-- See for a lengthy
-- explanation about this code.
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import System.Random
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewPort
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewState
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Data.Point.Arithmetic as Pt
type Vertex = Int
type Edge = (Vertex, Vertex)
-- Graph ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- INVARIANT Every `Vertex` present in a set of neighbours is present as
-- a key in the `Map`.
newtype Graph
= Graph {grNeighs :: Map Vertex (Set Vertex)}
-- | An empty graph, with no edges or vertexes.
emptyGraph :: Graph
emptyGraph = Graph Map.empty
-- | Add a new vertex to the graph.
addVertex :: Vertex -> Graph -> Graph
addVertex v (Graph neighs)
= Graph
$ case Map.lookup v neighs of
Nothing -> Map.insert v Set.empty neighs
Just _ -> neighs
-- | Add a new edge to the graph.
addEdge :: Edge -> Graph -> Graph
addEdge (v1, v2) gr
= Graph neighs
where gr' = addVertex v1 (addVertex v2 gr)
neighs = Map.insert v1 (Set.insert v2 (vertexNeighs v1 gr'))
$ Map.insert v2 (Set.insert v1 (vertexNeighs v2 gr'))
$ grNeighs gr'
-- | Yield the neighbours of a vertex.
vertexNeighs :: Vertex -> Graph -> Set Vertex
vertexNeighs v (Graph neighs) = neighs Map.! v
-- | Get the set of edges in a graoh.
graphEdges :: Graph -> Set Edge
= Map.foldrWithKey' foldNeighs Set.empty . grNeighs
-- For each vertex `v1`, insert an edge for each neighbour `v2`.
foldNeighs v1 ns es
= Set.foldr' (\v2 -> Set.insert (order (v1, v2))) es ns
order (v1, v2)
= if v1 > v2 then (v1, v2) else (v2, v1)
-- Scene ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- INVARIANT The keys in `scGraph` are the same as the keys in `scPoints`.
data Scene
= Scene
{ scGraph :: Graph
, scPoints :: Map Vertex Point
, scSelected :: Maybe Vertex
, scViewState :: ViewState }
-- | An empty scene.
emptyScene :: Scene
= Scene
{ scGraph = emptyGraph
, scPoints = Map.empty
, scSelected = Nothing
, scViewState = viewStateInit }
-- | Add a vertex to a scene.
scAddVertex :: Vertex -> Point -> Scene -> Scene
scAddVertex v pt sc@Scene{scGraph = gr, scPoints = pts} =
sc{scGraph = addVertex v gr, scPoints = Map.insert v pt pts}
-- | Add an edge to a scene.
scAddEdge :: Edge -> Scene -> Scene
scAddEdge e@(v1, v2) sc@Scene{scGraph = gr, scPoints = pts}
= if Map.member v1 pts && Map.member v2 pts
then sc{scGraph = addEdge e gr}
else error "scAddEdge: non existant point!"
-- | Randomize the endpoints of some edges, and pack them into a Scene.
fromEdges :: StdGen -> [Edge] -> Scene
fromEdges gen es
= foldr scAddEdge (fst (Set.foldr' addv (emptyScene, gen) vs)) es
vs = Set.fromList (concat [[v1, v2] | (v1, v2) <- es])
halfWidth = fromIntegral (fst windowSize) / 2
halfHeight = fromIntegral (snd windowSize) / 2
addv v (sc, gen1)
= let (x, gen2) = randomR (-halfWidth, halfWidth ) gen1
(y, gen3) = randomR (-halfHeight, halfHeight) gen2
in (scAddVertex v (x, y) sc, gen3)
-- Drawing --------------------------------------------------------------------
vertexPos :: Vertex -> Scene -> Point
vertexPos v Scene{scPoints = pts}
= pts Map.! v
vertexRadius :: Float
vertexRadius = 6
vertexColor :: Color
vertexColor = makeColor 1 0 0 1 -- Red
edgeColor :: Color
edgeColor = makeColor 1 1 1 0.8 -- Whiteish
drawVertex :: Vertex -> Scene -> Picture
drawVertex v sc = Translate x y (ThickCircle (vertexRadius / 2) vertexRadius)
where (x, y) = vertexPos v sc
drawEdge :: Edge -> Scene -> Picture
drawEdge (v1, v2) sc
= Line [vertexPos v1 sc, vertexPos v2 sc]
drawScene :: Scene -> Picture
drawScene sc@Scene{scGraph = gr, scViewState = ViewState{viewStateViewPort = port}}
= applyViewPortToPicture port
$ Pictures [Color edgeColor edges, Color vertexColor vertices]
vertices = Pictures [drawVertex n sc | n <- Map.keys (grNeighs gr) ]
edges = Pictures [drawEdge e sc | e <- Set.toList (graphEdges gr)]
-- Graph Layout ---------------------------------------------------------------
charge :: Float
charge = 100000
:: Point -- Vertex we're calculating the force for
-> Point -- Vertex pushing the other away
-> Vector
pushForce v1 v2
= -- If we are analysing the same vertex, l = 0
if l > 0 then (charge / l) `mulSV` normalizeV d
else (0, 0)
where d = v1 Pt.- v2
l = magV d ** 2
stiffness :: Float
stiffness = 1 / 2
pullForce :: Point -> Point -> Vector
pullForce v1 v2
= stiffness `mulSV` (v2 Pt.- v1)
-- | Apply forces to update the position of a single point.
:: Float -- Time since the last update
-> Vertex -- Vertex we are analysing
-> Scene
-> Point -- New position
updatePosition dt v1 sc@Scene{scPoints = pts, scGraph = gr}
= v1pos Pt.+ pull Pt.+ push
v1pos = vertexPos v1 sc
-- Gets a velocity by multiplying the time by the force (we assume
-- a mass of 1).
getVel f v2pos = dt `mulSV` f v1pos v2pos
-- Sum all the pushing and pulling. All the other vertices push,
-- the connected vertices pull.
push = Map.foldr' (\v2pos -> (getVel pushForce v2pos Pt.+)) (0, 0) pts
pull = foldr (\v2pos -> (getVel pullForce v2pos Pt.+)) (0, 0)
[vertexPos v2 sc | v2 <- Set.toList (vertexNeighs v1 gr)]
-- | Apply forces to update the position of all the points.
updatePositions :: Float -> Scene -> Scene
updatePositions dt sc@Scene{scSelected = sel, scGraph = Graph neighs}
= foldr f sc (Map.keys neighs)
f n sc'
= let pt = if Just n == sel
then vertexPos n sc
else updatePosition dt n sc'
in scAddVertex n pt sc'
-- | Check if a point is in the given circle.
inCircle :: Point -- Where the user has clicked
-> Float -- The scaling factor in the ViewPort
-> Point -- The position of the vertex
-> Bool
inCircle p sca v
= magV (v Pt.- p) <= vertexRadius * sca
findVertex :: Point -> Float -> Scene -> Maybe Vertex
findVertex p1 sca Scene{scPoints = pts} = Map.foldrWithKey' f Nothing pts
f _ _ (Just v) = Just v
f v p2 Nothing = if inCircle p1 sca p2 then Just v else Nothing
-- Events ---------------------------------------------------------------------
handleEvent :: Event -> Scene -> Scene
handleEvent (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down Modifiers{shift = Down} pos) sc
= case findVertex (invertViewPort port pos) (viewPortScale port) sc of
Nothing -> sc
Just v -> sc{scSelected = Just v}
where viewState = scViewState sc
port = viewStateViewPort viewState
handleEvent (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Up _ _)
sc@Scene{scSelected = Just _}
= sc {scSelected = Nothing}
handleEvent (EventMotion pos)
sc@Scene{scPoints = pts, scSelected = Just v}
= sc{ scPoints = Map.insert v (invertViewPort port pos) pts}
port = viewStateViewPort (scViewState sc)
handleEvent ev sc
= sc{ scViewState = updateViewStateWithEvent ev (scViewState sc)}
-- Sample Graph ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Taken from .
sampleGraph :: [Edge]
sampleGraph =
[(1, 30), (1, 40), (8, 46), (8, 16), (10, 25), (10, 19), (10, 33),
(12, 8 ), (12, 36), (12, 17), (13, 38), (13, 24), (24, 49), (24, 13),
(24, 47), (24, 12), (25, 27), (25, 12), (27, 12), (27, 14), (29, 10),
(29, 8 ), (30, 24), (30, 44), (38, 29), (38, 35), (2, 42), (2, 35),
(2, 11), (14, 18), (14, 24), (14, 38), (18, 49), (18, 47), (26, 41),
(26, 42), (31, 39), (31, 47), (31, 25), (37, 26), (37, 16), (39, 50),
(39, 14), (39, 18), (39, 47), (41, 31), (41, 8 ), (42, 44), (42, 29),
(44, 37), (44, 32), (3, 20), (3, 28), (6, 45), (6, 28), (9, 6 ),
(9, 16), (15, 16), (15, 48), (16, 50), (16, 32), (16, 39), (20, 33),
(33, 9 ), (33, 46), (33, 48), (45, 15), (4, 17), (4, 15), (4, 12),
(17, 21), (19, 35), (19, 15), (19, 43), (21, 19), (21, 50), (23, 36),
(34, 23), (34, 24), (35, 34), (35, 16), (35, 18), (36, 46), (5, 7 ),
(5, 36), (7, 32), (7, 11), (7, 14), (11, 40), (11, 50), (22, 46),
(28, 43), (28, 8 ), (32, 28), (32, 39), (32, 42), (40, 22), (40, 47),
(43, 11), (43, 17)
-- Main -----------------------------------------------------------------------
windowSize :: (Int, Int)
windowSize = (800, 600)
sceneWindow :: Scene -> IO ()
sceneWindow sc
= play (InWindow "Graph Drawing - shift + left mouse button to drag" windowSize (10, 10))
black 30 sc drawScene handleEvent updatePositions
main :: IO ()
= do gen <- getStdGen
sceneWindow (fromEdges gen sampleGraph)