{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module       : Network.GoDaddy
-- Copyright   : (c) 2016 Kyle Gwinnup
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : kpgwinnup@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- A library for interacting with GoDaddy's REST API

module Network.GoDaddy ( GoDaddyAuth(GoDaddyAuth)
               , getDomains
               , updateDomainDetails
               , getDomain
               , setDomainContacts
               , cancelDomainPrivacy
               , purchaseDomainPrivacy
               , addDomainRecord
               , replaceAllDNSRecords
               , getDomainRecords
               , replaceAllDNSRecordsByType
               , replaceAllDNSRecordsByTypeAndName
               , renewDomain
               , startDomainTransfer
               , resendContactEmailVerification
               , getLegalAgreements
               , isDomainAvailable
               , updateIdentityDocument
               , purchaseDomain
               , getSchemaForTld
               , validatePurchaseSchema
               , suggestDomain
               , getTldsForSale
               , getAbuseTicket
               , getAbuseTickets
               , createAbuseTicket
               , deleteAftermarketListing
               , addAftermarketExpiryListing
               ) where

import           Control.Exception                as E
import           Control.Lens                     ((&), (.~), (^.))
import           Data.Aeson                       (FromJSON, decode)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy             as L
import           Data.Text                        (Text)
import           Data.Text                        as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding               (encodeUtf8)
import           Network.GoDaddy.AbuseTypes
import           Network.GoDaddy.AftermarketTypes
import qualified Network.GoDaddy.AgreementTypes   as A
import           Network.GoDaddy.Aliases
import           Network.GoDaddy.DomainTypes
import           Network.GoDaddy.ErrorTypes
import           Network.HTTP.Client
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import           Network.HTTP.Types.Status        (statusCode)

data GoDaddyAuth = GoDaddyAuth String String deriving (Show)

-- | Transform an authentication data type to a Text type. This value is then used in sendRequest to build http request headers.
packAuth :: GoDaddyAuth -> Text
packAuth (GoDaddyAuth k s) = T.pack $ "sso-key " ++ k ++ ":" ++ s

sendRequest :: GoDaddyAuth -> String -> String -> IO (Either GError L.ByteString)
sendRequest auth typ url = do
  manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
  initialRequest <- parseRequest url
  let request = initialRequest
         { method = encodeUtf8 $ T.pack typ
         , requestHeaders = [
             ("Authorization", encodeUtf8 $ packAuth auth)
  response <- httpLbs request manager
  if (statusCode $ responseStatus response) == 200
    then return $ Right $ responseBody response
    else return $ Left $ extractGError (decode $ responseBody response)

extractGError :: Maybe GError -> GError
extractGError (Just e) = e
extractGError Nothing = GError (Just "000") (Just "Error decoding response json error message") Nothing Nothing Nothing

maybeE :: Maybe m -> String -> String -> Either GError m
maybeE (Just m) _ _ = Right m
maybeE Nothing c s = Left $ GError (Just c) (Just s) Nothing Nothing Nothing

errorOrTrue :: Either GError L.ByteString -> Either GError Bool
errorOrTrue (Left e) = Left e
errorOrTrue (Right _) = Right True

maybeDecode :: FromJSON a => (Either GError L.ByteString) -> String -> String -> (Either GError a)
maybeDecode (Left e) _ _ = Left e
maybeDecode (Right r) c m = maybeE (decode r) c m

maybeDecodeL :: FromJSON a => (Either GError L.ByteString) -> String -> String -> (Either GError [a])
maybeDecodeL (Left e) _ _ = Left e
maybeDecodeL (Right r) c m = maybeE (decode r) c m

-- Domain methods

domainUrl = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains"

-- | Retrieve a list of Domains for the specified Shopper
getDomains :: GoDaddyAuth -> IO (Either GError [DomainSummary])
getDomains auth = sendRequest auth "GET" domainUrl >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainSummary")

-- | Update details for the specified Domain
updateDomainDetails :: GoDaddyAuth -> DomainUpdate -> IO (Either GError Bool)
updateDomainDetails auth du = sendRequest auth "PATCH" domainUrl >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Cancel a purchased domain
-- >>> deleteDomain auth "example.com"
deleteDomain :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError Bool)
deleteDomain auth domain = sendRequest auth "DELETE" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain) >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Retrieve details for the specified Domain
getDomain :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError DomainSummary)
getDomain auth domain = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainSummary")

-- | Update domain contacts
setDomainContacts :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> Contacts -> IO (Either GError Bool)
setDomainContacts auth domain contacts = sendRequest auth "PATCH" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/contacts") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Submit a privacy cancellation request for the given domain
cancelDomainPrivacy :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError Bool)
cancelDomainPrivacy auth domain = sendRequest auth "DELETE" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/privacy") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Purchase privacy for a specified domain
purchaseDomainPrivacy :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> PrivacyPurchase -> IO (Either GError DomainPurchaseResponse)
purchaseDomainPrivacy auth domain privacy = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/privacy/purchase") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainPurchaseResponse")

-- | Add the specified DNS Records to the specified Domain
addDomainRecord :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> DNSRecord -> IO (Either GError Bool)
addDomainRecord auth domain record = sendRequest auth "PATCH" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain
replaceAllDNSRecords :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> [DNSRecord] -> IO (Either GError Bool)
replaceAllDNSRecords auth domain records = sendRequest auth "PUT" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Retrieve DNS Records for the specified Domain, optionally with the specified Type and/or Name
getDomainRecords :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> Maybe Type -> Maybe Name -> IO (Either GError [DNSRecord])
getDomainRecords auth domain (Just t) (Just n) = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records/" ++ t ++ "/" ++ n) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error extracting DNSRecord")
getDomainRecords auth domain (Just t) _ = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records/" ++ t) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error extracting DNSRecord")
getDomainRecords auth domain _ (Just n) = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records/" ++ n) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error extracting DNSRecord")
getDomainRecords auth domain _ _ = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error etracting DNSRecord")

-- | Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type
replaceAllDNSRecordsByType :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> Type -> IO (Either GError Bool)
replaceAllDNSRecordsByType auth domain typ = sendRequest auth "PUT" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records/" ++ typ) >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Replace all DNS Records for the specified Domain with the specified Type and Name
replaceAllDNSRecordsByTypeAndName :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> Type -> Name -> IO (Either GError Bool)
replaceAllDNSRecordsByTypeAndName auth domain typ name = sendRequest auth "PUT" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/records/" ++ typ ++ "/" ++ name) >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Renew the specified Domain
renewDomain :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError DomainPurchaseResponse)
renewDomain auth domain = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/renew") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainPurchaseResponse")

-- | Purchase and start or restart transfer process
startDomainTransfer :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError DomainTransferIn)
startDomainTransfer auth domain = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/transfer") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainPurchaseResponse")

-- | Re-send Contact E-mail Verification for specified Domain
resendContactEmailVerification :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError Bool)
resendContactEmailVerification auth domain = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/verifyRegistrantEmail") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Retrieve the legal agreement(s) required to purchase the specified TLD and add-ons
getLegalAgreements :: GoDaddyAuth -> IO (Either GError [LegalAgreement])
getLegalAgreements auth = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/agreements") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error extracting LegalAgreements")

-- | Determine whether or not the specified domain is available for purchase
isDomainAvailable :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError DomainAvailableResponse)
isDomainAvailable auth domain = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/available/?domain=" ++ domain) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainAvailableResponse")

-- | Upload an identity document for Real Name Validation
updateIdentityDocument :: GoDaddyAuth -> IdentityDocumentCreate -> IO (Either GError Bool)
updateIdentityDocument auth doc = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/identityDocuments") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Purchase and register the specified Domain
purchaseDomain :: GoDaddyAuth -> DomainPurchase -> IO (Either GError DomainPurchaseResponse)
purchaseDomain auth domain = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/purchase") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting DomainPurchaseResponse")

-- | Retrieve the schema to be submitted when registering a Domain for the specified TLD
getSchemaForTld :: GoDaddyAuth -> Tld -> IO (Either GError Schema)
getSchemaForTld auth tld = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/purchase/schema/" ++ tld) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting Schema")

-- | Validate the request body using the Domain Purchase Schema for the specified TLD
validatePurchaseSchema :: GoDaddyAuth -> DomainPurchase -> IO (Either GError Bool)
validatePurchaseSchema auth schema = sendRequest auth "POST" (domainUrl ++ "/purchase/validate") >>= return . errorOrTrue

-- | Suggest alternate Domain names based on a seed Domain or set of keywords
suggestDomain :: GoDaddyAuth -> Keywords -> IO (Either GError [DomainSuggestion])
suggestDomain auth keywords = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/suggest") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error extracting DomainSuggestion")

-- | Retrieves a list of TLDs supported and enabled for sale
getTldsForSale :: GoDaddyAuth -> IO (Either GError [TldSummary])
getTldsForSale auth = sendRequest auth "GET" (domainUrl ++ "/tlds") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error exracting TldSummary")

-- Abuse

abuseUrl = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/abuse"

-- | List all abuse tickets ids that match user provided filters
getAbuseTickets :: GoDaddyAuth -> IO (Either GError AbuseTicketList)
getAbuseTickets auth = sendRequest auth "GET" (abuseUrl ++ "/tickets") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting AbuseTicketList")

-- | Create a new abuse ticket
createAbuseTicket :: GoDaddyAuth -> AbuseTicketCreate -> IO (Either GError AbuseTicketId)
createAbuseTicket auth ticket = sendRequest auth "POST" (abuseUrl ++ "/tickets") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting AbuseTicketId")

-- | Return the abuse ticket data for a given ticket id
getAbuseTicket :: GoDaddyAuth -> Id -> IO (Either GError AbuseTicket)
getAbuseTicket auth id = sendRequest auth "GET" (abuseUrl ++ "/tickets/" ++ (show id)) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting AbuseTicket")

-- Aftermarket

aftermarketUrl = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/aftermarket"

-- | Remove listings from GoDaddy Auction
deleteAftermarketListing :: GoDaddyAuth -> Domain -> IO (Either GError AftermarketListingAction)
deleteAftermarketListing auth domains = sendRequest auth "DELETE" (aftermarketUrl ++ "/listing/" ++ domains) >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting ListingAction")

-- | Add expiry listings into GoDaddy Auction
addAftermarketExpiryListing :: GoDaddyAuth -> [AftermarketListingExpiryCreate] -> IO (Either GError AftermarketListingAction)
addAftermarketExpiryListing auth listings = sendRequest auth "POST" (aftermarketUrl ++ "/listing/expiry") >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecode x "000" "error extracting AftermarketListingAction")

-- Agreements

agreementsUrl = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/agreements"

-- | Retrieve Legal Agreements for provided agreements keys
getLegalAgreementsForKeys :: GoDaddyAuth -> Keys -> IO (Either GError [A.LegalAgreement])
getLegalAgreementsForKeys auth keys = sendRequest auth "GET" agreementsUrl >>= return . (\x -> maybeDecodeL x "000" "error extracting LegalAgreement")

-- Cart

cartUrl = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/cart"