, DataKinds
           , KindSignatures
           , GADTs
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , Rank2Types
           , FlexibleContexts

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
--                                                    2016.02.23
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Hakaru.Syntax.TypeOf
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- BUG: can't put this in "Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST.Sing" because
-- of some sort of cyclic dependency...
module Language.Hakaru.Syntax.TypeOf
    -- * Get singletons for well-typed ABTs
    -- * Implementation details
    , getTermSing
    ) where

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Functor ((<$>))

import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.IClasses (Pair2(..), fst2, snd2)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Variable (varType)
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.ABT      (ABT, caseBind, paraABT)
import Language.Hakaru.Types.DataKind  (Hakaru())
import Language.Hakaru.Types.HClasses  (sing_HSemiring)
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Sing      (Sing(..), sUnMeasure)
import Language.Hakaru.Types.Coercion
    (singCoerceCod, singCoerceDom, Coerce(..))
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum    (Datum(..), Branch(..))
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST      (Term(..), SCon(..), SArgs(..))
import Language.Hakaru.Syntax.AST.Sing
    (sing_PrimOp, sing_ArrayOp, sing_MeasureOp, sing_NaryOp, sing_Literal)


-- | Given any well-typed term, produce its type.
-- TODO: at present this function may throw errors; in particular,
-- whenever encountering a 'Case_' or 'Superpose_' which is either
-- empty or where all the branches fail. This is considered a bug
-- (since all well-typed terms should be able to produce their
-- types), however it only arises on programs which are (at least
-- partially) undefined or (where defined) are the zero measure,
-- so fixing this is a low priority. When working to correct this
-- bug, it is strongly discouraged to try correcting it by adding
-- singletons to the 'Case_' and 'Superpose_' constructors; since
-- doing so will cause a lot of code to break (and therefore is not
-- a lightweight change), as well as greatly increasing the memory
-- cost for storing ASTs. It would be much better to consider whole
-- programs as being something more than just the AST, thus when
-- trying to get the type of subterms (which should be the only
-- time we ever call this function) we should have access to some
-- sort of context, or intern-table for type singletons, or whatever
-- else makes something a whole program.
-- N.B., this is a bit of a hack in order to avoid using 'SingI'
-- or needing to memoize the types of everything. You should really
-- avoid using this function if at all possible since it's very
-- expensive.
typeOf :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Sing a
typeOf e0 =
    case typeOf_ e0 of
    Left  err -> error $ "typeOf: " ++ err
    Right typ -> typ

-- | For private use only.
typeOf_ :: (ABT Term abt) => abt '[] a -> Either String (Sing a)
    = unLiftSing
    . paraABT
        (LiftSing . return . varType)
        (\_ _ -> LiftSing . unLiftSing) -- cast out phantoms
        (LiftSing . getTermSing unLiftSing)

-- | This newtype serves two roles. First we add the phantom @xs@
-- so that we can fit this in with the types of 'paraABT'. And
-- second, we wrap up the 'Sing' in a monad for capturing errors,
-- so that we can bring them all the way to the top of the term
-- before deciding whether to throw them or not.
newtype LiftSing (xs :: [Hakaru]) (a :: Hakaru) =
    LiftSing { unLiftSing :: Either String (Sing a) }

-- | This is the core of the 'Term'-algebra for computing 'typeOf'.
-- It is exported because it is useful for constructing other
-- 'Term'-algebras for use with 'paraABT'; namely, for callers who
-- need singletons for every subterm while converting an ABT to
-- something else (e.g., pretty printing).
-- The @r@ type is whatever it is you're building up via 'paraABT'.
-- The first argument to 'getTermSing' gives some way of projecting
-- a singleton out of @r@ (to avoid the need to map that projection
-- over the term before calling 'getTermSing'). You can then use
-- the resulting singleton for constructing the overall @r@ to be
-- returned.
-- If this function returns 'Left', this is considered an error
-- (see the description of 'typeOf'). We pose things in this form
-- (rather than throwing the error immediately) because it enables
-- us to automatically recover from certain error situations.
    :: forall abt r
    .  (ABT Term abt)
    => (forall xs a. r xs a -> Either String (Sing a))
    -> forall a
    .  Term (Pair2 abt r) a
    -> Either String (Sing a)
getTermSing singify = go
    getSing :: forall xs a. Pair2 abt r xs a -> Either String (Sing a)
    getSing = singify . snd2
    {-# INLINE getSing #-}

        :: forall a b
        .  Branch a (Pair2 abt r) b
        -> Either String (Sing b)
    getBranchSing (Branch _ e) = getSing e
    {-# INLINE getBranchSing #-}

    go :: forall a. Term (Pair2 abt r) a -> Either String (Sing a)
    go (Lam_ :$ r1 :* End) =
        caseBind (fst2 r1) $ \x _ ->
            SFun (varType x) <$> getSing r1
    go (App_ :$ r1 :* _ :* End) = do
        typ1 <- getSing r1
        case typ1 of
            SFun _ typ3            -> return typ3
            _ -> error "getTermSing: the impossible happened"
    go (Let_ :$ _  :* r2 :* End)    = getSing r2
    go (CoerceTo_   c :$ r1 :* End) =
        maybe (coerceTo   c <$> getSing r1) return (singCoerceCod c)
    go (UnsafeFrom_ c :$ r1 :* End) =
        maybe (coerceFrom c <$> getSing r1) return (singCoerceDom c)
    go (PrimOp_     o :$ _)         = return . snd $ sing_PrimOp o
    go (ArrayOp_    o :$ _)         = return . snd $ sing_ArrayOp o
    go (MeasureOp_  o :$ _)         =
        return . SMeasure . snd $ sing_MeasureOp o
    go (Dirac  :$ r1 :* End)        = SMeasure <$> getSing r1
    go (MBind  :$ _  :* r2 :* End)  = getSing r2
    go (Plate  :$ _  :* r2 :* End)  = SMeasure . SArray . sUnMeasure <$> getSing r2
    go (Integrate :$  _)            = return SProb
    go (Summate _ h :$  _)          = return $ sing_HSemiring h
    go (Product _ h :$  _)          = return $ sing_HSemiring h
    go (Expect :$  _)               = return SProb
    go (Observe :$ r1 :* _ :* End)  = getSing r1
    go (NaryOp_  o  _)              = return $ sing_NaryOp o
    go (Literal_ v)                 = return $ sing_Literal v
    go (Empty_   typ)               = return typ
    go (Array_   _  r2)             = SArray <$> getSing r2
    go (Datum_ (Datum _ typ _))     = return typ
    go (Case_    _  bs) = tryAll "Case_"      getBranchSing   bs
    go (Superpose_ pes) = tryAll "Superpose_" (getSing . snd) pes
    go (Reject_ typ)    = return typ
    go (_ :$ _) = error "getTermSing: the impossible happened"

    :: F.Foldable f
    => String
    -> (a -> Either String b)
    -> f a
    -> Either String b
tryAll name f =
    F.foldr step (Left $ "no unique type for " ++ name)
    step x rest =
        case f x of
        r@(Right _) -> r
        Left _      -> rest
{-# INLINE tryAll #-}

----------------------------------------------------------- fin.