The cabal-install package ========================= See the [Cabal web site] for more information. The `cabal-install` package provides a command line tool named `cabal`. It uses the [Cabal] library and provides a user interface to the Cabal/[Hackage] build automation and package management system. It can build and install both local and remote packages, including dependencies. [Cabal web site]: [Cabal]: ../Cabal/ Installing the `cabal` command-line tool ======================================== The `cabal-install` package requires a number of other packages, most of which come with a standard GHC installation. It requires the [network] package, which is sometimes packaged separately by Linux distributions; for example, on Debian or Ubuntu, it is located in the "libghc6-network-dev" package. `cabal` requires a few other Haskell packages that are not always installed. The exact list is specified in the [.cabal] file or in the [] file. All these packages are available from [Hackage]. Note that on some Unix systems you may need to install an additional zlib development package using your system package manager; for example, on Debian or Ubuntu, it is located in the "zlib1g-dev" package; on Fedora, it is located in the "zlib-devel" package. It is required because the Haskell zlib package uses the system zlib C library and header files. The `cabal-install` package is now part of the [Haskell Platform], so you do not usually need to install it separately. However, if you are starting from a minimal GHC installation, you need to install `cabal-install` manually. Since it is an ordinary Cabal package, `cabal-install` can be built the standard way; to facilitate this, the process has been partially automated. It is described below. [.cabal]: cabal-install.cabal [network]: [Haskell Platform]: Quick start on Unix-like systems -------------------------------- As a convenience for users on Unix-like systems, there is a [] script that will download and install each of `cabal-install`'s dependencies in turn. $ ./ It will download and install the dependencies. The script will install the library packages (vanilla, profiling and shared) into `$HOME/.cabal/` and the `cabal` program into `$HOME/.cabal/bin/`. If you don't want to install profiling and shared versions of the libraries, use $ EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTS="" ./ You then have the choice either to place `$HOME/.cabal/bin` on your `$PATH` or move the `cabal` program to somewhere on your `$PATH`. Next, you can get the latest list of packages by running: $ cabal update This will also create a default configuration file, if it does not already exist, at `$HOME/.cabal/config`. By default, `cabal` will install programs to `$HOME/.cabal/bin`. If you do not want to add this directory to your `$PATH`, you can change the setting in the config file; for example, you could use the following: installdir: $HOME/bin Quick start on Windows systems ------------------------------ For Windows users, a precompiled program ([cabal.exe]) is provided. Download and put it somewhere on your `%PATH%` (for example, `C:\Program Files\Haskell\bin`.) Next, you can get the latest list of packages by running: $ cabal update This will also create a default configuration file (if it does not already exist) at `C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\cabal\config`. [cabal.exe]: Using `cabal` ============= There are two sets of commands: commands for working with a local project build tree and those for working with packages distributed from [Hackage]. For the list of the full set of commands and flags for each command, run: $ cabal help Commands for developers for local build trees --------------------------------------------- The commands for local project build trees are almost the same as the `runghc Setup` command-line interface you may already be familiar with. In particular, it has the following commands: * `cabal configure` * `cabal build` * `cabal haddock` * `cabal clean` * `cabal sdist` The `install` command is somewhat different; it is an all-in-one operation. If you run `cabal install` in your build tree, it will configure, build, and install. It takes all the flags that `configure` takes such as `--global` and `--prefix`. In addition, `cabal` will download and install any dependencies that are not already installed. It can also rebuild packages to ensure a consistent set of dependencies. Commands for released Hackage packages -------------------------------------- $ cabal update This command gets the latest list of packages from the [Hackage] server. On occasion, this command must be run manually--for instance, if you want to install a newly released package. $ cabal install xmonad This command installs one or more named packages, and all their dependencies, from Hackage. By default, it installs the latest available version; however, you may specify exact versions or version ranges. For example, `cabal install alex-2.2` or `cabal install parsec < 3`. $ cabal list xml This does a search of the installed and available packages. It does a case-insensitive substring match on the package name. [Hackage]: []: