{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | This module provides support for CPP, interpreter directives and line
-- pragmas.
module Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Preprocess
   , getCppTokensAsComments
   , getPreprocessedSrcDirect

   , CppOptions(..)
   , defaultCppOptions
   ) where

import qualified Bag            as GHC
import qualified DriverPipeline as GHC
import qualified DynFlags       as GHC
import qualified ErrUtils       as GHC
import qualified FastString     as GHC
import qualified GHC            as GHC hiding (parseModule)
import qualified HscTypes       as GHC
import qualified Lexer          as GHC
import qualified MonadUtils     as GHC
import qualified SrcLoc         as GHC
import qualified StringBuffer   as GHC

import SrcLoc (mkSrcSpan, mkSrcLoc)
import FastString (mkFastString)

import Control.Exception
import Data.List hiding (find)
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.GhcInterim (commentToAnnotation)
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Utils
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- import Debug.Trace
data CppOptions = CppOptions
                { cppDefine :: [String]    -- ^ CPP #define macros
                , cppInclude :: [FilePath] -- ^ CPP Includes directory
                , cppFile :: [FilePath]    -- ^ CPP pre-include file

defaultCppOptions :: CppOptions
defaultCppOptions = CppOptions [] [] []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Remove GHC style line pragams (@{-# LINE .. #-}@) and convert them into comments.
stripLinePragmas :: String -> (String, [Comment])
stripLinePragmas = unlines' . unzip . findLines . lines
    unlines' (a, b) = (unlines a, catMaybes b)

findLines :: [String] -> [(String, Maybe Comment)]
findLines = zipWith checkLine [1..]

checkLine :: Int -> String -> (String, Maybe Comment)
checkLine line s
  |  "{-# LINE" `isPrefixOf` s =
       let (pragma, res) = getPragma s
           size   = length pragma
           mSrcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "LINE")
           ss     = mkSrcSpan (mSrcLoc line 1) (mSrcLoc line (size+1))
       in (res, Just $ mkComment pragma ss)
  -- Deal with shebang/cpp directives too
  -- x |  "#" `isPrefixOf` s = ("",Just $ Comment ((line, 1), (line, length s)) s)
  |  "#!" `isPrefixOf` s =
    let mSrcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "SHEBANG")
        ss = mkSrcSpan (mSrcLoc line 1) (mSrcLoc line (length s))
    ("",Just $ mkComment s ss)
  | otherwise = (s, Nothing)

getPragma :: String -> (String, String)
getPragma [] = error "Input must not be empty"
getPragma s@(x:xs)
  | "#-}" `isPrefixOf` s = ("#-}", "   " ++ drop 3 s)
  | otherwise =
      let (prag, remline) = getPragma xs
      in (x:prag, ' ':remline)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Replacement for original 'getRichTokenStream' which will return
-- the tokens for a file processed by CPP.
-- See bug <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8265>
getCppTokensAsComments :: GHC.GhcMonad m
                       => CppOptions  -- ^ Preprocessor Options
                       -> FilePath  -- ^ Path to source file
                       -> m [Comment]
getCppTokensAsComments cppOptions sourceFile = do
  source <- GHC.liftIO $ GHC.hGetStringBuffer sourceFile
  let startLoc = GHC.mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString sourceFile) 1 1
  (_txt,strSrcBuf,flags2) <- getPreprocessedSrcDirectPrim cppOptions sourceFile
  -- #ifdef tokens
  directiveToks <- GHC.liftIO $ getPreprocessorAsComments sourceFile
  -- Tokens without #ifdef
  nonDirectiveToks <- tokeniseOriginalSrc startLoc flags2 source
  case GHC.lexTokenStream strSrcBuf startLoc flags2 of
        GHC.POk _ ts ->
                  let toks = GHC.addSourceToTokens startLoc source ts
                      cppCommentToks = getCppTokens directiveToks nonDirectiveToks toks
                  return $ map (tokComment . commentToAnnotation . fst) cppCommentToks
        GHC.PFailed sspan err -> parseError flags2 sspan err

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Combine the three sets of tokens to produce a single set that
-- represents the code compiled, and will regenerate the original
-- source file.
-- [@directiveToks@] are the tokens corresponding to preprocessor
--                   directives, converted to comments
-- [@origSrcToks@] are the tokenised source of the original code, with
--                 the preprocessor directives stripped out so that
--                 the lexer  does not complain
-- [@postCppToks@] are the tokens that the compiler saw originally
-- NOTE: this scheme will only work for cpp in -nomacro mode
getCppTokens ::
     [(GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)]
  -> [(GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)]
  -> [(GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)]
  -> [(GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)]
getCppTokens directiveToks origSrcToks postCppToks = toks
    locFn (GHC.L l1 _,_) (GHC.L l2 _,_) = compare l1 l2
    m1Toks = mergeBy locFn postCppToks directiveToks

    -- We must now find the set of tokens that are in origSrcToks, but
    -- not in m1Toks

    -- GHC.Token does not have Ord, can't use a set directly
    origSpans = map (\(GHC.L l _,_) -> l) origSrcToks
    m1Spans = map (\(GHC.L l _,_) -> l) m1Toks
    missingSpans = (Set.fromList origSpans) Set.\\ (Set.fromList m1Spans)

    missingToks = filter (\(GHC.L l _,_) -> Set.member l missingSpans) origSrcToks

    missingAsComments = map mkCommentTok missingToks
        mkCommentTok :: (GHC.Located GHC.Token,String) -> (GHC.Located GHC.Token,String)
        mkCommentTok (GHC.L l _,s) = (GHC.L l (GHC.ITlineComment s),s)

    toks = mergeBy locFn directiveToks missingAsComments

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

tokeniseOriginalSrc ::
  GHC.GhcMonad m
  => GHC.RealSrcLoc -> GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.StringBuffer
  -> m [(GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)]
tokeniseOriginalSrc startLoc flags buf = do
  let src = stripPreprocessorDirectives buf
  case GHC.lexTokenStream src startLoc flags of
    GHC.POk _ ts -> return $ GHC.addSourceToTokens startLoc src ts
    GHC.PFailed sspan err -> parseError flags sspan err

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Strip out the CPP directives so that the balance of the source
-- can tokenised.
stripPreprocessorDirectives :: GHC.StringBuffer -> GHC.StringBuffer
stripPreprocessorDirectives buf = buf'
    srcByLine = lines $ sbufToString buf
    noDirectivesLines = map (\line -> if line /= [] && head line == '#' then "" else line) srcByLine
    buf' = GHC.stringToStringBuffer $ unlines noDirectivesLines

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

sbufToString :: GHC.StringBuffer -> String
sbufToString sb@(GHC.StringBuffer _buf len _cur) = GHC.lexemeToString sb len

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
getPreprocessedSrcDirect :: (GHC.GhcMonad m) => CppOptions -> FilePath -> m String
getPreprocessedSrcDirect cppOptions src =
    (\(a,_,_) -> a) <$> getPreprocessedSrcDirectPrim cppOptions src

getPreprocessedSrcDirectPrim :: (GHC.GhcMonad m)
                              => CppOptions
                              -> FilePath
                              -> m (String, GHC.StringBuffer, GHC.DynFlags)
getPreprocessedSrcDirectPrim cppOptions src_fn = do
  hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
  let dfs = GHC.extractDynFlags hsc_env
      new_env = GHC.replaceDynFlags hsc_env (injectCppOptions cppOptions dfs)
  (dflags', hspp_fn) <- GHC.liftIO $ GHC.preprocess new_env (src_fn, Nothing)
  buf <- GHC.liftIO $ GHC.hGetStringBuffer hspp_fn
  txt <- GHC.liftIO $ readFile hspp_fn
  return (txt, buf, dflags')

injectCppOptions :: CppOptions -> GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.DynFlags
injectCppOptions CppOptions{..} dflags =
  foldr addOptP dflags (map mkDefine cppDefine ++ map mkIncludeDir cppInclude ++ map mkInclude cppFile)
    mkDefine = ("-D" ++)
    mkIncludeDir = ("-I" ++)
    mkInclude = ("-include" ++)

addOptP :: String -> GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.DynFlags
addOptP   f = alterSettings (\s -> s { GHC.sOpt_P   = f : GHC.sOpt_P s})

alterSettings :: (GHC.Settings -> GHC.Settings) -> GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.DynFlags
alterSettings f dflags = dflags { GHC.settings = f (GHC.settings dflags) }

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Get the preprocessor directives as comment tokens from the
-- source.
getPreprocessorAsComments :: FilePath -> IO [(GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)]
getPreprocessorAsComments srcFile = do
  fcontents <- readFile srcFile
  let directives = filter (\(_lineNum,line) -> line /= [] && head line == '#')
                    $ zip [1..] (lines fcontents)

  let mkTok (lineNum,line) = (GHC.L l (GHC.ITlineComment line),line)
         start = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString srcFile) lineNum 1
         end   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString srcFile) lineNum (length line)
         l = GHC.mkSrcSpan start end

  let toks = map mkTok directives
  return toks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

parseError :: GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.MsgDoc -> m b
parseError dflags sspan err = do
     throw $ GHC.mkSrcErr (GHC.unitBag $ GHC.mkPlainErrMsg dflags sspan err)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Copied over from MissingH, the dependency cause travis to fail

{- | Merge two sorted lists using into a single, sorted whole,
allowing the programmer to specify the comparison function.

QuickCheck test property:

prop_mergeBy xs ys =
    mergeBy cmp (sortBy cmp xs) (sortBy cmp ys) == sortBy cmp (xs ++ ys)
          where types = xs :: [ (Int, Int) ]
                cmp (x1,_) (x2,_) = compare x1 x2
mergeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeBy _cmp [] ys = ys
mergeBy _cmp xs [] = xs
mergeBy cmp (allx@(x:xs)) (ally@(y:ys))
        -- Ordering derives Eq, Ord, so the comparison below is valid.
        -- Explanation left as an exercise for the reader.
        -- Someone please put this code out of its misery.
    | (x `cmp` y) <= EQ = x : mergeBy cmp xs ally
    | otherwise = y : mergeBy cmp allx ys