graphql-client: A client for Haskell programs to query a GraphQL API

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A client for Haskell programs to query a GraphQL API.

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Versions [RSS] 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4
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Dependencies aeson (<3), aeson-schemas (<1.5), base (<5), bytestring (<0.13), file-embed (<0.1), http-client (<0.8), http-client-tls (<0.4), http-types (<0.13), mtl (<2.4), optparse-applicative (<0.19), path (<0.10), path-io (>=1.3.3 && <2), template-haskell (<3), text (<2.2), transformers (<0.7), typed-process (<0.3), unliftio-core (<0.3) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Brandon Chinn <>
Maintainer Brandon Chinn <>
Category Graphql
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Uploaded by brandonchinn178 at 2024-01-09T03:38:54Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:1.2.4, NixOS:1.2.4, Stackage:1.2.4
Executables graphql-codegen
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Readme for graphql-client-1.2.4

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A client for Haskell applications to query GraphQL APIs. This package provides two resources:

  1. A graphql-codegen executable that can generate Haskell definitions from input .graphql files

  2. The graphql-client Haskell library providing a runQuery function that takes in a query type generated by graphql-codegen


Pre-requisites: Have Node.js installed.

  1. Add graphql-client as a dependency to your package.yaml or Cabal file

  2. stack build --only-dependencies

  3. Write the .graphql queries you wish to use.

  4. Write an appropriate codegen.yml configuration. It should look something like:

    documents: path/to/files/*.graphql
    hsSourceDir: src/
    apiModule: Example.GraphQL.API
    enumsModule: Example.GraphQL.Enums
    scalarsModule: Example.GraphQL.Scalars

    See the "Configuration" section for the full format of this file.

  5. Write the module specified in scalarsModule (e.g. src/Example/GraphQL/Scalars.hs). See the "Configuration" section for more details.

  6. stack exec graphql-codegen

  7. The API module (e.g. src/Example/GraphQL/API.hs) should have been generated with the Haskell definitions needed to run your GraphQL queries. If any of your GraphQL queries use enums, corresponding modules will also be generated (see the "Configuration" section for more details).

The generated API creates a data type for each GraphQL query of the form {queryName}Query (or {queryName}Mutation for mutations). For example, the following GraphQL query would generate the following Haskell code:

query getRecordings($query: String!, $first: Int) {
  search {
    recordings(query: $query, first: $first) {
      nodes {
data GetRecordingsQuery = GetRecordingsQuery
  { _query :: Text
  , _first :: Maybe Int

type GetRecordingsSchema = [schema|
    search: Maybe {
      recordings: Maybe {
        nodes: Maybe List Maybe {
          title: Maybe Text,

Data.GraphQL exports a function runQuery which takes in one of the Query or Mutation data types and returns the response, throwing an error if the GraphQL server returns an error.

A full example of the API in action:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.GraphQL
    ( MonadGraphQLQuery
    , GraphQLSettings(..)
    , defaultGraphQLSettings
    , get
    , runGraphQLQueryT
    , runQuery
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Example.GraphQL.API

app :: (MonadGraphQLQuery m, MonadIO m) => m ()
app = do
  song <- Text.pack <$> liftIO getLine

  result <- runQuery GetRecordingsQuery
    { _query = song
    , _first = Just 5

  -- See the `aeson-schemas` package for more information on this syntax
  let songs = [get|!.recordings!.nodes![]! |]
  liftIO $ print $ map [get| .title! |] songs

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let graphQLSettings = defaultGraphQLSettings
        { url = ""
          -- ^ Most GraphQL APIs are at the path `/graphql`, but not this one

  runGraphQLQueryT graphQLSettings app


The codegen.yml file should have the following format. All paths are relative to the codegen.yml file.

  • schema: Where to get the schema of the entire GraphQL API. Can be one of the following:

    • A URL pointing to the GraphQL API
    • The path to a local JSON file containing the result of a GraphQL Introspection query
    • The path to a local .graphql file containing the schema in GraphQL format
  • documents: A string or list of strings containing glob expressions to load the .graphql files containing the GraphQL queries you wish to use.

  • hsSourceDir: The directory (relative to codegen.yml) to generate the modules. Should be one of the directories in the hs-source-dirs field in your Cabal file. A module X.Y.Z would be generated at <hsSourceDir>/X/Y/Z.hs. Defaults to src/.

  • apiModule: The module that will be generated with the Haskell definitions corresponding to the .graphql input files specified by documents.

  • enumsModule: The module where GraphQL enums will be generated. Only the enums you actually use in your queries will be generated, with a module generated per enum. For example, if your queries use a Color enum and enumsModule is set to Example.GraphQL.Enums, graphql-codegen will generate the Example.GraphQL.Enums.Color module.

  • scalarsModule: The module where custom GraphQL scalars should be exported. You may define the scalars in other modules, but you must re-export them in this module. If you're not using any custom scalars in your queries, this module can be empty (but must still exist). All GraphQL scalars must have FromJSON and ToJSON instances.


This library also provides utilities to test functions using GraphQL queries by mocking the GraphQL endpoints. For example, you might test the app function from the Quickstart with the following:

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

import Data.Aeson.QQ (aesonQQ)
import Data.GraphQL.TestUtils (ResultMock(..), mocked, runMockQueryT)

import Example (app)
import Example.GraphQL.API

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let mockedGetRecordings = mocked ResultMock
        { query = GetRecordingsQuery
            { _query = "My Song"
            , _first = Just 5
        , result =
                "search": {
                  "recordings": {
                    "nodes": []

  -- should not hit the server
  result <- runMockQueryT app [mockedGetRecordings]

  -- test `result`, which should be the result hardcoded above