_it = go env sofar tc_bndrs keep_it id = go env (id:sofar) tc_bndrs -- See Note [Valid hole fits include ...] findValidHoleFits :: TidyEnv -- ^ The tidy_env for zonking -> [Implication] -- ^ Enclosing implications for givens -> [CtEvidence] -- ^ The unsolved simple constraints in the implication for -- the hole. -> Hole -> TcM (TidyEnv, ValidHoleFits) findValidHoleFits tidy_env implics simples h@(Hole { hole_sort = ExprHole _ , hole_loc = ct_loc , hole_ty = hole_ty }) = do { rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv ; lclBinds <- getLocalBindings tidy_env ct_loc ; maxVSubs <- maxValidHoleFits <$> getDynFlags ; sortingAlg <- getHoleFitSortingAlg ; dflags <- getDynFlags ; hfPlugs <- tcg_hf_plugins <$> getGblEnv ; let findVLimit = if sortingAlg > HFSNoSorting then Nothing else maxVSubs refLevel = refLevelHoleFits dflags hole = TypedHole { th_relevant_cts = listToBag (relevantCtEvidence hole_ty simples) , th_implics = implics , th_hole = Just h } (candidatePlugins, fitPlugins) = unzip $ map (\p-> ((candPlugin p) hole, (fitPlugin p) hole)) hfPlugs ; traceTc "findingValidHoleFitsFor { " $ ppr hole ; traceTc "hole_lvl is:" $ ppr hole_lvl ; traceTc "simples are: " $ ppr simples ; traceTc "locals are: " $ ppr lclBinds ; let (lcl, gbl) = partition gre_lcl (globalRdrEnvElts rdr_env) -- We remove binding shadowings here, but only for the local level. -- this is so we e.g. suggest the global fmap from the Functor class -- even though there is a local definition as well, such as in the -- Free monad example. locals = removeBindingShadowing $ map IdHFCand lclBinds ++ map GreHFCand lcl globals = map GreHFCand gbl syntax = map NameHFCand builtIns -- If the hole is a rigid type-variable, then we only check the -- locals, since only they can match the type (in a meaningful way). only_locals = any isImmutableTyVar $ getTyVar_maybe hole_ty to_check = if only_locals then locals else locals ++ syntax ++ globals ; cands <- foldM (flip ($)) to_check candidatePlugins ; traceTc "numPlugins are:" $ ppr (length candidatePlugins) ; (searchDiscards, subs) <- tcFilterHoleFits findVLimit hole (hole_ty, []) cands ; (tidy_env, tidy_subs) <- liftZonkM $ zonkSubs tidy_env subs ; tidy_sorted_subs <- sortFits sortingAlg tidy_subs ; plugin_handled_subs <- foldM (flip ($)) tidy_sorted_subs fitPlugins ; let (pVDisc, limited_subs) = possiblyDiscard maxVSubs plugin_handled_subs vDiscards = pVDisc || searchDiscards ; subs_with_docs <- addHoleFitDocs limited_subs ; let subs = Fits subs_with_docs vDiscards -- Refinement hole fits. See Note [Valid refinement hole fits include ...] ; (tidy_env, rsubs) <- if refLevel >= Just 0 then do { maxRSubs <- maxRefHoleFits <$> getDynFlags -- We can use from just, since we know that Nothing >= _ is False. ; let refLvls = [1..(fromJust refLevel)] -- We make a new refinement type for each level of refinement, where -- the level of refinement indicates number of additional arguments -- to allow. ; ref_tys <- mapM mkRefTy refLvls ; traceTc "ref_tys are" $ ppr ref_tys ; let findRLimit = if sortingAlg > HFSNoSorting then Nothing else maxRSubs ; refDs <- mapM (flip (tcFilterHoleFits findRLimit hole) cands) ref_tys ; (tidy_env, tidy_rsubs) <- liftZonkM $ zonkSubs tidy_env $ concatMap snd refDs ; tidy_sorted_rsubs <- sortFits sortingAlg tidy_rsubs -- For refinement substitutions we want matches -- like id (_ :: t), head (_ :: [t]), asTypeOf (_ :: t), -- and others in that vein to appear last, since these are -- unlikely to be the most relevant fits. ; (tidy_env, tidy_hole_ty) <- liftZonkM $ zonkTidyTcType tidy_env hole_ty ; let hasExactApp = any (tcEqType tidy_hole_ty) . hfWrap (exact, not_exact) = partition hasExactApp tidy_sorted_rsubs ; plugin_handled_rsubs <- foldM (flip ($)) (not_exact ++ exact) fitPlugins ; let (pRDisc, exact_last_rfits) = possiblyDiscard maxRSubs $ plugin_handled_rsubs rDiscards = pRDisc || any fst refDs ; rsubs_with_docs <- addHoleFitDocs exact_last_rfits ; return (tidy_env, Fits rsubs_with_docs rDiscards) } else return (tidy_env, Fits [] False) ; traceTc "findingValidHoleFitsFor }" empty ; let hole_fits = ValidHoleFits subs rsubs ; return (tidy_env, hole_fits) } where -- We extract the TcLevel from the constraint. hole_lvl = ctLocLevel ct_loc -- BuiltInSyntax names like (:) and [] builtIns :: [Name] builtIns = filter isBuiltInSyntax knownKeyNames -- We make a refinement type by adding a new type variable in front -- of the type of t h hole, going from e.g. [Integer] -> Integer -- to t_a1/m[tau:1] -> [Integer] -> Integer. This allows the simplifier -- to unify the new type variable with any type, allowing us -- to suggest a "refinement hole fit", like `(foldl1 _)` instead -- of only concrete hole fits like `sum`. mkRefTy :: Int -> TcM (TcType, [TcTyVar]) mkRefTy refLvl = (wrapWithVars &&& id) <$> newTyVars where newTyVars = replicateM refLvl $ setLvl <$> newOpenFlexiTyVar setLvl = flip setMetaTyVarTcLevel hole_lvl wrapWithVars vars = mkVisFunTysMany (map mkTyVarTy vars) hole_ty sortFits :: HoleFitSortingAlg -- How we should sort the hole fits -> [HoleFit] -- The subs to sort -> TcM [HoleFit] sortFits HFSNoSorting subs = return subs sortFits HFSBySize subs = (++) <$> sortHoleFitsBySize (sort lclFits) <*> sortHoleFitsBySize (sort gblFits) where (lclFits, gblFits) = span hfIsLcl subs -- To sort by subsumption, we invoke the sortByGraph function, which -- builds the subsumption graph for the fits and then sorts them using a -- graph sort. Since we want locals to come first anyway, we can sort -- them separately. The substitutions are already checked in local then -- global order, so we can get away with using span here. -- We use (<*>) to expose the parallelism, in case it becomes useful later. sortFits HFSBySubsumption subs = (++) <$> sortHoleFitsByGraph (sort lclFits) <*> sortHoleFitsByGraph (sort gblFits) where (lclFits, gblFits) = span hfIsLcl subs -- Based on the flags, we might possibly discard some or all the -- fits we've found. possiblyDiscard :: Maybe Int -> [HoleFit] -> (Bool, [HoleFit]) possiblyDiscard (Just max) fits = (fits `lengthExceeds` max, take max fits) possiblyDiscard Nothing fits = (False, fits) -- We don't (as of yet) handle holes in types, only in expressions. findValidHoleFits env _ _ _ = return (env, noValidHoleFits) -- See Note [Relevant constraints] relevantCtEvidence :: Type -> [CtEvidence] -> [CtEvidence] relevantCtEvidence hole_ty simples = if isEmptyVarSet (fvVarSet hole_fvs) then [] else filter isRelevant simples where hole_fvs = tyCoFVsOfType hole_ty hole_fv_set = fvVarSet hole_fvs -- We filter out those constraints that have no variables (since -- they won't be solved by finding a type for the type variable -- representing the hole) and also other holes, since we're not -- trying to find hole fits for many holes at once. isRelevant ctev = not (isEmptyVarSet fvs) && (fvs `intersectsVarSet` hole_fv_set) where fvs = tyCoVarsOfCtEv ctev -- We zonk the hole fits so that the output aligns with the rest -- of the typed hole error message output. zonkSubs :: TidyEnv -> [HoleFit] -> ZonkM (TidyEnv, [HoleFit]) zonkSubs = zonkSubs' [] where zonkSubs' zs env [] = return (env, reverse zs) zonkSubs' zs env (hf:hfs) = do { (env', z) <- zonkSub env hf ; zonkSubs' (z:zs) env' hfs } zonkSub :: TidyEnv -> HoleFit -> ZonkM (TidyEnv, HoleFit) zonkSub env hf@RawHoleFit{} = return (env, hf) zonkSub env hf@HoleFit{hfType = ty, hfMatches = m, hfWrap = wrp} = do { (env, ty') <- zonkTidyTcType env ty ; (env, m') <- zonkTidyTcTypes env m ; (env, wrp') <- zonkTidyTcTypes env wrp ; let zFit = hf {hfType = ty', hfMatches = m', hfWrap = wrp'} ; return (env, zFit ) } -- | Sort by size uses as a measure for relevance the sizes of the different -- types needed to instantiate the fit to the type of the hole. -- This is much quicker than sorting by subsumption, and gives reasonable -- results in most cases. sortHoleFitsBySize :: [HoleFit] -> TcM [HoleFit] sortHoleFitsBySize = return . sortOn sizeOfFit where sizeOfFit :: HoleFit -> TypeSize sizeOfFit = sizeTypes . nubBy tcEqType . hfWrap -- Based on a suggestion by phadej on #ghc, we can sort the found fits -- by constructing a subsumption graph, and then do a topological sort of -- the graph. This makes the most specific types appear first, which are -- probably those most relevant. This takes a lot of work (but results in -- much more useful output), and can be disabled by -- '-fno-sort-valid-hole-fits'. sortHoleFitsByGraph :: [HoleFit] -> TcM [HoleFit] sortHoleFitsByGraph fits = go [] fits where tcSubsumesWCloning :: TcType -> TcType -> TcM Bool tcSubsumesWCloning ht ty = withoutUnification fvs (tcSubsumes ht ty) where fvs = tyCoFVsOfTypes [ht,ty] go :: [(HoleFit, [HoleFit])] -> [HoleFit] -> TcM [HoleFit] go sofar [] = do { traceTc "subsumptionGraph was" $ ppr sofar ; return $ uncurry (++) $ partition hfIsLcl topSorted } where toV (hf, adjs) = (hf, hfId hf, map hfId adjs) (graph, fromV, _) = graphFromEdges $ map toV sofar topSorted = map ((\(h,_,_) -> h) . fromV) $ topSort graph go sofar (hf:hfs) = do { adjs <- filterM (tcSubsumesWCloning (hfType hf) . hfType) fits ; go ((hf, adjs):sofar) hfs } -- | tcFilterHoleFits filters the candidates by whether, given the implications -- and the relevant constraints, they can be made to match the type by -- running the type checker. Stops after finding limit matches. tcFilterHoleFits :: Maybe Int -- ^ How many we should output, if limited -> TypedHole -- ^ The hole to filter against -> (TcType, [TcTyVar]) -- ^ The type to check for fits and a list of refinement -- variables (free type variables in the type) for emulating -- additional holes. -> [HoleFitCandidate] -- ^ The candidates to check whether fit. -> TcM (Bool, [HoleFit]) -- ^ We return whether or not we stopped due to hitting the limit -- and the fits we found. tcFilterHoleFits (Just 0) _ _ _ = return (False, []) -- Stop right away on 0 tcFilterHoleFits limit typed_hole ht@(hole_ty, _) candidates = do { traceTc "checkingFitsFor {" $ ppr hole_ty ; (discards, subs) <- go [] emptyVarSet limit ht candidates ; traceTc "checkingFitsFor }" empty ; return (discards, subs) } where hole_fvs :: FV hole_fvs = tyCoFVsOfType hole_ty -- Kickoff the checking of the elements. -- We iterate over the elements, checking each one in turn for whether -- it fits, and adding it to the results if it does. go :: [HoleFit] -- What we've found so far. -> VarSet -- Ids we've already checked -> Maybe Int -- How many we're allowed to find, if limited -> (TcType, [TcTyVar]) -- The type, and its refinement variables. -> [HoleFitCandidate] -- The