{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module Spec.Blogger (tests) where import qualified Data.Text as T import Hakyll.Convert.Blogger import Hakyll.Convert.Common (DistilledPost (..)) import Spec.SpecHelpers import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (expectFail) import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Text.Atom.Feed as Atom deriving instance Eq DistilledPost deriving instance Show DistilledPost tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Blogger.distill" [ extractsPostUri, extractsPostBody, extractsPostTitle, canSkipComments, canExtractComments, enumeratesAllCommentAuthors, errorsOnNonHtmlPost, errorsOnNonHtmlComment, turnsIncorrectDatesIntoEpochStart, parsesDates, extractsPostTags ] extractsPostUri :: TestTree extractsPostUri = testGroup "extracts post's URI" [ testCase (T.unpack uri) (dpUri (distill False (createInput uri)) @?= uri) | uri <- [ "https://example.com/testing-post-uris", "http://www.example.com/~joe/posts.atom" ] ] where createInput uri = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [], fpUri = uri } entry = Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "Test post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" extractsPostBody :: TestTree extractsPostBody = testGroup "extracts post's body" [ testCase (T.unpack body) (dpBody (distill False (createInput body)) @?= body) | body <- [ "

Today was a snowy day, and I decided to...

", "

My opinion on current affairs

So you see, I...

" ] ] where createInput body = FullPost { fpPost = createEntry body, fpComments = [], fpUri = "https://example.com" } createEntry body = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "Test post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent body) } extractsPostTitle :: TestTree extractsPostTitle = testGroup "extracts post's title" [ testCase (T.unpack title) (dpTitle (distill False (createInput title)) @?= Just (title)) | title <- [ "First post", "You won't believe what happened to me today", "Trying out things…" ] ] where createInput title = FullPost { fpPost = createEntry title, fpComments = [], fpUri = "https://example.com/titles.atom" } createEntry title = Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString title) "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" canSkipComments :: TestTree canSkipComments = testCase "does not extract comments if first argument is False" (dpBody (distill False input) @?= expected) where input = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [comment], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } entry = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent "

Hello, world!

"), Atom.entryPublished = Just "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" } comment = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry#comment1" (Atom.TextString "Nice") "2003-12-13T20:00:03Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent "

Nice post.

") } expected = "

Hello, world!

" canExtractComments :: TestTree canExtractComments = testGroup "extracts comments if first argument is True" [ noDateNoAuthor, dateNoAuthor, noDateAuthor, dateAuthor ] where createInput comment = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [comment], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } entry = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent "

Hello, world!

"), Atom.entryPublished = Just "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" } noDateNoAuthor = testCase "comments with no \"published\" date and no author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput commentNoDateNoAuthor)) @?= expectedNoDateNoAuthor) commentNoDateNoAuthor = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry#comment1" (Atom.TextString "Nice") "2003-12-13T20:00:03Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent "

Nice post.

") } expectedNoDateNoAuthor = "

Hello, world!

\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On unknown date, wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

Nice post.

\n\ \
\n\ \
" dateNoAuthor = testCase "comments with a \"published\" date but no author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput commentDateNoAuthor)) @?= expectedDateNoAuthor) commentDateNoAuthor = commentNoDateNoAuthor { Atom.entryPublished = Just "2019-01-02T03:04:05Z" } expectedDateNoAuthor = "

Hello, world!

\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On 2019-01-02T03:04:05Z, wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

Nice post.

\n\ \
\n\ \
" noDateAuthor = testCase "comments with no \"published\" date but with an author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput commentNoDateAuthor)) @?= expectedNoDateAuthor) commentNoDateAuthor = commentNoDateNoAuthor { Atom.entryAuthors = [Atom.nullPerson {Atom.personName = "John Doe"}] } expectedNoDateAuthor = "

Hello, world!

\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On unknown date, John Doe wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

Nice post.

\n\ \
\n\ \
" dateAuthor = testCase "comments with a \"published\" date and an author" (dpBody (distill True (createInput commentDateAuthor)) @?= expectedDateAuthor) commentDateAuthor = commentNoDateNoAuthor { Atom.entryPublished = Just "2019-01-02T03:04:05Z", Atom.entryAuthors = [Atom.nullPerson {Atom.personName = "John Doe"}] } expectedDateAuthor = "

Hello, world!

