FullPost {fpPost = Entry {entryId = "tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5162495313991119940.post-7643416819140719600", entryTitle = TextString "", entryUpdated = "2017-09-02T14:44:31.203-07:00", entryAuthors = [Person {personName = "Minoru", personURI = Just "https://www.blogger.com/profile/15979236009981641914", personEmail = Just "noreply@blogger.com", personOther = []}], entryCategories = [Category {catTerm = "http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post", catScheme = Just "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind", catLabel = Nothing, catOther = []}], entryContent = Just (HTMLContent "Hakyll-convert provides a library and utility for importing blogs from a variety of engines (currently, Blogger and WordPress) to the Hakyll static site generator.
We aim to:
- avoid converting your content between formats (it usually comes in HTML and should stay as such without passing through filters)
- allow for the possibility of Cool URIs by keeping relative page names the same as on your old blog (this only works if you use your own domain for your hosted site). If you don\8217t agree with us on that point, use
flag to specify your own output filename format.
This blog supports hakyll-convert by proving a set of test posts that can be exported and then used as a testing input for the program. 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"application/atom+xml"])], linkOther = []},Link {linkHref = "http://testinghakyllconvert.blogspot.com/2017/09/hakyll-convert-provides-library-and.html#comment-form", linkRel = Just (Right "replies"), linkType = Just "text/html", linkHrefLang = Nothing, linkTitle = Just "\1050\1086\1084\1084\1077\1085\1090\1072\1088\1080\1080: 1", linkLength = Nothing, linkAttrs = [(Name {nameLocalName = "href", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "http://testinghakyllconvert.blogspot.com/2017/09/hakyll-convert-provides-library-and.html#comment-form"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "rel", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "replies"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "title", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "\1050\1086\1084\1084\1077\1085\1090\1072\1088\1080\1080: 1"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "type", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "text/html"])], linkOther = []},Link {linkHref = 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comment."), entryContributor = [], entryLinks = [Link {linkHref = "https://www.blogger.com/feeds/5162495313991119940/7643416819140719600/comments/default/4418218280178244067", linkRel = Just (Right "edit"), linkType = Just "application/atom+xml", linkHrefLang = Nothing, linkTitle = Nothing, linkLength = Nothing, linkAttrs = [(Name {nameLocalName = "href", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "https://www.blogger.com/feeds/5162495313991119940/7643416819140719600/comments/default/4418218280178244067"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "rel", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "edit"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "type", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "application/atom+xml"])], linkOther = []},Link {linkHref = "https://www.blogger.com/feeds/5162495313991119940/7643416819140719600/comments/default/4418218280178244067", linkRel = Just (Right "self"), linkType = Just "application/atom+xml", linkHrefLang = Nothing, linkTitle = Nothing, linkLength = Nothing, linkAttrs = [(Name {nameLocalName = "href", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "https://www.blogger.com/feeds/5162495313991119940/7643416819140719600/comments/default/4418218280178244067"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "rel", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "self"]),(Name {nameLocalName = "type", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText "application/atom+xml"])], linkOther = []},Link {linkHref = "http://testinghakyllconvert.blogspot.com/2017/09/hakyll-convert-provides-library-and.html?showComment=1504388723302#c4418218280178244067", linkRel = Just (Right "alternate"), linkType = Just "text/html", linkHrefLang = Nothing, linkTitle = Just "", linkLength = Nothing, linkAttrs = [(Name {nameLocalName = "href", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText 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