Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- propagateGError :: (Ptr (Ptr ()) -> IO a) -> IO a
- type GType = CULong
- type DOMString = Text
- type ToDOMString s = GlibString s
- type FromDOMString s = GlibString s
- type FocusEvent = UIEvent
- type TouchEvent = UIEvent
- module Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Types
- type IsGObject o = GObjectClass o
- type IsApplicationCache o = ApplicationCacheClass o
- type IsAttr o = AttrClass o
- type IsAudioTrack o = AudioTrackClass o
- type IsAudioTrackList o = AudioTrackListClass o
- type IsBarProp o = BarPropClass o
- type IsBatteryManager o = BatteryManagerClass o
- type IsBlob o = BlobClass o
- type IsCDATASection o = CDATASectionClass o
- type IsCSS o = CSSClass o
- type IsCSSRule o = CSSRuleClass o
- type IsCSSRuleList o = CSSRuleListClass o
- type IsCSSStyleDeclaration o = CSSStyleDeclarationClass o
- type IsCSSStyleSheet o = CSSStyleSheetClass o
- type IsCSSValue o = CSSValueClass o
- type IsCharacterData o = CharacterDataClass o
- type IsComment o = CommentClass o
- type IsDOMImplementation o = DOMImplementationClass o
- type IsDOMNamedFlowCollection o = DOMNamedFlowCollectionClass o
- type IsDOMSettableTokenList o = DOMSettableTokenListClass o
- type IsDOMStringList o = DOMStringListClass o
- type IsDOMTokenList o = DOMTokenListClass o
- type IsDocument o = DocumentClass o
- type IsDocumentFragment o = DocumentFragmentClass o
- type IsDocumentType o = DocumentTypeClass o
- type IsElement o = ElementClass o
- type IsEntityReference o = EntityReferenceClass o
- type IsEvent o = EventClass o
- type IsEventTarget o = EventTargetClass o
- type IsFile o = FileClass o
- type IsFileList o = FileListClass o
- type IsGeolocation o = GeolocationClass o
- type IsHTMLAnchorElement o = HTMLAnchorElementClass o
- type IsHTMLAppletElement o = HTMLAppletElementClass o
- type IsHTMLAreaElement o = HTMLAreaElementClass o
- type IsHTMLAudioElement o = HTMLAudioElementClass o
- type IsHTMLBRElement o = HTMLBRElementClass o
- type IsHTMLBaseElement o = HTMLBaseElementClass o
- type IsHTMLBaseFontElement o = HTMLBaseFontElementClass o
- type IsHTMLBodyElement o = HTMLBodyElementClass o
- type IsHTMLButtonElement o = HTMLButtonElementClass o
- type IsHTMLCanvasElement o = HTMLCanvasElementClass o
- type IsHTMLCollection o = HTMLCollectionClass o
- type IsHTMLDListElement o = HTMLDListElementClass o
- type IsHTMLDetailsElement o = HTMLDetailsElementClass o
- type IsHTMLDirectoryElement o = HTMLDirectoryElementClass o
- type IsHTMLDivElement o = HTMLDivElementClass o
- type IsHTMLDocument o = HTMLDocumentClass o
- type IsHTMLElement o = HTMLElementClass o
- type IsHTMLEmbedElement o = HTMLEmbedElementClass o
- type IsHTMLFieldSetElement o = HTMLFieldSetElementClass o
- type IsHTMLFontElement o = HTMLFontElementClass o
- type IsHTMLFormElement o = HTMLFormElementClass o
- type IsHTMLFrameElement o = HTMLFrameElementClass o
- type IsHTMLFrameSetElement o = HTMLFrameSetElementClass o
- type IsHTMLHRElement o = HTMLHRElementClass o
- type IsHTMLHeadElement o = HTMLHeadElementClass o
- type IsHTMLHeadingElement o = HTMLHeadingElementClass o
- type IsHTMLHtmlElement o = HTMLHtmlElementClass o
- type IsHTMLIFrameElement o = HTMLIFrameElementClass o
- type IsHTMLImageElement o = HTMLImageElementClass o
- type IsHTMLInputElement o = HTMLInputElementClass o
- type IsHTMLKeygenElement o = HTMLKeygenElementClass o
- type IsHTMLLIElement o = HTMLLIElementClass o
- type IsHTMLLabelElement o = HTMLLabelElementClass o
- type IsHTMLLegendElement o = HTMLLegendElementClass o
- type IsHTMLLinkElement o = HTMLLinkElementClass o
- type IsHTMLMapElement o = HTMLMapElementClass o
- type IsHTMLMarqueeElement o = HTMLMarqueeElementClass o
- type IsHTMLMediaElement o = HTMLMediaElementClass o
- type IsHTMLMenuElement o = HTMLMenuElementClass o
- type IsHTMLMetaElement o = HTMLMetaElementClass o
- type IsHTMLModElement o = HTMLModElementClass o
