Name: haskdogs Version: 0.5.3 Synopsis: Generate tags file for Haskell project and its nearest deps Homepage: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Sergey Mironov Maintainer: Category: Development Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.22 extra-source-files: Description: Haskdogs is a 300-lines tool which creates tag file for entire Haskell project directory. It takes into account first-level dependencies by recursively scanning imports and adding matching packages to the final tag list. As a result, programmer can use his/her text editor supporting tags (vim, for example) to jump directly to definition of any standard or foreign function he/she uses. Note, that haskdogs calls some Unix shell commands like 'grep' so this tool will likely fail to work on pure Windows platforms. Starting from 0.3, cmdline args will be passed to hasktags followed by a filelist generated. Starting from 0.4, haskdogs will use stack toolchain. Executable haskdogs Default-language: Haskell2010 other-modules: Paths_haskdogs Hs-source-dirs: src Main-is: Main.hs Build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5 , filepath , bytestring , text , directory , optparse-applicative , process , containers , hasktags Ghc-options: -fwarn-tabs Source-repository head Type: git Location: