gpcsets: Generalized Pitch Class Sets for Haskell.

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An implementation of musical pitch class sets for Haskell. This library is capable of handling standard 12-tone pitch class sets and tone rows. However, it is also capable of handling GENERAL pitch class sets, which may come from alternative equal temperament systems.

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License BSD-3-Clause
Author Bruce H. McCosar
Category Data
Uploaded by BruceMcCosa at 2009-05-14T21:52:11Z
Distributions NixOS:
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Readme for gpcsets-

[back to package description]
                gpcsets: Pitch Class Sets for Haskell
                           Bruce H. McCosar

  *News* Version introduces Data.PcSets.Compact, which
  allows a PcSet to be translated to and from "Compact Format"
  (one alphanumeric character per pitch class element).

This is the third release for my General Pitch Class Sets library. It's
still being built. Right now I have 3 out of 5 modules completed. However,
the one module that's most complete is the main module, and it has been
subjected to an enormous amount of test code.

Places to find out more information


    Pitch Class Sets for Python. The original. Only handles 12-TET. I've
    got links to online Pitch Class Set references there, in case you're
    new to all this.


    My Wordpress Music blog. Until I get the gpcsets library in final form,
    this is the spot to find out information about upcoming releases and
    current work on this project.

Features of this Package

  * Data.PcSets is complete. It's fully documented through Literate Haskell
    AND through Haddock.

  * There's an enormous test suite for the main module in

  * Data.PcSets.Svg is complete, and can produce a limited range of svg
    illustrations for pitch class sets.

  * Data.PcSets.Compact is complete, and allows translations to and from
    "Compact Format" (one alphanumeric character per pitch class element,
    eg [0,4,7,11] as "047B").

  * Future modules are planned: Notes, for standard representations of
    pitch class sets (eg "C E G B" instead of [0,4,7,11]); and Catalog
    for calculating prime set catalogs in different modulus systems.

  * The skeletons of the other modules and test suites are there. Most of
    the code is written, and just needs ported from my earlier versions
    (which didn't use the Haskell class system) to the modern version.

Release Schedule

This is still a work in progress. I released the first version as 0.9.0.x.
Each module I add thereafter will increase the third number by one, eg
0.9.1.x. Therefore, if I finish four new modules and four new test suites,
I should end up at 0.9.8.x. When all of the smoke clears and the entire
library has been tested, tested, and retested, I'll call it "stable" and
put it out there as 1.0.0.

This file is part of gpcsets: Pitch Class Sets for Haskell
Copyright 2009 by Bruce H. McCosar.
Distributed under a BSD3 license; see the file 'LICENSE' for details.