module Hans.Layer.IP4.Fragmentation where
import Hans.Address
import Hans.Address.IP4
import Hans.Message.Ip4
import Hans.Utils (chunk)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
type FragmentationTable addr = Map.Map (Ident,addr,addr) Fragments
emptyFragmentationTable :: FragmentationTable IP4
emptyFragmentationTable = Map.empty
data Fragments = Fragments
{ startTime :: !POSIXTime
, totalSize :: !Int
, fragments :: [Fragment]
} deriving Show
data Fragment = Fragment
{ fragmentOffset :: !Int
, fragmentLength :: !Int
, fragmentPayload :: L.ByteString
} deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Ord Fragment where
compare = comparing fragmentOffset
fragmentEnd :: Fragment -> Int
fragmentEnd f = fragmentOffset f + fragmentLength f
comesBefore :: Fragment -> Fragment -> Bool
comesBefore f g = fragmentEnd f == fragmentOffset g
comesAfter :: Fragment -> Fragment -> Bool
comesAfter = flip comesBefore
combineFragments :: Fragment -> Fragment -> Fragment
combineFragments f g = Fragment (fragmentOffset f) len pay
len = fragmentLength f + fragmentLength g
pay = fragmentPayload f `L.append` fragmentPayload g
expandGroup :: Fragments -> Fragment -> Int -> Fragments
expandGroup fs newfrag x = case totalSize fs of
1 | x >= 0 -> expandGroup fs{ totalSize = x } newfrag x
_ -> fs { fragments = addFragment newfrag (fragments fs) }
addFragment :: Fragment -> [Fragment] -> [Fragment]
addFragment f fs = case fs of
[] -> [f]
g:rest | f `comesBefore` g -> addFragment (combineFragments f g) rest
| f `comesAfter` g -> addFragment (combineFragments g f) rest
| f < g -> f:fs
| otherwise -> g:(addFragment f rest)
processFragment :: Address addr
=> POSIXTime -> FragmentationTable addr -> Bool -> Int
-> addr -> addr -> Ident -> S.ByteString
-> (FragmentationTable addr, Maybe L.ByteString)
processFragment _ table False 0 _ _ _ bs =
(table, Just (chunk bs))
processFragment now table areMore off src dest ident bs =
case group of
Fragments _ x [Fragment 0 y bs']
| x == y -> (Map.delete entry table, Just bs')
_ -> (Map.insert entry group table, Nothing)
entry = (ident,src,dest)
group = case Map.lookup (ident,src,dest) table of
Nothing -> Fragments now newTotalLen [cur]
Just g -> expandGroup g cur newTotalLen
curlen = S.length bs
cur = Fragment off curlen (chunk bs)
newTotalLen | areMore = 1
| otherwise = off + curlen
processIP4Packet :: POSIXTime -> FragmentationTable IP4
-> IP4Header -> S.ByteString
-> (FragmentationTable IP4, Maybe L.ByteString)
processIP4Packet now table hdr bs =
processFragment now table areMore off src dest ident bs
off = fromIntegral (ip4FragmentOffset hdr)
ident = fromIntegral (ip4Ident hdr)
areMore = ip4MoreFragments hdr
src = ip4SourceAddr hdr
dest = ip4DestAddr hdr