{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.VCS (tests) where
import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Client.VCS
import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
( execRebuild )
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
import Distribution.Client.Types.SourceRepo (SourceRepositoryPackage (..), SourceRepoProxy)
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, liftIO, execStateT)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System.IO
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Random
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import UnitTests.Distribution.Client.ArbitraryInstances
import UnitTests.TempTestDir (withTestDir, removeDirectoryRecursiveHack)
-- | These tests take the following approach: we generate a pure representation
-- of a repository plus a corresponding real repository, and then run various
-- test operations and compare the actual working state with the expected
-- working state.
-- The first test simply checks that the test infrastructure works. It
-- constructs a repository on disk and then checks out every tag or commmit
-- and checks that the working state is the same as the pure representation.
-- The second test works in a similar way but tests 'syncSourceRepos'. It
-- uses an arbitrary source repo and a set of (initially empty) destination
-- directories. It picks a number of tags or commits from the source repo and
-- synchronises the destination directories to those target states, and then
-- checks that the working state is as expected (given the pure representation).
tests :: MTimeChange -> [TestTree]
tests mtimeChange =
[ testGroup "git"
[ testProperty "check VCS test framework" prop_framework_git
, testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" prop_cloneRepo_git
, testProperty "syncSourceRepos" prop_syncRepos_git
-- for the moment they're not yet working
, testGroup "darcs" $ const []
[ testProperty "check VCS test framework" $ prop_framework_darcs mtimeChange
, testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" $ prop_cloneRepo_darcs mtimeChange
, testProperty "syncSourceRepos" $ prop_syncRepos_darcs mtimeChange
, testGroup "pijul" $ const []
[ testProperty "check VCS test framework" prop_framework_pijul
, testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" prop_cloneRepo_pijul
, testProperty "syncSourceRepos" prop_syncRepos_pijul
prop_framework_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_framework_git =
. prop_framework vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_framework_darcs :: MTimeChange -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_framework_darcs mtimeChange =
. prop_framework vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
. WithoutBranchingSupport
prop_framework_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_framework_pijul =
. prop_framework vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_cloneRepo_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_git =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_cloneRepo_darcs :: MTimeChange
-> NonBranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_darcs mtimeChange =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
. WithoutBranchingSupport
prop_cloneRepo_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_cloneRepo_pijul =
. prop_cloneRepo vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_syncRepos_git :: RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
-> BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_syncRepos_git destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed
. WithBranchingSupport
prop_syncRepos_darcs :: MTimeChange
-> RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
-> NonBranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_syncRepos_darcs mtimeChange destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed
. WithoutBranchingSupport
prop_syncRepos_pijul :: RepoDirSet -> SyncTargetIterations -> PrngSeed
-> BranchingRepoRecipe -> Property
prop_syncRepos_pijul destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
. prop_syncRepos vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed
. WithBranchingSupport
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * General test setup
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
testSetup :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
-> RepoRecipe
-> (VCSTestDriver -> FilePath -> RepoState -> IO a)
-> IO a
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe theTest = do
-- test setup
vcs' <- configureVCS verbosity vcs
withTestDir verbosity "vcstest" $ \tmpdir -> do
let srcRepoPath = tmpdir > "src"
vcsDriver = mkVCSTestDriver verbosity vcs' srcRepoPath
repoState <- createRepo vcsDriver repoRecipe
-- actual test
result <- theTest vcsDriver tmpdir repoState
return result
verbosity = silent
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Test 1: VCS infrastructure
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | This test simply checks that the test infrastructure works. It constructs
-- a repository on disk and then checks out every tag or commit and checks that
-- the working state is the same as the pure representation.
prop_framework :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
-> RepoRecipe
-> IO ()
prop_framework vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
mapM_ (checkAtTag vcsDriver tmpdir) (Map.toList (allTags repoState))
-- Check for any given tag/commit in the 'RepoState' that the working state
-- matches the actual working state from the repository at that tag/commit.
checkAtTag VCSTestDriver {..} tmpdir (tagname, expectedState) =
case vcsCheckoutTag of
-- We handle two cases: inplace checkouts for VCSs that support it
-- (e.g. git) and separate dir otherwise (e.g. darcs)
Left checkoutInplace -> do
checkoutInplace tagname
checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles vcsRepoRoot expectedState
Right checkoutCloneTo -> do
checkoutCloneTo tagname destRepoPath
checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles destRepoPath expectedState
removeDirectoryRecursiveHack silent destRepoPath
destRepoPath = tmpdir > "dest"
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Test 2: 'cloneSourceRepo'
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
prop_cloneRepo :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
-> RepoRecipe
-> IO ()
prop_cloneRepo vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
mapM_ (checkAtTag vcsDriver tmpdir) (Map.toList (allTags repoState))
checkAtTag VCSTestDriver{..} tmpdir (tagname, expectedState) = do
cloneSourceRepo verbosity vcsVCS repo destRepoPath
checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles destRepoPath expectedState
removeDirectoryRecursiveHack verbosity destRepoPath
destRepoPath = tmpdir > "dest"
repo = SourceRepositoryPackage
{ srpType = vcsRepoType vcsVCS
, srpLocation = vcsRepoRoot
, srpTag = Just tagname
, srpBranch = Nothing
, srpSubdir = []
verbosity = silent
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Test 3: 'syncSourceRepos'
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
newtype RepoDirSet = RepoDirSet Int deriving Show
newtype SyncTargetIterations = SyncTargetIterations Int deriving Show
newtype PrngSeed = PrngSeed Int deriving Show
prop_syncRepos :: VCS Program
-> (Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver)
-> RepoDirSet
-> SyncTargetIterations
-> PrngSeed
-> RepoRecipe
-> IO ()
prop_syncRepos vcs mkVCSTestDriver
repoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed repoRecipe =
testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
let srcRepoPath = vcsRepoRoot vcsDriver
destRepoPaths = map (tmpdir >) (getRepoDirs repoDirs)
in checkSyncRepos verbosity vcsDriver repoState
srcRepoPath destRepoPaths
syncTargetSetIterations seed
verbosity = silent
getRepoDirs :: RepoDirSet -> [FilePath]
getRepoDirs (RepoDirSet n) =
[ "dest" ++ show i | i <- [1..n] ]
-- | The purpose of this test is to check that irrespective of the local cached
-- repo dir we can sync it to an arbitrary target state. So we do that by
-- syncing each target dir to a sequence of target states without cleaning it
-- in between.
-- One slight complication is that 'syncSourceRepos' takes a whole list of
-- target dirs to sync in one go (to allow for sharing). So we must actually
-- generate and sync to a sequence of list of target repo states.
-- So, given a source repo dir, the corresponding 'RepoState' and a number of
-- target repo dirs, pick a sequence of (lists of) sync targets from the
-- 'RepoState' and syncronise the target dirs with those targets, checking for
-- each one that the actual working state matches the expected repo state.
:: Verbosity
-> VCSTestDriver
-> RepoState
-> FilePath
-> [FilePath]
-> SyncTargetIterations
-> PrngSeed
-> IO ()
checkSyncRepos verbosity VCSTestDriver { vcsVCS = vcs, vcsIgnoreFiles }
repoState srcRepoPath destRepoPath
(SyncTargetIterations syncTargetSetIterations) (PrngSeed seed) =
mapM_ checkSyncTargetSet syncTargetSets
checkSyncTargetSet :: [(SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)] -> IO ()
checkSyncTargetSet syncTargets = do
_ <- execRebuild "root-unused" $
syncSourceRepos verbosity vcs
[ (repo, repoPath)
| (repo, repoPath, _) <- syncTargets ]
[ checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles repoPath workingState
| (_, repoPath, workingState) <- syncTargets ]
syncTargetSets = take syncTargetSetIterations
$ pickSyncTargetSets (vcsRepoType vcs) repoState
srcRepoPath destRepoPath
(mkStdGen seed)
pickSyncTargetSets :: RepoType -> RepoState
-> FilePath -> [FilePath]
-> StdGen
-> [[(SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)]]
pickSyncTargetSets repoType repoState srcRepoPath dstReposPath =
assert (Map.size (allTags repoState) > 0) $
unfoldr (Just . swap . pickSyncTargetSet)
pickSyncTargetSet :: Rand [(SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)]
pickSyncTargetSet = flip (mapAccumL (flip pickSyncTarget)) dstReposPath
pickSyncTarget :: FilePath -> Rand (SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)
pickSyncTarget destRepoPath prng =
(prng', (repo, destRepoPath, workingState))
repo = SourceRepositoryPackage
{ srpType = repoType
, srpLocation = srcRepoPath
, srpTag = Just tag
, srpBranch = Nothing
, srpSubdir = Proxy
(tag, workingState) = Map.elemAt tagIdx (allTags repoState)
(tagIdx, prng') = randomR (0, Map.size (allTags repoState) - 1) prng
type Rand a = StdGen -> (StdGen, a)
instance Arbitrary RepoDirSet where
arbitrary =
sized $ \n -> oneof $ [ RepoDirSet <$> pure 1 ]
++ [ RepoDirSet <$> choose (2,5) | n >= 3 ]
shrink (RepoDirSet n) =
[ RepoDirSet i | i <- shrink n, i > 0 ]
instance Arbitrary SyncTargetIterations where
arbitrary =
sized $ \n -> SyncTargetIterations <$> elements [ 1 .. min 20 (n + 1) ]
shrink (SyncTargetIterations n) =
[ SyncTargetIterations i | i <- shrink n, i > 0 ]
instance Arbitrary PrngSeed where
arbitrary = PrngSeed <$> arbitraryBoundedRandom
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Instructions for constructing repositories
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- These instructions for constructing a repository can be interpreted in two
-- ways: to make a pure representation of repository state, and to execute
-- VCS commands to make a repository on-disk.
data FileUpdate = FileUpdate FilePath String deriving Show
data Commit = Commit [FileUpdate] deriving Show
data TaggedCommits = TaggedCommits TagName [Commit] deriving Show
data BranchCommits = BranchCommits BranchName [Commit] deriving Show
type BranchName = String
type TagName = String
-- | Instructions to make a repository without branches, for VCSs that do not
-- support branches (e.g. darcs).
newtype NonBranchingRepoRecipe = NonBranchingRepoRecipe [TaggedCommits]
deriving Show
-- | Instructions to make a repository with branches, for VCSs that do
-- support branches (e.g. git).
newtype BranchingRepoRecipe = BranchingRepoRecipe
[Either TaggedCommits BranchCommits]
deriving Show
data RepoRecipe = WithBranchingSupport BranchingRepoRecipe
| WithoutBranchingSupport NonBranchingRepoRecipe
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Arbitrary instances for them
instance Arbitrary FileUpdate where
arbitrary = FileUpdate <$> genFileName <*> genFileContent
genFileName = (\c -> "file" > [c]) <$> choose ('A', 'E')
genFileContent = vectorOf 10 (choose ('#', '~'))
instance Arbitrary Commit where
arbitrary = Commit <$> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
shrink (Commit writes) = Commit <$> filter (not . null) (shrink writes)
instance Arbitrary TaggedCommits where
arbitrary = TaggedCommits <$> genTagName <*> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
genTagName = ("tag_" ++) <$> shortListOf1 5 (choose ('A', 'Z'))
shrink (TaggedCommits tag commits) =
TaggedCommits tag <$> filter (not . null) (shrink commits)
instance Arbitrary BranchCommits where
arbitrary = BranchCommits <$> genBranchName <*> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
genBranchName =
sized $ \n ->
(\c -> "branch_" ++ [c]) <$> elements (take (max 1 n) ['A'..'E'])
shrink (BranchCommits branch commits) =
BranchCommits branch <$> filter (not . null) (shrink commits)
instance Arbitrary NonBranchingRepoRecipe where
arbitrary = NonBranchingRepoRecipe <$> shortListOf1 15 arbitrary
shrink (NonBranchingRepoRecipe xs) =
NonBranchingRepoRecipe <$> filter (not . null) (shrink xs)
instance Arbitrary BranchingRepoRecipe where
arbitrary = BranchingRepoRecipe <$> shortListOf1 15 taggedOrBranch
taggedOrBranch = frequency [ (3, Left <$> arbitrary)
, (1, Right <$> arbitrary)
shrink (BranchingRepoRecipe xs) =
BranchingRepoRecipe <$> filter (not . null) (shrink xs)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * A pure model of repository state
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The full state of a repository. In particular it records the full working
-- state for every tag.
-- This is also the interpreter state for executing a 'RepoRecipe'.
-- This allows us to compare expected working states with the actual files in
-- the working directory of a repository. See 'checkExpectedWorkingState'.
data RepoState =
RepoState {
currentBranch :: BranchName,
currentWorking :: RepoWorkingState,
allTags :: Map TagOrCommitId RepoWorkingState,
allBranches :: Map BranchName RepoWorkingState
deriving Show
type RepoWorkingState = Map FilePath String
type CommitId = String
type TagOrCommitId = String
-- Functions used to interpret instructions for constructing repositories
initialRepoState :: RepoState
initialRepoState =
RepoState {
currentBranch = "branch_master",
currentWorking = Map.empty,
allTags = Map.empty,
allBranches = Map.empty
updateFile :: FilePath -> String -> RepoState -> RepoState
updateFile filename content state@RepoState{currentWorking} =
state { currentWorking = Map.insert filename content currentWorking }
addTagOrCommit :: TagOrCommitId -> RepoState -> RepoState
addTagOrCommit commit state@RepoState{currentWorking, allTags} =
state { allTags = Map.insert commit currentWorking allTags }
switchBranch :: BranchName -> RepoState -> RepoState
switchBranch branch state@RepoState{currentWorking, currentBranch, allBranches} =
-- Use updated allBranches to cover case of switching to the same branch
let allBranches' = Map.insert currentBranch currentWorking allBranches in
state {
currentBranch = branch,
currentWorking = case Map.lookup branch allBranches' of
Just working -> working
-- otherwise we're creating a new branch, which starts
-- from our current branch state
Nothing -> currentWorking,
allBranches = allBranches'
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Comparing on-disk with expected 'RepoWorkingState'
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Compare expected working states with the actual files in
-- the working directory of a repository.
checkExpectedWorkingState :: Set FilePath
-> FilePath -> RepoWorkingState -> IO ()
checkExpectedWorkingState ignore repoPath expectedState = do
currentState <- getCurrentWorkingState ignore repoPath
unless (currentState == expectedState) $
throwIO (WorkingStateMismatch expectedState currentState)
data WorkingStateMismatch =
WorkingStateMismatch RepoWorkingState -- expected
RepoWorkingState -- actual
deriving Show
instance Exception WorkingStateMismatch
getCurrentWorkingState :: Set FilePath -> FilePath -> IO RepoWorkingState
getCurrentWorkingState ignore repoRoot = do
entries <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore repoRoot ""
Map.fromList <$> mapM getFileEntry
[ file | (file, isDir) <- entries, not isDir ]
getFileEntry name =
withBinaryFile (repoRoot > name) ReadMode $ \h -> do
str <- hGetContents h
_ <- evaluate (length str)
return (name, str)
getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: Set FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
-> IO [(FilePath, Bool)]
getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore dir0 dir = do
entries <- getDirectoryContents (dir0 > dir)
entries' <- sequence
[ do isdir <- doesDirectoryExist (dir0 > dir > entry)
return (dir > entry, isdir)
| entry <- entries
, not (isPrefixOf "." entry)
, (dir > entry) `Set.notMember` ignore
let subdirs = [ d | (d, True) <- entries' ]
subdirEntries <- mapM (getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore dir0) subdirs
return (concat (entries' : subdirEntries))
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Executing instructions to make on-disk VCS repos
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Execute the instructions in a 'RepoRecipe' using the given 'VCSTestDriver'
-- to make an on-disk repository.
-- This also returns a 'RepoState'. This is done as part of construction to
-- support VCSs like git that have commit ids, so that those commit ids can be
-- included in the 'RepoState's 'allTags' set.
createRepo :: VCSTestDriver -> RepoRecipe -> IO RepoState
createRepo vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsRepoRoot, vcsInit} recipe = do
createDirectory vcsRepoRoot
createDirectory (vcsRepoRoot > "file")
execStateT createRepoAction initialRepoState
createRepoAction :: StateT RepoState IO ()
createRepoAction = case recipe of
WithoutBranchingSupport r -> execNonBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver r
WithBranchingSupport r -> execBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver r
type CreateRepoAction a = VCSTestDriver -> a -> StateT RepoState IO ()
execNonBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction NonBranchingRepoRecipe
execNonBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver (NonBranchingRepoRecipe taggedCommits) =
mapM_ (execTaggdCommits vcsDriver) taggedCommits
execBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction BranchingRepoRecipe
execBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver (BranchingRepoRecipe taggedCommits) =
mapM_ (either (execTaggdCommits vcsDriver)
(execBranchCommits vcsDriver))
execBranchCommits :: CreateRepoAction BranchCommits
execBranchCommits vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsSwitchBranch}
(BranchCommits branch commits) = do
mapM_ (execCommit vcsDriver) commits
-- add commits and then switch branch
State.modify (switchBranch branch)
state <- State.get -- repo state after the commits and branch switch
liftIO $ vcsSwitchBranch state branch
-- It may seem odd that we add commits on the existing branch and then
-- switch branch. In part this is because git cannot branch from an empty
-- repo state, it complains that the master branch doesn't exist yet.
