# NOTE: This assumes that a working `ghc` is on $PATH; this may not # necessarily be the same GHC used by `cabal` for building `happy`. # # Again, if HC has been set in the environment (e.g. by the CI), we keep this setting. # [2021-07-14, PR #196](https://github.com/haskell/happy/pull/196) # HC ?= ghc HC_OPTS=-package array -Wall -Werror -XHaskell98 # NOTE: `cabal test` will take care to build the local `happy` # executable and place it into $PATH for us to pick up. # (This is ensured by setting build-tool-depends.) # # If it doesn't look like the alex binary in $PATH comes from the # build tree, then we'll fall back to pointing to # ../dist/build/alex/alex to support running tests via "runghc # Setup.hs test". # # If HAPPY has been set outside, e.g. in the environment, we trust this setting. # This way, we can pass in the correct Happy executable from a CI environment # without danger of it being "fixed" by the logic below. # [2021-07-14, PR #196](https://github.com/haskell/happy/pull/196) # HAPPY ?= happy .PRECIOUS: %.n.hs %.c.hs %.o %.exe %.bin ifeq "$(TARGETPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32" HS_PROG_EXT = .exe else HS_PROG_EXT = .bin endif TESTS = Test.ly TestMulti.ly TestPrecedence.ly bug001.ly \ monad001.y monad002.ly precedence001.ly precedence002.y \ bogus-token.y bug002.y Partial.ly \ issue91.y issue93.y issue94.y issue95.y \ test_rules.y monaderror.y monaderror-explist.y \ typeclass_monad001.y typeclass_monad002.ly typeclass_monad_lexer.y \ rank2.y shift01.y \ AttrGrammar001.y AttrGrammar002.y ERROR_TESTS = error001.y # NOTE: `cabal` will set the `happy_datadir` env-var accordingly before invoking the test-suite #TEST_HAPPY_OPTS = --strict --template=.. TEST_HAPPY_OPTS = --strict -g %.n.hs : %.y $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) $< -o $@ %.n.hs : %.ly $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) $< -o $@ %.c.hs : %.y $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -c $< -o $@ %.c.hs : %.ly $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -c $< -o $@ %.d.hs : %.y $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -d $< -o $@ %.d.hs : %.ly $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -d $< -o $@ CLEAN_FILES += *.n.hs *.c.hs *.info *.hi *.bin *.exe *.o *.run.stdout *.run.stderr ALL_TEST_HS = $(shell echo $(TESTS) | sed -e 's/\([^\. ]*\)\.\(l\)\{0,1\}y/\1.n.hs \1.c.hs/g') ALL_TESTS = $(patsubst %.hs, %.run, $(ALL_TEST_HS)) DEBUG_TESTS = Test.d$(HS_PROG_EXT) # Compile a single file with -d to ensure that it works CHECK_ERROR_TESTS = $(patsubst %, check.%, $(ERROR_TESTS)) HC_OPTS += -fforce-recomp .PRECIOUS: %.hs %.o %.bin %.$(HS_PROG_EXT) %.run : %$(HS_PROG_EXT) @echo "--> Checking $<..." ./$< path.run : # simply a test to output the path of the built happy executable, useful in CI @echo "--> Printing happy path..." which $(HAPPY) check.%.y : %.y @echo "--> Checking $<..." $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -g $< 1>$*.run.stdout 2>$*.run.stderr || true sed -i '/^Up to date$$/d' $*.run.stdout $*.run.stderr @diff -u --ignore-all-space $*.stdout $*.run.stdout @diff -u --ignore-all-space $*.stderr $*.run.stderr %$(HS_PROG_EXT) : %.hs $(HC) $(HC_OPTS) $($*_LD_OPTS) $< -o $@ all :: path.run $(CHECK_ERROR_TESTS) $(DEBUG_TESTS) $(ALL_TESTS) check-todo:: $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -d Test.ly $(HC) Test.hs -o happy_test ./happy_test -rm -f ./happy_test $(HAPPY) $(TEST_HAPPY_OPTS) -cd Test.ly $(HC) Test.hs -o happy_test ./happy_test -rm -f ./happy_test .PHONY: clean all check-todo path.run clean: $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES)