             RankNTypes        #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

--                                                    2016.07.01
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.CodeGenMonad
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  zsulliva@indiana.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
--   This module provides a monad for C code generation as well
-- as some useful helper functions for manipulating it

module Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.CodeGenMonad
  ( CodeGen
  , CG(..)
  , runCodeGen
  , runCodeGenBlock
  , runCodeGenWith
  , emptyCG
  , suffixes

  -- codegen effects
  , declare
  , declare'
  , assign
  , putStat
  , putExprStat
  , extDeclare
  , defineFunction
  , funCG
  , isParallel
  , mkParallel
  , mkSequential

  , reserveName
  , genIdent
  , genIdent'

  -- Hakaru specific
  , createIdent
  , lookupIdent

  -- control mechanisms
  , whileCG
  , doWhileCG
  , forCG
  , reductionCG
  ) where

import Control.Monad.State.Strict

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.ABT hiding (var)
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing
import Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.Types
import Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.AST
import Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.Pretty

import Data.Number.Nat (fromNat)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.Text          as T
import qualified Data.Set           as S

import Text.PrettyPrint (render)

suffixes :: [String]
suffixes = filter (\n -> not $ elem (head n) ['0'..'9']) names
  where base :: [Char]
        base = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z']
        names = [[x] | x <- base] `mplus` (do n <- names
                                              [n++[x] | x <- base])

-- CG after "codegen", holds the state of a codegen computation
data CG = CG { freshNames    :: [String]     -- ^ fresh names for code generations
             , reservedNames :: S.Set String -- ^ reserve names during code generations
             , extDecls      :: [CExtDecl]   -- ^ total external declarations
             , declarations  :: [CDecl]      -- ^ declarations in local block
             , statements    :: [CStat]      -- ^ statements can include assignments as well as other side-effects
             , varEnv        :: Env          -- ^ mapping between Hakaru vars and codegeneration vars
             , parallel      :: Bool         -- ^ openMP supported block

emptyCG :: CG
emptyCG = CG suffixes mempty mempty [] [] emptyEnv False

type CodeGen = State CG

runCodeGen :: CodeGen a -> ([CExtDecl],[CDecl], [CStat])
runCodeGen m =
  let (_, cg) = runState m emptyCG
  in  ( reverse $ extDecls     cg
      , reverse $ declarations cg
      , reverse $ statements   cg )

runCodeGenBlock :: CodeGen a -> CodeGen CStat
runCodeGenBlock m =
  do cg <- get
     let (_,cg') = runState m $ cg { statements = []
                                   , declarations = [] }
     put $ cg' { statements   = statements cg
               , declarations = declarations cg' ++ declarations cg
     return . CCompound . fmap CBlockStat . reverse . statements $ cg'

runCodeGenWith :: CodeGen a -> CG -> [CExtDecl]
runCodeGenWith cg start = let (_,cg') = runState cg start in reverse $ extDecls cg'


isParallel :: CodeGen Bool
isParallel = parallel <$> get

mkParallel :: CodeGen ()
mkParallel =
  do cg <- get
     put (cg { parallel = True } )

mkSequential :: CodeGen ()
mkSequential =
  do cg <- get
     put (cg { parallel = False } )


reserveName :: String -> CodeGen ()
reserveName s =
  get >>= \cg -> put $ cg { reservedNames = s `S.insert` reservedNames cg }

genIdent :: CodeGen Ident
genIdent =
  do cg <- get
     let (freshNs,name) = pullName (freshNames cg) (reservedNames cg)
     put $ cg { freshNames = freshNs }
     return $ Ident name
  where pullName :: [String] -> S.Set String -> ([String],String)
        pullName (n:names) reserved =
          let name = "_" ++ n in
          if S.member name reserved
          then let (names',out) = pullName names reserved
               in  (n:names',out)
          else (names,name)
        pullName _ _ = error "should not happen, names is infinite"

genIdent' :: String -> CodeGen Ident
genIdent' s =
  do cg <- get
     let (freshNs,name) = pullName (freshNames cg) (reservedNames cg)
     put $ cg { freshNames = freshNs }
     return $ Ident name
  where pullName :: [String] -> S.Set String -> ([String],String)
        pullName (n:names) reserved =
          let name = s ++ "_" ++ n in
          if S.member name reserved
          then let (names',out) = pullName names reserved
               in  (n:names',out)
          else (names,name)
        pullName _ _ = error "should not happen, names is infinite"

createIdent :: Variable (a :: Hakaru) -> CodeGen Ident
createIdent var@(Variable name _ _) =
  do !cg <- get
     let ident = Ident $ (T.unpack name) ++ "_" ++ (head $ freshNames cg)
         env'  = updateEnv var ident (varEnv cg)
     put $! cg { freshNames = tail $ freshNames cg
               , varEnv     = env' }
     return ident

lookupIdent :: Variable (a :: Hakaru) -> CodeGen Ident
lookupIdent var =
  do !cg <- get
     let !env = varEnv cg
     case lookupVar var env of
       Nothing -> error $ "lookupIdent: var not found --" ++ show var
       Just i  -> return i

-- | types like SData and SMeasure are impure in that they will produce extra
--   code in the CodeGenMonad while literal types SReal, SInt, SNat, and SProb
--   do not
declare :: Sing (a :: Hakaru) -> Ident -> CodeGen ()
declare SInt          = declare' . typeDeclaration SInt
declare SNat          = declare' . typeDeclaration SNat
declare SProb         = declare' . typeDeclaration SProb
declare SReal         = declare' . typeDeclaration SReal
declare (SMeasure (SArray t))  = \i -> do extDeclare $ arrayStruct t
                                          extDeclare $ mdataStruct t
                                          declare'   $ mdataDeclaration (SArray t) i
declare (SMeasure t)  = \i -> do extDeclare $ mdataStruct t
                                 declare'   $ mdataDeclaration t i
declare (SArray t)    = \i -> do extDeclare $ arrayStruct t
                                 declare'   $ arrayDeclaration t i
declare d@(SData _ _) = \i -> do extDeclare $ datumStruct d
                                 declare'   $ datumDeclaration d i
declare (SFun _ _)    = \_ -> return () -- function definitions handeled in flatten

declare' :: CDecl -> CodeGen ()
declare' d = do cg <- get
                put $ cg { declarations = d:(declarations cg) }

putStat :: CStat -> CodeGen ()
putStat s = do cg <- get
               put $ cg { statements = s:(statements cg) }

putExprStat :: CExpr -> CodeGen ()
putExprStat = putStat . CExpr . Just

assign :: Ident -> CExpr -> CodeGen ()
assign ident e = putStat . CExpr . Just $ (CVar ident .=. e)

extDeclare :: CExtDecl -> CodeGen ()
extDeclare d = do cg <- get
                  let extds = extDecls cg
                      extds' = if elem d extds
                               then extds
                               else d:extds
                  put $ cg { extDecls = extds' }

defineFunction :: Sing (a :: Hakaru) -> Ident -> [CDecl] -> CodeGen () -> CodeGen ()
defineFunction typ ident args mbody =
  do cg <- get
     !cg' <- get
     let decls = reverse . declarations $ cg'
         stmts = reverse . statements   $ cg'
         def :: Sing (a :: Hakaru) -> CFunDef
         def SInt         = functionDef SInt  ident args decls stmts
         def SNat         = functionDef SNat  ident args decls stmts
         def SProb        = functionDef SProb ident args decls stmts
         def SReal        = functionDef SReal ident args decls stmts
         def (SMeasure t) = functionDef (SMeasure t) ident args decls stmts
         def t            = error $ "TODO: defined function of type: " ++ show t

     -- reset local statements and declarations
     put $ cg' { statements   = statements cg
               , declarations = declarations cg }
     extDeclare . CFunDefExt $ def typ

funCG :: CTypeSpec -> Ident -> [CDecl] -> CodeGen () -> CodeGen ()
funCG ts ident args mbody =
  do cg <- get
     !cg' <- get
     let decls = reverse . declarations $ cg'
         stmts = reverse . statements   $ cg'
     -- reset local statements and declarations
     put $ cg' { statements   = statements cg
               , declarations = declarations cg }
     extDeclare . CFunDefExt $
       CFunDef [CTypeSpec ts]
               (CDeclr Nothing [ CDDeclrIdent ident ])
               (CCompound ((fmap CBlockDecl decls) ++ (fmap CBlockStat stmts)))

-- ENV --

newtype Env = Env (IM.IntMap Ident)
  deriving Show

emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Env IM.empty

updateEnv :: Variable (a :: Hakaru) -> Ident -> Env -> Env
updateEnv (Variable _ nat _) ident (Env env) =
  Env $! IM.insert (fromNat nat) ident env

lookupVar :: Variable (a :: Hakaru) -> Env -> Maybe Ident
lookupVar (Variable _ nat _) (Env env) =
  IM.lookup (fromNat nat) env

-- Control Flow

whileCG :: CExpr -> CodeGen () -> CodeGen ()
whileCG bE m =
  let (_,_,stmts) = runCodeGen m
  in putStat $ CWhile bE (CCompound $ fmap CBlockStat stmts) False

doWhileCG :: CExpr -> CodeGen () -> CodeGen ()
doWhileCG bE m =
  let (_,_,stmts) = runCodeGen m
  in putStat $ CWhile bE (CCompound $ fmap CBlockStat stmts) True

-- forCG and reductionCG both create C for loops, their difference lies in the
-- parallel code they generate

  :: CExpr
  -> CExpr
  -> CExpr
  -> CodeGen ()
  -> CodeGen ()
forCG iter cond inc body =
  do cg <- get
     let (_,cg') = runState body $ cg { statements = []
                                      , declarations = [] }
     put $ cg' { statements = statements cg
               , declarations = declarations cg }
     par <- isParallel
     when par . putStat . CPPStat . PPPragma
       $ ["omp","parallel","for"]
     putStat $ CFor (Just iter)
                    (Just cond)
                    (Just inc)
                    (CCompound $  (fmap CBlockDecl (reverse $ declarations cg')
                               ++ (fmap CBlockStat (reverse $ statements cg'))))

  :: CBinaryOp
  -> Ident
  -> CExpr
  -> CExpr
  -> CExpr
  -> CodeGen ()
  -> CodeGen ()
reductionCG op acc iter cond inc body =
  do cg <- get
     let (_,cg') = runState body $ cg { statements = []
                                      , declarations = [] }
     put $ cg' { statements = statements cg
               , declarations = declarations cg }
     par <- isParallel
     when par . putStat . CPPStat . PPPragma
       $ ["omp","parallel","for"
         , concat ["reduction("
                  ,render . pretty $ op
                  ,render . pretty $ acc
     putStat $ CFor (Just iter)
                    (Just cond)
                    (Just inc)
                    (CCompound $  (fmap CBlockDecl (reverse $ declarations cg')
                               ++ (fmap CBlockStat (reverse $ statements cg'))))