module Data.GraphViz.Commands.IO
, writeDotFile
, readDotFile
, hPutDot
, hPutCompactDot
, hGetDot
, hGetStrict
, putDot
, readDot
, runCommand
) where
import Data.GraphViz.Exception
import Data.GraphViz.Internal.State (initialState)
import Data.GraphViz.Printing (toDot)
import Data.GraphViz.Types (ParseDotRepr, PrintDotRepr, parseDotGraph,
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (displayT, renderOneLine)
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, newEmptyMVar, putMVar,
import Control.Exception (IOException, evaluate, finally)
import Control.Monad (liftM, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (UnicodeException)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesFileExist,
executable, findExecutable,
getHomeDirectory, getPermissions)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitSuccess))
import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitDirectories, (<.>))
import System.IO (Handle,
IOMode (ReadMode, WriteMode),
hClose, hGetContents, hPutChar,
stdin, stdout, withFile)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile)
import System.Process (runInteractiveProcess,
renderCompactDot :: (PrintDotRepr dg n) => dg n -> Text
renderCompactDot = displayT . renderOneLine
. (`evalState` initialState)
. toDot
toUTF8 :: ByteString -> Text
toUTF8 = mapException fE . T.decodeUtf8
fE :: UnicodeException -> GraphvizException
fE e = NotUTF8Dot $ show e
hPutDot :: (PrintDotRepr dg n) => Handle -> dg n -> IO ()
hPutDot = toHandle printDotGraph
hPutCompactDot :: (PrintDotRepr dg n) => Handle -> dg n -> IO ()
hPutCompactDot = toHandle renderCompactDot
toHandle :: (PrintDotRepr dg n) => (dg n -> Text) -> Handle -> dg n
-> IO ()
toHandle f h dg = do B.hPutStr h . T.encodeUtf8 $ f dg
hPutChar h '\n'
hGetStrict :: Handle -> IO Text
hGetStrict = liftM (toUTF8 . B.fromChunks . (:[]))
. SB.hGetContents
hGetDot :: (ParseDotRepr dg n) => Handle -> IO (dg n)
hGetDot = liftM parseDotGraph . hGetStrict
writeDotFile :: (PrintDotRepr dg n) => FilePath -> dg n -> IO ()
writeDotFile f = withFile f WriteMode . flip hPutDot
readDotFile :: (ParseDotRepr dg n) => FilePath -> IO (dg n)
readDotFile f = withFile f ReadMode hGetDot
putDot :: (PrintDotRepr dg n) => dg n -> IO ()
putDot = hPutDot stdout
readDot :: (ParseDotRepr dg n) => IO (dg n)
readDot = hGetDot stdin
runCommand :: (PrintDotRepr dg n)
=> String
-> [String]
-> (Handle -> IO a)
-> dg n
-> IO a
runCommand cmd args hf dg = do
isEx <- isExecutable cmd
unless isEx (throw $ CmdNotFound cmd)
mapException notRunnable $
withSystemTempFile ("graphviz" <.> "gv") $ \dotFile dotHandle -> do
finally (hPutCompactDot dotHandle dg) (hClose dotHandle)
(runInteractiveProcess cmd (args ++ [dotFile]) Nothing Nothing)
(\(inh,outh,errh,_) -> hClose inh >> hClose outh >> hClose errh)
$ \(inp,outp,errp,prc) -> do
hClose inp
mvOutput <- newEmptyMVar
mvErr <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ signalWhenDone hGetContents' errp mvErr
forkIO $ signalWhenDone hf' outp mvOutput
err <- takeMVar mvErr
output <- takeMVar mvOutput
exitCode <- waitForProcess prc
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return output
_ -> throw . GVProgramExc $ othErr ++ err
notRunnable :: IOException -> GraphvizException
notRunnable e = GVProgramExc $ unwords
[ "Unable to call the command "
, cmd
, " with the arguments: \""
, unwords args
, "\" because of: "
, show e
hf' = mapException fErr . hf
fErr :: IOException -> GraphvizException
fErr e = GVProgramExc $ "Error re-directing the output from "
++ cmd ++ ": " ++ show e
othErr = "Error messages from " ++ cmd ++ ":\n"
hGetContents' :: Handle -> IO String
hGetContents' h = do r <- hGetContents h
evaluate $ length r
return r
signalWhenDone :: (Handle -> IO a) -> Handle -> MVar a -> IO ()
signalWhenDone f h mv = f h >>= putMVar mv >> return ()
canonicalizeExecutable :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
canonicalizeExecutable cmd = liftMaybePlus (findExecutable cmd) checkPath
checkPath = handle noSuchFile $
do fp <- canonicalizePath' cmd
prm <- getPermissions fp
if executable prm
then return (Just fp)
else return Nothing
noSuchFile :: IOException -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
noSuchFile = const (return Nothing)
isExecutable :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isExecutable cmd = findExecutable cmd >>= maybe checkPath (const (return True))
checkPath = handle noSuchFile $
do fp <- canonicalizePath' cmd
ex <- doesFileExist fp
if ex
then executable `fmap` getPermissions fp
else return False
noSuchFile :: IOException -> IO Bool
noSuchFile = const (return False)
liftMaybePlus :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO (Maybe a)
liftMaybePlus mm1 mm2 = mm1 >>= maybe mm2 (return . Just)
canonicalizePath' :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
canonicalizePath' fp = do fp' <- case splitDirectories fp of
"~":ds -> do hd <- getHomeDirectory
return (joinPath (hd:ds))
_ -> return fp
canonicalizePath fp'