module Language.Haskell.Session.Session where

import qualified Control.Exception      as Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch    (bracket)
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch    as Catch
import           Control.Monad.Ghc      (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.Ghc      as MGHC
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import           Data.Typeable          (Typeable)
import qualified DynFlags
import qualified GHC
import qualified HscTypes
import qualified GHC.Paths  as Paths

import           Language.Haskell.Config            as Config
import qualified Language.Haskell.Session.Binding   as Binding
import qualified Language.Haskell.Session.Hint.Eval as HEval

type Session = MGHC.Ghc

type Import = String

run :: Session a -> IO a
run session = MGHC.runGhc (Just Paths.libdir) $ initialize >> session

runWith :: Config -> Session a -> IO a
runWith config session = MGHC.runGhc (Just $ Config.topDir config)
                       $ initializeWith config >> session

initializeWith :: Config -> Session ()
initializeWith config = do
    let globalPkgDb = $ Config.pkgDb config
        localPkgDb  = Config.local  $ Config.pkgDb config
        isNotUser DynFlags.UserPkgConf = False
        isNotUser _ = True
        extraPkgConfs p = [ DynFlags.PkgConfFile globalPkgDb
                          , DynFlags.PkgConfFile localPkgDb
                          ] ++ filter isNotUser p
    flags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
    void  $  GHC.setSessionDynFlags flags
                { GHC.extraPkgConfs = extraPkgConfs
                --, GHC.verbosity = 4

initialize :: Session ()
initialize = do
    setStrFlags ["-fno-ghci-sandbox"]
    flags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
    void  $  GHC.setSessionDynFlags flags
                { GHC.hscTarget     = GHC.HscInterpreted
                , GHC.ghcLink       = GHC.LinkInMemory
                , GHC.ctxtStkDepth  = 1000
                --, GHC.verbosity = 4

setStrFlags :: [String] -> Session ()
setStrFlags strFlags = do
    flags <- GHC.getInteractiveDynFlags
    (flags2, leftovers, warns) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlags flags $ map GHC.noLoc strFlags
    liftIO $ HscTypes.handleFlagWarnings flags2 warns
    let unrecognized = map (show . GHC.unLoc) leftovers
    unless (null unrecognized) $
        fail $ "Unrecognized flags: " ++ unwords unrecognized
    void $ GHC.setInteractiveDynFlags flags2

setImports :: [Import] -> Session ()
setImports = GHC.setContext . map (GHC.IIDecl . GHC.simpleImportDecl . GHC.mkModuleName)

withImports :: [Import] -> Session a -> Session a
withImports imports action = sandboxContext $ do
    setImports imports

location :: String
location = "<target ghc-hs interactive>"

setFlags :: [DynFlags.ExtensionFlag] -> Session ()
setFlags flags = do
    current <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
    void $ GHC.setSessionDynFlags $ foldl DynFlags.xopt_set current flags

unsetFlags :: [DynFlags.ExtensionFlag] -> Session ()
unsetFlags flags = do
    current <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
    void $ GHC.setSessionDynFlags $ foldl DynFlags.xopt_unset current flags

withExtensionFlags :: [DynFlags.ExtensionFlag] -> [DynFlags.ExtensionFlag] -> Session a -> Session a
withExtensionFlags enable disable action = sandboxDynFlags $ do
    setFlags enable
    unsetFlags disable

sandboxDynFlags :: Session a -> Session a
sandboxDynFlags = bracket GHC.getSessionDynFlags GHC.setSessionDynFlags . const

sandboxContext :: Session a -> Session a
sandboxContext = bracket GHC.getContext GHC.setContext . const

interceptErrors :: MGHC.Ghc a -> Session a
interceptErrors ghc = do
    sessionBackup <- GHC.getSession
    let handler :: Catch.SomeException -> MGHC.Ghc a
        handler otherErr = do
            GHC.setSession sessionBackup
            Exception.throw otherErr
    Catch.catch ghc handler

runStmt :: String -> Session ()
runStmt stmt = do
    result <- interceptErrors $ GHC.runStmtWithLocation location 1 stmt GHC.RunToCompletion
    case result of
        GHC.RunOk _         -> return ()
        GHC.RunException ex -> fail $ "runStmt : " ++ show ex
        GHC.RunBreak {}     -> fail $ "runStmt : RunBreak"

runDecls :: String -> Session ()
runDecls decls = do
    void $ interceptErrors $ GHC.runDeclsWithLocation location 1 decls

runAssignment :: String -> String -> Session ()
runAssignment asigned asignee = do
    Binding.removeBinding asigned
    -- do not use runDecls here: its bindings are hard to remove and cause memory leaks!
    runStmt $ "let " ++ asigned ++ " = " ++ asignee

runAssignment' :: String -> String -> Session ()
runAssignment' asigned asignee = do
    Binding.removeBinding asigned
    runStmt $ asigned ++ " <- " ++ asignee

interpret :: Typeable a => String -> Session a
interpret = interceptErrors . HEval.interpret