{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-} module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Get (tests) where import Distribution.Client.Get import Distribution.Types.PackageId import Distribution.Types.PackageName import Distribution.Types.SourceRepo (SourceRepo (..), emptySourceRepo, RepoKind (..), RepoType (..), KnownRepoType (..)) import Distribution.Client.Types.SourceRepo (SourceRepositoryPackage (..)) import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity import Distribution.Version import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Data.Typeable import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.IO.Error import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import UnitTests.Options (RunNetworkTests (..)) import UnitTests.TempTestDir (withTestDir) tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "forkPackages" [ testCase "no repos" testNoRepos , testCase "no repos of requested kind" testNoReposOfKind , testCase "no repo type specified" testNoRepoType , testCase "unsupported repo type" testUnsupportedRepoType , testCase "no repo location specified" testNoRepoLocation , testCase "correct repo kind selection" testSelectRepoKind , testCase "repo destination exists" testRepoDestinationExists , testCase "git fetch failure" testGitFetchFailed ] , askOption $ \(RunNetworkTests doRunNetTests) -> testGroup "forkPackages, network tests" $ includeTestsIf doRunNetTests $ [ testCase "git clone" testNetworkGitClone ] ] where includeTestsIf True xs = xs includeTestsIf False _ = [] verbosity :: Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.silent -- for debugging try verbose pkgidfoo :: PackageId pkgidfoo = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "foo") (mkVersion [1,0]) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Unit tests -- ------------------------------------------------------------ testNoRepos :: Assertion testNoRepos = do e <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity "." Nothing pkgrepos e @?= ClonePackageNoSourceRepos pkgidfoo where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [])] testNoReposOfKind :: Assertion testNoReposOfKind = do e <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity "." repokind pkgrepos e @?= ClonePackageNoSourceReposOfKind pkgidfoo repokind where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo])] repo = emptySourceRepo RepoHead repokind = Just RepoThis testNoRepoType :: Assertion testNoRepoType = do e <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity "." Nothing pkgrepos e @?= ClonePackageNoRepoType pkgidfoo repo where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo])] repo = emptySourceRepo RepoHead testUnsupportedRepoType :: Assertion testUnsupportedRepoType = do e <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity "." Nothing pkgrepos e @?= ClonePackageUnsupportedRepoType pkgidfoo repo' repotype where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo])] repo = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just repotype , repoLocation = Just "loc" } repo' = SourceRepositoryPackage { srpType = repotype , srpLocation = "loc" , srpTag = Nothing , srpBranch = Nothing , srpSubdir = Proxy } repotype = OtherRepoType "baz" testNoRepoLocation :: Assertion testNoRepoLocation = do e <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity "." Nothing pkgrepos e @?= ClonePackageNoRepoLocation pkgidfoo repo where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo])] repo = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just repotype } repotype = KnownRepoType Darcs testSelectRepoKind :: Assertion testSelectRepoKind = sequence_ [ do e <- test requestedRepoType pkgrepos e @?= ClonePackageNoRepoType pkgidfoo expectedRepo e' <- test requestedRepoType (reverse pkgrepos) e' @?= ClonePackageNoRepoType pkgidfoo expectedRepo | let test rt rs = assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity "." rt rs , (requestedRepoType, expectedRepo) <- cases ] where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo1, repo2, repo3])] repo1 = emptySourceRepo RepoThis repo2 = emptySourceRepo RepoHead repo3 = emptySourceRepo (RepoKindUnknown "bar") cases = [ (Nothing, repo1) , (Just RepoThis, repo1) , (Just RepoHead, repo2) , (Just (RepoKindUnknown "bar"), repo3) ] testRepoDestinationExists :: Assertion testRepoDestinationExists = withTestDir verbosity "repos" $ \tmpdir -> do let pkgdir = tmpdir "foo" createDirectory pkgdir e1 <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity tmpdir Nothing pkgrepos e1 @?= ClonePackageDestinationExists pkgidfoo pkgdir True {- isdir -} removeDirectory pkgdir writeFile pkgdir "" e2 <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity tmpdir Nothing pkgrepos e2 @?= ClonePackageDestinationExists pkgidfoo pkgdir False {- isfile -} where pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo])] repo = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Darcs), repoLocation = Just "" } testGitFetchFailed :: Assertion testGitFetchFailed = withTestDir verbosity "repos" $ \tmpdir -> do let srcdir = tmpdir "src" repo = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git), repoLocation = Just srcdir } repo' = SourceRepositoryPackage { srpType = KnownRepoType Git , srpLocation = srcdir , srpTag = Nothing , srpBranch = Nothing , srpSubdir = Proxy } pkgrepos = [(pkgidfoo, [repo])] e1 <- assertException $ clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity tmpdir Nothing pkgrepos e1 @?= ClonePackageFailedWithExitCode pkgidfoo repo' "git" (ExitFailure 128) testNetworkGitClone :: Assertion testNetworkGitClone = withTestDir verbosity "repos" $ \tmpdir -> do let repo1 = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git), repoLocation = Just "https://github.com/haskell/zlib.git" } clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity tmpdir Nothing [(mkpkgid "zlib1", [repo1])] assertFileContains (tmpdir "zlib1/zlib.cabal") ["name:", "zlib"] let repo2 = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git), repoLocation = Just (tmpdir "zlib1") } clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity tmpdir Nothing [(mkpkgid "zlib2", [repo2])] assertFileContains (tmpdir "zlib2/zlib.cabal") ["name:", "zlib"] let repo3 = (emptySourceRepo RepoHead) { repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git), repoLocation = Just (tmpdir "zlib1"), repoTag = Just "" } clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity tmpdir Nothing [(mkpkgid "zlib3", [repo3])] assertFileContains (tmpdir "zlib3/zlib.cabal") ["version:", ""] where mkpkgid nm = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName nm) (mkVersion []) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * HUnit utils -- ------------------------------------------------------------ assertException :: forall e a. (Exception e, HasCallStack) => IO a -> IO e assertException action = do r <- try action case r of Left e -> return e Right _ -> assertFailure $ "expected exception of type " ++ show (typeOf (undefined :: e)) -- | Expect that one line in a file matches exactly the given words (i.e. at -- least insensitive to whitespace) -- assertFileContains :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> [String] -> Assertion assertFileContains file expected = do c <- readFile file `catch` \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then assertFailure $ "expected a file to exist: " ++ file else throwIO e unless (expected `elem` map words (lines c)) $ assertFailure $ "expected the file " ++ file ++ " to contain " ++ show (take 100 expected)