Safe Haskell | None |
Language | GHC2021 |
JS symbol generation
- intBS :: Int -> ByteString
- word64BS :: Word64 -> ByteString
- unitModuleStringZ :: Module -> ByteString
- moduleGlobalSymbol :: Module -> FastString
- moduleExportsSymbol :: Module -> FastString
- mkJsSymbolBS :: Bool -> Module -> FastString -> ByteString
- mkJsSymbol :: Bool -> Module -> FastString -> FastString
- mkFreshJsSymbol :: Module -> Int -> FastString
- mkRawSymbol :: Bool -> FastString -> FastString
- hddB :: ByteString
- hdB :: ByteString
- hd :: JStgExpr
- hdStr :: FastString
- hdlB :: ByteString
- hdApply :: JStgExpr
- hdApplyStr :: FastString
- hdMoveRegs2 :: FastString
- hdPapGen :: JStgExpr
- hdPapGenStr :: FastString
- hdSetReg :: JStgExpr
- hdSetRegStr :: FastString
- hdGetReg :: JStgExpr
- hdGetRegStr :: FastString
- hdResetRegisters :: Ident
- hdResetResultVars :: Ident
- hdInitClosure :: FastString
- hdRegs :: JStgExpr
- hdRegsStr :: Ident
- hdReturn :: JStgExpr
- hdReturnStr :: Ident
- hdStack :: JStgExpr
- hdStackStr :: Ident
- hdStackPtr :: JStgExpr
- hdStackPtrStr :: Ident
- hdBlackHoleTrap :: JStgExpr
- hdBlackHoleTrapStr :: Ident
- hdBlockOnBlackHoleStr :: FastString
- hdBlackHoleLNE :: JStgExpr
- hdBlackHoleLNEStr :: Ident
- hdClosureTypeName :: JStgExpr
- hdClosureTypeNameStr :: Ident
- hdBh :: JStgExpr
- hdBhStr :: FastString
- hdBlackHole :: JStgExpr
- hdBlackHoleStr :: Ident
- hdUpdFrame :: JStgExpr
- hdUpdFrameStr :: Ident
- hdCSel :: JStgExpr
- hdCSelStr :: FastString
- hdEntry :: Ident
- hdEntryStr :: FastString
- hdApGen :: JStgExpr
- hdApGenStr :: Ident
- hdApGenFastStr :: Ident
- hdLog :: JStgExpr
- hdLogStr :: FastString
- hdMkFunctionPtr :: JStgExpr
- hdInitStatic :: JStgExpr
- hdInitStaticStr :: Ident
- hdHsSptInsert :: JStgExpr
- hdCurrentThread :: JStgExpr
- hdCurrentThreadStr :: Ident
- hdWakeupThread :: FastString
- hdPaps :: JStgExpr
- hdPapsStr :: FastString
- hdPapStr_ :: FastString
- hdLazyEntryStr :: Ident
- hdUnboxEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdUnboxEntryStr :: Ident
- hdMaskFrame :: JStgExpr
- hdMaskFrameStr :: Ident
- hdUnMaskFrameStr :: Ident
- hdReturnF :: JStgExpr
- hdReturnFStr :: Ident
- hdResumeEntryStr :: Ident
- hdFlushStdout :: JStgExpr
- hdFlushStdoutStr :: Ident
- hdFlushStdoutEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdFlushStdoutEntryStr :: Ident
- hdRunIOEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdRunIOEntryStr :: Ident
- hdReduce :: JStgExpr
- hdReduceStr :: Ident
- hdThrowStr :: FastString
- hdRaiseAsyncFrame :: JStgExpr
- hdRaiseAsyncFrameStr :: Ident
- hdRaiseAsyncEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdRaiseAsyncEntryStr :: Ident
- hdRaiseEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdRaiseEntryStr :: Ident
- hdKeepAliveEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdKeepAliveEntryStr :: Ident
- hdSelect2Return :: JStgExpr
- hdSelect2ReturnStr :: Ident
- hdSelect2Entry :: JStgExpr
- hdSelect2EntryStr :: Ident
- hdSelect1Ret :: JStgExpr
- hdSelect1RetStr :: Ident
- hdSelect1EntryStr :: Ident
- hdStaticThunkStr :: FastString
- hdStaticThunksStr :: Ident
- hdStaticThunksArrStr :: Ident
- hdCAFsStr :: Ident
- hdCAFsResetStr :: Ident
- hdUpdThunkEntryStr :: Ident
- hdAp3EntryStr :: Ident
- hdAp2EntryStr :: Ident
- hdAp1EntryStr :: Ident
- hdDataToTagEntryStr :: Ident
- hdTagToEnum :: FastString
- hdCatchEntryStr :: Ident
- hdNoopStr :: Ident
- hdNoopEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdNoopEntryStr :: Ident
- hdC0 :: JStgExpr
- hdC :: JStgExpr
- hdC0Str :: Ident
- hdCStr :: Ident
- hdData2Entry :: Ident
- hdData1Entry :: Ident
- hdTrueEntry :: Ident
- hdFalseEntry :: Ident
- hdDoneMainEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdDoneMainEntryStr :: Ident
- hdDoneMain :: JStgExpr
- hdDone :: Ident
- hdExitProcess :: FastString
- hdTraceAlloc :: FastString
- hdDebugAllocNotifyAlloc :: FastString
- hdRtsTraceForeign :: Ident
- hdRtsProfiling :: Ident
- hdCtFun :: Ident
- hdCtCon :: Ident
- hdCtThunk :: Ident
- hdCtPap :: Ident
- hdCtBlackhole :: Ident
- hdCtStackFrame :: Ident
- hdCtVtPtr :: Ident
- hdVtVoid :: Ident
- hdVtInt :: Ident
- hdVtDouble :: Ident
- hdVtLong :: Ident
- hdVtAddr :: Ident
- hdVtObj :: Ident
- hdVtArr :: Ident
- hdLoads :: Array Int Ident
- hdAp00 :: JStgExpr
- hdAp00Str :: Ident
- hdAp00FastStr :: FastString
- hdAp11Fast :: FastString
- hdAp10 :: JStgExpr
- hdAp33FastStr :: FastString
- hdAp22FastStr :: FastString
- hdNewByteArrayStr :: FastString
- hdCopyMutableByteArrayStr :: FastString
- hdCheckOverlapByteArrayStr :: FastString
- hdShrinkMutableCharArrayStr :: FastString
- hdTraceEventStr :: FastString
- hdTraceEventBinaryStr :: FastString
- hdTraceMarkerStr :: FastString
- hdThrowJSException :: JStgExpr
- hdUnboxFFIResult :: JStgExpr
- hdUnboxFFIResultStr :: Ident
- hdMkForeignCallback :: JStgExpr
- hdTraceForeign :: JStgExpr
- hdBuildObject :: JStgExpr
- hdBuildObjectStr :: FastString
- hdCallDynamicStr :: FastString
- except :: JStgExpr
- exceptStr :: Ident
- excepStr :: FastString
- mv :: FastString
- lngth :: FastString
- len :: FastString
- slice :: FastString
- this :: JStgExpr
- arr :: FastString
- dv :: FastString
- d1 :: JStgExpr
- d2 :: JStgExpr
- d3 :: JStgExpr
- d1Str :: FastString
- d2Str :: FastString
- d3Str :: FastString
- getInt16 :: FastString
- getUint16 :: FastString
- getInt32 :: FastString
- getUint32 :: FastString
- getFloat32 :: FastString
- getFloat64 :: FastString
- setInt16 :: FastString
- setUint16 :: FastString
- setInt32 :: FastString
- setUint32 :: FastString
- setFloat32 :: FastString
- setFloat64 :: FastString
- i3 :: FastString
- u8 :: FastString
- u1 :: FastString
- f6 :: FastString
- f3 :: FastString
- val :: FastString
- label :: FastString
- mask :: FastString
- unMask :: FastString
- resume :: FastString
- f :: FastString
- n :: FastString
- hasOwnProperty :: FastString
- hdCollectProps :: FastString
- replace :: FastString
- substring :: FastString
- trace :: FastString
- apply :: FastString
- hdMVar :: JStgExpr
- hdMVarStr :: FastString
- hdTakeMVar :: JStgExpr
- hdTakeMVarStr :: FastString
- hdTryTakeMVarStr :: FastString
- hdPutMVarStr :: FastString
- hdTryPutMVarStr :: FastString
- hdNewTVar :: FastString
- hdReadTVar :: FastString
- hdReadTVarIO :: FastString
- hdWriteTVar :: FastString
- hdReadMVarStr :: FastString
- hdStmRemoveBlockedThreadStr :: FastString
- hdStmStartTransactionStr :: FastString
- hdAtomicallyEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdAtomicallyEntryStr :: Ident
- hdAtomicallyStr :: FastString
- hdStgResumeRetryEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdStgResumeRetryEntryStr :: Ident
- hdStmCommitTransactionStr :: FastString
- hdStmValidateTransactionStr :: FastString
- hdStmCatchRetryEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdStmCatchRetryEntryStr :: Ident
- hdStmRetryStr :: FastString
- hdStmCatchRetryStr :: FastString
- hdStmCatchEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdCatchStmStr :: FastString
- hdStmCatchEntryStr :: Ident
- hdRetryInterrupted :: JStgExpr
- hdRetryInterruptedStr :: Ident
- hdMaskUnintFrame :: JStgExpr
- hdMaskUnintFrameStr :: Ident
- hdReschedule :: JStgExpr
- hdRescheduleStr :: Ident
- hdRestoreThread :: JStgExpr
