{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- | The repo starring API as described on
-- .
module Github.Activity.Starring (
module Github.Data,
) where
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Github.Auth
import Github.Data
import Github.Request
-- | The list of users that have starred the specified Github repo.
-- > userInfoFor' Nothing "mike-burns"
stargazersFor :: Maybe GithubAuth -> Name GithubOwner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector GithubOwner))
stargazersFor auth user repo =
executeRequestMaybe auth $ stargazersForR user repo Nothing
-- | List Stargazers.
-- See
stargazersForR :: Name GithubOwner -> Name Repo -> Maybe Count -> GithubRequest k (Vector GithubOwner)
stargazersForR user repo =
GithubPagedGet ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "stargazers"] []
-- | All the public repos starred by the specified user.
-- > reposStarredBy Nothing "croaky"
reposStarredBy :: Maybe GithubAuth -> Name GithubOwner -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
reposStarredBy auth user =
executeRequestMaybe auth $ reposStarredByR user Nothing
-- | List repositories being starred.
-- See
reposStarredByR :: Name GithubOwner -> Maybe Count -> GithubRequest k (Vector Repo)
reposStarredByR user =
GithubPagedGet ["users", toPathPart user, "starred"] []
-- | All the repos starred by the authenticated user.
myStarred :: GithubAuth -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
myStarred auth =
executeRequest auth $ myStarredR Nothing
-- | All the repos starred by the authenticated user.
myStarredR :: Maybe Count -> GithubRequest 'True (Vector Repo)
myStarredR = GithubPagedGet ["user", "starred"] []