Version --------------- * Added missing markdown-unlit dependency Version 0.4 --------------- * Added `Position` and related functions * Renamed `showFailure` to `failureDescription` * Faster parsing at the cost of slower compilation * Replaced Word64 source positions by plain Int * Fixed Haddock-related compilation warnings Version 0.3.2 --------------- * Improved error reporting * Updated test suite to work with testing-feat >= 1.1 * Fixed the construction of `Ambiguous` results * Added Applicative and Traversable instances for Ambiguous Version 0.3.1 --------------- * Added `Text.Parser.Combinators` * Improved `try/()` error reporting * Added `showFailure` Version 0.3 --------------- * Eliminated `token` and `whiteSpace` * Added the `Lexical` class of grammars * Added `Semigroup` instances to fix compilation with GHC 8.4.1 * More precise calculation of `(>>=)` descendants * Added the `Ambiguous` results and the `AmbiguousParsing` class * Added the `SortedMemoizing` module Version 0.2.2 --------------- * Incremented dependency version bounds Version 0.2.1 --------------- * Added the `ContextFree.Continued` module * Fixed `LeftRecursive.Parallel.concatMany` Version 0.2 --------------- * Numerous performance and documentation improvements * Fixed the `endOfInput` implementation in `PEG.Backtrack` * Made `LeftRecursive.Parser` a type synonym, introduced `peg` and `longest` * Added the `notSatisfy[Char]` methods * Added `satisfyCharInput`