--                                                                  2016.09.08
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.Pretty
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  zsulliva@indiana.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
--   A pretty printer for the CodeGen AST

module Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.Pretty
  ( pretty
  , prettyPrint
  , Pretty
  ) where

import Text.PrettyPrint
import Language.Hakaru.CodeGen.AST

prettyPrint :: Pretty a => a -> String
prettyPrint = render . pretty

class Pretty a where
  pretty :: a -> Doc
  prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc

  pretty = prettyPrec 0
  prettyPrec _ = pretty

mpretty :: Pretty a => Maybe a -> Doc
mpretty Nothing  = empty
mpretty (Just x) = pretty x

mPrettyPrec :: Pretty a => Int -> Maybe a -> Doc
mPrettyPrec _ Nothing  = empty
mPrettyPrec p (Just x) = prettyPrec p x

-- will compare two precs and put parens if the prec is lower
parensPrec :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
parensPrec x y = if x <= y then parens else id

newline :: Doc
newline = char '\n'

--                                  Top Level                                 --

instance Pretty Ident where
  pretty (Ident i) = text i

instance Pretty CAST where
  pretty (CAST extdecls) = (vcat . fmap pretty $ extdecls) $$ newline

instance Pretty CExtDecl where
  pretty (CDeclExt d) =  newline <> pretty d <> semi
  pretty (CFunDefExt f) = newline <> pretty f
  pretty (CCommentExt s) = text "/*" <+> text s <+> text "*/"
  pretty (CPPExt p) = pretty p

instance Pretty CFunDef where
  pretty (CFunDef dspecs dr ds s) =
    ((hsep . fmap pretty $ dspecs)
     <+> pretty dr
     <>  (parens . hsep . punctuate comma . fmap pretty $ ds))
    $+$ pretty s

--                               Preprocessor                                 --

instance Pretty Preprocessor where
  pretty (PPDefine n x) = hsep . fmap text $ ["#define",n,x]
  pretty (PPInclude s) = text "#include" <+> text "<" <> text s <> text ">"
  pretty (PPUndef s) = text "#undef" <+> text s
  pretty (PPIf s) = text "#if" <+> text s
  pretty (PPIfDef s) = text "#ifdef" <+> text s
  pretty (PPIfNDef s) = text "#ifndef" <+> text s
  pretty (PPElse s) = text "#else" <+> text s
  pretty (PPElif s) = text "#elif" <+> text s
  pretty (PPEndif s) = text "#endif" <+> text s
  pretty (PPError s) = text "#error" <+> text s
  pretty (PPPragma ts) = space $$ text "#pragma" <+> (hsep . fmap text $ ts)

--                             CDeclarations                                  --

instance Pretty CDecl where
  pretty (CDecl ds ps) =
    hsep [ hsep . fmap pretty $ ds
         , hsep . punctuate comma . fmap declarators $ ps]
    where declarators (dr, Nothing) = pretty dr
          declarators (dr, Just ilist) = pretty dr <+> text "=" <+> pretty ilist

instance Pretty CDeclr where
  pretty (CDeclr mp dds) =
    mpretty mp <+> (hsep . fmap pretty $ dds)

instance Pretty CPtrDeclr where
  pretty (CPtrDeclr ts) = text "*" <+> (hsep . fmap pretty $ ts)

instance Pretty CDirectDeclr where
  pretty (CDDeclrIdent i) = pretty i
  pretty (CDDeclrArr dd e) = pretty dd <+> (brackets . pretty $ e)
  pretty (CDDeclrFun dd ts) =
    pretty dd <+> (hsep . punctuate comma . fmap pretty $ ts)

instance Pretty CDeclSpec where
  pretty (CStorageSpec ss) = pretty ss
  pretty (CTypeSpec ts) = pretty ts
  pretty (CTypeQual tq) = pretty tq
  pretty (CFunSpec _ ) = text "inline"  -- inline is the only CFunSpec

instance Pretty CStorageSpec where
  pretty CTypeDef = text "typedef"
  pretty CExtern = text "extern"
  pretty CStatic = text "static"
  pretty CAuto = text "auto"
  pretty CRegister = text "register"

instance Pretty CTypeQual where
  pretty CConstQual = text "const"
  pretty CVolatQual = text "volatile"

instance Pretty CTypeSpec where
  pretty CVoid = text "void"
  pretty CChar = text "char"
  pretty CShort = text "short"
  pretty CInt = text "int"
  pretty CLong = text "long"
  pretty CFloat = text "float"
  pretty CDouble = text "double"
  pretty CSigned = text "signed"
  pretty CUnsigned = text "unsigned"
  pretty (CSUType cs) = pretty cs
  pretty (CTypeDefType _) = error "TODO: Pretty TypeDef"
  pretty (CEnumType _) = error "TODO: Pretty EnumType"

instance Pretty CSUSpec where
  pretty (CSUSpec tag mi []) =
    pretty tag <+> mpretty mi
  pretty (CSUSpec tag mi ds) =
    (pretty tag <+> mpretty mi <+> lbrace)
    $+$ (nest (-1) $ (nest 2 . sep . fmap (\d -> pretty d <> semi)  $ ds)
                     $+$ rbrace)

instance Pretty CSUTag where
  pretty CStructTag = text "struct"
  pretty CUnionTag = text "union"

instance Pretty CEnum where
  pretty (CEnum _ _) = error "TODO: Pretty Enum"

instance Pretty CInit where
  pretty (CInitExpr _) = error "TODO: Pretty Init"
  pretty (CInitList _) = error "TODO: Pretty Init list"

instance Pretty CPartDesig where
  pretty (CArrDesig _) = error "TODO: Pretty Arr Desig"
  pretty (CMemberDesig _) = error "TODO: Pretty Memdesig"

--                                CStatements                                 --

instance Pretty CStat where
  pretty (CLabel lId s) = pretty lId <> colon $$ nest 2 (pretty s)
  pretty (CGoto lId) = text "goto" <+> pretty lId <> semi
  pretty (CSwitch e s) = text "switch" <+> pretty e <+> (parens . pretty $ s )
  pretty (CCase e s) = text "case" <+> pretty e <> colon $$ nest 2 (pretty s)
  pretty (CDefault s) = text "default" <> colon $$ nest 2 (pretty s)
  pretty (CExpr me) = mpretty me <> semi
  pretty (CCompound bs) =
    nest (-1) (lbrace $+$ (nest 2 . vcat . fmap pretty $ bs) $+$ rbrace)

  pretty (CIf ce thns (Just elss)) = nest 1 $
    text "if" <+> (parens . prettyPrec (-5) $ ce)
              $+$ (nest 1 $ pretty thns)
              $+$ text "else"
              $+$ (nest 1 $ pretty elss)
  pretty (CIf ce thns Nothing) =
    text "if" <+> (parens . prettyPrec (-5) $ ce) $+$ (nest 1 $ pretty thns)

  pretty (CWhile ce s b) =
    if b
    then text "do" <+> pretty s <+> text "while" <+> (parens $ pretty ce) <> semi
    else text "while" <+> (parens $ pretty ce) $$ (nest 1 $ pretty s)

  pretty (CFor me mce mie s) =
    text "for"
    <+> (parens . hsep . punctuate semi . fmap (mPrettyPrec 10) $ [me,mce,mie])
    $$  (nest 1 $ pretty s)

  pretty CCont = text "continue" <> semi
  pretty CBreak = text "break" <> semi
  pretty (CReturn me) = text "return" <+> mpretty me  <> semi
  pretty (CComment s) = text "/*" <+> text s <+> text "*/"
  pretty (CPPStat p) = pretty p

instance Pretty CCompoundBlockItem where
  pretty (CBlockStat s) = pretty s
  pretty (CBlockDecl d) = pretty d <> semi

--                                CExpressions                                --

instance Pretty CExpr where
  prettyPrec _ (CComma es) = hsep . punctuate comma . fmap pretty $ es
  prettyPrec _ (CAssign op le re) = pretty le <+> pretty op <+> pretty re
  prettyPrec _ (CCond ce thn els) = pretty ce <+> text "?" <+> pretty thn <+> colon <+> pretty els
  prettyPrec p (CBinary op e1 e2) =
    parensPrec p 0 . hsep $ [pretty e1, pretty op, pretty e2]
  prettyPrec p (CCast d e) =
    parensPrec p (2) $ parens (pretty d) <> pretty e
  prettyPrec p (CUnary op e) =
    if elem op [CPostIncOp,CPostDecOp]
    then parensPrec p (-1) $ prettyPrec (-1) e <> pretty op
    else parens $ pretty op <> prettyPrec (-1) e

  prettyPrec _ (CSizeOfExpr e) = text "sizeof" <> (parens . pretty $ e)
  prettyPrec _ (CSizeOfType d) = text "sizeof" <> (parens . pretty $ d)
  prettyPrec _ (CIndex arrId ie) = pretty arrId <> (brackets . pretty $ ie)
  prettyPrec _ (CCall fune es) =
    pretty fune <> (parens . hcat . punctuate comma . fmap pretty $ es)
  prettyPrec _ (CMember ve memId isPtr) =
    let op = text $ if isPtr then "." else "->"
    in  pretty ve <> op <> pretty memId
  prettyPrec _ (CVar varId) = pretty varId
  prettyPrec _ (CConstant c) = pretty c
  prettyPrec _ (CCompoundLit d ini) = parens (pretty d) <> pretty ini

instance Pretty CAssignOp where
  pretty CAssignOp = text "="
  pretty CMulAssOp = text "*="
  pretty CDivAssOp = text "/="
  pretty CRmdAssOp = text "%="
  pretty CAddAssOp = text "+="
  pretty CSubAssOp = text "-="
  pretty CShlAssOp = text "<<="
  pretty CShrAssOp = text ">>="
  pretty CAndAssOp = text "&="
  pretty CXorAssOp = text "^="
  pretty COrAssOp  = text "|="

instance Pretty CBinaryOp where
  pretty CMulOp = text "*"
  pretty CDivOp = text "/"
  pretty CRmdOp = text "%"
  pretty CAddOp = text "+"
  pretty CSubOp = text "-"
  pretty CShlOp = text "<<"
  pretty CShrOp = text ">>"
  pretty CLeOp  = text "<"
  pretty CGrOp  = text ">"
  pretty CLeqOp = text "<="
  pretty CGeqOp = text ">="
  pretty CEqOp  = text "=="
  pretty CNeqOp = text "!="
  pretty CAndOp = text "&"
  pretty CXorOp = text "^"
  pretty COrOp  = text "|"
  pretty CLndOp = text "&&"
  pretty CLorOp = text "||"

instance Pretty CUnaryOp where
  pretty CPreIncOp  = text "++"
  pretty CPreDecOp  = text "--"
  pretty CPostIncOp = text "++"
  pretty CPostDecOp = text "--"
  pretty CAdrOp     = text "&"
  pretty CIndOp     = text "*"
  pretty CPlusOp    = text "+"
  pretty CMinOp     = text "-"
  pretty CCompOp    = text "~"
  pretty CNegOp     = text "!"

instance Pretty CConst where
  pretty (CIntConst i)    = text . show $ i
  pretty (CCharConst c)   = char c
  pretty (CFloatConst f)  = float f
  pretty (CStringConst s) = text . show $ s