elements we've yet to check. -> TcM (Bool, [HoleFit]) go subs _ _ _ [] = return (False, reverse subs) go subs _ (Just 0) _ _ = return (True, reverse subs) go subs seen maxleft ty (el:elts) = -- See Note [Leaking errors] tryTcDiscardingErrs discard_it $ do { traceTc "lookingUp" $ ppr el ; maybeThing <- lookup el ; case maybeThing of Just (id, id_ty) | not_trivial id -> do { fits <- fitsHole ty id_ty ; case fits of Just (wrp, matches) -> keep_it id id_ty wrp matches _ -> discard_it } _ -> discard_it } where -- We want to filter out undefined and the likes from GHC.Err (#17940) not_trivial id = nameModule_maybe (idName id) `notElem` [Just gHC_INTERNAL_ERR, Just gHC_INTERNAL_UNSAFE_COERCE] lookup :: HoleFitCandidate -> TcM (Maybe (Id, Type)) lookup (IdHFCand id) = return (Just (id, idType id)) lookup hfc = do { thing <- tcLookup name ; return $ case thing of ATcId {tct_id = id} -> Just (id, idType id) AGlobal (AnId id) -> Just (id, idType id) AGlobal (AConLike (RealDataCon con)) -> Just (dataConWrapId con, dataConNonlinearType con) _ -> Nothing } where name = case hfc of GreHFCand gre -> greName gre NameHFCand name -> name discard_it = go subs seen maxleft ty elts keep_it eid eid_ty wrp ms = go (fit:subs) (extendVarSet seen eid) ((\n -> n - 1) <$> maxleft) ty elts where fit = HoleFit { hfId = eid, hfCand = el, hfType = eid_ty , hfRefLvl = length (snd ty) , hfWrap = wrp, hfMatches = ms , hfDoc = Nothing } unfoldWrapper :: HsWrapper -> [Type] unfoldWrapper = reverse . unfWrp' where unfWrp' (WpTyApp ty) = [ty] unfWrp' (WpCompose w1 w2) = unfWrp' w1 ++ unfWrp' w2 unfWrp' _ = [] -- The real work happens here, where we invoke the type checker using -- tcCheckHoleFit to see whether the given type fits the hole. fitsHole :: (TcType, [TcTyVar]) -- The type of the hole wrapped with the -- refinement variables created to simulate -- additional holes (if any), and the list -- of those variables (possibly empty). -- As an example: If the actual type of the -- hole (as specified by the hole -- constraint CHoleExpr passed to -- findValidHoleFits) is t and we want to -- simulate N additional holes, h_ty will -- be r_1 -> ... -> r_N -> t, and -- ref_vars will be [r_1, ... , r_N]. -- In the base case with no additional -- holes, h_ty will just be t and ref_vars -- will be []. -> TcType -- The type we're checking to whether it can be -- instantiated to the type h_ty. -> TcM (Maybe ([TcType], [TcType])) -- If it is not a match, we -- return Nothing. Otherwise, -- we Just return the list of -- types that quantified type -- variables in ty would take -- if used in place of h_ty, -- and the list types of any -- additional holes simulated -- with the refinement -- variables in ref_vars. fitsHole (h_ty, ref_vars) ty = -- We wrap this with the withoutUnification to avoid having side-effects -- beyond the check, but we rely on the side-effects when looking for -- refinement hole fits, so we can't wrap the side-effects deeper than this. withoutUnification fvs $ do { traceTc "checkingFitOf {" $ ppr ty ; (fits, wrp) <- tcCheckHoleFit hole h_ty ty ; traceTc "Did it fit?" $ ppr fits ; traceTc "wrap is: " $ ppr wrp ; traceTc "checkingFitOf }" empty -- We'd like to avoid refinement suggestions like `id _ _` or -- `head _ _`, and only suggest refinements where our all phantom -- variables got unified during the checking. This can be disabled -- with the `-fabstract-refinement-hole-fits` flag. -- Here we do the additional handling when there are refinement -- variables, i.e. zonk them to read their final value to check for -- abstract refinements, and to report what the type of the simulated -- holes must be for this to be a match. ; if fits then do { -- Zonking is expensive, so we only do it if required. z_wrp_tys <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcTypes (unfoldWrapper wrp) ; if null ref_vars then return (Just (z_wrp_tys, [])) else do { let -- To be concrete matches, matches have to -- be more than just an invented type variable. fvSet = fvVarSet fvs notAbstract :: TcType -> Bool notAbstract t = case getTyVar_maybe t of Just tv -> tv `elemVarSet` fvSet _ -> True allConcrete = all notAbstract z_wrp_tys ; z_vars <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcTyVars ref_vars ; let z_mtvs = mapMaybe getTyVar_maybe z_vars ; allFilled <- not <$> anyM isFlexiTyVar z_mtvs ; allowAbstract <- goptM Opt_AbstractRefHoleFits ; if allowAbstract || (allFilled && allConcrete ) then return $ Just (z_wrp_tys, z_vars) else return Nothing }} else return Nothing } where fvs = mkFVs ref_vars `unionFV` hole_fvs `unionFV` tyCoFVsOfType ty hole = typed_hole { th_hole = Nothing } -- | Checks whether a MetaTyVar is flexible or not. isFlexiTyVar :: TcTyVar -> TcM Bool isFlexiTyVar tv | isMetaTyVar tv = isFlexi <$> readMetaTyVar tv isFlexiTyVar _ = return False -- | Takes a list of free variables and restores any Flexi type variables in -- free_vars after the action is run. withoutUnification :: FV -> TcM a -> TcM a withoutUnification free_vars action = do { flexis <- filterM isFlexiTyVar fuvs ; result <- action -- Reset any mutated free variables ; mapM_ restore flexis ; return result } where restore tv = do { traceTc "withoutUnification: restore flexi" (ppr tv) ; writeTcRef (metaTyVarRef tv) Flexi } fuvs = fvVarList free_vars -- | Reports whether first type (ty_a) subsumes the second type (ty_b), -- discarding any errors. Subsumption here means that the ty_b can fit into the -- ty_a, i.e. `tcSubsumes a b == True` if b is a subtype of a. tcSubsumes :: TcSigmaType -> TcSigmaType -> TcM Bool tcSubsumes ty_a ty_b = fst <$> tcCheckHoleFit dummyHole ty_a ty_b where dummyHole = TypedHole { th_relevant_cts = emptyBag , th_implics = [] , th_hole = Nothing } -- | A tcSubsumes which takes into account relevant constraints, to fix -- #14273. This makes sure that when checking whether a type fits the hole, -- the type has to be subsumed by type of the hole as well as fulfill all -- constraints on the type of the hole. tcCheckHoleFit :: TypedHole -- ^ The hole to check against -> TcSigmaType -- ^ The type of the hole to check against (possibly modified, -- e.g. refined with additional holes for refinement hole-fits.) -> TcSigmaType -- ^ The type to check whether fits. -> TcM (Bool, HsWrapper) -- ^ Whether it was a match, and the wrapper from hole_ty to ty. tcCheckHoleFit _ hole_ty ty | hole_ty `eqType` ty = return (True, idHsWrapper) tcCheckHoleFit (TypedHole {..}) hole_ty ty = discardErrs $ do { -- We wrap the subtype constraint in the implications to pass along the -- givens, and so we must ensure that any nested implications and skolems -- end up with the correct level. The implications are ordered so that -- the innermost (the one with the highest level) is first, so it -- suffices to get the level of the first one (or the current level, if -- there are no implications involved). innermost_lvl <- case th_implics of [] -> getTcLevel -- imp is the innermost implication (imp:_) -> return (ic_tclvl imp) ; (wrap, wanted) <- setTcLevel innermost_lvl $ captureConstraints $ tcSubTypeSigma orig (ExprSigCtxt NoRRC) ty hole_ty ; traceTc "Checking hole fit {" empty ; traceTc "wanteds are: " $ ppr wanted ; if | isEmptyWC wanted, isEmptyBag th_relevant_cts -> do { traceTc "}" empty ; return (True, wrap) } | checkInsoluble wanted -- See Note [Fast path for tcCheckHoleFit] -> return (False, wrap) | otherwise -> do { fresh_binds <- newTcEvBinds -- The relevant constraints may contain HoleDests, so we must -- take care to clone them as well (to avoid #15370). ; cloned_relevants <- mapBagM cloneWantedCtEv th_relevant_cts -- We wrap the WC in the nested implications, for details, see -- Note [Checking hole fits] ; let wrapInImpls cts = foldl (flip (setWCAndBinds fresh_binds)) cts th_implics final_wc = wrapInImpls $ addSimples wanted $ mapBag mkNonCanonical cloned_relevants -- We add the cloned relevants to the wanteds generated -- by the call to tcSubType_NC, for details, see -- Note [Relevant constraints]. There's no need to clone -- the wanteds, because they are freshly generated by the -- call to`tcSubtype_NC`. ; traceTc "final_wc is: " $ ppr final_wc -- See Note [Speeding up valid hole-fits] ; (rem, _) <- tryTc $ runTcSEarlyAbort $ simplifyTopWanteds final_wc ; traceTc "}" empty ; return (any isSolvedWC rem, wrap) } } where orig = ExprHoleOrigin (hole_occ <$> th_hole) setWCAndBinds :: EvBindsVar -- Fresh ev binds var. -> Implication -- The implication to put WC in. -> WantedConstraints -- The WC constraints to put implic. -> WantedConstraints -- The new constraints. setWCAndBinds binds imp wc = mkImplicWC $ unitBag $ imp { ic_wanted = wc , ic_binds = binds } {- Note [Fast path for tcCheckHoleFit] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In `tcCheckHoleFit` we compare (with `tcSubTypeSigma`) the type of the hole with the type of zillions of in-scope functions, to see which would "fit". Most of these checks fail! They generate obviously-insoluble constraints. For these very-common cases we don't want to crank up the full constraint solver. It's much more efficient to do a quick-and-dirty check for insolubility. Now, `tcSubTypeSigma` uses the on-the-fly unifier in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify, it has already done the dirt-simple unification. So our quick-and-dirty check can simply look for constraints like (Int ~ Bool). We don't need to worry about (Maybe Int ~ Maybe Bool). The quick-and-dirty check is in `checkInsoluble`. It can make a big difference: For test hard_hole_fits, compile-time allocation goes down by 37%! -} checkInsoluble :: WantedConstraints -> Bool -- See Note [Fast path for tcCheckHoleFit] checkInsoluble (WC { wc_simple = simples }) = any is_insol simples where is_insol ct = case classifyPredType (ctPred ct) of EqPred r t1 t2 -> definitelyNotEqual (eqRelRole r) t1 t2 _ -> False definitelyNotEqual :: Role -> TcType -> TcType -> Bool -- See Note [Fast path for tcCheckHoleFit] -- Specifically, does not need to recurse under type constructors definitelyNotEqual r t1 t2 = go t1 t2 where go t1 t2 | Just t1' <- coreView t1 = go t1' t2 | Just t2' <- coreView t2 = go t1 t2' go (TyConApp tc _) t2 | isGenerativeTyCon tc r = go_tc tc t2 go t1 (TyConApp tc _) | isGenerativeTyCon tc r = go_tc tc t1 go (FunTy {ft_af = af1}) (FunTy {ft_af = af2}) = af1 /= af2 go _ _ = False go_tc :: TyCon -> TcType -> Bool -- The TyCon is generative, and is not a saturated FunTy go_tc tc1 (TyConApp tc2 _) | isGenerativeTyCon tc2 r = tc1 /= tc2 go_tc _ (FunTy {}) = True go_tc _ (ForAllTy {}) = True go_tc _ _ = False