grisette: Symbolic evaluation as a library

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Grisette is a reusable symbolic evaluation library for Haskell. By translating programs into constraints, Grisette can help the development of program reasoning tools, including verification, synthesis, and more.

The Grisette module exports all the core APIs for building a symbolic evaluation tool. A high-level overview of the module structures are available there.

A detailed introduction to Grisette is available at Grisette.Core. More lifted libraries are provided in Grisette.Lib.* modules.

The Grisette.Unified module offers an experimental unified interface for symbolic and concrete evaluation. This module should be imported qualified.

For more details, please checkout the README and tutorials.

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Dependencies array (>=0.5.4 && <0.6), async (>=2.2.2 && <2.3), atomic-primops (>=0.8.3 && <0.9), base (>=4.14 && <5), binary (>= && <0.9), bytes (>=0.17.1 && <0.18), bytestring (>=0.10.12 && <0.13), cereal (>= && <0.6), cereal-text (>= && <0.2), containers (>=0.4 && <0.8), deepseq (>=1.4.4 && <1.6), generic-deriving (>=1.14.1 && <1.15), hashable (>=1.2.5 && <1.6), libBF (>=0.6.3 && <0.7), loch-th (>=0.2.2 && <0.3), mtl (>=2.2.2 && <2.4), parallel (>= && <3.3), prettyprinter (>=1.5.0 && <1.8), QuickCheck (>=2.14 && <2.16), sbv (>=8.17 && <12), stm (>=2.5 && <2.6), template-haskell (>=2.16 && <2.24), text (>= && <2.2), th-abstraction (>=0.4 && <0.8), th-compat (>=0.1.2 && <0.2), th-lift-instances (>=0.1.16 && <0.2), transformers (>=0.5.6 && <0.7), unordered-containers (>=0.2.17 && <0.3), vector (>= && <0.14) [details]
Tested with ghc ==8.10.7, ghc ==9.0.2, ghc ==9.2.8, ghc ==9.4.8, ghc ==9.6.6, ghc ==9.8.4, ghc ==9.10.1, ghc ==9.12.1
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2021-2024 Sirui Lu
Author Sirui Lu, Rastislav Bodík
Maintainer Sirui Lu (
Category Formal Methods, Theorem Provers, Symbolic Computation, SMT
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Uploaded by siruilu at 2024-12-29T15:50:51Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Haskell Tests Hackage Version

Grisette is a symbolic evaluation library for Haskell. By translating programs into SMT constraints, Grisette can help the development of program reasoning tools, including verification and synthesis.

For a detailed description of the system, please refer to our POPL'23 paper Grisette: Symbolic Compilation as a Functional Programming Library.

Design and Benefits

  • Separate the concern of problem modeling and symbolic compilation. Users only need to focus on modeling the problem and write interpreters, and the symbolic compilation algorithms are provided by Grisette.
  • Supports rich theories including booleans, uninterpreted functions, bitvectors, integers, real numbers, and floating points.
  • Multi-path symbolic evaluation with efficient state merging, suitable for whole program verification, program synthesis, and other symbolic reasoning tasks.
  • Modular purely functional design, with a focus on composability.
    • Use our familiar Haskell facilities like Either to maintain exceptions (e.g., assertions and assumptions).
    • Allows for symbolic evaluation of user-defined data structures / data structures from third-party libraries.
    • Allows for memoization / parallelization of symbolic evaluation.
  • Core multi-path symbolic evaluation semantics modeled as a monad, allowing for easy integration with other monadic effects, for example:
    • error handling via ExceptT,
    • stateful computation via StateT,
    • unstructured control flow via ContT, etc.


Install Grisette

Grisette is available on Hackage and Stackage. You can add it to your project with cabal, and we also provided a stack template for quickly starting a new project with Grisette.

Manually writing cabal file

Grisette is a library and is usually used as a dependency of other packages. You can add it to your project's .cabal file:

  build-depends: grisette >= 0.11 < 0.12

Using stack

Note: Grisette on Stackage is currently outdated. Please make sure to use extra-deps to get the latest version of Grisette from stackage. In your stack.yaml file, add:

  - grisette-

and in your package.yaml file:

  - grisette >= 0.11 < 0.12

Quick start template with stack new

You can quickly start an stack-based Grisette project with stack new:

$ stack new <projectname> github:lsrcz/grisette

For more details, please see the template file and the documentation for stack templates.

You can test your installation by running the following command:

$ stack run app

The command assumes a working Z3 available through PATH. You can install it with the instructions below.

Install SMT Solvers

To run the examples, you need to install an SMT solver and make it available through PATH. We recommend that you start with Z3, as it supports all our examples and is usually easier to install. Boolector and its successor Bitwuzla are usually significantly more efficient on bit vectors.

Install Z3

On Ubuntu, you can install Z3 with:

$ apt update && apt install z3

On macOS, with Homebrew, you can install Z3 with:

brew install z3

You may also build Z3 from source, which may be more efficient on your system. Please refer to the Z3 homepage for the build instructions.

Install Boolector/Bitwuzla

Boolector/Bitwuzla from major package managers are usually outdated or inexist. We recommend that you build them from source with the CaDiCaL SAT solver. Please refer to the Boolector homepage and Bitwuzla homepage for the build instructions.


The following example uses Grisette to build a symbolic domain-specific language for boolean and integer expressions.

We will

  • define the syntax and semantics of an arithmetic language, and
  • build a verifier to check if a given arithmetic expression is equivalent to another, and
  • build a synthesizer to find an arithmetic expression that is equivalent to a given expression.

Defining the Syntax

Our language is a simple boolean and integer expression language, following the grammar:

Expr -> IntExpr | BoolExpr
IntExpr -> IntVal int
         | Add IntExpr IntExpr
         | Mul IntExpr IntExpr
BoolExpr -> BoolVal bool
          | BAnd BoolExpr BoolExpr
          | BOr BoolExpr BoolExpr
          | Eq Expr Expr

A symbolic expression can be represented in Grisette as a GADT as follows. In the GADT,

  • SymInteger and SymBool are symbolic (primitive) types, and they represent SMT terms of integer and boolean theories, respectively.
  • Union represents choices of symbolic expressions, and we introduce it to represent program spaces and allow the synthesizer to choose operands from different symbolic expressions.
  • BasicSymPrim is a constraint that contains all the symbolic primitive types that Grisette supports, including SymInteger and SymBool.
data Expr a where
  IntVal :: SymInteger -> IntExpr
  BoolVal :: SymBool -> BoolExpr
  Add :: IntUExpr -> IntUExpr -> IntExpr
  Mul :: IntUExpr -> IntUExpr -> IntExpr
  BAnd :: BoolUExpr -> BoolUExpr -> BoolExpr
  BOr :: BoolUExpr -> BoolUExpr -> BoolExpr
  Eq :: (BasicSymPrim a) => UExpr a -> UExpr a -> BoolExpr

type IntExpr = Expr SymInteger
type BoolExpr = Expr SymBool
type UExpr a = Union (Expr a)
type IntUExpr = UExpr SymInteger
type BoolUExpr = UExpr SymBool

To make this GADT works well with Grisette, we need to derive some instances and get some smart constructors:

  • deriveGADT provides instances for data types that are frequently used with or provided by Grisette. See the documentation for the details on what instances are provided.
  • makeSmartCtor generates smart constructors for the GADT.
deriving instance Show (Expr a)
deriveGADT [''Expr] basicClasses0
makeSmartCtor ''Expr

> intVal 1 :: IntUExpr -- smart constructor for IntVal in Unions
{IntVal 1}
-- Add takes two IntUExprs, use the smart constructors
> Add (intVal "a") (intVal 1)
Add {IntVal a} {IntVal 1}

The introduction of Union allows us to represent choices of expressions, and the following code chooses between a + 2 or a * 2. A synthesizer can then pick true or false for the choice variable to decide which expression to pick. If the synthesizer picks true, the result is a + 2; otherwise, it is a * 2.

add2 = add (intVal "a") (intVal 2)
mul2 = mul (intVal "a") (intVal 2)
> mrgIf "choice" add2 mul2 :: IntUExpr
{If choice {Add {IntVal a} {IntVal 2}} {Mul {IntVal a} {IntVal 2}}}

Defining the Semantics

The semantics of the expressions can be defined by the following interpreter. Grisette provides various combinators for working with symbolic values. In the interpreter, the .# operator is very important. It conceptually

  • extracts all the choices from the Union container,
  • apply the eval function to each choice, and
  • merge the results into a single value.
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (IntVal a) = a
eval (BoolVal a) = a
eval (Add a b) = eval .# a + eval .# b
eval (Mul a b) = eval .# a * eval .# b
eval (BAnd a b) = eval .# a .&& eval .# b
eval (BOr a b) = eval .# a .|| eval .# b
eval (Eq a b) = eval .# a .== eval .# b

There are other operators like .==, .&&, .||, etc. These operators are provided by Grisette and have symbolic semantics. They construct constraints instead of evaluating to a concrete value.

We may also write eval with do-notations as Union is a monad. Please refer to the tutorials for more details.

Get a verifier

With the syntax and semantics defined, we can build a verifier to check if two expressions are equivalent. This can be done by checking if there exists a counter-example that falsifies the equivalence of the two expressions.

In the following code, we verify that \(a+b\) and \(b+a\) are equivalent, as there does not exist a counter-example that makes the two expressions evaluate to different values.

aPlusB = Add (intVal "a") (intVal "b")
bPlusA = Add (intVal "b") (intVal "a")
aPlusA = Add (intVal "a") (intVal "a")

> solve z3 $ eval aPlusB ./= eval bPlusA
Left Unsat

In the following code, we verify that \(a+b\) and \(a+a\) are not equivalent, as there exists a counter-example that makes the two expressions evaluate to different values. The counter-example is \(a=0\), \(b=1\), such that \(a+b=1\) and \(a+a=0\).

> solve z3 $ eval aPlusB ./= eval aPlusA
Right (Model {a -> 0 :: Integer, b -> 1 :: Integer})

Get a synthesizer

We can also build a synthesizer using the built-in CEGIS algorithm in Grisette. Given a target expression, we can synthesize an expression using a sketch with "symbolic holes" that is equivalent to the target expression.

In the following code, we synthesize an expression that is equivalent to \(a+a\) using a sketch with a "symbolic hole" \(c\). The cegisForAll function treats all the variables in the sketch but not in the target expression as holes to fill in.

target = Add (intVal "a") (intVal "a")
sketch = Mul (intVal "a") (intVal "c")

> cegisForAll z3 target $ cegisPostCond $ eval target .== eval sketch
([],CEGISSuccess (Model {c -> 2 :: Integer}))

The complete code is at examples/basic/Main.hs. More examples are available in Grisette's tutorials.


  • Haddock documentation at grisette.
  • A tutorial to Grisette is in the tutorials directory. They are provided as jupyter notebooks with the IHaskell kernel.


The Grisette library is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 license. The LICENSE file contains the full license text.


Grisette is fully compatible with GHC 9.6+, and works in most cases with GHC 8.10+.

CLC proposal #10

As the type classes provided by Grisette implements CLC proposal #10, which requires base- to work reliably, Grisette is fully compatible with GHC 9.6. You may experience instance resolution failure when using older GHCs in the client code (Grisette itself is buildable against GHC 8.10+ with some tricks).


Grisette currently supports universal and existential quantifiers \(\forall\) and \(\exists\), but only when building with sbv >= 10.1. This also means that you need to use GHC >= 9.2.


Grisette currently supports boolean, uninterpreted functions, bitvector, integer, and floating point theories. However, if you want to use the floating point theory, please make sure that you have the latest libBF (>=0.6.8) and sbv installed (>=10.10.6). We've detected and fixed several bugs that would prevent a sound reasoning for floating points.

Unified interfaces

Since, Grisette provides a unified interface to symbolic and concrete evaluations. GHC 9.0 or earlier, without the QuickLook type inference algorithm for impredicative types, may fail to resolve some constraints. You may need to provide additional constraints in your code to help the compiler.

Citing Grisette

If you use Grisette in your research, please use the following bibtex entry:

author = {Lu, Sirui and Bod\'{\i}k, Rastislav},
title = {Grisette: Symbolic Compilation as a Functional Programming Library},
year = {2023},
issue_date = {January 2023},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {7},
number = {POPL},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3571209},
abstract = {The development of constraint solvers simplified automated reasoning about programs and shifted the engineering burden to implementing symbolic compilation tools that translate programs into efficiently solvable constraints. We describe Grisette, a reusable symbolic evaluation framework for implementing domain-specific symbolic compilers. Grisette evaluates all execution paths and merges their states into a normal form that avoids making guards mutually exclusive. This ordered-guards representation reduces the constraint size 5-fold and the solving time more than 2-fold. Grisette is designed entirely as a library, which sidesteps the complications of lifting the host language into the symbolic domain. Grisette is purely functional, enabling memoization of symbolic compilation as well as monadic integration with host libraries. Grisette is statically typed, which allows catching programming errors at compile time rather than delaying their detection to the constraint solver. We implemented Grisette in Haskell and evaluated it on benchmarks that stress both the symbolic evaluation and constraint solving.},
journal = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang.},
month = {jan},
articleno = {16},
numpages = {33},
keywords = {State Merging, Symbolic Compilation}