execTaggdCommits :: CreateRepoAction TaggedCommits
execTaggdCommits vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsTagState}
(TaggedCommits tagname commits) = do
mapM_ (execCommit vcsDriver) commits
-- add commits then tag
state <- State.get -- repo state after the commits
liftIO $ vcsTagState state tagname
State.modify (addTagOrCommit tagname)
execCommit :: CreateRepoAction Commit
execCommit vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{..} (Commit fileUpdates) = do
mapM_ (execFileUpdate vcsDriver) fileUpdates
state <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
mcommit <- liftIO $ vcsCommitChanges state
State.modify (maybe id addTagOrCommit mcommit)
execFileUpdate :: CreateRepoAction FileUpdate
execFileUpdate VCSTestDriver{..} (FileUpdate filename content) = do
liftIO $ writeFile (vcsRepoRoot > filename) content
state <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
liftIO $ vcsAddFile state filename
State.modify (updateFile filename content)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * VCSTestDriver for various VCSs
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Extends 'VCS' with extra methods to construct a repository. Used by
-- 'createRepo'.
-- Several of the methods are allowed to rely on the current 'RepoState'
-- because some VCSs need different commands for initial vs later actions
-- (like adding a file to the tracked set, or creating a new branch).
-- The driver instance knows the particular repo directory.
data VCSTestDriver = VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS :: VCS ConfiguredProgram,
vcsRepoRoot :: FilePath,
vcsIgnoreFiles :: Set FilePath,
vcsInit :: IO (),
vcsAddFile :: RepoState -> FilePath -> IO (),
vcsCommitChanges :: RepoState -> IO (Maybe CommitId),
vcsTagState :: RepoState -> TagName -> IO (),
vcsSwitchBranch :: RepoState -> BranchName -> IO (),
vcsCheckoutTag :: Either (TagName -> IO ())
(TagName -> FilePath -> IO ())
vcsTestDriverGit :: Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
, vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
, vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.empty
, vcsInit =
git $ ["init"] ++ verboseArg
, vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
git ["add", filename]
, vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
git $ [ "-c", "user.name=A", "-c", "user.email=a@example.com"
, "commit", "--all", "--message=a patch"
, "--author=A "
] ++ verboseArg
commit <- git' ["log", "--format=%H", "-1"]
let commit' = takeWhile (not . isSpace) commit
return (Just commit')
, vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
git ["tag", "--force", "--no-sign", tagname]
, vcsSwitchBranch = \RepoState{allBranches} branchname -> do
unless (branchname `Map.member` allBranches) $
git ["branch", branchname]
git $ ["checkout", branchname] ++ verboseArg
, vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname ->
git $ ["checkout", "--detach", "--force", tagname] ++ verboseArg
gitInvocation args = (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args) {
progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
git = runProgramInvocation verbosity . gitInvocation
git' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . gitInvocation
verboseArg = [ "--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal ]
type MTimeChange = Int
vcsTestDriverDarcs :: MTimeChange -> Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange verbosity vcs repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
, vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
, vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.singleton "_darcs"
, vcsInit =
darcs ["initialize"]
, vcsAddFile = \state filename -> do
threadDelay mtimeChange
unless (filename `Map.member` currentWorking state) $
darcs ["add", filename]
-- Darcs's file change tracking relies on mtime changes,
-- so we have to be careful with doing stuff too quickly:
, vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
threadDelay mtimeChange
darcs ["record", "--all", "--author=author", "--name=a patch"]
return Nothing
, vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
darcs ["tag", "--author=author", tagname]
, vcsSwitchBranch = \_ _ ->
fail "vcsSwitchBranch: darcs does not support branches within a repo"
, vcsCheckoutTag = Right $ \tagname dest ->
darcs ["clone", "--lazy", "--tag=^" ++ tagname ++ "$", ".", dest]
darcsInvocation args = (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args) {
progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
darcs = runProgramInvocation verbosity . darcsInvocation
vcsTestDriverPijul :: Verbosity -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
-> FilePath -> VCSTestDriver
vcsTestDriverPijul verbosity vcs repoRoot =
VCSTestDriver {
vcsVCS = vcs
, vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
, vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.empty
, vcsInit =
pijul $ ["init"]
, vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
pijul ["add", filename]
, vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
pijul $ ["record", "-a", "-m 'a patch'"
, "-A 'A '"
commit <- pijul' ["log"]
let commit' = takeWhile (not . isSpace) commit
return (Just commit')
-- tags work differently in pijul...
-- so this is wrong
, vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
pijul ["tag", tagname]
, vcsSwitchBranch = \_ branchname -> do
-- unless (branchname `Map.member` allBranches) $
-- pijul ["from-branch", branchname]
pijul $ ["checkout", branchname]
, vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname ->
pijul $ ["checkout", tagname]
gitInvocation args = (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args) {
progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
pijul = runProgramInvocation verbosity . gitInvocation
pijul' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . gitInvocation