module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index ( Index , PInfo(..) , ComponentInfo(..) , IsVisible(..) , IsBuildable(..) , defaultQualifyOptions , mkIndex ) where import Prelude hiding (pi) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree -- | An index contains information about package instances. This is a nested -- dictionary. Package names are mapped to instances, which in turn is mapped -- to info. type Index = Map PN (Map I PInfo) -- | Info associated with a package instance. -- Currently, dependencies, component names, flags and failure reasons. -- The component map records whether any components are unbuildable in the -- current environment (compiler, os, arch, and global flag constraints). -- Packages that have a failure reason recorded for them are disabled -- globally, for reasons external to the solver. We currently use this -- for shadowing which essentially is a GHC limitation, and for -- installed packages that are broken. data PInfo = PInfo (FlaggedDeps PN) (Map ExposedComponent ComponentInfo) FlagInfo (Maybe FailReason) -- | Info associated with each library and executable in a package instance. data ComponentInfo = ComponentInfo { compIsVisible :: IsVisible , compIsBuildable :: IsBuildable } -- | Whether a component is visible in the current environment. newtype IsVisible = IsVisible Bool deriving Eq -- | Whether a component is made unbuildable by a "buildable: False" field. newtype IsBuildable = IsBuildable Bool deriving Eq mkIndex :: [(PN, I, PInfo)] -> Index mkIndex xs = M.fromList (groupMap ( (\ (pn, i, pi) -> (pn, (i, pi))) xs)) groupMap :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> Map a [b] groupMap xs = M.fromListWith (flip (++)) ( (\ (x, y) -> (x, [y])) xs) defaultQualifyOptions :: Index -> QualifyOptions defaultQualifyOptions idx = QO { qoBaseShim = or [ dep == base | -- Find all versions of base .. Just is <- [M.lookup base idx] -- .. which are installed .. , (I _ver (Inst _), PInfo deps _comps _flagNfo _fr) <- M.toList is -- .. and flatten all their dependencies .. , (LDep _ (Dep (PkgComponent dep _) _ci), _comp) <- flattenFlaggedDeps deps ] , qoSetupIndependent = True } where base = mkPackageName "base"