module Status ( FileStatus(..) , StatusDirection(..) , fromStatus , status , runStatus ) where import AnsiColor import qualified Portage.Version as V (is_live) import Portage.Overlay import Portage.PackageId import Portage.Resolve import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Char import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map as Map (Map) import qualified Data.Traversable as T import Control.Monad -- cabal import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Package as Cabal (pkgName) import qualified Distribution.Simple.Utils as Cabal (comparing, die', equating) import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow) import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec) import qualified Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags as CabalInstall import qualified Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as CabalInstall import qualified Distribution.Client.Types as CabalInstall ( SourcePackageDb(..) ) import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as CabalInstall import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage as CabalInstall ( SourcePackage(..) ) data StatusDirection = PortagePlusOverlay | OverlayToPortage | HackageToOverlay deriving Eq data FileStatus a = Same a | Differs a a | OverlayOnly a | PortageOnly a | HackageOnly a deriving (Show,Eq) instance Ord a => Ord (FileStatus a) where compare = Cabal.comparing fromStatus instance Functor FileStatus where fmap f st = case st of Same a -> Same (f a) Differs a b -> Differs (f a) (f b) OverlayOnly a -> OverlayOnly (f a) PortageOnly a -> PortageOnly (f a) HackageOnly a -> HackageOnly (f a) fromStatus :: FileStatus a -> a fromStatus fs = case fs of Same a -> a Differs a _ -> a -- second status is lost OverlayOnly a -> a PortageOnly a -> a HackageOnly a -> a loadHackage :: Cabal.Verbosity -> CabalInstall.RepoContext -> Overlay -> IO [[PackageId]] loadHackage verbosity repoContext overlay = do CabalInstall.SourcePackageDb { packageIndex = pindex } <- CabalInstall.getSourcePackages verbosity repoContext let get_cat cabal_pkg = case resolveCategories overlay (Cabal.pkgName cabal_pkg) of [] -> Category "dev-haskell" [cat] -> cat _ -> {- ambig -} Category "dev-haskell" pkg_infos = map ( reverse . take 3 . reverse -- hackage usually has a ton of older versions . map ((\p -> fromCabalPackageId (get_cat p) p) . CabalInstall.srcpkgPackageId)) (CabalInstall.allPackagesByName pindex) return pkg_infos status :: Cabal.Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> CabalInstall.RepoContext -> IO (Map PackageName [FileStatus ExistingEbuild]) status verbosity portdir overlaydir repoContext = do overlay <- loadLazy overlaydir hackage <- loadHackage verbosity repoContext overlay portage <- filterByEmail ("" `elem`) <$> loadLazy portdir let (over, both, port) = portageDiff (overlayMap overlay) (overlayMap portage) both' <- T.forM both $ mapM $ \e -> do -- can't fail, we know the ebuild exists in both portagedirs -- also, one of them is already bound to 'e' let (Just e1) = lookupEbuildWith (overlayMap portage) (ebuildId e) (Just e2) = lookupEbuildWith (overlayMap overlay) (ebuildId e) eq <- equals (ebuildPath e1) (ebuildPath e2) return $ if eq then Same e1 else Differs e1 e2 let p_to_ee :: PackageId -> ExistingEbuild p_to_ee p = ExistingEbuild p cabal_p ebuild_path where Just cabal_p = toCabalPackageId p -- lame doubleconv ebuild_path = packageIdToFilePath p mk_fake_ee :: [PackageId] -> (PackageName, [ExistingEbuild]) mk_fake_ee ~pkgs@(p:_) = (packageId p, map p_to_ee pkgs) map_diff = Map.differenceWith (\le re -> Just $ foldr (List.deleteBy (Cabal.equating ebuildId)) le re) hack = (( -- We merge package names as we do case-insensitive match. -- Hackage contains the following 2 package names: -- ... Cabal- Cabal- -- cabal- -- We need to pick both lists of versions, not the first. -- TODO: have a way to distict between them in the output. Map.fromListWith (++) $ map mk_fake_ee hackage) `map_diff` overlayMap overlay) `map_diff` overlayMap portage meld = Map.unionsWith (\a b -> List.sort (a++b)) [ (map PortageOnly) port , both' , (map OverlayOnly) over , (map HackageOnly) hack ] return meld type EMap = Map PackageName [ExistingEbuild] lookupEbuildWith :: EMap -> PackageId -> Maybe ExistingEbuild lookupEbuildWith overlay pkgid = do ebuilds <- Map.lookup (packageId pkgid) overlay List.find (\e -> ebuildId e == pkgid) ebuilds runStatus :: Cabal.Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> StatusDirection -> [String] -> CabalInstall.RepoContext -> IO () runStatus verbosity portdir overlaydir direction pkgs repoContext = do let pkgFilter = case direction of OverlayToPortage -> toPortageFilter PortagePlusOverlay -> id HackageToOverlay -> fromHackageFilter pkgs' <- forM pkgs $ \p -> case simpleParsec p of Nothing -> Cabal.die' verbosity ("Could not parse package name: " ++ p ++ ". Format cat/pkg") Just pn -> return pn tree0 <- status verbosity portdir overlaydir repoContext let tree = pkgFilter tree0 if (null pkgs') then statusPrinter tree else forM_ pkgs' $ \pkg -> statusPrinter (Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k == pkg) tree) -- |Only return packages that seems interesting to sync to portage; -- -- * Ebuild differs, or -- * Newer version in overlay than in portage toPortageFilter :: Map PackageName [FileStatus ExistingEbuild] -> Map PackageName [FileStatus ExistingEbuild] toPortageFilter = Map.mapMaybe $ \ sts -> let filter_out_lives = filter (not . V.is_live . pkgVersion . ebuildId . fromStatus) inPortage = flip filter sts $ \st -> case st of OverlayOnly _ -> False HackageOnly _ -> False _ -> True latestPortageVersion = List.maximum $ map (pkgVersion . ebuildId . fromStatus) inPortage interestingPackages = flip filter sts $ \st -> case st of HackageOnly _ -> False Differs _ _ -> True _ | pkgVersion (ebuildId (fromStatus st)) > latestPortageVersion -> True | otherwise -> False in if not (null inPortage) && not (null $ filter_out_lives interestingPackages) then Just sts else Nothing -- |Only return packages that exist in overlay or portage but look outdated fromHackageFilter :: Map PackageName [FileStatus ExistingEbuild] -> Map PackageName [FileStatus ExistingEbuild] fromHackageFilter = Map.mapMaybe $ \ sts -> let inEbuilds = flip filter sts $ \st -> case st of HackageOnly _ -> False _ -> True -- treat live as oldest version not avoid masking hackage releases mangle_live_versions v | V.is_live v = v {versionNumber=[-1]} | otherwise = v latestVersion = List.maximumBy (compare `on` mangle_live_versions . pkgVersion . ebuildId . fromStatus) sts in case latestVersion of HackageOnly _ | not (null inEbuilds) -> Just sts _ -> Nothing statusPrinter :: Map PackageName [FileStatus ExistingEbuild] -> IO () statusPrinter packages = do putStrLn $ toColor (Same "Green") ++ ": package in portage and overlay are the same" putStrLn $ toColor (Differs "Yellow" "") ++ ": package in portage and overlay differs" putStrLn $ toColor (OverlayOnly "Red") ++ ": package only exist in the overlay" putStrLn $ toColor (PortageOnly "Magenta") ++ ": package only exist in the portage tree" putStrLn $ toColor (HackageOnly "Cyan") ++ ": package only exist on hackage" forM_ (zip [(1 :: Int) ..] $ Map.toAscList packages) $ \(ix, (pkg, ebuilds)) -> do let (PackageName c p) = pkg putStr (bold (show ix)) putStr " " putStr $ prettyShow c ++ '/' : bold (prettyShow p) putStr " " forM_ ebuilds $ \e -> do putStr $ toColor (fmap (prettyShow . pkgVersion . ebuildId) e) putChar ' ' putStrLn "" toColor :: FileStatus String -> String toColor st = inColor c False Default (fromStatus st) where c = case st of (Same _) -> Green (Differs _ _) -> Yellow (OverlayOnly _) -> Red (PortageOnly _) -> Magenta (HackageOnly _) -> Cyan portageDiff :: EMap -> EMap -> (EMap, EMap, EMap) portageDiff p1 p2 = (in1, ins, in2) where ins = Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.intersectionWith (List.intersectBy $ Cabal.equating ebuildId) p1 p2 in1 = difference p1 p2 in2 = difference p2 p1 difference x y = Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.differenceWith (\xs ys -> let lst = foldr (List.deleteBy (Cabal.equating ebuildId)) xs ys in if null lst then Nothing else Just lst ) x y -- | Compares two ebuilds, returns True if they are equal. -- Disregards comments. equals :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool equals fp1 fp2 = do -- don't leave halfopenfiles f1 <- BS.readFile fp1 f2 <- BS.readFile fp2 return (equal' f1 f2) equal' :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Bool equal' = Cabal.equating essence where essence = filter (not . isEmpty) . filter (not . isComment) . filter (not . isHOMEPAGE) . BS.lines isComment = BS.isPrefixOf (BS.pack "#") . BS.dropWhile isSpace -- HOMEPAGE= frequently gets updated for http:// / https://. -- It's to much noise usually and should really be fixed -- in upstream Cabal definition. isHOMEPAGE = BS.isPrefixOf (BS.pack "HOMEPAGE=") . BS.dropWhile isSpace isEmpty = BS.null . BS.dropWhile isSpace