Name: hS3 Version: 0.5.9 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008, Greg Heartsfield Author: Greg Heartsfield Maintainer: Greg Heartsfield Homepage: Category: Network, Web Stability: Alpha build-type: Simple Synopsis: Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) Description: This is the Haskell S3 library. It provides an interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3), allowing Haskell developers to reliably store and retrieve arbitrary amounts of data from anywhere on the Internet. extra-source-files: README, CONTRIBUTORS, FEATURES, Tests.hs, examples/createBucket.hs examples/deleteObject.hs examples/listBuckets.hs examples/sendObject.hs examples/deleteBucket.hs examples/getObject.hs examples/listObjects.hs examples/uploadFile.hs Flag network-uri description: Get Network.URI from the network-uri package default: True source-repository head type: git location: Library Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, HTTP >= 4000.0.0, Crypto >= 4.1.0, hxt >= 9.0.0 && < 10, network, regex-compat, old-time, random, old-locale, dataenc, utf8-string, bytestring, MissingH >= 0.18.6 if flag(network-uri) Build-depends: network-uri >= 2.6, network >= 2.6 else Build-depends: network-uri < 2.6, network < 2.6 Exposed-modules: Network.AWS.S3Object, Network.AWS.S3Bucket, Network.AWS.AWSResult, Network.AWS.AWSConnection, Network.AWS.Authentication, Network.AWS.ArrowUtils Executable hs3 main-is: hS3.hs