- hdRestoreThreadStr :: Ident
- hdFinishedThread :: FastString
- hdPrimOpStr :: FastString
- wrapperColonStr :: FastString
- hdInternalExceptionTypeDivZero :: JStgExpr
- hdInternalExceptionTypeOverflow :: JStgExpr
- hdInternalExceptionTypeUnderflow :: JStgExpr
- hdInternalExceptionControlExceptionBaseNonTermination :: JStgExpr
- hdGhcInternalIOHandleFlush :: JStgExpr
- hdGhcInternalIOHandleFDStdout :: JStgExpr
- hdGhcInternalJSPrimValConEntryStr :: FastString
- hdBuildCCSPtrStr :: FastString
- hdClearCCSStr :: FastString
- hdRestoreCCSStr :: FastString
- hdSetCcsEntry :: JStgExpr
- hdSetCcsEntryStr :: Ident
- ccStr :: FastString
- unknown :: FastString
- typeof :: FastString
- hdRawStr :: FastString
- throwStr :: FastString
- hdCheckObj :: JStgExpr
- console :: JStgExpr
- consoleStr :: FastString
- arguments :: JStgExpr
- argumentsStr :: FastString
- hdReportHeapOverflow :: JStgExpr
- hdReportHeapOverflowStr :: Ident
- hdReportStackOverflow :: JStgExpr
- hdReportStackOverflowStr :: Ident
- hdDumpRes :: JStgExpr
- hdDumpResStr :: Ident
- ghcjsArray :: FastString
- hdCompactSize :: FastString
- hdCompactAddWithSharing :: FastString
- hdCompactAdd :: FastString
- hdCompactFixupPointers :: FastString
- hdCompactAllocateBlock :: FastString
- hdCompactGetNextBlock :: FastString
- hdCompactGetFirstBlock :: FastString
- hdCompactContainsAny :: FastString
- hdCompactContains :: FastString
- hdCompactResize :: FastString
- hdCompactNew :: FastString
- hdStableNameInt :: FastString
- hdMakeStableName :: FastString
- hdDeRefStablePtr :: FastString
- hdStablePtrBuf :: JStgExpr
- hdMakeStablePtrStr :: FastString
- hdKeepAlive :: FastString
- hdFinalizeWeak :: FastString
- hdMakeWeakNoFinalizer :: FastString
- hdMakeWeak :: FastString
- hdGetThreadLabel :: FastString
- hdListThreads :: FastString
- hdThreadStatus :: FastString
- hdYield :: FastString
- hdKillThread :: FastString
- hdFork :: FastString
- hdWaitWrite :: FastString
- hdWaitRead :: FastString
- hdDelayThread :: FastString
- hdCatchStr :: FastString
- hdMaskAsyncStr :: FastString
- hdMaskUnintAsyncStr :: FastString
- hdUnmaskAsyncStr :: FastString
- hdMutVarStr :: FastString
- hdAtomicModifyMutVar2Str :: FastString
- hdAtomicModifyMutVarStr :: FastString
- hdComparePointerStr :: FastString
- hdCompareByteArraysStr :: FastString
- hdResizeMutableByteArrayStr :: FastString
- hdShrinkMutableByteArrayStr :: FastString
- hdCopyMutableArrayStr :: FastString
- hdNewArrayStr :: FastString
- hdSliceArrayStr :: FastString
- hdDecodeFloatIntStr :: FastString
- hdCastFloatToWord32Str :: FastString
- hdCastWord32ToFloatStr :: FastString
- hdDecodeDouble2IntStr :: FastString
- hdDecodeDoubleInt64Str :: FastString
- hdCastDoubleToWord64Str :: FastString
- hdCastWord64ToDoubleStr :: FastString
- hdReverseWordStr :: FastString
- hdClz8Str :: FastString
- hdClz16Str :: FastString
- hdClz32Str :: FastString
- hdClz64Str :: FastString
- hdCtz8Str :: FastString
- hdCtz16Str :: FastString
- hdCtz32Str :: FastString
- hdCtz64Str :: FastString
- hdBSwap64Str :: FastString
- hdPExit8Str :: FastString
- hdPExit16Str :: FastString
- hdPExit32Str :: FastString
- hdPExit64Str :: FastString
- hdPDep8Str :: FastString
- hdPDep16Str :: FastString
- hdPDep32Str :: FastString
- hdPDep64Str :: FastString
- hdPopCntTab :: JStgExpr
- hdPopCnt32Str :: FastString
- hdPopCnt64Str :: FastString
- hdQuotRem2Word32Str :: FastString
- hdQuotRemWord32Str :: FastString
- hdRemWord32Str :: FastString
- hdQuotWord32Str :: FastString
- hdMul2Word32Str :: FastString
- hdMulImulStr :: FastString
- hdWordAdd2 :: FastString
- hdHsPlusWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsMinusWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsTimesWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsQuotWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsRemWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsUncheckedShiftRWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsUncheckedShiftLWord64Str :: FastString
- hdHsPlusInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsMinusInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsTimesInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsQuotInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsRemInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsUncheckedShiftLLInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsUncheckedShiftRAInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsUncheckedShiftRLInt64Str :: FastString
- hdHsTimesInt2Str :: FastString
- hdEncodeModifiedUtf8Str :: FastString
- hdRawStringDataStr :: FastString
- hdPStr :: FastString
- hdDStr :: FastString
- hdDiStr :: FastString
- hdStcStr :: FastString
- hdStlStr :: FastString
- hdStiStr :: FastString
- hdStrStr :: FastString
intBS :: Int -> ByteString Source #
Hexadecimal representation of an int
Used for the sub indices.
word64BS :: Word64 -> ByteString Source #
Hexadecimal representation of a 64-bit word
Used for uniques. We could use base-62 as GHC usually does but this is likely faster.
unitModuleStringZ :: Module -> ByteString Source #
Return z-encoded unit:module
moduleGlobalSymbol :: Module -> FastString Source #
the global linkable unit of a module exports this symbol, depend on it to include that unit (used for cost centres)
mkJsSymbolBS :: Bool -> Module -> FastString -> ByteString Source #
Make JS symbol corresponding to the given Haskell symbol in the given module
mkJsSymbol :: Bool -> Module -> FastString -> FastString Source #
Make JS symbol corresponding to the given Haskell symbol in the given module
mkFreshJsSymbol :: Module -> Int -> FastString Source #
Make JS symbol for given module and unique.
mkRawSymbol :: Bool -> FastString -> FastString Source #
Make symbol "h$XYZ" or "h$$XYZ"
hddB :: ByteString Source #
"h$$" constant string
hdB :: ByteString Source #
"h$" constant string
hdStr :: FastString Source #
hdlB :: ByteString Source #
hdReturnStr :: Ident Source #
hdStackStr :: Ident Source #
hdBhStr :: FastString Source #
hdApGenStr :: Ident Source #
hdReturnFStr :: Ident Source #
hdReduceStr :: Ident Source #
hdData2Entry :: Ident Source #
hdData1Entry :: Ident Source #
hdTrueEntry :: Ident Source #
hdFalseEntry :: Ident Source #
hdVtDouble :: Ident Source #
mv :: FastString Source #
lngth :: FastString Source #
len :: FastString Source #
only for byte arrays. This is a JS byte array method
slice :: FastString Source #
arr :: FastString Source #
dv :: FastString Source #
d1Str :: FastString Source #
d2Str :: FastString Source #
d3Str :: FastString Source #
i3 :: FastString Source #
u8 :: FastString Source #
u1 :: FastString Source #
f6 :: FastString Source #
f3 :: FastString Source #
val :: FastString Source #
label :: FastString Source #
mask :: FastString Source #
unMask :: FastString Source #
resume :: FastString Source #
f :: FastString Source #
n :: FastString Source #
replace :: FastString Source #
trace :: FastString Source #
apply :: FastString Source #
ccStr :: FastString Source #
unknown :: FastString Source #
typeof :: FastString Source #
hdDumpResStr :: Ident Source #
hdYield :: FastString Source #
hdFork :: FastString Source #
hdPStr :: FastString Source #
hdDStr :: FastString Source #
hdDiStr :: FastString Source #