#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
module Hackage.Security.TUF.Patterns (
, Directory
, Extension
, BaseName
, Pattern(..)
, Replacement(..)
, Delegation(..)
, identityReplacement
, matchDelegation
, parseDelegation
, qqd
) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, Exp)
import System.FilePath.Posix
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Hackage.Security.JSON
import Hackage.Security.Util.Some
import Hackage.Security.Util.Stack
import Hackage.Security.Util.TypedEmbedded
type FileName = String
type Directory = String
type Extension = String
type BaseName = String
data Pattern a where
PatFileConst :: FileName -> Pattern ()
PatFileExt :: Extension -> Pattern (BaseName :- ())
PatFileAny :: Pattern (FileName :- ())
PatDirConst :: Directory -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
PatDirAny :: Pattern a -> Pattern (Directory :- a)
data Replacement a where
RepFileConst :: FileName -> Replacement a
RepFileExt :: Extension -> Replacement (BaseName :- a)
RepFileAny :: Replacement (FileName :- a)
RepDirConst :: Directory -> Replacement a -> Replacement a
RepDirAny :: Replacement a -> Replacement (Directory :- a)
deriving instance Eq (Pattern typ)
deriving instance Show (Pattern typ)
deriving instance Eq (Replacement typ)
deriving instance Show (Replacement typ)
identityReplacement :: Pattern typ -> Replacement typ
identityReplacement = go
go :: Pattern typ -> Replacement typ
go (PatFileConst fn) = RepFileConst fn
go (PatFileExt e) = RepFileExt e
go PatFileAny = RepFileAny
go (PatDirConst d p) = RepDirConst d (go p)
go (PatDirAny p) = RepDirAny (go p)
data Delegation = forall a. Delegation (Pattern a) (Replacement a)
deriving instance Show Delegation
matchPattern :: String -> Pattern a -> Maybe a
matchPattern = go . splitDirectories
go :: [String] -> Pattern a -> Maybe a
go [] _ = Nothing
go [f] (PatFileConst f') = do guard (f == f')
return ()
go [f] (PatFileExt e') = do let (bn, _:e) = splitExtension f
guard $ e == e'
return (bn :- ())
go [_] _ = Nothing
go (d:p) (PatDirConst d' p') = do guard (d == d')
go p p'
go (d:p) (PatDirAny p') = (d :-) <$> go p p'
go (_:_) _ = Nothing
constructReplacement :: Replacement a -> a -> String
constructReplacement = \repl a -> joinPath $ go repl a
go :: Replacement a -> a -> [String]
go (RepFileConst c) _ = [c]
go (RepFileExt e) (bn :- _) = [bn <.> e]
go RepFileAny (fn :- _) = [fn]
go (RepDirConst d p) a = d : go p a
go (RepDirAny p) (d :- a) = d : go p a
matchDelegation :: Delegation -> String -> Maybe String
matchDelegation (Delegation pat repl) str =
constructReplacement repl <$> matchPattern str pat
data PatternType a where
PatTypeNil :: PatternType ()
PatTypeStr :: PatternType a -> PatternType (String :- a)
instance Unify PatternType where
unify PatTypeNil PatTypeNil = Just Refl
unify (PatTypeStr p) (PatTypeStr p') = case unify p p' of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing
unify _ _ = Nothing
type instance TypeOf Pattern = PatternType
type instance TypeOf Replacement = PatternType
instance Typed Pattern where
typeOf (PatFileConst _) = PatTypeNil
typeOf (PatFileExt _) = PatTypeStr PatTypeNil
typeOf (PatFileAny ) = PatTypeStr PatTypeNil
typeOf (PatDirConst _ p) = typeOf p
typeOf (PatDirAny p) = PatTypeStr (typeOf p)
instance AsType Replacement where
asType = go
go :: Replacement typ -> PatternType typ' -> Maybe (Replacement typ')
go (RepFileConst c) _ = return $ RepFileConst c
go (RepFileExt _) PatTypeNil = Nothing
go (RepFileExt e) (PatTypeStr _) = return $ RepFileExt e
go RepFileAny PatTypeNil = Nothing
go RepFileAny (PatTypeStr _) = return $ RepFileAny
go (RepDirConst c p) tp = RepDirConst c <$> go p tp
go (RepDirAny _) PatTypeNil = Nothing
go (RepDirAny p) (PatTypeStr tp) = RepDirAny <$> go p tp
prettyPattern :: Pattern typ -> String
prettyPattern (PatFileConst f) = f
prettyPattern (PatFileExt e) = "*" <.> e
prettyPattern PatFileAny = "*"
prettyPattern (PatDirConst d p) = d </> prettyPattern p
prettyPattern (PatDirAny p) = "*" </> prettyPattern p
prettyReplacement :: Replacement typ -> String
prettyReplacement (RepFileConst f) = f
prettyReplacement (RepFileExt e) = "*" <.> e
prettyReplacement RepFileAny = "*"
prettyReplacement (RepDirConst d p) = d </> prettyReplacement p
prettyReplacement (RepDirAny p) = "*" </> prettyReplacement p
parsePattern :: String -> Maybe (Some Pattern)
parsePattern = go . splitDirectories
go :: [String] -> Maybe (Some Pattern)
go [] = Nothing
go ["*"] = return . Some $ PatFileAny
go [p] = if '*' `notElem` p
then return . Some $ PatFileConst p
else case splitExtension p of
("*", _:ext) -> return . Some $ PatFileExt ext
_otherwise -> Nothing
go (p:ps) = do Some p' <- go ps
if '*' `notElem` p
then return . Some $ PatDirConst p p'
else case p of
"*" -> return . Some $ PatDirAny p'
_otherwise -> Nothing
parseReplacement :: String -> Maybe (Some Replacement)
parseReplacement = fmap aux . parsePattern
aux :: Some Pattern -> Some Replacement
aux (Some pat) = Some (identityReplacement pat)
parseDelegation :: String -> String -> Either String Delegation
parseDelegation pat repl =
case (parsePattern pat, parseReplacement repl) of
(Just (Some pat'), Just (Some repl')) ->
case repl' `asType` typeOf pat' of
Just repl'' -> Right $ Delegation pat' repl''
Nothing -> Left "Replacement does not match pattern type"
_otherwise ->
Left "Cannot parse delegation"
qqd :: String -> String -> Q Exp
qqd pat repl =
case parseDelegation pat repl of
Left err -> fail $ "Invalid delegation: " ++ err
Right del -> TH.lift del
instance TH.Lift (Pattern a) where
lift (PatFileConst fn) = [| PatFileConst fn |]
lift (PatFileExt e) = [| PatFileExt e |]
lift PatFileAny = [| PatFileAny |]
lift (PatDirConst d p) = [| PatDirConst d p |]
lift (PatDirAny p) = [| PatDirAny p |]
instance TH.Lift (Replacement a) where
lift (RepFileConst fn) = [| RepFileConst fn |]
lift (RepFileExt e ) = [| RepFileExt e |]
lift RepFileAny = [| RepFileAny |]
lift (RepDirConst d r) = [| RepDirConst d r |]
lift (RepDirAny r) = [| RepDirAny r |]
instance TH.Lift Delegation where
lift (Delegation pat repl) = [| Delegation pat repl |]
instance Monad m => ToJSON m (Pattern typ) where
toJSON = return . JSString . prettyPattern
instance Monad m => ToJSON m (Replacement typ) where
toJSON = return . JSString . prettyReplacement
instance Monad m => ToJSON m (Some Pattern) where
toJSON (Some p) = toJSON p
instance Monad m => ToJSON m (Some Replacement) where
toJSON (Some r) = toJSON r
instance ReportSchemaErrors m => FromJSON m (Some Pattern) where
fromJSON enc = do
str <- fromJSON enc
case parsePattern str of
Nothing -> expected "valid pattern" (Just str)
Just p -> return p
instance ReportSchemaErrors m => FromJSON m (Some Replacement) where
fromJSON enc = do
str <- fromJSON enc
case parseReplacement str of
Nothing -> expected "valid replacement" (Just str)
Just r -> return r
_ex1 :: Maybe String
_ex1 = matchDelegation del "A/x/y/z.foo"
del = Delegation
( PatDirConst "A"
$ PatDirAny
$ PatDirAny
$ PatFileExt "foo"
( RepDirConst "B"
$ RepDirAny
$ RepDirConst "C"
$ RepDirAny
$ RepFileExt "bar"
_ex2 :: Maybe String
_ex2 = matchDelegation del "A/x/y/z.foo"
Right del = parseDelegation "A/*/*/*.foo" "B/*/C/*/*.bar"
_ex3 :: Either String Delegation
_ex3 = parseDelegation "foo" "*/bar"