module Happstack.StaticRouting.Internal where
import Debug.Trace
import Happstack.Server(askRq, rqPaths, rqMethod, localRq, ServerMonad, Method,
HasRqData, methodM, look, FromReqURI, fromReqURI, notFound, Response, toResponse, FilterMonad)
import Control.Monad(msum, MonadPlus, mzero, mplus, liftM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(MonadIO)
import Control.Arrow(first, second)
import qualified Data.ListTrie.Map as Trie
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List(intercalate,find)
import Data.Maybe
data Route a =
Dir Segment (Route a)
| Param (Route a)
| Handler EndSegment CheckApply a
| Choice [Route a]
deriving Functor
data Segment =
StringS String | ParamS
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type EndSegment = (Maybe Int, Method)
type CheckApply = [String] -> Bool
class Path m hm h r | h r -> m where
pathHandler :: forall r'. (m r -> hm r') -> h -> hm r'
arity :: hm r -> h -> Int
canBeApplied :: hm r -> h -> [String] -> Bool
instance (
FromReqURI v
, ServerMonad hm
, Path m hm h r
) => Path m hm (v -> h) r where
pathHandler trans f = applyPath (pathHandler trans . f)
arity m f = 1 + arity m (f undefined)
canBeApplied m f [] = False
canBeApplied m f (s:ss) = case (fromReqURI s) of
Just p -> canBeApplied m (f p) ss
Nothing -> False
applyPath :: (FromReqURI a, ServerMonad m) => (a -> m b) -> m b
applyPath handle = do
rq <- askRq
case rqPaths rq of
(p:xs) | Just a <- fromReqURI p
-> localRq (\newRq -> newRq{rqPaths = xs}) (handle a)
_ -> error "Happstack.StaticRouting.applyPath"
instance Path m hm (m r) r where
pathHandler trans mr = trans mr
arity _ _ = 0
canBeApplied _ _ _ = True
dir :: String -> Route a -> Route a
dir = Dir . StringS
param :: Route a -> Route a
param = Param
choice :: [Route a] -> Route a
choice = Choice
path :: forall m hm h r r'. Path m hm h r
=> Method -> (m r -> hm r') -> h -> Route (hm r')
path m trans h = Handler (Just (arity (undefined::hm r) h), m) (canBeApplied (undefined::hm r) h) (pathHandler trans h)
remainingPath :: Method -> h -> Route h
remainingPath m = Handler (Nothing,m) (\_ -> True)
newtype RouteTree a =
R { unR :: Trie.TrieMap Map Segment (Map EndSegment a) } deriving (Show, Functor)
type Segments = ([Segment],EndSegment)
routeTreeWithOverlaps :: Route a -> RouteTree (Maybe (CheckApply,a))
routeTreeWithOverlaps r =
R $ foldr (\((ps,es),m) ->
Trie.insertWith (Map.unionWith merge)
(Map.singleton es (Just m)))
(flatten r)
where merge (Just _) _ = Nothing
merge Nothing m = m
routeTree :: RouteTree (Maybe (CheckApply,a)) -> Either String (RouteTree (CheckApply,a))
routeTree t | not $ null os =
Left $ unlines $
"Happstack.StaticRouting: Overlapping handlers in" :
map ((" "++) . showSegments) os
| not $ null is =
Left $ unlines $
"Happstack.StaticRouting: Unreachable handler due to ignored parameter in" :
map ((" "++) . showSegments) is
| otherwise = Right $ fmap fromJust t
where os = [ (ss, es) | (ss, m) <- Trie.toList (unR t)
, (es, Nothing) <- Map.toList m
is = [ (ss, es) | (ss, m) <- Trie.toList (unR t)
, (es@(Just p, _), _) <- Map.toList m
, p < length (filter ((==) ParamS) $ ss)
showSegments :: Segments -> String
showSegments (ss, es) = concatMap showSegment ss ++ showEndSegment es
showSegment :: Segment -> String
showSegment (StringS e) = "dir " ++ show e ++ " $ "
showSegment (ParamS) = "param (used in handler) $ "
showEndSegment :: EndSegment -> String
showEndSegment (Just a, m) = "<handler> -- with method " ++ show m ++ " and arity " ++ show a
showEndSegment (Nothing, m) = "remainingPath $ <handler> -- with method " ++ show m
flatten :: Route a -> [(Segments, (CheckApply, a))]
flatten = f where
f (Dir s r) = map (first (first (s:))) (f r)
f (Param r) = map (first (first (ParamS:))) (f r)
f (Handler e ca a) = [(([], e), (ca, a))]
f (Choice rs) = concatMap f rs
compile :: (MonadIO m, HasRqData m, ServerMonad m, FilterMonad Response m) =>
Route (m Response) -> Either String (m (Maybe Response))
compile r = case t of
Left s -> Left s
Right t -> Right $ dispatch t
where t = routeTree $ routeTreeWithOverlaps r
dispatch :: forall m . (MonadIO m, HasRqData m, ServerMonad m, FilterMonad Response m) =>
RouteTree (CheckApply,(m Response)) -> m (Maybe Response)
dispatch t = do
rq <- askRq
case dispatch' [] (rqMethod rq) (rqPaths rq) t of
Just (rq', h) -> Just `liftM` localRq (\newRq -> newRq{ rqPaths = rq'}) h
Nothing -> return Nothing
dispatch' :: forall a . [String] -> Method -> [String] -> RouteTree (CheckApply,a) -> Maybe ([String], a)
dispatch' params m ps (R t) = dChildren ps `mplus` fmap (params ++ ps,) dNode
dChildren :: [String] -> Maybe ([String], a)
dChildren (p:ps') = ((Map.lookup (StringS p) (Trie.children1 t)) >>= dispatch' params m ps' . R)
`mplus` ((Map.lookup (ParamS) (Trie.children1 t)) >>= dispatch' (params ++ [p]) m ps' . R)
dChildren [] = Nothing
dNode :: Maybe a
dNode = do
em <- Trie.lookup [] t
(ac,h) <- (Map.lookup (Just (length ps + length params), m) em) `mplus` (Map.lookup (Nothing, m) em)
if (ac (params ++ ps))
then return h
else Nothing