module Distribution.Client.Upload (upload, uploadDoc, report) where import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude import qualified Prelude as Unsafe (tail, head, read) import Distribution.Client.Types.Credentials ( Username(..), Password(..) ) import Distribution.Client.Types.Repo (RemoteRepo(..), maybeRepoRemote) import Distribution.Client.Types.RepoName (unRepoName) import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils ( HttpTransport(..), remoteRepoTryUpgradeToHttps ) import Distribution.Client.Setup ( IsCandidate(..), RepoContext(..) ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (notice, warn, info, die', toUTF8BS) import Distribution.Client.Config import qualified Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Anonymous as BuildReport import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Anonymous (parseBuildReport) import qualified Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Upload as BuildReport import Network.URI (URI(uriPath, uriAuthority), URIAuth(uriRegName)) import Network.HTTP (Header(..), HeaderName(..)) import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import System.IO.Echo (withoutInputEcho) import System.FilePath ((), takeExtension, takeFileName, dropExtension) import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix (()) import System.Directory type Auth = Maybe (String, String) -- > stripExtensions ["tar", "gz"] "foo.tar.gz" -- Just "foo" -- > stripExtensions ["tar", "gz"] "foo.gz.tar" -- Nothing stripExtensions :: [String] -> FilePath -> Maybe String stripExtensions exts path = foldM f path (reverse exts) where f p e | takeExtension p == '.':e = Just (dropExtension p) | otherwise = Nothing upload :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Maybe Username -> Maybe Password -> IsCandidate -> [FilePath] -> IO () upload verbosity repoCtxt mUsername mPassword isCandidate paths = do let repos = repoContextRepos repoCtxt transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt targetRepo <- case [ remoteRepo | Just remoteRepo <- map maybeRepoRemote repos ] of [] -> die' verbosity "Cannot upload. No remote repositories are configured." (r:rs) -> remoteRepoTryUpgradeToHttps verbosity transport (last (r:|rs)) let targetRepoURI = remoteRepoURI targetRepo domain = maybe "Hackage" uriRegName $ uriAuthority targetRepoURI rootIfEmpty x = if null x then "/" else x uploadURI = targetRepoURI { uriPath = rootIfEmpty (uriPath targetRepoURI) FilePath.Posix. case isCandidate of IsCandidate -> "packages/candidates" IsPublished -> "upload" } packageURI pkgid = targetRepoURI { uriPath = rootIfEmpty (uriPath targetRepoURI) FilePath.Posix. concat [ "package/", pkgid , case isCandidate of IsCandidate -> "/candidate" IsPublished -> "" ] } Username username <- maybe (promptUsername domain) return mUsername Password password <- maybe (promptPassword domain) return mPassword let auth = Just (username,password) for_ paths $ \path -> do notice verbosity $ "Uploading " ++ path ++ "... " case fmap takeFileName (stripExtensions ["tar", "gz"] path) of Just pkgid -> handlePackage transport verbosity uploadURI (packageURI pkgid) auth isCandidate path -- This case shouldn't really happen, since we check in Main that we -- only pass tar.gz files to upload. Nothing -> die' verbosity $ "Not a tar.gz file: " ++ path uploadDoc :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Maybe Username -> Maybe Password -> IsCandidate -> FilePath -> IO () uploadDoc verbosity repoCtxt mUsername mPassword isCandidate path = do let repos = repoContextRepos repoCtxt transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt targetRepo <- case [ remoteRepo | Just remoteRepo <- map maybeRepoRemote repos ] of [] -> die' verbosity $ "Cannot upload. No remote repositories are configured." (r:rs) -> remoteRepoTryUpgradeToHttps verbosity transport (last (r:|rs)) let targetRepoURI = remoteRepoURI targetRepo domain = maybe "Hackage" uriRegName $ uriAuthority targetRepoURI rootIfEmpty x = if null x then "/" else x uploadURI = targetRepoURI { uriPath = rootIfEmpty (uriPath targetRepoURI) FilePath.Posix. concat [ "package/", pkgid , case isCandidate of IsCandidate -> "/candidate" IsPublished -> "" , "/docs" ] } packageUri = targetRepoURI { uriPath = rootIfEmpty (uriPath