-- This file is part of HamSql
-- Copyright 2014-2016 by it's authors.
-- Some rights reserved. See COPYING, AUTHORS.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Database.YamSql.Internal.SqlId where

import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Database.HamSql.Internal.Utils
import Database.YamSql.Parser

-- | Idable
class Show a =>
      ToSqlId a  where
  sqlId :: a -> SqlId
  sqlIdCode :: a -> Text
  sqlIdCode = toSqlCode . sqlId

class (Typeable a, ToSqlCode a, Eq a, Show a) => SqlIdContent a

-- | SqlId
data SqlId where
  SqlId :: (SqlObjType a, SqlIdContent b) => SqlObj a b -> SqlId

sqlIdShowType :: SqlId -> Text
sqlIdShowType (SqlId x) = tshow $ sqlObjType x

sqlIdTypeCode :: SqlId -> Text
sqlIdTypeCode (SqlId x) = toSqlCode $ sqlObjType x

deriving instance Show SqlId

instance Eq SqlId where
  SqlId x == SqlId y = Just x == cast y

instance Ord SqlId where
  (SqlId x) `compare` (SqlId y) =
    case toSqlCode (sqlObjType x) `compare` toSqlCode (sqlObjType y) of
      EQ -> toSqlCode x `compare` toSqlCode y
      x' -> x'

instance ToSqlId SqlId where
  sqlId = id

instance ToSqlCode SqlId where
  toSqlCode (SqlId x) = toSqlCode $ sqlObjId x

data SqlContext a = SqlContext a

instance Show (SqlContext a) where show= const ""

instance (SqlObjType a, SqlIdContent b) => ToSqlId (SqlObj a b) where
  sqlId = SqlId

class (Typeable a, ToSqlCode a, Show a) => SqlObjType a

data SqlObj a b where
  SqlObj :: (SqlObjType a, SqlIdContent b)
         => { sqlObjType :: a , sqlObjId :: b }
         -> SqlObj a b

deriving instance Show (SqlObj a b)

instance Eq (SqlObj a b) where
  SqlObj x1 y1 == SqlObj x2 y2 = (typeOf x1) == (typeOf x2) && y1 == y2

instance ToSqlCode (SqlObj a b) where
  toSqlCode (SqlObj _ x) = toSqlCode x

instance SqlIdContent SqlName

instance SqlIdContent (SqlName, SqlName)
instance ToSqlCode (SqlName, SqlName) where
  toSqlCode (x, y) = toSqlCode (x <.> y)

instance SqlIdContent (SqlName, [SqlType])
instance ToSqlCode (SqlName, [SqlType]) where
  toSqlCode (x, ys) =
    toSqlCode x <> "(" <> T.intercalate ", " (map toSqlCode ys) <> ")"

instance SqlIdContent (SqlName, SqlName, SqlName)
instance ToSqlCode (SqlName, SqlName, SqlName) where
  toSqlCode (x, _, y) = toSqlCode (x <.> y)

-- ToSqlCode (right now only SqlName)
unsafePlainName :: SqlName -> Text
unsafePlainName (SqlName n) = n

instance Eq SqlName where
  (==) x y = toSqlCode x == toSqlCode y

instance ToSqlCode SqlName where
  toSqlCode (SqlName n) =
    if '"' `isIn` n
      then n
      else toSqlCode' $ expSqlName $ SqlName n

instance SqlIdentifierConcat SqlName where
  (//) (SqlName s) (SqlName t) = SqlName (s <> t)

(<.>) :: SqlName -> SqlName -> SqlName
(<.>) (SqlName s) (SqlName t) = SqlName $ s <> "." <> t

expSqlName :: SqlName -> [SqlName]
expSqlName n = map SqlName (T.splitOn "." (getStr n))
    getStr (SqlName n') = n'

instance ToSqlCode SqlType where
  toSqlCode (SqlType n)
            -- if quotes are contained
            -- assume that user cares for correct enquoting
    if '"' `isIn` n ||
       -- if at least a pair of brakets is found
       -- assume that a type like varchar(20) is meant
       ('(' `isIn` n && ')' `isIn` n) ||
       -- if no dot is present, assume that buildin type
       -- like integer is meant
       not ('.' `isIn` n) ||
       -- if % is present, assume that something like
       -- table%ROWTYPE could be meant
       '%' `isIn` n
      then n
      else toSqlCode' $ expSqlName $ SqlName n

instance SqlIdentifierConcat SqlType where
  (//) (SqlType s) (SqlType t) = SqlType (s <> t)

contSqlName :: [SqlName] -> SqlName
contSqlName ns = SqlName $ T.intercalate "." $ map getStr ns
    getStr (SqlName n') = n'

toSqlCode' :: [SqlName] -> Text
toSqlCode' xs = T.intercalate "." $ map quotedName xs
    quotedName (SqlName s) = "\"" <> s <> "\""

class ToSqlCode a where
  toSqlCode :: a -> Text

class ToSqlName a where
  toSqlName :: a -> SqlName

class SqlIdentifierConcat a  where
  (//) :: a -> a -> a

instance Monoid SqlName where
  mempty = SqlName ""
  mappend x@(SqlName x') y@(SqlName y')
   | x == mempty = y
   | y == mempty = x
   | otherwise = SqlName (x' <> "_" <> y')

-- SqlName
newtype SqlName =
  SqlName Text
  deriving (Generic, Ord, Show, Data)

instance FromJSON SqlName where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON myOpt

instance ToJSON SqlName where
  toJSON = toYamSqlJson

newtype SqlType =
  SqlType Text
  deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Data)

instance FromJSON SqlType where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON myOpt

instance ToJSON SqlType where
  toJSON = toYamSqlJson