github-0.14.0: Access to the Github API, v3.

Safe HaskellNone



The GithubOwner teams API as described on



teamsOf :: Name Organization -> IO (Either Error (Vector SimpleTeam)) Source

List the public teams of an GithubOwner.

teamsOf "thoughtbot"

teamsOf' :: Maybe GithubAuth -> Name Organization -> IO (Either Error (Vector SimpleTeam)) Source

List teams. List the teams of an GithubOwner. When authenticated, lists private teams visible to the authenticated user. When unauthenticated, lists only public teams for an GithubOwner.

teamsOf' (Just $ GithubOAuth "token") "thoughtbot"

teamInfoFor :: Id Team -> IO (Either Error Team) Source

The information for a single team, by team id.

teamInfoFor' (Just $ GithubOAuth "token") 1010101

teamInfoFor' :: Maybe GithubAuth -> Id Team -> IO (Either Error Team) Source

The information for a single team, by team id. | With authentication

teamInfoFor' (Just $ GithubOAuth "token") 1010101

createTeamFor' :: GithubAuth -> Name Organization -> CreateTeam -> IO (Either Error Team) Source

Create a team under an GithubOwner

createTeamFor' (GithubOAuth "token") "GithubOwner" (CreateTeam "newteamname" "some description" [] PermssionPull)

editTeam' :: GithubAuth -> Id Team -> EditTeam -> IO (Either Error Team) Source

Edit a team, by id.


deleteTeam' :: GithubAuth -> Id Team -> IO (Either Error ()) Source

Delete a team, by id.

deleteTeam' (GithubOAuth "token") 1010101

teamMembershipInfoFor :: Id Team -> Name GithubOwner -> IO (Either Error TeamMembership) Source

Retrieve team mebership information for a user.

teamMembershipInfoFor 1010101 "mburns"

teamMembershipInfoFor' :: Maybe GithubAuth -> Id Team -> Name GithubOwner -> IO (Either Error TeamMembership) Source

Retrieve team mebership information for a user. | With authentication

teamMembershipInfoFor' (Just $ GithubOAuth "token") 1010101 "mburns"

addTeamMembershipFor' :: GithubAuth -> Id Team -> Name GithubOwner -> Role -> IO (Either Error TeamMembership) Source

Add (or invite) a member to a team.

addTeamMembershipFor' (GithubOAuth "token") 1010101 "mburns" RoleMember

deleteTeamMembershipFor' :: GithubAuth -> Id Team -> Name GithubOwner -> IO (Either Error ()) Source

Delete a member of a team.

deleteTeamMembershipFor' (GithubOAuth "token") 1010101 "mburns"

listTeamsCurrent' :: GithubAuth -> IO (Either Error (Vector Team)) Source

List teams for current authenticated user

listTeamsCurrent' (GithubOAuth "token")