module Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Cache (
, getCached
, getCachedRoot
, getCachedIndex
, clearCache
, withIndex
, getIndexIdx
, cacheRemoteFile
, lockCache
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Codec.Archive.Tar (Entries(..))
import Codec.Archive.Tar.Index (TarIndex, IndexBuilder, TarEntryOffset)
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Index as TarIndex
import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.L
import Hackage.Security.Client.Repository
import Hackage.Security.Client.Formats
import Hackage.Security.TUF
import Hackage.Security.Util.Checked
import Hackage.Security.Util.Exit
import Hackage.Security.Util.IO
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path
data Cache = Cache {
cacheRoot :: Path Absolute
, cacheLayout :: CacheLayout
cacheRemoteFile :: forall down typ f. DownloadedFile down
=> Cache -> down typ -> Format f -> IsCached typ -> IO ()
cacheRemoteFile cache downloaded f isCached = do
go f isCached
case isCached of
CacheIndex -> rebuildTarIndex cache
_otherwise -> return ()
go :: Format f -> IsCached typ -> IO ()
go _ DontCache = return ()
go FUn (CacheAs file) = copyTo (cachedFilePath cache file)
go FGz CacheIndex = copyTo (cachedIndexPath cache FGz) >> unzipIndex
go _ _ = error "cacheRemoteFile: unexpected case"
copyTo :: Path Absolute -> IO ()
copyTo fp = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory fp)
downloadedCopyTo downloaded fp
unzipIndex :: IO ()
unzipIndex = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory indexUn)
shouldTryIncremental <- cachedIndexProbablyValid
if shouldTryIncremental
then do
success <- unzipIncremental
unless success unzipNonIncremental
else unzipNonIncremental
unzipIncremental = do
compressed <- readLazyByteString indexGz
let uncompressed = GZip.decompress compressed
(seekTo',newTail') <- withFile indexUn ReadMode $ \h ->
multipleExitPoints $ do
currentSize <- liftIO $ hFileSize h
let seekTo = 0 `max` (currentSize tarTrailer)
(newPrefix,newTail) = BS.L.splitAt (fromInteger seekTo)
(oldPrefix,oldTrailer) <- BS.L.splitAt (fromInteger seekTo) <$>
liftIO (BS.L.hGetContents h)
unless (oldPrefix == newPrefix) $
exit (0,mempty)
unless (oldTrailer == tarTrailerBs) $
exit (0,mempty)
return (seekTo,newTail)
if seekTo' <= 0
then return False
else withFile indexUn ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek seekTo'
liftIO $ BS.L.hPut h newTail'
return True
unzipNonIncremental = do
compressed <- readLazyByteString indexGz
let uncompressed = GZip.decompress compressed
withFile indexUn WriteMode $ \h ->
BS.L.hPut h uncompressed
void . handleDoesNotExist $
removeFile indexIdx
cachedIndexProbablyValid :: IO Bool
cachedIndexProbablyValid =
fmap (fromMaybe False) $
handleDoesNotExist $ do
tsUn <- getModificationTime indexUn
tsIdx <- getModificationTime indexIdx
return (tsIdx >= tsUn)
indexGz = cachedIndexPath cache FGz
indexUn = cachedIndexPath cache FUn
indexIdx = cachedIndexIdxPath cache
tarTrailer :: Integer
tarTrailer = 1024
tarTrailerBs = BS.L.replicate (fromInteger tarTrailer) 0x00
rebuildTarIndex :: Cache -> IO ()
rebuildTarIndex cache = do
(builder, offset) <- initBuilder <$> tryReadIndex (cachedIndexIdxPath cache)
withFile (cachedIndexPath cache FUn) ReadMode $ \hTar -> do
TarIndex.hSeekEntryOffset hTar offset
newEntries <- <$> BS.L.hGetContents hTar
case addEntries builder newEntries of
Left ex -> throwUnchecked ex
Right idx -> withFile (cachedIndexIdxPath cache) WriteMode $ \hIdx -> do
hSetBuffering hIdx (BlockBuffering Nothing)
BS.hPut hIdx $ TarIndex.serialise idx
initBuilder :: Either e TarIndex -> (IndexBuilder, TarEntryOffset)
initBuilder (Left _) = ( TarIndex.empty, 0 )
initBuilder (Right idx) = ( TarIndex.unfinalise idx
, TarIndex.indexEndEntryOffset idx
getCached :: Cache -> CachedFile -> IO (Maybe (Path Absolute))
getCached cache cachedFile = do
exists <- doesFileExist localPath
if exists then return $ Just localPath
else return $ Nothing
localPath = cachedFilePath cache cachedFile
getCachedIndex :: Cache -> Format f -> IO (Maybe (Path Absolute))
getCachedIndex cache format = do
exists <- doesFileExist localPath
if exists then return $ Just localPath
else return $ Nothing
localPath = cachedIndexPath cache format
getCachedRoot :: Cache -> IO (Path Absolute)
getCachedRoot cache = do
mPath <- getCached cache CachedRoot
case mPath of
Just p -> return p
Nothing -> internalError "Client missing root info"
getIndexIdx :: Cache -> IO TarIndex
getIndexIdx cache = do
mIndex <- tryReadIndex $ cachedIndexIdxPath cache
case mIndex of
Left _ -> throwIO $ userError "Could not read index. Did you call 'checkForUpdates'?"
Right idx -> return idx
withIndex :: Cache -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withIndex cache = withFile (cachedIndexPath cache FUn) ReadMode
clearCache :: Cache -> IO ()
clearCache cache = void . handleDoesNotExist $ do
removeFile $ cachedFilePath cache CachedTimestamp
removeFile $ cachedFilePath cache CachedSnapshot
lockCache :: Cache -> IO () -> IO ()
lockCache Cache{..} = withDirLock cacheRoot
addEntries :: IndexBuilder -> Entries e -> Either e TarIndex
addEntries = go
go !builder (Next e es) = go (TarIndex.addNextEntry e builder) es
go !builder Done = Right $! TarIndex.finalise builder
go !_ (Fail err) = Left err
tryReadIndex :: Path Absolute -> IO (Either (Maybe IOException) TarIndex)
tryReadIndex fp =
aux <$> try (TarIndex.deserialise <$> readStrictByteString fp)
aux :: Either e (Maybe (a, leftover)) -> Either (Maybe e) a
aux (Left e) = Left (Just e)
aux (Right Nothing) = Left Nothing
aux (Right (Just (a, _))) = Right a
cachedFilePath :: Cache -> CachedFile -> Path Absolute
cachedFilePath Cache{cacheLayout=CacheLayout{..}, ..} file =
anchorCachePath cacheRoot $ go file
go :: CachedFile -> CachePath
go CachedRoot = cacheLayoutRoot
go CachedTimestamp = cacheLayoutTimestamp
go CachedSnapshot = cacheLayoutSnapshot
go CachedMirrors = cacheLayoutMirrors
cachedIndexPath :: Cache -> Format f -> Path Absolute
cachedIndexPath Cache{..} format =
anchorCachePath cacheRoot $ go format
go :: Format f -> CachePath
go FUn = cacheLayoutIndexTar cacheLayout
go FGz = cacheLayoutIndexTarGz cacheLayout
cachedIndexIdxPath :: Cache -> Path Absolute
cachedIndexIdxPath Cache{..} =
anchorCachePath cacheRoot $ cacheLayoutIndexIdx cacheLayout