, GADTs
           , EmptyCase
           , KindSignatures
           , DataKinds
           , PolyKinds
           , TypeOperators
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , Rank2Types
           , MultiParamTypeClasses
           , TypeSynonymInstances
           , FlexibleInstances
           , FlexibleContexts
           , UndecidableInstances

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
--                                                    2016.06.29
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.Disintegrate
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- Disintegration via lazy partial evaluation.
-- N.B., the forward direction of disintegration is /not/ just
-- partial evaluation! In the version discussed in the paper we
-- must also ensure that no heap-bound variables occur in the result,
-- which requires using HNFs rather than WHNFs. That condition is
-- sound, but a bit too strict; we could generalize this to handle
-- cases where there may be heap-bound variables remaining in neutral
-- terms, provided we (a) don't end up trying to go both forward
-- and backward on the same variable, and (more importantly) (b)
-- end up with the proper Jacobian. The paper version is rigged to
-- ensure that whenever we recurse into two subexpressions (e.g.,
-- the arguments to addition) one of them has a Jacobian of zero,
-- thus when going from @x*y@ to @dx*y + x*dy@ one of the terms
-- cancels out.
-- /Developer's Note:/ To help keep the code clean, we use the
-- worker\/wrapper transform. However, due to complexities in
-- typechecking GADTs, this often confuses GHC if you don't give
-- just the right type signature on definitions. This confusion
-- shows up whenever you get error messages about an \"ambiguous\"
-- choice of 'ABT' instance, or certain types of \"couldn't match
-- @a@ with @a1@\" error messages. To eliminate these issues we use
-- @-XScopedTypeVariables@. In particular, the @abt@ type variable
-- must be bound by the wrapper (i.e., the top-level definition),
-- and the workers should just refer to that same type variable
-- rather than quantifying over abother @abt@ type. In addition,
-- whatever other type variables there are (e.g., the @xs@ and @a@
-- of an @abt xs a@ argument) should be polymorphic in the workers
-- and should /not/ reuse the other analogous type variables bound
-- by the wrapper.
-- /Developer's Note:/ In general, we'd like to emit weights and
-- guards \"as early as possible\"; however, determining when that
-- actually is can be tricky. If we emit them way-too-early then
-- we'll get hygiene errors because bindings for the variables they
-- use have not yet been emitted. We can fix these hygiene erors
-- by calling 'atomize', to ensure that all the necessary bindings
-- have already been emitted. But that may still emit things too
-- early, because emitting th variable-binding statements now means
-- that we can't go forward\/backward on them later on; which may
-- cause us to bot unnecessarily. One way to avoid this bot issue
-- is to emit guards\/weights later than necessary, by actually
-- pushing them onto the context (and then emitting them whenever
-- we residualize the context). This guarantees we don't emit too
-- early; but the tradeoff is we may end up generating duplicate
-- code by emitting too late. One possible (currently unimplemented)
-- solution to that code duplication issue is to let these statements
-- be emitted too late, but then have a post-processing step to
-- lift guards\/weights up as high as they can go. To avoid problems
-- about testing programs\/expressions for equality, we can use a
-- hash-consing trick so we keep track of the identity of guard\/weight
-- statements, then we can simply compare those identities and only
-- after the lifting do we replace the identity hash with the actual
-- statement.
module Language.Hakaru.Disintegrate
    -- * the Hakaru API
    , disintegrate
    , densityWithVar
    , density
    , observe
    , determine
    -- * Implementation details
    , perform
    , atomize
    , constrainValue
    , constrainOutcome
    ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Data.Functor         ((<$>))
import           Data.Foldable        (Foldable, foldMap)
import           Data.Traversable     (Traversable)
import           Control.Applicative  (Applicative(..))
import           Control.Applicative  (Alternative(..))
import           Control.Monad        ((<=<), guard)
import           Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import qualified Data.Traversable     as T
import           Data.List.NonEmpty   (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty   as L
import qualified Data.Text            as Text
import qualified Data.IntMap          as IM
import           Data.Sequence        (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence        as S
import           Data.Proxy           (KProxy(..))
import qualified Data.Set             as Set (fromList)
import           Data.Maybe           (fromMaybe)

import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses
import Data.Number.Natural
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing
import qualified Language.Hakaru.Types.Coercion as C
import Language.Hakaru.Types.HClasses
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.TypeOf
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.DatumCase (DatumEvaluator, MatchResult(..), matchBranches)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.ABT
import Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.Types
import Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.Lazy hiding (evaluate,update)
import Language.Hakaru.Evaluation.DisintegrationMonad
import qualified Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Prelude as P
import qualified Language.Hakaru.Expect         as E

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint     as PP
import Language.Hakaru.Pretty.Haskell
import Debug.Trace                    (trace, traceM)


lam_ :: (ABT Term abt) => Variable a -> abt '[] b -> abt '[] (a ':-> b)
lam_ x e = syn (Lam_ :$ bind x e :* End)

-- | Disintegrate a measure over pairs with respect to the lebesgue
-- measure on the first component. That is, for each measure kernel
-- @n <- disintegrate m@ we have that @m == bindx lebesgue n@. The
-- first two arguments give the hint and type of the lambda-bound
-- variable in the result. If you want to automatically fill those
-- in, then see 'disintegrate'.
-- N.B., the resulting functions from @a@ to @'HMeasure b@ are
-- indeed measurable, thus it is safe\/appropriate to use Hakaru's
-- @(':->)@ rather than Haskell's @(->)@.
-- BUG: Actually, disintegration is with respect to the /Borel/
-- measure on the first component of the pair! Alas, we don't really
-- have a clean way of describing this since we've no primitive
-- 'MeasureOp' for Borel measures.
-- /Developer's Note:/ This function fills the role that the old
-- @runDisintegrate@ did (as opposed to the old function called
-- @disintegrate@). [Once people are familiar enough with the new
-- code base and no longer recall what the old code base was doing,
-- this note should be deleted.]
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => Text.Text
    -> Sing a
    -> abt '[] ('HMeasure (HPair a b))
    -> [abt '[] (a ':-> 'HMeasure b)]
disintegrateWithVar hint typ m =
    let x = Variable hint (nextFreeOrBind m) typ
    in map (lam_ x) . flip runDis [Some2 m, Some2 (var x)] $ do
        ab <- perform m
        ss <- getStatements
        trace ("-- disintegrate: finished perform\n"
            ++ show (pretty_Statements ss PP.$+$ PP.sep(prettyPrec_ 11 ab))
            ++ "\n") $ return ()
        -- BUG: Why does 'testDisintegrate1a' return no solutions?
        -- In older code (up to git#38889a5): It's because 'emitUnpair'
        -- isn't quite smart enough. When the @ab@ expression is a
        -- 'Neutral' case expression, we need to go underneath the
        -- case expression and call 'constrainValue' on each branch.
        -- Instead, what we currently do is emit an @unpair@ case
        -- statement with the scrutinee being the 'Neutral' case
        -- expression, and then just return the pair of variables
        -- bound by the emitted @unpair@; but, of course,
        -- 'constrainValue' can't do anything with those variables
        -- (since they appear to be free, given as they've already
        -- been emitted). Another way to think about what it is we
        -- need to do to correct this is that we need to perform
        -- the case-of-case transformation (where one of the cases
        -- is the 'Neutral' one, and the other is the @unpair@).
        -- In newer code (git#e8a0c66 and later): When we call 'perform'
        -- on an 'SBind' statement we emit some code and update the
        -- binding to become an 'SLet' of some local variable to
        -- the emitted variable. Later on when we call 'constrainVariable'
        -- on the local variable, we will look that 'SLet' statement
        -- up; and then when we call 'constrainVariable' on the
        -- emitted variable, things will @bot@ because we cannot
        -- constrain free variables in general.
        (a,b) <- emitUnpair ab
        trace ("-- disintegrate: finished emitUnpair: "
            ++ show (pretty a, pretty b)) $ return ()
        constrainValue (var x) a
        ss <- getStatements
        locs <- getLocs
        traceM ("-- disintegrate: finished constrainValue\n"
                ++ show (pretty_Statements ss) ++ "\n"
                ++ show (prettyLocs locs)
        return b

-- | A variant of 'disintegrateWithVar' which automatically computes
-- the type via 'typeOf'.
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] ('HMeasure (HPair a b))
    -> [abt '[] (a ':-> 'HMeasure b)]
disintegrate m =
        (fst . sUnPair . sUnMeasure $ typeOf m) -- TODO: change the exception thrown form 'typeOf' so that we know it comes from here

-- | Return the density function for a given measure. The first two
-- arguments give the hint and type of the lambda-bound variable
-- in the result. If you want to automatically fill those in, then
-- see 'density'.
-- TODO: is the resulting function guaranteed to be measurable? If
-- so, update this documentation to reflect that fact; if not, then
-- we should make it into a Haskell function instead.
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => Text.Text
    -> Sing a
    -> abt '[] ('HMeasure a)
    -> [abt '[] (a ':-> 'HProb)]
densityWithVar hint typ m =
    let x = Variable hint (nextFree m `max` nextBind m) typ
    in (lam_ x . E.total) <$> observe m (var x)

-- | A variant of 'densityWithVar' which automatically computes the
-- type via 'typeOf'.
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] ('HMeasure a)
    -> [abt '[] (a ':-> 'HProb)]
density m =
        (sUnMeasure $ typeOf m)

-- | Constrain a measure such that it must return the observed
-- value. In other words, the resulting measure returns the observed
-- value with weight according to its density in the original
-- measure, and gives all other values weight zero.
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] ('HMeasure a)
    -> abt '[] a
    -> [abt '[] ('HMeasure a)]
observe m x =
    runDis (constrainOutcome x m >> return x) [Some2 m, Some2 x]

-- | Arbitrarily choose one of the possible alternatives. In the
-- future, this function should be replaced by a better one that
-- takes some sort of strategy for deciding which alternative to
-- choose.
determine :: (ABT Term abt) => [abt '[] a] -> Maybe (abt '[] a)
determine []    = Nothing
determine (m:_) = Just m

firstM :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (a,c) -> f (b,c)
firstM f (x,y) = (\z -> (z, y)) <$> f x

-- N.B., forward disintegration is not identical to partial evaluation,
-- as noted at the top of the file. For correctness we need to
-- ensure the result is emissible (i.e., has no heap-bound variables).
-- More specifically, we need to ensure emissibility in the places
-- where we call 'emitMBind'
evaluate_ :: (ABT Term abt) => TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
evaluate_ = evaluate perform evaluateCase

-- Copying `evaluate` and `update` from LH.Evaluation.Lazy for now (2016-06-28)
-- Beginning of copied code -------------------------------------------------

    :: forall abt m p
    .  (ABT Term abt)
    => MeasureEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    -> (TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt) -> CaseEvaluator abt (Dis abt))
    -> TermEvaluator  abt (Dis abt)
{-# INLINE evaluate #-}
evaluate perform evaluateCase = goEvaluate
    evaluateCase_ :: CaseEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    evaluateCase_ = evaluateCase goEvaluate

    goEvaluate :: TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    goEvaluate e0 =
      getIndices >>= \inds ->
      trace ("-- goEvaluate: " ++ show (pretty e0)
                               ++ "at " ++ show (ppInds inds)) $
      caseVarSyn e0 (update perform goEvaluate) $ \t ->
        case t of
        -- Things which are already WHNFs
        Literal_ v               -> return . Head_ $ WLiteral v
        Datum_   d               -> return . Head_ $ WDatum   d
        Empty_   typ             -> return . Head_ $ WEmpty   typ
        Array_   e1 e2           -> return . Head_ $ WArray e1 e2
        Lam_  :$ e1 :* End       -> return . Head_ $ WLam   e1
        Dirac :$ e1 :* End       -> return . Head_ $ WDirac e1
        MBind :$ e1 :* e2 :* End -> return . Head_ $ WMBind e1 e2
        Plate :$ e1 :* e2 :* End -> return . Head_ $ WPlate e1 e2
        MeasureOp_ o :$ es       -> return . Head_ $ WMeasureOp o es
        Superpose_ pes           -> return . Head_ $ WSuperpose pes
        Reject_ typ              -> return . Head_ $ WReject typ
        -- We don't bother evaluating these, even though we could...
        Integrate :$ e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End ->
            return . Head_ $ WIntegrate e1 e2 e3
        Summate h1 h2 :$ e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End ->
            return . Neutral $ syn t
            --return . Head_ $ WSummate   e1 e2 e3

        -- Everything else needs some evaluation

        App_ :$ e1 :* e2 :* End -> do
            w1 <- goEvaluate e1
            case w1 of
                Neutral e1' -> return . Neutral $ P.app e1' e2
                Head_   v1  -> evaluateApp v1
            evaluateApp (WLam f)   =
                -- call-by-name:
                caseBind f $ \x f' -> do
                    i <- getIndices
                    push (SLet x (Thunk e2) i) f' goEvaluate
            evaluateApp _ = error "evaluate{App_}: the impossible happened"

        Let_ :$ e1 :* e2 :* End -> do
            i <- getIndices
            caseBind e2 $ \x e2' ->
                push (SLet x (Thunk e1) i) e2' goEvaluate

        CoerceTo_   c :$ e1 :* End -> C.coerceTo   c <$> goEvaluate e1
        UnsafeFrom_ c :$ e1 :* End -> C.coerceFrom c <$> goEvaluate e1

        -- TODO: will maybe clean up the code to map 'evaluate' over @es@ before calling the evaluateFooOp helpers?
        NaryOp_  o    es -> evaluateNaryOp  goEvaluate o es
        ArrayOp_ o :$ es -> evaluateArrayOp goEvaluate o es
        PrimOp_  o :$ es -> evaluatePrimOp  goEvaluate o es

        -- BUG: avoid the chance of looping in case 'E.expect' residualizes!
        -- TODO: use 'evaluate' in 'E.expect' for the evaluation of @e1@
        Expect :$ e1 :* e2 :* End ->
            error "TODO: evaluate{Expect}: unclear how to handle this without cyclic dependencies"
        -- BUG: can't call E.expect because of cyclic dependency
            goEvaluate . E.expect e1 $ \e3 ->
                syn (Let_ :$ e3 :* e2 :* End)

        Case_ e bs -> evaluateCase_ e bs

        _ :$ _ -> error "evaluate: the impossible happened"

    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    -> NaryOp a
    -> Seq (abt '[] a)
    -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
evaluateNaryOp evaluate_ = \o es -> mainLoop o (evalOp o) S.empty es
    -- TODO: there's got to be a more efficient way to do this...
    mainLoop o op ws es =
        case S.viewl es of
        S.EmptyL   -> return $
            case S.viewl ws of
            S.EmptyL         -> identityElement o -- Avoid empty naryOps
            w S.:< ws'
                | S.null ws' -> w -- Avoid singleton naryOps
                | otherwise    ->
                    Neutral . syn . NaryOp_ o $ fmap fromWhnf ws
        e S.:< es' -> do
            w <- evaluate_ e
            case matchNaryOp o w of
                Nothing  -> mainLoop o op (snocLoop op ws w) es'
                Just es2 -> mainLoop o op ws (es2 S.>< es')

        :: (ABT syn abt)
        => (Head abt a -> Head abt a -> Head abt a)
        -> Seq (Whnf abt a)
        -> Whnf abt a
        -> Seq (Whnf abt a)
    snocLoop op ws w1 =
        -- TODO: immediately return @ws@ if @w1 == identityElement o@ (whenever identityElement is defined)
        case S.viewr ws of
        S.EmptyR    -> S.singleton w1
        ws' S.:> w2 ->
            case (w1,w2) of
            (Head_ v1, Head_ v2) -> snocLoop op ws' (Head_ (op v1 v2))
            _                    -> ws S.|> w1

        :: (ABT Term abt)
        => NaryOp a
        -> Whnf abt a
        -> Maybe (Seq (abt '[] a))
    matchNaryOp o w =
        case w of
        Head_   _ -> Nothing
        Neutral e ->
            caseVarSyn e (const Nothing) $ \t ->
                case t of
                NaryOp_ o' es | o' == o -> Just es
                _                       -> Nothing

    -- TODO: move this off to Prelude.hs or somewhere...
    identityElement :: (ABT Term abt) => NaryOp a -> Whnf abt a
    identityElement o =
        case o of
        And    -> Head_ (WDatum dTrue)
        Or     -> Head_ (WDatum dFalse)
        Xor    -> Head_ (WDatum dFalse)
        Iff    -> Head_ (WDatum dTrue)
        Min  _ -> Neutral (syn (NaryOp_ o S.empty)) -- no identity in general (but we could do it by cases...)
        Max  _ -> Neutral (syn (NaryOp_ o S.empty)) -- no identity in general (but we could do it by cases...)
        -- TODO: figure out how to reuse 'P.zero_' and 'P.one_' here; requires converting thr @(syn . Literal_)@ into @(Head_ . WLiteral)@. Maybe we should change 'P.zero_' and 'P.one_' so they just return the 'Literal' itself rather than the @abt@?
        Sum  HSemiring_Nat  -> Head_ (WLiteral (LNat  0))
        Sum  HSemiring_Int  -> Head_ (WLiteral (LInt  0))
        Sum  HSemiring_Prob -> Head_ (WLiteral (LProb 0))
        Sum  HSemiring_Real -> Head_ (WLiteral (LReal 0))
        Prod HSemiring_Nat  -> Head_ (WLiteral (LNat  1))
        Prod HSemiring_Int  -> Head_ (WLiteral (LInt  1))
        Prod HSemiring_Prob -> Head_ (WLiteral (LProb 1))
        Prod HSemiring_Real -> Head_ (WLiteral (LReal 1))

    -- | The evaluation interpretation of each NaryOp
        :: (ABT Term abt)
        => NaryOp a
        -> Head abt a
        -> Head abt a
        -> Head abt a
    -- TODO: something more efficient\/direct if we can...
    evalOp And      = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 && reify v2)
    evalOp Or       = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 || reify v2)
    evalOp Xor      = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 /= reify v2)
    evalOp Iff      = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 == reify v2)
    evalOp (Min  _) = error "TODO: evalOp{Min}"
    evalOp (Max  _) = error "TODO: evalOp{Max}"
    evalOp (Min  _) = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 `min` reify v2)
    evalOp (Max  _) = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 `max` reify v2)
    evalOp (Sum  _) = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 + reify v2)
    evalOp (Prod _) = \v1 v2 -> reflect (reify v1 * reify v2)
    -- HACK: this is just to have something to test. We really should reduce\/remove all this boilerplate...
    evalOp (Sum  theSemi) =
        \(WLiteral v1) (WLiteral v2) -> WLiteral $ evalSum  theSemi v1 v2
    evalOp (Prod theSemi) =
        \(WLiteral v1) (WLiteral v2) -> WLiteral $ evalProd theSemi v1 v2

    -- TODO: even if only one of the arguments is a literal, if that literal is zero\/one, then we can still partially evaluate it. (As is done in the old finally-tagless code)
    evalSum, evalProd :: HSemiring a -> Literal a -> Literal a -> Literal a
    evalSum  HSemiring_Nat  = \(LNat  n1) (LNat  n2) -> LNat  (n1 + n2)
    evalSum  HSemiring_Int  = \(LInt  i1) (LInt  i2) -> LInt  (i1 + i2)
    evalSum  HSemiring_Prob = \(LProb p1) (LProb p2) -> LProb (p1 + p2)
    evalSum  HSemiring_Real = \(LReal r1) (LReal r2) -> LReal (r1 + r2)
    evalProd HSemiring_Nat  = \(LNat  n1) (LNat  n2) -> LNat  (n1 * n2)
    evalProd HSemiring_Int  = \(LInt  i1) (LInt  i2) -> LInt  (i1 * i2)
    evalProd HSemiring_Prob = \(LProb p1) (LProb p2) -> LProb (p1 * p2)
    evalProd HSemiring_Real = \(LReal r1) (LReal r2) -> LReal (r1 * r2)

isIndex :: (ABT Term abt) => Variable 'HNat -> Dis abt Bool
isIndex v = do inds <- getIndices
               return $ v `elem` map indVar inds                              

-- | For {evaluate, constrainValue v0} ArrayOp_ (Index _) :$ e1 :* e2 :* End
indexArrayOp :: forall abt typs args a r
             .  ( ABT Term abt
                , typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs )
             => ArrayOp typs a
             -> SArgs abt args
             -> TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
             -> (abt '[] a -> Dis abt r) -- evaluate or (constrainValue v0)
             -> (Head abt ('HArray a)    -- e1 is in whnf, and
                -> Variable 'HNat        -- e2 is a free under current indices
                -> Dis abt r)
             -> (Term abt ('HArray a)    -- e1 is neutral syntax
                -> Dis abt r)
             -> (abt '[] ('HArray a)     -- e1 is a free variable
                -> Dis abt r) 
             -> (abt '[] ('HArray a)     -- e1 is a multiloc, and
                -> Variable 'HNat        -- e2 is a free under current indices
                -> Dis abt r)
             -> Dis abt r
indexArrayOp o@(Index _) (e1 :* e2 :* End) evaluate_ kInd kArr kSyn kFree kMultiLoc = do
  w1 <- evaluate_ e1
  case w1 of
    Head_ arr@(WArray _ b) -> caseBind b $ \x body ->
      evalIndex (kInd . flip (rename x) body) (kArr arr)
    Head_ (WEmpty _) -> error "TODO: indexArrayOp o (Empty_ :* _ :* End)"
    Head_ _          -> error "indexArrayOp: unknown whnf of array type"
    Neutral e1' -> flip (caseVarSyn e1') kSyn $ \x ->
      do locs <- getLocs
         case (lookupAssoc x locs) of
           Nothing              -> kFree e1'
           Just (Loc _ _)       -> error "indexArrayOp: impossible, we have a Neutral term"
           Just (MultiLoc l js) ->
             evalIndex ((kInd . var =<<) . mkLoc Text.empty l . flip extendLocInds js)
                       (kMultiLoc e1')
      evalIndex :: (ABT Term abt)
                => (Variable 'HNat -> Dis abt r)
                -> (Variable 'HNat -> Dis abt r)
                -> Dis abt r
      evalIndex thenCase elseCase = do
            w2 <- evaluate_ e2
            caseWhnf w2 (const bot) $ \term -> -- bot if index is in whnf (eg. a literal num)
              flip (caseVarSyn term) (const bot) $ \v -> -- bot if index is neutral syntax
                do isInd <- isIndex v
                   if isInd then thenCase v else elseCase v
indexArrayOp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "indexArrayOp called on incorrect ArrayOp"

    :: ( ABT Term abt
       , typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    -> ArrayOp typs a
    -> SArgs abt args
    -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
evaluateArrayOp evaluate_ = go
    go o@(Index _) = \args@(_ :* e2 :* End) ->
      let returnIndex = return . Neutral . syn
      in indexArrayOp o args
                      (\arr v -> returnIndex (ArrayOp_ o :$ fromHead arr :* var v :* End))
                      (\s     -> returnIndex (ArrayOp_ o :$ syn s        :* e2    :* End))
                      (\e1'   -> returnIndex (ArrayOp_ o :$ e1'          :* e2    :* End))
                      (\e1' v -> returnIndex (ArrayOp_ o :$ e1'          :* var v :* End))
    go o@(Size _) = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        w1 <- evaluate_ e1
        case w1 of
            Neutral e1' -> return . Neutral $ syn (ArrayOp_ o :$ e1' :* End)
            Head_   v1  ->
                case head2array v1 of
                WAEmpty      -> return . Head_ $ WLiteral (LNat 0)
                WAArray e3 _ -> evaluate_ e3

    go (Reduce _) = \(e1 :* e2 :* e3 :* End) ->
        error "TODO: evaluateArrayOp{Reduce}"

data ArrayHead :: ([Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where
    WAEmpty :: ArrayHead abt a
        :: !(abt '[] 'HNat)
        -> !(abt '[ 'HNat] a)
        -> ArrayHead abt a

head2array :: Head abt ('HArray a) -> ArrayHead abt a
head2array (WEmpty _)     = WAEmpty
head2array (WArray e1 e2) = WAArray e1 e2

impl, diff, nand, nor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
impl x y = not x || y
diff x y = x && not y
nand x y = not (x && y)
nor  x y = not (x || y)                            

    :: forall abt p typs args a
    .  ( ABT Term abt
       , typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    -> PrimOp typs a
    -> SArgs abt args
    -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
evaluatePrimOp evaluate_ = go
    -- HACK: we don't have any way of saying these functions haven't reduced even though it's not actually a neutral term.
    neu1 :: forall b c
        .  (abt '[] b -> abt '[] c)
        -> abt '[] b
        -> Dis abt (Whnf abt c)
    neu1 f e = (Neutral . f . fromWhnf) <$> evaluate_ e

    neu2 :: forall b c d
        .  (abt '[] b -> abt '[] c -> abt '[] d)
        -> abt '[] b
        -> abt '[] c   
        -> Dis abt (Whnf abt d)
    neu2 f e1 e2 = do e1' <- fromWhnf <$> evaluate_ e1
                      e2' <- fromWhnf <$> evaluate_ e2
                      return . Neutral $ f e1' e2'

    rr1 :: forall b b' c c'
        .  (Interp b b', Interp c c')
        => (b' -> c')
        -> (abt '[] b -> abt '[] c)
        -> abt '[] b
        -> Dis abt (Whnf abt c)
    rr1 f' f e = do
        w <- evaluate_ e
        return $
            case w of
            Neutral e' -> Neutral $ f e'
            Head_   v  -> Head_ . reflect $ f' (reify v)

    rr2 :: forall b b' c c' d d'
        .  (Interp b b', Interp c c', Interp d d')
        => (b' -> c' -> d')
        -> (abt '[] b -> abt '[] c -> abt '[] d)
        -> abt '[] b
        -> abt '[] c
        -> Dis abt (Whnf abt d)
    rr2 f' f e1 e2 = do
        w1 <- evaluate_ e1
        w2 <- evaluate_ e2
        return $
            case w1 of
            Neutral e1' -> Neutral $ f e1' (fromWhnf w2)
            Head_   v1  ->
                case w2 of
                Neutral e2' -> Neutral $ f (fromWhnf w1) e2'
                Head_   v2  -> Head_ . reflect $ f' (reify v1) (reify v2)

        :: forall b c d
        .  PrimOp '[ b, c ] d -> abt '[] b -> abt '[] c -> abt '[] d
    primOp2_ o e1 e2 = syn (PrimOp_ o :$ e1 :* e2 :* End)

    -- TODO: something more efficient\/direct if we can...
    go Not  (e1 :* End)       = rr1 not  P.not  e1
    go Impl (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rr2 impl (primOp2_ Impl) e1 e2
    go Diff (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rr2 diff (primOp2_ Diff) e1 e2
    go Nand (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rr2 nand P.nand e1 e2
    go Nor  (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rr2 nor  P.nor  e1 e2

    -- HACK: we don't have a way of saying that 'Pi' (or 'Infinity',...) is in fact a head; so we're forced to call it neutral which is a lie. We should add constructor(s) to 'Head' to cover these magic constants; probably grouped together under a single constructor called something like @Constant@. Maybe should group them like that in the AST as well?
    go Pi        End               = return $ Neutral P.pi

    -- We treat trig functions as strict, thus forcing their
    -- arguments; however, to avoid fuzz issues we don't actually
    -- evaluate the trig functions.
    -- HACK: we might should have some other way to make these
    -- 'Whnf' rather than calling them neutral terms; since they
    -- aren't, in fact, neutral!
    go Sin       (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.sin   e1
    go Cos       (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.cos   e1
    go Tan       (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.tan   e1
    go Asin      (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.asin  e1
    go Acos      (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.acos  e1
    go Atan      (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.atan  e1
    go Sinh      (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.sinh  e1
    go Cosh      (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.cosh  e1
    go Tanh      (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.tanh  e1
    go Asinh     (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.asinh e1
    go Acosh     (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.acosh e1
    go Atanh     (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.atanh e1

    -- TODO: deal with how we have better types for these three ops than Haskell does...
    -- go RealPow   (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rr2 (**) (P.**) e1 e2
    go RealPow   (e1 :* e2 :* End) = neu2 (P.**) e1 e2

    -- HACK: these aren't actually neutral!
    -- BUG: we should try to cancel out @(exp . log)@ and @(log . exp)@
    go Exp       (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.exp e1
    go Log       (e1 :* End)       = neu1 P.log e1

    -- HACK: these aren't actually neutral!
    go (Infinity h)     End        =
        case h of
          HIntegrable_Nat  -> return . Neutral $ P.primOp0_ (Infinity h)
          HIntegrable_Prob -> return $ Neutral P.infinity

    go GammaFunc   (e1 :* End)            = neu1 P.gammaFunc e1
    go BetaFunc    (e1 :* e2 :* End)      = neu2 P.betaFunc  e1 e2

    go (Equal  theEq)   (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rrEqual theEq  e1 e2
    go (Less   theOrd)  (e1 :* e2 :* End) = rrLess  theOrd e1 e2
    go (NatPow theSemi) (e1 :* e2 :* End) =
        case theSemi of
        HSemiring_Nat    -> rr2 (\v1 v2 -> v1 ^ fromNatural v2) (P.^) e1 e2
        HSemiring_Int    -> rr2 (\v1 v2 -> v1 ^ fromNatural v2) (P.^) e1 e2
        HSemiring_Prob   -> rr2 (\v1 v2 -> v1 ^ fromNatural v2) (P.^) e1 e2
        HSemiring_Real   -> rr2 (\v1 v2 -> v1 ^ fromNatural v2) (P.^) e1 e2
    go (Negate theRing) (e1 :* End) =
        case theRing of
        HRing_Int        -> rr1 negate P.negate e1
        HRing_Real       -> rr1 negate P.negate e1
    go (Abs    theRing) (e1 :* End) =
        case theRing of
        HRing_Int        -> rr1 (unsafeNatural . abs) P.abs_ e1
        HRing_Real       -> rr1 (unsafeNonNegativeRational  . abs) P.abs_ e1
    go (Signum theRing) (e1 :* End) =
        case theRing of
        HRing_Int        -> rr1 signum P.signum e1
        HRing_Real       -> rr1 signum P.signum e1
    go (Recip  theFractional) (e1 :* End) =
        case theFractional of
        HFractional_Prob -> rr1 recip  P.recip  e1
        HFractional_Real -> rr1 recip  P.recip  e1
    go (NatRoot theRadical) (e1 :* e2 :* End) =
        case theRadical of
        HRadical_Prob -> neu2 (flip P.thRootOf) e1 e2
    go (NatRoot theRadical) (e1 :* e2 :* End) =
        case theRadical of
        HRadical_Prob -> rr2 natRoot (flip P.thRootOf) e1 e2
    go (Erf theContinuous) (e1 :* End) =
        case theContinuous of
        HContinuous_Prob -> rr1 erf P.erf e1
        HContinuous_Real -> rr1 erf P.erf e1
    go op _ = error $ "TODO: evaluatePrimOp{" ++ show op ++ "}"

        :: forall b. HEq b -> abt '[] b -> abt '[] b -> Dis abt (Whnf abt HBool)
    rrEqual theEq =
        case theEq of
        HEq_Nat    -> rr2 (==) (P.==)
        HEq_Int    -> rr2 (==) (P.==)
        HEq_Prob   -> rr2 (==) (P.==)
        HEq_Real   -> rr2 (==) (P.==)
        HEq_Array aEq -> error "TODO: rrEqual{HEq_Array}"
        HEq_Bool   -> rr2 (==) (P.==)
        HEq_Unit   -> rr2 (==) (P.==)
        HEq_Pair   aEq bEq ->
            \e1 e2 -> do
                w1 <- evaluate_ e1
                w2 <- evaluate_ e2
                case w1 of
                    Neutral e1' ->
                        return . Neutral
                            $ P.primOp2_ (Equal theEq) e1' (fromWhnf w2)
                    Head_   v1  ->
                        case w2 of
                        Neutral e2' ->
                            return . Neutral
                                $ P.primOp2_ (Equal theEq) (fromHead v1) e2'
                        Head_ v2 -> do
                            let (v1a, v1b) = reifyPair v1
                            let (v2a, v2b) = reifyPair v2
                            wa <- rrEqual aEq v1a v2a
                            wb <- rrEqual bEq v1b v2b
                            return $
                                case wa of
                                Neutral ea ->
                                    case wb of
                                    Neutral eb -> Neutral (ea P.&& eb)
                                    Head_   vb
                                        | reify vb  -> wa
                                        | otherwise -> Head_ $ WDatum dFalse
                                Head_ va
                                    | reify va  -> wb
                                    | otherwise -> Head_ $ WDatum dFalse

        HEq_Either aEq bEq -> error "TODO: rrEqual{HEq_Either}"

        :: forall b. HOrd b -> abt '[] b -> abt '[] b -> Dis abt (Whnf abt HBool)
    rrLess theOrd =
        case theOrd of
        HOrd_Nat    -> rr2 (<) (P.<)
        HOrd_Int    -> rr2 (<) (P.<)
        HOrd_Prob   -> rr2 (<) (P.<)
        HOrd_Real   -> rr2 (<) (P.<)
        HOrd_Array aOrd -> error "TODO: rrLess{HOrd_Array}"
        HOrd_Bool   -> rr2 (<) (P.<)
        HOrd_Unit   -> rr2 (<) (P.<)
        HOrd_Pair aOrd bOrd ->
            \e1 e2 -> do
                w1 <- evaluate_ e1
                w2 <- evaluate_ e2
                case w1 of
                    Neutral e1' ->
                        return . Neutral
                            $ P.primOp2_ (Less theOrd) e1' (fromWhnf w2)
                    Head_   v1  ->
                        case w2 of
                        Neutral e2' ->
                            return . Neutral
                                $ P.primOp2_ (Less theOrd) (fromHead v1) e2'
                        Head_ v2 -> do
                            let (v1a, v1b) = reifyPair v1
                            let (v2a, v2b) = reifyPair v2
                            error "TODO: rrLess{HOrd_Pair}"
                            -- BUG: The obvious recursion won't work because we need to know when the first components are equal before recursing (to implement lexicographic ordering). We really need a ternary comparison operator like 'compare'.
        HOrd_Either aOrd bOrd -> error "TODO: rrLess{HOrd_Either}"
    :: forall abt
    .  (ABT Term abt)
    => MeasureEvaluator  abt (Dis abt)
    -> TermEvaluator     abt (Dis abt)
    -> VariableEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
update perform evaluate_ x =
    do locs <- getLocs
    -- If we get 'Nothing', then it turns out @x@ is a free variable
       maybe (return $ Neutral (var x)) lookForLoc (lookupAssoc x locs)
    where lookForLoc (Loc      l jxs) =
            (maybe (freeLocError l) return =<<) . select l $ \s ->
                case s of
                SBind l' e ixs -> do
                  Refl <- varEq l l'
                  Just $ do
                    w <- withIndices ixs $ perform (caseLazy e fromWhnf id)
                    unsafePush (SLet l (Whnf_ w) ixs)
                    trace ("-- updated "
                           ++ show (ppStatement 11 s)
                           ++ " to "
                           ++ show (ppStatement 11 (SLet l (Whnf_ w) ixs))
                          ) $ return ()
                    let as = toAssocs $ zipWith Assoc (map indVar ixs) jxs
                        w' = renames as (fromWhnf w)
                    inds <- getIndices
                    withIndices inds $ return (fromMaybe (Neutral w') (toWhnf w'))
                SLet  l' e ixs -> do
                  Refl <- varEq l l'
                  Just $ do
                    w <- withIndices ixs $ caseLazy e return evaluate_
                    unsafePush (SLet l (Whnf_ w) ixs)
                    let as = toAssocs $ zipWith Assoc (map indVar ixs) jxs
                        w' = renames as (fromWhnf w)
                    inds <- getIndices
                    withIndices inds $ return (fromMaybe (Neutral w') (toWhnf w'))
                -- This does not bind any variables, so it definitely can't match.
                SWeight   _ _ -> Nothing
                -- This does bind variables,
                -- but there's no expression we can return for it
                -- because the variables are untouchable\/abstract.
                SGuard ls pat scrutinee i -> Just . return . Neutral $ var x

          -- Case for MultiLocs
          lookForLoc (MultiLoc l jxs) = return (Neutral $ var x)
---------------------------------------------------------- End of copied code --

-- | The forward disintegrator's function for evaluating case
-- expressions. First we try calling 'defaultCaseEvaluator' which
-- will evaluate the scrutinee and select the matching branch (if
-- any). But that doesn't work out in general, since the scrutinee
-- may contain heap-bound variables. So our fallback definition
-- will push a 'SGuard' onto the heap and then continue evaluating
-- each branch (thereby duplicating the continuation, calling it
-- once on each branch).
    :: forall abt
    .  (ABT Term abt)
    => TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    -> CaseEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
{-# INLINE evaluateCase #-}
evaluateCase evaluate_ = evaluateCase_
    evaluateCase_ :: CaseEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    evaluateCase_ e bs =
        defaultCaseEvaluator evaluate_ e bs
        <|> evaluateBranches e bs

    evaluateBranches :: CaseEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
    evaluateBranches e = choose . map evaluateBranch
        evaluateBranch (Branch pat body) =
            let (vars,body') = caseBinds body
            in getIndices >>= \i ->
                push (SGuard vars pat (Thunk e) i) body' evaluate_

evaluateDatum :: (ABT Term abt) => DatumEvaluator (abt '[]) (Dis abt)
evaluateDatum e = viewWhnfDatum <$> evaluate_ e

-- | Simulate performing 'HMeasure' actions by simply emiting code
-- for those actions, returning the bound variable.
-- This is the function called @(|>>)@ in the disintegration paper.
perform :: forall abt. (ABT Term abt) => MeasureEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
perform = \e0 ->
    getStatements >>= \ss ->
    getLocs >>= \locs ->
    getIndices >>= \inds ->
    trace ("\n-- perform --\n"
        ++ "at " ++ show (ppInds inds) ++ "\n"
        ++ show (prettyLocs locs) ++ "\n"
        ++ show (pretty_Statements_withTerm ss e0)
        ++ "\n") $
    caseVarSyn e0 performVar performTerm
    performTerm :: forall a. Term abt ('HMeasure a) -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
    performTerm (Dirac :$ e1 :* End)       = evaluate_ e1
    performTerm (MeasureOp_ o :$ es)       = performMeasureOp o es
    performTerm (MBind :$ e1 :* e2 :* End) =
        caseBind e2 $ \x e2' -> do
            inds <- getIndices
            push (SBind x (Thunk e1) inds) e2' perform

    performTerm (Plate :$ e1 :* e2 :* End) =  do
      x1 <- pushPlate e1 e2
      return (Neutral (var x1))

    performTerm (Superpose_ pes) = do
        inds <- getIndices
        if not (null inds) && L.length pes > 1 then bot else
          emitFork_ (P.superpose . fmap ((,) P.one))
                    (fmap (\(p,e) -> push (SWeight (Thunk p) inds) e perform)

    -- Avoid falling through to the @performWhnf <=< evaluate_@ case
    performTerm (Let_ :$ e1 :* e2 :* End) =
        caseBind e2 $ \x e2' -> do
            inds <- getIndices
            push (SLet x (Thunk e1) inds) e2' perform

    -- TODO: we could optimize this by calling some @evaluateTerm@
    -- directly, rather than calling 'syn' to rebuild @e0@ from
    -- @t0@ and then calling 'evaluate_' (which will just use
    -- 'caseVarSyn' to get the @t0@ back out from the @e0@).
    -- BUG: when @t0@ is a 'Case_', this doesn't work right. This
    -- is the source of the hygiene bug in 'testPerform1b'. Alas,
    -- we cannot use 'emitCaseWith' here since that would require
    -- the scrutinee to be emissible; but we'd want something pretty
    -- similar...
    performTerm t0 = do
        w <- evaluate_ (syn t0)
        trace ("-- perform: finished evaluate, with:\n" ++ show (PP.sep(prettyPrec_ 11 w))) $ return ()
        performWhnf w

    performVar :: forall a. Variable ('HMeasure a) -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
    performVar = performWhnf <=< update perform evaluate_

    -- BUG: it's not clear this is actually doing the right thing for its call-sites. In particular, we should handle 'Case_' specially, to deal with the hygiene bug in 'testPerform1b'...
    -- BUG: found the 'testPerform1b' hygiene bug! We can't simply call 'emitMBind' on @e@, because @e@ may not be emissible!
        :: forall a. Whnf abt ('HMeasure a) -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
    performWhnf (Head_   v) = perform $ fromHead v
    performWhnf (Neutral e) = (Neutral . var) <$> emitMBind e

    -- TODO: right now we do the simplest thing. However, for better
    -- coverage and cleaner produced code we'll need to handle each
    -- of the ops separately. (For example, see how 'Uniform' is
    -- handled in the old code; how it has two options for what to
    -- do.)
        :: forall typs args a
        .  (typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
        => MeasureOp typs a
        -> SArgs abt args
        -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
    performMeasureOp = \o es -> nice o es <|> complete o es
        -- Try to generate nice pretty output.
            :: MeasureOp typs a
            -> SArgs abt args
            -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
        nice o es = do
            es' <- traverse21 atomizeCore es
            x   <- emitMBind $ syn (MeasureOp_ o :$ es')
            return (Neutral $ var x)

        -- Try to be as complete as possible (i.e., 'bot' as little as possible), no matter how ugly the output code gets.
            :: MeasureOp typs a
            -> SArgs abt args
            -> Dis abt (Whnf abt a)
        complete Normal = \(mu :* sd :* End) -> do
            x <- var <$> emitMBind P.lebesgue
            pushWeight (P.densityNormal mu sd x)
            return (Neutral x)
        complete Uniform = \(lo :* hi :* End) -> do
            x <- var <$> emitMBind P.lebesgue
            pushGuard (lo P.< x P.&& x P.< hi)
            pushWeight (P.densityUniform lo hi x)
            return (Neutral x)
        complete _ = \_ -> bot

-- Calls unsafePush 
pushWeight :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] 'HProb -> Dis abt ()
pushWeight w = do
  inds <- getIndices
  unsafePush $ SWeight (Thunk w) inds

-- Calls unsafePush 
pushGuard :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] HBool -> Dis abt ()
pushGuard b = do
  inds <- getIndices
  unsafePush $ SGuard Nil1 pTrue (Thunk b) inds

-- | The goal of this function is to ensure the correctness criterion
-- that given any term to be emitted, the resulting term is
-- semantically equivalent but contains no heap-bound variables.
-- That correctness criterion is necessary to ensure hygiene\/scoping.
-- This particular implementation calls 'evaluate' recursively,
-- giving us something similar to full-beta reduction. However,
-- that is considered an implementation detail rather than part of
-- the specification of what the function should do. Also, it's a
-- gross hack and prolly a big part of why we keep running into
-- infinite looping issues.
-- This name is taken from the old finally tagless code, where
-- \"atomic\" terms are (among other things) emissible; i.e., contain
-- no heap-bound variables.
-- BUG: this function infinitely loops in certain circumstances
-- (namely when dealing with neutral terms)
atomize :: (ABT Term abt) => TermEvaluator abt (Dis abt)
atomize e =
    trace ("\n-- atomize --\n" ++ show (pretty e)) $
    traverse21 atomizeCore =<< evaluate_ e

-- | A variant of 'atomize' which is polymorphic in the locally
-- bound variables @xs@ (whereas 'atomize' requires @xs ~ '[]@).
-- We factored this out because we often want this more polymorphic
-- variant when using our indexed @TraversableMN@ classes.
atomizeCore :: (ABT Term abt) => abt xs a -> Dis abt (abt xs a)
atomizeCore e = do
    -- HACK: this check for 'disjointVarSet' is sufficient to catch
    -- the particular infinite loops we were encountering, but it
    -- will not catch all of them. If the call to 'evaluate_' in
    -- 'atomize' returns a neutral term which contains heap-bound
    -- variables, then we'll still loop forever since we don't
    -- traverse\/fmap over the top-level term constructor of neutral
    -- terms.
    xs <- getHeapVars
    if disjointVarSet xs (freeVars e)
        then return e
            let (ys, e') = caseBinds e
            in  (binds_ ys . fromWhnf) <$> atomize e'
    -- TODO: does @IM.null . IM.intersection@ fuse correctly?
    disjointVarSet xs ys =
        IM.null (IM.intersection (unVarSet xs) (unVarSet ys))

-- HACK: if we really want to go through with this approach, then
-- we should memoize the set of heap-bound variables in the
-- 'ListContext' itself rather than recomputing it every time!
getHeapVars :: Dis abt (VarSet ('KProxy :: KProxy Hakaru))
getHeapVars =
    Dis $ \_ c h -> c (foldMap statementVars (statements h)) h

-- | Given an emissible term @v0@ (the first argument) and another
-- term @e0@ (the second argument), compute the constraints such
-- that @e0@ must evaluate to @v0@. This is the function called
-- @(<|)@ in the disintegration paper, though notably we swap the
-- argument order so that the \"value\" is the first argument.
-- N.B., this function assumes (and does not verify) that the first
-- argument is emissible. So callers (including recursive calls)
-- must guarantee this invariant, by calling 'atomize' as necessary.
-- TODO: capture the emissibility requirement on the first argument
-- in the types, to help avoid accidentally passing the arguments
-- in the wrong order!
constrainValue :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> abt '[] a -> Dis abt ()
constrainValue v0 e0 =
    getStatements >>= \ss ->
    getLocs >>= \locs ->
    getIndices >>= \inds ->
    trace ("\n-- constrainValue: " ++ show (pretty v0) ++ "\n"           
        ++ show (pretty_Statements_withTerm ss e0) ++ "\n"
        ++ "at " ++ show (ppInds inds) ++ "\n"
        ++ show (prettyLocs locs) ++ "\n"
          ) $
    caseVarSyn e0 (constrainVariable v0) $ \t ->
        case t of
        -- There's a bunch of stuff we don't even bother trying to handle
        Empty_   _               -> error "TODO: disintegrate arrays"
        Array_   n e             ->
            caseBind e $ \x body -> do j <- freshInd n
                                       let x'    = indVar j
                                           body' = rename x x' body
                                       inds <- getIndices
                                       withIndices (extendIndices j inds) $
                                                   constrainValue (v0 P.! (var x')) body'
                                                   -- TODO use meta-index
        ArrayOp_ o@(Index _) :$ args -> indexArrayOp o args
                                                     (constrainValue v0)
                                                     (const $ const bot)
                                                     (const bot)
                                                     (const bot)
                                                     (const $ const bot)
        ArrayOp_ _ :$ _          -> error "TODO: disintegrate arrays"
        Lam_  :$ _  :* End       -> error "TODO: disintegrate lambdas"
        App_  :$ _  :* _ :* End  -> error "TODO: disintegrate lambdas"
        Integrate :$ _ :* _ :* _ :* End ->
            error "TODO: disintegrate integration"
        Summate _ _ :$ _ :* _ :* _ :* End ->
            error "TODO: disintegrate integration"

        -- N.B., the semantically correct definition is:
        -- > Literal_ v
        -- >     | "dirac v has a density wrt the ambient measure" -> ...
        -- >     | otherwise -> bot
        -- For the case where the ambient measure is Lebesgue, dirac
        -- doesn't have a density, so we return 'bot'. However, we
        -- will need to generalize this when we start handling other
        -- ambient measures.
        Literal_ v               -> bot -- unsolvable. (kinda; see note)
        Datum_   d               -> constrainDatum v0 d
        Dirac :$ _ :* End        -> bot -- giving up.
        MBind :$ _ :* _ :* End   -> bot -- giving up.
        MeasureOp_ o :$ es       -> constrainValueMeasureOp v0 o es
        Superpose_ pes           -> bot -- giving up.
        Reject_ _                -> bot -- giving up.
        Let_ :$ e1 :* e2 :* End ->
            caseBind e2 $ \x e2' ->
                push (SLet x (Thunk e1) []) e2' (constrainValue v0)

        CoerceTo_   c :$ e1 :* End ->
            -- TODO: we need to insert some kind of guard that says
            -- @v0@ is in the range of @coerceTo c@, or equivalently
            -- that @unsafeFrom c v0@ will always succeed. We need
            -- to emit this guard (for correctness of the generated
            -- program) because if @v0@ isn't in the range of the
            -- coercion, then there's no possible way the program
            -- @e1@ could in fact be observed at @v0@. The only
            -- question is how to perform that check; for the
            -- 'Signed' coercions it's easy enough, but for the
            -- 'Continuous' coercions it's not really clear.
            constrainValue (P.unsafeFrom_ c v0) e1
        UnsafeFrom_ c :$ e1 :* End ->
            -- TODO: to avoid returning garbage, we'd need to place
            -- some constraint on @e1@ so that if the original
            -- program would've crashed due to a bad unsafe-coercion,
            -- then we won't return a disintegrated program (since
            -- it too should always crash). Avoiding this check is
            -- sound (i.e., if the input program is well-formed
            -- then the output program is a well-formed disintegration),
            -- it just overgeneralizes.
            constrainValue  (P.coerceTo_ c v0) e1
        NaryOp_     o    es        -> constrainNaryOp v0 o es
        PrimOp_     o :$ es        -> constrainPrimOp v0 o es
        Expect  :$ e1 :* e2 :* End -> error "TODO: constrainValue{Expect}"

        Case_ e bs ->
            -- First we try going forward on the scrutinee, to make
            -- pretty resulting programs; but if that doesn't work
            -- out, we fall back to just constraining the branches.
            do  match <- matchBranches evaluateDatum e bs
                case match of
                    Nothing ->
                        -- If desired, we could return the Hakaru program
                        -- that always crashes, instead of throwing a
                        -- Haskell error.
                        error "constrainValue{Case_}: nothing matched!"
                    Just GotStuck ->
                        constrainBranches v0 e bs
                    Just (Matched rho body) ->
                        pushes (toStatements rho) body (constrainValue v0)
            <|> constrainBranches v0 e bs

        _ :$ _ -> error "constrainValue: the impossible happened"

-- | The default way of doing 'constrainValue' on a 'Case_' expression:
-- by constraining each branch. To do this we rely on the fact that
-- we're in a 'HMeasure' context (i.e., the continuation produces
-- programs of 'HMeasure' type). For each branch we first assert the
-- branch's pattern holds (via 'SGuard') and then call 'constrainValue'
-- on the body of the branch; and the final program is the superposition
-- of all these branches.
-- TODO: how can we avoid duplicating the scrutinee expression?
-- Would pushing a 'SLet' statement before the superpose be sufficient
-- to achieve maximal sharing?
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] a
    -> abt '[] b
    -> [Branch b abt a]
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainBranches v0 e = choose . map constrainBranch
    constrainBranch (Branch pat body) =
        let (vars,body') = caseBinds body
        in push (SGuard vars pat (Thunk e) []) body' (constrainValue v0)

    :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Datum (abt '[]) a -> Dis abt ()
constrainDatum v0 d =
    case patternOfDatum d of
    PatternOfDatum pat es -> do
        xs <- freshVars $ fmap11 (Hint Text.empty . typeOf) es
        emit_ $ \body ->
            syn $ Case_ v0
                [ Branch pat (binds_ xs body)
                , Branch PWild (P.reject $ (typeOf body))
        constrainValues xs es

    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => List1 Variable  xs
    -> List1 (abt '[]) xs
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainValues (Cons1 x xs) (Cons1 e es) =
    constrainValue (var x) e >> constrainValues xs es
constrainValues Nil1 Nil1 = return ()
constrainValues _ _ = error "constrainValues: the impossible happened"

data PatternOfDatum (ast :: Hakaru -> *) (a :: Hakaru) =
    forall xs. PatternOfDatum
        !(Pattern xs a)
        !(List1 ast xs)

-- | Given a datum, return the pattern which will match it along
-- with the subexpressions which would be bound to patter-variables.
patternOfDatum :: Datum ast a -> PatternOfDatum ast a
patternOfDatum =
    \(Datum hint _typ d) ->
        podCode d $ \p es ->
        PatternOfDatum (PDatum hint p) es
        :: DatumCode xss ast a
        -> (forall bs. PDatumCode xss bs a -> List1 ast bs -> r)
        -> r
    podCode (Inr d) k = podCode   d $ \ p es -> k (PInr p) es
    podCode (Inl d) k = podStruct d $ \ p es -> k (PInl p) es

        :: DatumStruct xs ast a
        -> (forall bs. PDatumStruct xs bs a -> List1 ast bs -> r)
        -> r
    podStruct (Et d1 d2) k =
        podFun    d1 $ \p1 es1 ->
        podStruct d2 $ \p2 es2 ->
        k (PEt p1 p2) (es1 `append1` es2)
    podStruct Done k = k PDone Nil1

        :: DatumFun x ast a
        -> (forall bs. PDatumFun x bs a -> List1 ast bs -> r)
        -> r
    podFun (Konst e) k = k (PKonst PVar) (Cons1 e Nil1)
    podFun (Ident e) k = k (PIdent PVar) (Cons1 e Nil1)

-- | N.B., as with 'constrainValue', we assume that the first
-- argument is emissible. So it is the caller's responsibility to
-- ensure this (by calling 'atomize' as appropriate).
-- TODO: capture the emissibility requirement on the first argument
-- in the types.
    :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Variable a -> Dis abt ()
constrainVariable v0 x =
    do locs <- getLocs
    -- If we get 'Nothing', then it turns out @x@ is a free variable.
    -- If @x@ is a free variable, then it's a neutral term; and we
    -- return 'bot' for neutral terms
       maybe bot lookForLoc (lookupAssoc x locs)
    where lookForLoc (Loc      l jxs) =
              let -- Assumption: js has no duplicates
                  permutes is js = length is == length js && 
                                   Set.fromList is == Set.fromList (map indVar js)
              -- If we get 'Nothing', then it turns out @l@ is a free location.
              -- This is an error because of the invariant:
              --   if there exists an 'Assoc x ({Multi}Loc l _)' inside @locs@
              --   then there must be a statement on the 'ListContext' that binds @l@
              in (maybe (freeLocError l) return =<<) . select l $ \s ->
                  case s of
                    SBind l' e ixs -> do
                           Refl <- varEq l l'
                           guard (length ixs == length jxs) -- will error otherwise
                           Just $ do
                             inds <- getIndices
                             guard (jxs `permutes` inds) -- will bot otherwise
                             e' <- apply (zip ixs inds) (fromLazy e)
                             constrainOutcome v0 e'
                             unsafePush (SLet l (Whnf_ (Neutral v0)) inds)
                    SLet  l' e ixs -> do
                           Refl <- varEq l l'
                           guard (length ixs == length jxs) -- will error otherwise
                           Just $ do
                             inds <- getIndices
                             guard (jxs `permutes` inds) -- will bot otherwise
                             e' <- apply (zip ixs inds) (fromLazy e)
                             constrainValue v0 e'
                             unsafePush (SLet l (Whnf_ (Neutral v0)) inds)
                    SWeight _ _ -> Nothing
                    SGuard ls' pat scrutinee i -> error "TODO: constrainVariable{SGuard}"
          -- Case for MultiLoc
          lookForLoc (MultiLoc l jxs) = do
              traceM $ "looking for MultiLoc: " ++ show (prettyLoc (MultiLoc l jxs))
              n    <- sizeInnermostInd l
              j    <- freshInd n
              x'   <- mkLoc Text.empty l (extendLocInds (indVar j) jxs)
              inds <- getIndices
              withIndices (extendIndices j inds) $
                          constrainValue (v0 P.! (var $ indVar j)) (var x')
                                            -- TODO use meta-index

-- | N.B., as with 'constrainValue', we assume that the first
-- argument is emissible. So it is the caller's responsibility to
-- ensure this (by calling 'atomize' as appropriate).
-- TODO: capture the emissibility requirement on the first argument
-- in the types.
    :: forall abt typs args a
    .  (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => abt '[] ('HMeasure a)
    -> MeasureOp typs a
    -> SArgs abt args
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainValueMeasureOp v0 = go
    -- TODO: for Lebesgue and Counting we use @bot@ because that's
    -- what the old finally-tagless code seems to have been doing.
    -- But is that right, or should they really be @return ()@?
    go :: MeasureOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Dis abt ()
    go Lebesgue    = \End               -> bot -- TODO: see note above
    go Counting    = \End               -> bot -- TODO: see note above
    go Categorical = \(e1 :* End)       ->
        constrainValue v0 (P.categorical e1)
    go Uniform     = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
        constrainValue v0 (P.uniform' e1 e2)
    go Normal      = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
        constrainValue v0 (P.normal'  e1 e2)
    go Poisson     = \(e1 :* End)       ->
        constrainValue v0 (P.poisson' e1)
    go Gamma       = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
        constrainValue v0 (P.gamma'   e1 e2)
    go Beta        = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
        constrainValue v0 (P.beta'    e1 e2)

-- | N.B., We assume that the first argument, @v0@, is already
-- atomized. So, this must be ensured before recursing, but we can
-- assume it's already been done by the IH.
-- N.B., we also rely on the fact that our 'HSemiring' instances
-- are actually all /commutative/ semirings. If that ever becomes
-- not the case, then we'll need to fix things here.
-- As written, this will do a lot of redundant work in atomizing
-- the subterms other than the one we choose to go backward on.
-- Because evaluation has side-effects on the heap and is heap
-- dependent, it seems like there may not be a way around that
-- issue. (I.e., we could use dynamic programming to efficiently
-- build up the 'M' computations, but not to evaluate them.) Of
-- course, really we shouldn't be relying on the structure of the
-- program here; really we should be looking at the heap-bound
-- variables in the term: choosing each @x@ to go backward on, treat
-- the term as a function of @x@, atomize that function (hence going
-- forward on the rest of the variables), and then invert it and
-- get the Jacobian.
-- TODO: find some way to capture in the type that the first argument
-- must be emissible.
    :: (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] a
    -> NaryOp a
    -> Seq (abt '[] a)
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainNaryOp v0 o =
    case o of
    Sum theSemi ->
        lubSeq $ \es1 e es2 -> do
            u <- atomize $ syn (NaryOp_ (Sum theSemi) (es1 S.>< es2))
            v <- evaluate_ $ P.unsafeMinus_ theSemi v0 (fromWhnf u)
            constrainValue (fromWhnf v) e
    Prod theSemi ->
        lubSeq $ \es1 e es2 -> do
            u <- atomize $ syn (NaryOp_ (Prod theSemi) (es1 S.>< es2))
            let u' = fromWhnf u -- TODO: emitLet?
            emitWeight $ P.recip (toProb_abs theSemi u')
            v <- evaluate_ $ P.unsafeDiv_ theSemi v0 u'
            constrainValue (fromWhnf v) e
    Max theOrd ->
        chooseSeq $ \es1 e es2 -> do
            u <- atomize $ syn (NaryOp_ (Max theOrd) (es1 S.>< es2))
            emitGuard $ P.primOp2_ (Less theOrd) (fromWhnf u) v0
            constrainValue v0 e
    _ -> error $ "TODO: constrainNaryOp{" ++ show o ++ "}"

-- TODO: if this function (or the component @toProb@ and @semiringAbs@
-- parts) turn out to be useful elsewhere, then we should move it
-- to the Prelude.
toProb_abs :: (ABT Term abt) => HSemiring a -> abt '[] a -> abt '[] 'HProb
toProb_abs HSemiring_Nat  = P.nat2prob
toProb_abs HSemiring_Int  = P.nat2prob . P.abs_
toProb_abs HSemiring_Prob = id
toProb_abs HSemiring_Real = P.abs_

-- TODO: is there any way to optimise the zippering over the Seq, a la 'S.inits' or 'S.tails'?
-- TODO: really we want a dynamic programming approach to avoid unnecessary repetition of calling @evaluateNaryOp evaluate_@ on the two subsequences...
lubSeq :: (Alternative m) => (Seq a -> a -> Seq a -> m b) -> Seq a -> m b
lubSeq f = go S.empty
    go xs ys =
        case S.viewl ys of
        S.EmptyL   -> empty
        y S.:< ys' -> f xs y ys' <|> go (xs S.|> y) ys'

chooseSeq :: (ABT Term abt)
          => (Seq a -> a -> Seq a -> Dis abt b)
          -> Seq a
          -> Dis abt b
chooseSeq f = choose  . go S.empty
    go xs ys =
        case S.viewl ys of
        S.EmptyL   -> []
        y S.:< ys' -> f xs y ys' : go (xs S.|> y) ys'

-- HACK: for a lot of these, we can't use the prelude functions
-- because Haskell can't figure out our polymorphism, so we have
-- to define our own versions for manually passing dictionaries
-- around.
-- | N.B., We assume that the first argument, @v0@, is already
-- atomized. So, this must be ensured before recursing, but we can
-- assume it's already been done by the IH.
-- TODO: find some way to capture in the type that the first argument
-- must be emissible.
    :: forall abt typs args a
    .  (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => abt '[] a
    -> PrimOp typs a
    -> SArgs abt args
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainPrimOp v0 = go
    error_TODO op = error $ "TODO: constrainPrimOp{" ++ op ++"}"

    go :: PrimOp typs a -> SArgs abt args -> Dis abt ()
    go Not  = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Not"
    go Impl = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "Impl"
    go Diff = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "Diff"
    go Nand = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "Nand"
    go Nor  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "Nor"

    go Pi = \End -> bot -- because @dirac pi@ has no density wrt lebesgue

    go Sin = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        n  <- var <$> emitMBind P.counting
        let tau_n = P.real_ 2 P.* P.fromInt n P.* P.pi -- TODO: emitLet?
        emitGuard (P.negate P.one P.< x0 P.&& x0 P.< P.one)
        v  <- var <$> emitSuperpose
            [ P.dirac (tau_n P.+ P.asin x0)
            , P.dirac (tau_n P.+ P.pi P.- P.asin x0)
            . P.recip
            . P.sqrt
            . P.unsafeProb
            $ (P.one P.- x0 P.^ P.nat_ 2)
        constrainValue v e1

    go Cos = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        n  <- var <$> emitMBind P.counting
        let tau_n = P.real_ 2 P.* P.fromInt n P.* P.pi
        emitGuard (P.negate P.one P.< x0 P.&& x0 P.< P.one)
        r  <- emitLet' (tau_n P.+ P.acos x0)
        v  <- var <$> emitSuperpose [P.dirac r, P.dirac (r P.+ P.pi)]
            . P.recip
            . P.sqrt
            . P.unsafeProb
            $ (P.one P.- x0 P.^ P.nat_ 2)
        constrainValue v e1

    go Tan = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        n  <- var <$> emitMBind P.counting
        r  <- emitLet' (P.fromInt n P.* P.pi P.+ P.atan x0)
        emitWeight $ P.recip (P.one P.+ P.square x0)
        constrainValue r e1

    go Asin = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        emitWeight $ P.unsafeProb (P.cos x0)
        -- TODO: bounds check for -pi/2 <= v0 < pi/2
        constrainValue (P.sin x0) e1

    go Acos = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        emitWeight $ P.unsafeProb (P.sin x0)
        constrainValue (P.cos x0) e1

    go Atan = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        emitWeight $ P.recip (P.unsafeProb (P.cos x0 P.^ P.nat_ 2))
        constrainValue (P.tan x0) e1

    go Sinh      = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Sinh"
    go Cosh      = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Cosh"
    go Tanh      = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Tanh"
    go Asinh     = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Asinh"
    go Acosh     = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Acosh"
    go Atanh     = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "Atanh"
    go RealPow   = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
        -- TODO: There's a discrepancy between @(**)@ and @pow_@ in the old code...
            -- TODO: if @v1@ is 0 or 1 then bot. Maybe the @log v1@ in @w@ takes care of the 0 case?
            u <- emitLet' v0
            -- either this from @(**)@:
            --   emitGuard  $ P.zero P.< u
            --   w <- atomize $ P.recip (P.abs (v0 P.* P.log v1))
            --   emitWeight $ P.unsafeProb (fromWhnf w)
            --   constrainValue (P.logBase v1 v0) e2
            -- or this from @pow_@:
            let w = P.recip (u P.* P.unsafeProb (P.abs (P.log e1)))
            emitWeight w
            constrainValue (P.log u P./ P.log e1) e2
            -- end.
        <|> do
            -- TODO: if @v2@ is 0 then bot. Maybe the weight @w@ takes care of this case?
            u <- emitLet' v0
            let ex = v0 P.** P.recip e2
            -- either this from @(**)@:
            --   emitGuard $ P.zero P.< u
            --   w <- atomize $ abs (ex / (v2 * v0))
            -- or this from @pow_@:
            let w = P.abs (P.fromProb ex P./ (e2 P.* P.fromProb u))
            -- end.
            emitWeight $ P.unsafeProb w
            constrainValue ex e1
    go Exp = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
        -- TODO: do we still want\/need the @emitGuard (0 < x0)@ which is now equivalent to @emitGuard (0 /= x0)@ thanks to the types?
        emitWeight (P.recip x0)
        constrainValue (P.log x0) e1

    go Log = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        exp_x0 <- emitLet' (P.exp v0)
        emitWeight exp_x0
        constrainValue exp_x0 e1

    go (Infinity _)     = \End               -> error_TODO "Infinity" -- scalar0
    go GammaFunc        = \(e1 :* End)       -> error_TODO "GammaFunc" -- scalar1
    go BetaFunc         = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "BetaFunc" -- scalar2
    go (Equal  theOrd)  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "Equal"
    go (Less   theOrd)  = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "Less"
    go (NatPow theSemi) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> error_TODO "NatPow"
    go (Negate theRing) = \(e1 :* End) ->
        -- TODO: figure out how to merge this implementation of @rr1 negate@ with the one in 'evaluatePrimOp' to DRY
        -- TODO: just emitLet the @v0@ and pass the neutral term to the recursive call?
        let negate_v0 = syn (PrimOp_ (Negate theRing) :$ v0 :* End)
                -- case v0 of
                -- Neutral e ->
                --     Neutral $ syn (PrimOp_ (Negate theRing) :$ e :* End)
                -- Head_ v ->
                --     case theRing of
                --     HRing_Int  -> Head_ . reflect . negate $ reify v
                --     HRing_Real -> Head_ . reflect . negate $ reify v
        in constrainValue negate_v0 e1

    go (Abs theRing) = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        let theSemi = hSemiring_HRing theRing
            theOrd  =
                case theRing of
                HRing_Int  -> HOrd_Int
                HRing_Real -> HOrd_Real
            theEq   = hEq_HOrd theOrd
            signed  = C.singletonCoercion (C.Signed theRing)
            zero    = P.zero_ theSemi
            lt      = P.primOp2_ $ Less   theOrd
            eq      = P.primOp2_ $ Equal  theEq
            neg     = P.primOp1_ $ Negate theRing

        x0 <- emitLet' (P.coerceTo_ signed v0)
        v  <- var <$> emitMBind
            (P.if_ (lt zero x0)
                (P.dirac x0 P.<|> P.dirac (neg x0))
                (P.if_ (eq zero x0)
                    (P.dirac zero)
                    (P.reject . SMeasure $ typeOf zero)))
        constrainValue v e1

    go (Signum theRing) = \(e1 :* End) ->
        case theRing of
        HRing_Real -> bot
        HRing_Int  -> do
            x <- var <$> emitMBind P.counting
            emitGuard $ P.signum x P.== v0
            constrainValue x e1

    go (Recip theFractional) = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        x0 <- emitLet' v0
            . P.recip
            . P.unsafeProbFraction_ theFractional
            -- TODO: define a dictionary-passing variant of 'P.square' instead, to include the coercion in there explicitly...
            $ square (hSemiring_HFractional theFractional) x0
        constrainValue (P.primOp1_ (Recip theFractional) x0) e1

    go (NatRoot theRadical) = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) ->
        case theRadical of
        HRadical_Prob -> do
            x0 <- emitLet' v0
            u2 <- fromWhnf <$> atomize e2
            emitWeight (P.nat2prob u2 P.* x0)
            constrainValue (x0 P.^ u2) e1

    go (Erf theContinuous) = \(e1 :* End) ->
        error "TODO: constrainPrimOp: need InvErf to disintegrate Erf"

-- HACK: can't use @(P.^)@ because Haskell can't figure out our polymorphism
square :: (ABT Term abt) => HSemiring a -> abt '[] a -> abt '[] a
square theSemiring e =
    syn (PrimOp_ (NatPow theSemiring) :$ e :* P.nat_ 2 :* End)

-- TODO: do we really want the first argument to be a term at all,
-- or do we want something more general like patters for capturing
-- measurable events?
-- | This is a helper function for 'constrainValue' to handle 'SBind'
-- statements (just as the 'perform' argument to 'evaluate' is a
-- helper for handling 'SBind' statements).
-- N.B., We assume that the first argument, @v0@, is already
-- atomized. So, this must be ensured before recursing, but we can
-- assume it's already been done by the IH. Technically, we con't
-- care whether the first argument is in normal form or not, just
-- so long as it doesn't contain any heap-bound variables.
-- This is the function called @(<<|)@ in the paper, though notably
-- we swap the argument order.
-- TODO: find some way to capture in the type that the first argument
-- must be emissible, to help avoid accidentally passing the arguments
-- in the wrong order!
-- TODO: under what circumstances is @constrainOutcome x m@ different
-- from @constrainValue x =<< perform m@? If they're always the
-- same, then we should just use that as the definition in order
-- to avoid repeating ourselves
    :: forall abt a
    .  (ABT Term abt)
    => abt '[] a
    -> abt '[] ('HMeasure a)
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainOutcome v0 e0 =
    getLocs >>= \locs ->
    getIndices >>= \inds ->
    trace (
        let s = "-- constrainOutcome"
        in "\n" ++ s ++ ": "
            ++ show (pretty v0)
            ++ "\n" ++ replicate (length s) ' ' ++ ": "
            ++ show (pretty e0) ++ "\n"
            ++ "at " ++  show (ppInds inds) ++ "\n"
            ++ show (prettyLocs locs)
          ) $
    do  w0 <- evaluate_ e0
        case w0 of
            Neutral _ -> bot
            Head_   v -> go v
    impossible = error "constrainOutcome: the impossible happened"

    go :: Head abt ('HMeasure a) -> Dis abt ()
    go (WLiteral _)          = impossible
    -- go (WDatum _)         = impossible
    -- go (WEmpty _)         = impossible
    -- go (WArray _ _)       = impossible
    -- go (WLam _)           = impossible
    -- go (WIntegrate _ _ _) = impossible
    -- go (WSummate   _ _ _) = impossible
    go (WCoerceTo   _ _)     = impossible
    go (WUnsafeFrom _ _)     = impossible
    go (WMeasureOp o es)     = constrainOutcomeMeasureOp v0 o es
    go (WDirac e1)           = constrainValue v0 e1
    go (WMBind e1 e2)        =
        caseBind e2 $ \x e2' -> do
            i <- getIndices
            push (SBind x (Thunk e1) i) e2' (constrainOutcome v0)
    go (WPlate e1 e2)        = do
        x' <- pushPlate e1 e2
        constrainValue v0 (var x')

    go (WChain e1 e2 e3)     = error "TODO: constrainOutcome{Chain}"
    go (WReject typ)         = emit_ $ \m -> P.reject (typeOf m)
    go (WSuperpose pes) = do
        i <- getIndices
        if not (null i) && L.length pes > 1 then bot else
          emitFork_ (P.superpose . fmap ((,) P.one))
                    (fmap (\(p,e) -> push (SWeight (Thunk p) i) e (constrainOutcome v0))

-- TODO: should this really be different from 'constrainValueMeasureOp'?
-- TODO: find some way to capture in the type that the first argument
-- must be emissible.
    :: (ABT Term abt, typs ~ UnLCs args, args ~ LCs typs)
    => abt '[] a
    -> MeasureOp typs a
    -> SArgs abt args
    -> Dis abt ()
constrainOutcomeMeasureOp v0 = go
    -- Per the paper
    go Lebesgue = \End -> return ()

    -- TODO: I think, based on Hakaru v0.2.0
    go Counting = \End -> return ()

    go Categorical = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        -- TODO: check that v0' is < then length of e1
        pushWeight (P.densityCategorical e1 v0)

    -- Per the paper
    go Uniform = \(lo :* hi :* End) -> do
        v0' <- emitLet' v0
        pushGuard (lo P.<= v0' P.&& v0' P.<= hi)
        pushWeight (P.densityUniform lo hi v0')

    -- TODO: Add fallback handling of Normal that does not atomize mu,sd.
    -- This fallback is as if Normal were defined in terms of Lebesgue
    -- and a density Weight.  This fallback is present in Hakaru v0.2.0
    -- in order to disintegrate a program such as
    --  x <~ normal(0,1)
    --  y <~ normal(x,1)
    --  return ((x+(y+y),x)::pair(real,real))
    go Normal = \(mu :* sd :* End) -> do
        -- N.B., if\/when extending this to higher dimensions, the real equation is @recip (sqrt (2*pi*sd^2) ^ n) * exp (negate (norm_n (v0 - mu) ^ 2) / (2*sd^2))@ for @Real^n@.
        pushWeight (P.densityNormal mu sd v0)

    go Poisson = \(e1 :* End) -> do
        v0' <- emitLet' v0
        pushGuard (P.nat_ 0 P.<= v0' P.&& P.prob_ 0 P.< e1)
        pushWeight (P.densityPoisson e1 v0')

    go Gamma = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> do
        v0' <- emitLet' v0
        pushGuard (P.prob_ 0 P.< v0' P.&&
                   P.prob_ 0 P.< e1  P.&&
                   P.prob_ 0 P.< e2)
        pushWeight (P.densityGamma e1 e2 v0')
    go Beta = \(e1 :* e2 :* End) -> do
        v0' <- emitLet' v0
        pushGuard (P.prob_ 0 P.<= v0' P.&&
                   P.prob_ 1 P.>= v0' P.&&
                   P.prob_ 0 P.< e1   P.&&
                   P.prob_ 0 P.< e2)
        pushWeight (P.densityBeta e1 e2 v0')

----------------------------------------------------------- fin.