\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On 2019-01-02T03:04:05Z, John Doe wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

Nice post.

\n\ \
\n\ \
" enumeratesAllCommentAuthors :: TestTree enumeratesAllCommentAuthors = testCase "enumerates all authors of a multi-author comment" (dpBody (distill True input) @?= expected) where input = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [comment], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } entry = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent "

Hello, world!

"), Atom.entryPublished = Just "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" } comment = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry#comment1" (Atom.TextString "Nice") "2103-05-11T18:37:49Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent "

Nice post.

"), Atom.entryAuthors = [ Atom.nullPerson {Atom.personName = "First Author"}, Atom.nullPerson {Atom.personName = "Second Author"} ] } expected = "

Hello, world!

\n\n\ \


\n\ \
\n\ \

On unknown date, First Author Second Author wrote:

\n\ \
\n\ \

Nice post.

\n\ \
\n\ \
" nullDistilledPost :: DistilledPost nullDistilledPost = DistilledPost { dpUri = "", dpBody = "", dpTitle = Nothing, dpTags = [], dpCategories = [], dpDate = fromGregorian 2003 12 13 18 30 2 } errorsOnNonHtmlPost :: TestTree errorsOnNonHtmlPost = expectFail $ testCase "`error`s if post has non-HTML body" (distill False input @?= nullDistilledPost) where input = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } entry = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.TextContent "oops, this will fail") } errorsOnNonHtmlComment :: TestTree errorsOnNonHtmlComment = expectFail $ testCase "`error`s if comment has non-HTML body" (distill False input @?= nullDistilledPost) where input = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [comment], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } entry = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.TextContent "testing...") } comment = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry#2" (Atom.TextString "test comment") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.TextContent "oops, this will fail") } turnsIncorrectDatesIntoEpochStart :: TestTree turnsIncorrectDatesIntoEpochStart = testGroup "turns incorrect \"published\" dates into Unix epoch start date" [ testCase (T.unpack date) (dpDate (distill False (createInput date)) @?= expected) | date <- [ "First of April", "2020.07.30", "2020.07.30 00:01", "2020-07-30 00:01", "2020-07-30T00:01", "2020-07-30T00:01Z", "Sun, 31st July, 2020" ] ] where createInput date = FullPost { fpPost = createEntry date, fpComments = [], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } createEntry date = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") date ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent ""), Atom.entryPublished = Just date } expected = fromGregorian 1970 1 1 0 0 0 parsesDates :: TestTree parsesDates = testGroup "parses \"published\" dates" [ testCase (T.unpack dateStr) (dpDate (distill False (createInput dateStr)) @?= expected) | (dateStr, expected) <- [ ("2020-07-30T15:50:21Z", fromGregorian 2020 7 30 15 50 21), ("1015-02-18T01:04:13Z", fromGregorian 1015 2 18 1 4 13), ("2020-07-30T15:50:21+0000", fromGregorian 2020 7 30 15 50 21), ("1015-02-18T01:04:13+0000", fromGregorian 1015 2 18 1 4 13), ("1015-02-18T01:04:13+0001", fromGregorian 1015 2 18 1 (4 -1) 13), ("1015-02-18T01:04:13-0001", fromGregorian 1015 2 18 1 (4 + 1) 13), ("1015-02-18T01:04:13+0100", fromGregorian 1015 2 18 (1 -1) 4 13), ("1015-02-18T01:04:13-0100", fromGregorian 1015 2 18 (1 + 1) 4 13) ] ] where createInput date = FullPost { fpPost = createEntry date, fpComments = [], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } createEntry date = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") date ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent ""), Atom.entryPublished = Just date } extractsPostTags :: TestTree extractsPostTags = testCase "extracts post's tags" (dpTags (distill False input) @?= expected) where input = FullPost { fpPost = entry, fpComments = [], fpUri = "https://example.com/feed" } entry = ( Atom.nullEntry "https://example.com/entry" (Atom.TextString "First post") "2003-12-13T18:30:02Z" ) { Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent ""), Atom.entryCategories = [ Atom.newCategory "first tag", Atom.newCategory "second tag", Atom.newCategory "third tag", (Atom.newCategory "blogger category (should be ignored)") { Atom.catScheme = Just "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" } ] } expected = ["first tag", "second tag", "third tag"]