targetRepoURI) FilePath.Posix. concat [ "package/", pkgid , case isCandidate of IsCandidate -> "/candidate" IsPublished -> "" ] } (reverseSuffix, reversePkgid) = break (== '-') (reverse (takeFileName path)) pkgid = reverse $ Unsafe.tail reversePkgid when (reverse reverseSuffix /= "docs.tar.gz" || null reversePkgid || Unsafe.head reversePkgid /= '-') $ die' verbosity "Expected a file name matching the pattern -docs.tar.gz" Username username <- maybe (promptUsername domain) return mUsername Password password <- maybe (promptPassword domain) return mPassword let auth = Just (username,password) headers = [ Header HdrContentType "application/x-tar" , Header HdrContentEncoding "gzip" ] notice verbosity $ "Uploading documentation " ++ path ++ "... " resp <- putHttpFile transport verbosity uploadURI path auth headers case resp of -- Hackage responds with 204 No Content when docs are uploaded -- successfully. (code,_) | code `elem` [200,204] -> do notice verbosity $ okMessage packageUri (code,err) -> do notice verbosity $ "Error uploading documentation " ++ path ++ ": " ++ "http code " ++ show code ++ "\n" ++ err exitFailure where okMessage packageUri = case isCandidate of IsCandidate -> "Documentation successfully uploaded for package candidate. " ++ "You can now preview the result at '" ++ show packageUri ++ "'. To upload non-candidate documentation, use 'cabal upload --publish'." IsPublished -> "Package documentation successfully published. You can now view it at '" ++ show packageUri ++ "'." promptUsername :: String -> IO Username promptUsername domain = do putStr $ domain ++ " username: " hFlush stdout fmap Username getLine promptPassword :: String -> IO Password promptPassword domain = do putStr $ domain ++ " password: " hFlush stdout -- save/restore the terminal echoing status (no echoing for entering the password) passwd <- withoutInputEcho $ fmap Password getLine putStrLn "" return passwd report :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Maybe Username -> Maybe Password -> IO () report verbosity repoCtxt mUsername mPassword = do let repos = repoContextRepos repoCtxt remoteRepos = mapMaybe maybeRepoRemote repos for_ remoteRepos $ \remoteRepo -> do let domain = maybe "Hackage" uriRegName $ uriAuthority (remoteRepoURI remoteRepo) Username username <- maybe (promptUsername domain) return mUsername Password password <- maybe (promptPassword domain) return mPassword let auth = (username, password) dotCabal <- getCabalDir let srcDir = dotCabal "reports" unRepoName (remoteRepoName remoteRepo) -- We don't want to bomb out just because we haven't built any packages -- from this repo yet. srcExists <- doesDirectoryExist srcDir when srcExists $ do contents <- getDirectoryContents srcDir for_ (filter (\c -> takeExtension c ==".log") contents) $ \logFile -> do inp <- readFile (srcDir logFile) let (reportStr, buildLog) = inp :: (String,String) -- TODO: eradicateNoParse case parseBuildReport (toUTF8BS reportStr) of Left errs -> warn verbosity $ "Errors: " ++ errs -- FIXME Right report' -> do info verbosity $ "Uploading report for " ++ prettyShow (BuildReport.package report') BuildReport.uploadReports verbosity repoCtxt auth (remoteRepoURI remoteRepo) [(report', Just buildLog)] return () handlePackage :: HttpTransport -> Verbosity -> URI -> URI -> Auth -> IsCandidate -> FilePath -> IO () handlePackage transport verbosity uri packageUri auth isCandidate path = do resp <- postHttpFile transport verbosity uri path auth case resp of (code,warnings) | code `elem` [200, 204] -> notice verbosity $ okMessage isCandidate ++ if null warnings then "" else "\n" ++ formatWarnings (trim warnings) (code,err) -> do notice verbosity $ "Error uploading " ++ path ++ ": " ++ "http code " ++ show code ++ "\n" ++ err exitFailure where okMessage IsCandidate = "Package successfully uploaded as candidate. " ++ "You can now preview the result at '" ++ show packageUri ++ "'. To publish the candidate, use 'cabal upload --publish'." okMessage IsPublished = "Package successfully published. You can now view it at '" ++ show packageUri ++ "'." formatWarnings :: String -> String formatWarnings x = "Warnings:\n" ++ (unlines . map ("- " ++) . lines) x -- Trim trim :: String -> String trim = f . f where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace