{- hake: make tool. ruby : rake = haskell : hake
Copyright (C) 2008-2008 Yoshikuni Jujo <PAF01143@nifty.ne.jp>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module Development.Hake (

, hake
, hakeT
, hakefileIs

, base
, dflt
, deps
, mkfl

, addDeps
, delRules
, setCmd

, systemE
, rawSystemE

, isSuffixOf
, changeSuffix
, getVals
, getNewers

, ExitCode(ExitSuccess, ExitFailure)
, const2

) where

import System.Environment           (getArgs)
import System.Exit                  (ExitCode(ExitSuccess, ExitFailure))
import System.Directory             (doesFileExist)
import Development.Hake.DirectoryTools (maybeGetModificationTime)
import System.IO.Unsafe             (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans          (lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader         (ReaderT(runReaderT), asks)
import Control.Monad.Tools          (whenM)
import Control.Applicative          ((<$>))
import Data.List                    (isSuffixOf, isPrefixOf)
import Data.List.Tools              (dropUntil, isIncludedElem)
import Data.Maybe                   (listToMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Bool.Tools              ((&&&), (|||))
import Data.Function.Tools          (const2)
import Development.Hake.Core        (traceRule, applyRule)
import Development.Hake.RunHake     (runHake)
import Development.Hake.Tools       (orDie, changeSuffix, systemE, rawSystemE)
import Development.Hake.Types       (Rule, RuleInner, ruleToRuleInner,
				     Targets, Sources, Commands,
				     MadeFromList, ruleRetToMadeFromList,
import Development.Hake.Variables   (hakefileUpdateOption, defaultTrgtStr)

-- |The 'hake' function take rules as argument and get target from command line
--  and make target.
hake :: [ Rule ] -> IO ()
hake rl = do args <- filter (notElem '=') <$> getArgs
             let ud    = elem hakefileUpdateOption args
	         trgts = filter (/=hakefileUpdateOption) args
	     mapM_ (hakeTarget ud (map ruleToRuleInner rl)) trgts

hakeT :: [ Rule ] -> FilePath -> IO ()
hakeT = hakeTarget True . map ruleToRuleInner

hakefileIs :: FilePath -> [ FilePath ] -> IO ExitCode
hakefileIs src others = getArgs >>= runHake src src others

hakeTarget :: Bool -> [ RuleInner ] -> FilePath -> IO ()
hakeTarget ud rls fn = do
  rrls <- traceRule unsafeInterleaveIO doesFileExist fn rls
  case rrls of
       []  -> error $ "No usable rules for make target '" ++ fn ++ "'"
       r:_ -> flip runReaderT (ud, ruleRetToMadeFromList r) $ mapM_ applyRule
                                                            $ reverse r

addDeps :: [ Rule ] -> [ (FilePath, [FilePath]) ] -> [ Rule ]
addDeps rls adrls = concatMap ad adrls ++ map dels rls
  ad :: (FilePath, [FilePath]) -> [ Rule ]
  ad (t, ss) = [ ((==t), const $ sgen t ++ ss, c) |
                 (testT, sgen, c) <- rls, testT t ]
  dels :: Rule -> Rule
  dels r = foldr del r $ map fst adrls
  del :: FilePath -> Rule -> Rule
  del t r@(pt, _, _)
    | pt t      = modifyFirstOfThree (&&& (/=t)) r
    | otherwise = r
  modifyFirstOfThree f (x, y, z) = (f x, y, z)

delRules :: [ Rule ] -> [ (FilePath, [FilePath]) ] -> [ Rule ]
delRules rls delrls = map dels rls
  dels :: Rule -> Rule
  dels r = foldr del r delrls
  del :: (FilePath, [FilePath]) -> Rule -> Rule
  del (t, ss) r@(pt, mkSs, _)
    | pt t && isIncludedElem ss (mkSs t) = modifyFirstOfThree (&&& (/=t)) r
    | otherwise                          = r
  modifyFirstOfThree f (x, y, z) = (f x, y, z)

setCmd ::
  Rule -> ( String -> [ String ] -> MadeFromList -> IO ExitCode ) -> Rule
setCmd (trgts, srcs, _) cmdsGen = (trgts, srcs, cmd)
  where cmd :: Commands
        cmd t s = do mfl <- asks snd
	             lift $ cmdsGen t s mfl `orDie` show

getVals :: String -> [String] -> [String]
getVals var args = maybe [] words $
  dropUntil (=='=') <$> (listToMaybe $ filter (isPrefixOf $ var ++ "=") args)

getNewers :: FilePath -> [ FilePath ] -> IO [ FilePath ]
getNewers fb fs = catMaybes <$> mapM getNewer fs
  getNewer :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
  getNewer f = do
    tb <- maybeGetModificationTime fb
    t  <- maybeGetModificationTime f
    if (tb < t) then return $ Just f else return Nothing

base ::
  Targets -> Sources
          -> ( String -> [ String ] -> MadeFromList -> Bool -> IO ExitCode )
          -> Rule
base trgts srcs cmdsGen = (trgts, srcs, cmd)
  where cmd :: Commands
        cmd t s = do mfl <- asks snd
	             us  <- asks fst
		     lift $ cmdsGen t s mfl us `orDie` show

dflt :: [ String ] -> Rule
dflt trgts = ( (==defaultTrgtStr), const trgts, const2 $ return () )

deps :: [ String ] -> [ String ] -> Rule
deps trgts srcs
  = ( \f -> or $ map (==f) trgts, const srcs, const2 $ return ())

mkfl :: String -> [ String ] -> Rule
mkfl trgt cont
  = ( (==trgt), const [], \t -> const $ do
        whenM (getUpdateStatus ||| lift (not <$> doesFileExist trgt)) $ do
	  lift $ putStrLn $ "make file `" ++ trgt ++ "' (hake)"
	  lift $ writeFile t $ unlines cont )