- type IsHTMLOListElement o = HTMLOListElementClass o
- type IsHTMLObjectElement o = HTMLObjectElementClass o
- type IsHTMLOptGroupElement o = HTMLOptGroupElementClass o
- type IsHTMLOptionElement o = HTMLOptionElementClass o
- type IsHTMLOptionsCollection o = HTMLOptionsCollectionClass o
- type IsHTMLParagraphElement o = HTMLParagraphElementClass o
- type IsHTMLParamElement o = HTMLParamElementClass o
- type IsHTMLPreElement o = HTMLPreElementClass o
- type IsHTMLQuoteElement o = HTMLQuoteElementClass o
- type IsHTMLScriptElement o = HTMLScriptElementClass o
- type IsHTMLSelectElement o = HTMLSelectElementClass o
- type IsHTMLStyleElement o = HTMLStyleElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTableCaptionElement o = HTMLTableCaptionElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTableCellElement o = HTMLTableCellElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTableColElement o = HTMLTableColElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTableElement o = HTMLTableElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTableRowElement o = HTMLTableRowElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTableSectionElement o = HTMLTableSectionElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTextAreaElement o = HTMLTextAreaElementClass o
- type IsHTMLTitleElement o = HTMLTitleElementClass o
- type IsHTMLUListElement o = HTMLUListElementClass o
- type IsHTMLVideoElement o = HTMLVideoElementClass o
- type IsHistory o = HistoryClass o
- type IsKeyboardEvent o = KeyboardEventClass o
- type IsLocation o = LocationClass o
- type IsMediaError o = MediaErrorClass o
- type IsMediaList o = MediaListClass o
- type IsMediaQueryList o = MediaQueryListClass o
- type IsMessagePort o = MessagePortClass o
- type IsMimeType o = MimeTypeClass o
- type IsMimeTypeArray o = MimeTypeArrayClass o
- type IsMouseEvent o = MouseEventClass o
- type IsNamedNodeMap o = NamedNodeMapClass o
- type IsNavigator o = NavigatorClass o
- type IsNode o = NodeClass o
- type IsNodeFilter o = NodeFilterClass o
- type IsNodeIterator o = NodeIteratorClass o
- type IsNodeList o = NodeListClass o
- type IsPerformance o = PerformanceClass o
- type IsPerformanceNavigation o = PerformanceNavigationClass o
- type IsPerformanceTiming o = PerformanceTimingClass o
- type IsPlugin o = PluginClass o
- type IsPluginArray o = PluginArrayClass o
- type IsProcessingInstruction o = ProcessingInstructionClass o
- type IsRange o = RangeClass o
- type IsScreen o = ScreenClass o
- type IsSecurityPolicy o = SecurityPolicyClass o
- type IsSelection o = SelectionClass o
- type IsStorage o = StorageClass o
- type IsStorageInfo o = StorageInfoClass o
- type IsStorageQuota o = StorageQuotaClass o
- type IsStyleMedia o = StyleMediaClass o
- type IsStyleSheet o = StyleSheetClass o
- type IsStyleSheetList o = StyleSheetListClass o
- type IsText o = TextClass o
- type IsTextTrack o = TextTrackClass o
- type IsTextTrackCue o = TextTrackCueClass o
- type IsTextTrackCueList o = TextTrackCueListClass o
- type IsTextTrackList o = TextTrackListClass o
- type IsTimeRanges o = TimeRangesClass o
- type IsTouch o = TouchClass o
- type IsTreeWalker o = TreeWalkerClass o
- type IsUIEvent o = UIEventClass o
- type IsValidityState o = ValidityStateClass o
- type IsVideoTrack o = VideoTrackClass o
- type IsVideoTrackList o = VideoTrackListClass o
- type IsWebKitNamedFlow o = WebKitNamedFlowClass o
- type IsWebKitPoint o = WebKitPointClass o
- type IsWheelEvent o = WheelEventClass o
- type IsWindow o = WindowClass o
- type IsXPathExpression o = XPathExpressionClass o
- type IsXPathNSResolver o = XPathNSResolverClass o
- type IsXPathResult o = XPathResultClass o
propagateGError :: (Ptr (Ptr ()) -> IO a) -> IO a
Glib functions which report GError
s take as a parameter a GError
. Use this function to supply such a parameter. It checks if an
error was reported and if so throws it as a Haskell exception.
