{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {- Graph generators for simple parametric graphs. Built using NetworkX 1.8.1, see <http://networkx.github.io/documentation/latest/reference/generators.html NetworkX Generators> -} module Data.Graph.Generators.Simple ( completeGraph, completeGraphWithSelfloops, completeBipartiteGraph, emptyGraph, barbellGraph, generalizedBarbellGraph, cycleGraph ) where import Data.Graph.Generators {- Generate a completely connected graph with n nodes. The generated graph contains node labels [0..n-1] In contrast to 'completeGraphWithSelfloops' this function does not generate self-loops. Contains only one edge between two connected nodes, use 'Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic.undir' to make it quasi-undirected. The generated edge (i,j) satisfied @i < j@. -} completeGraph :: Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the graph -> GraphInfo -- ^ The resulting complete graph completeGraph n = let allNodes = [0..n-1] allEdges = [(i,j) | i <- allNodes,j <- allNodes, i < j] in GraphInfo n allEdges {- Variant of 'completeGraph' generating self-loops. The generated edge (i,j) satisfied @i <= j@. See 'completeGraph' for a more detailed behaviour description -} completeGraphWithSelfloops :: Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the graph -> GraphInfo -- ^ The resulting complete graph completeGraphWithSelfloops n = let allNodes = [0..n-1] allEdges = [(i, j) | i <- allNodes, j <- allNodes, i <= j] in GraphInfo n allEdges {- Generate the complete bipartite graph with n1 nodes in the first partition and n2 nodes in the second partition. Each node in the first partition is connected to each node in the second partition. The first partition nodes are identified by [0..n1-1] while the nodes in the second partition are identified by [n1..n1+n2-1] Use 'Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic.undir' to also add edges from the second partition to the first partition. -} completeBipartiteGraph :: Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the first partition -> Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the second partition -> GraphInfo -- ^ The resulting graph completeBipartiteGraph n1 n2 = let nodesP1 = [0..n1-1] nodesP2 = [n1..n1+n2-1] allEdges = [(i, j) | i <- nodesP1, j <- nodesP2] in GraphInfo (n1+n2) allEdges {- Generates the empty graph with n nodes and zero edges. The nodes are labelled [0..n-1] -} emptyGraph :: Int -> GraphInfo emptyGraph n = GraphInfo n [] {- Generate the barbell graph, consisting of two complete subgraphs connected by a single path. In contrast to 'generalizedBarbellGraph', this function always generates identically-sized bells. Therefore this is a special case of 'generalizedBarbellGraph' -} barbellGraph :: Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the complete bells -> Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the path, -- i.e the number of nodes outside the bells -> GraphInfo -- ^ The resulting barbell graph barbellGraph n np = generalizedBarbellGraph n np n {- Generate the barbell graph, consisting of two complete subgraphs connected by a single path. Self-loops are not generated. The nodes in the first bell are identified by [0..n1-1] The nodes in the path are identified by [n1..n1+np-1] The nodes in the second bell are identified by [n1+np..n1+np+n2-1] The path only contains edges -} generalizedBarbellGraph :: Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the first bell -> Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the path, i.e. -- the number of nodes outside the bells -> Int -- ^ The number of nodes in the second bell -> GraphInfo -- ^ The resulting barbell graph generalizedBarbellGraph n1 np n2 = let nodesP1 = [0..n1-1] nodesPath = [n1..n1+np-1] nodesP2 = [n1+np..n1+np+n2-1] edgesP1 = [(i, j) | i <- nodesP1, j <- nodesP1, i /= 2] edgesPath = [(i, i+1) | i <- [n1+np..n1+np+n2]] edgesP2 = [(i, j) | i <- nodesP2, j <- nodesP2] in GraphInfo (n1+np+n2) (edgesP1 ++ edgesPath ++ edgesP2) {- Generate the cycle graph of size n. Edges are created from lower node IDs to higher node IDs. -} cycleGraph :: Int -- ^ n: Number of nodes in the circle -> GraphInfo -- ^ The circular graph with n nodes. cycleGraph n = let edges = (n-1, 0) : [(i, i+1) | i <- [0..n-2]] in GraphInfo n edges