Example of use:
propagateGError $ \gerrorPtr -> {# call g_some_function_that_might_return_an_error #} a b gerrorPtr
Fastest string type to use when you just want to take a string from the DOM then give it back as is.
type ToDOMString s = GlibString s Source
type FromDOMString s = GlibString s Source
type FocusEvent = UIEvent Source
type TouchEvent = UIEvent Source
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Types
type IsGObject o = GObjectClass o Source
type IsApplicationCache o = ApplicationCacheClass o Source
type IsAudioTrack o = AudioTrackClass o Source
type IsAudioTrackList o = AudioTrackListClass o Source
type IsBarProp o = BarPropClass o Source
type IsBatteryManager o = BatteryManagerClass o Source
type IsCDATASection o = CDATASectionClass o Source
type IsCSSRule o = CSSRuleClass o Source
type IsCSSRuleList o = CSSRuleListClass o Source
type IsCSSStyleDeclaration o = CSSStyleDeclarationClass o Source
type IsCSSStyleSheet o = CSSStyleSheetClass o Source
type IsCSSValue o = CSSValueClass o Source
type IsCharacterData o = CharacterDataClass o Source
type IsDOMImplementation o = DOMImplementationClass o Source
type IsDOMStringList o = DOMStringListClass o Source
type IsDOMTokenList o = DOMTokenListClass o Source
type IsDocument o = DocumentClass o Source
type IsDocumentFragment o = DocumentFragmentClass o Source
type IsDocumentType o = DocumentTypeClass o Source
type IsElement o = ElementClass o Source
type IsEntityReference o = EntityReferenceClass o Source
type IsEvent o = EventClass o Source
type IsEventTarget o = EventTargetClass o Source
type IsFileList o = FileListClass o Source
type IsGeolocation o = GeolocationClass o Source
type IsHTMLAnchorElement o = HTMLAnchorElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLAppletElement o = HTMLAppletElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLAreaElement o = HTMLAreaElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLAudioElement o = HTMLAudioElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLBRElement o = HTMLBRElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLBaseElement o = HTMLBaseElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLBaseFontElement o = HTMLBaseFontElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLBodyElement o = HTMLBodyElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLButtonElement o = HTMLButtonElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLCanvasElement o = HTMLCanvasElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLCollection o = HTMLCollectionClass o Source
type IsHTMLDListElement o = HTMLDListElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLDetailsElement o = HTMLDetailsElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLDivElement o = HTMLDivElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLDocument o = HTMLDocumentClass o Source
type IsHTMLElement o = HTMLElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLEmbedElement o = HTMLEmbedElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLFieldSetElement o = HTMLFieldSetElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLFontElement o = HTMLFontElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLFormElement o = HTMLFormElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLFrameElement o = HTMLFrameElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLFrameSetElement o = HTMLFrameSetElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLHRElement o = HTMLHRElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLHeadElement o = HTMLHeadElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLHeadingElement o = HTMLHeadingElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLHtmlElement o = HTMLHtmlElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLIFrameElement o = HTMLIFrameElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLImageElement o = HTMLImageElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLInputElement o = HTMLInputElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLKeygenElement o = HTMLKeygenElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLLIElement o = HTMLLIElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLLabelElement o = HTMLLabelElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLLegendElement o = HTMLLegendElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLLinkElement o = HTMLLinkElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLMapElement o = HTMLMapElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLMarqueeElement o = HTMLMarqueeElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLMediaElement o = HTMLMediaElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLMenuElement o = HTMLMenuElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLMetaElement o = HTMLMetaElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLModElement o = HTMLModElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLOListElement o = HTMLOListElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLObjectElement o = HTMLObjectElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLOptGroupElement o = HTMLOptGroupElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLOptionElement o = HTMLOptionElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLParamElement o = HTMLParamElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLPreElement o = HTMLPreElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLQuoteElement o = HTMLQuoteElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLScriptElement o = HTMLScriptElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLSelectElement o = HTMLSelectElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLStyleElement o = HTMLStyleElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLTableColElement o = HTMLTableColElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLTableElement o = HTMLTableElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLTableRowElement o = HTMLTableRowElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLTextAreaElement o = HTMLTextAreaElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLTitleElement o = HTMLTitleElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLUListElement o = HTMLUListElementClass o Source
type IsHTMLVideoElement o = HTMLVideoElementClass o Source
type IsHistory o = HistoryClass o Source
type IsKeyboardEvent o = KeyboardEventClass o Source
type IsLocation o = LocationClass o Source
type IsMediaError o = MediaErrorClass o Source
type IsMediaList o = MediaListClass o Source
type IsMediaQueryList o = MediaQueryListClass o Source
type IsMessagePort o = MessagePortClass o Source
type IsMimeType o = MimeTypeClass o Source
type IsMimeTypeArray o = MimeTypeArrayClass o Source
type IsMouseEvent o = MouseEventClass o Source
type IsNamedNodeMap o = NamedNodeMapClass o Source
type IsNavigator o = NavigatorClass o Source
type IsNodeFilter o = NodeFilterClass o Source
type IsNodeIterator o = NodeIteratorClass o Source
type IsNodeList o = NodeListClass o Source
type IsPerformance o = PerformanceClass o Source
type IsPerformanceTiming o = PerformanceTimingClass o Source
type IsPlugin o = PluginClass o Source
type IsPluginArray o = PluginArrayClass o Source
type IsRange o = RangeClass o Source
type IsScreen o = ScreenClass o Source
type IsSecurityPolicy o = SecurityPolicyClass o Source
type IsSelection o = SelectionClass o Source
type IsStorage o = StorageClass o Source
type IsStorageInfo o = StorageInfoClass o Source
type IsStorageQuota o = StorageQuotaClass o Source
type IsStyleMedia o = StyleMediaClass o Source
type IsStyleSheet o = StyleSheetClass o Source
type IsStyleSheetList o = StyleSheetListClass o Source
type IsTextTrack o = TextTrackClass o Source
type IsTextTrackCue o = TextTrackCueClass o Source
type IsTextTrackCueList o = TextTrackCueListClass o Source
type IsTextTrackList o = TextTrackListClass o Source
type IsTimeRanges o = TimeRangesClass o Source
type IsTouch o = TouchClass o Source
type IsTreeWalker o = TreeWalkerClass o Source
type IsUIEvent o = UIEventClass o Source
type IsValidityState o = ValidityStateClass o Source
type IsVideoTrack o = VideoTrackClass o Source
type IsVideoTrackList o = VideoTrackListClass o Source
type IsWebKitNamedFlow o = WebKitNamedFlowClass o Source
type IsWebKitPoint o = WebKitPointClass o Source
type IsWheelEvent o = WheelEventClass o Source
type IsWindow o = WindowClass o Source
type IsXPathExpression o = XPathExpressionClass o Source
type IsXPathNSResolver o = XPathNSResolverClass o Source
type IsXPathResult o = XPathResultClass o Source