module Data.GI.GIR.Repository (readGiRepository) where import Prelude hiding (readFile) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) #endif import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Safe (maximumMay) import qualified Text.XML as XML import System.Directory import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir (getSystemDataDirs) import System.FilePath (searchPathSeparator, takeBaseName, (), (<.>)) girFilePath :: String -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath girFilePath name version path = path name ++ "-" ++ version <.> "gir" girFile' :: Text -> Maybe Text -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) girFile' name (Just version) path = let filePath = girFilePath (T.unpack name) (T.unpack version) path in doesFileExist filePath >>= \case True -> return $ Just filePath False -> return Nothing girFile' name Nothing path = doesDirectoryExist path >>= \case True -> do repositories <- map takeBaseName <$> getDirectoryContents path let version = maximumMay . catMaybes $ List.stripPrefix (T.unpack name ++ "-") <$> repositories return $ case version of Just v -> Just $ girFilePath (T.unpack name) v path Nothing -> Nothing False -> return Nothing -- | Split a list into sublists delimited by the given element. splitOn :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] splitOn x xs = go xs [] where go [] acc = [reverse acc] go (y : ys) acc = if x == y then reverse acc : go ys [] else go ys (y : acc) -- | Return the paths where to look for gir files. girDataDirs :: IO [FilePath] girDataDirs = do sys <- getSystemDataDirs "gir-1.0" -- See let macOS = ["/opt/homebrew/share/gir-1.0"] return (sys ++ macOS) -- | Construct the GIR search path, possibly looking into the -- @HASKELL_GI_GIR_SEARCH_PATH@ environment variable if no explicit -- list of extra paths is given. In either case -- the system data dirs are also searched if nothing can be found in -- the explicitly passed paths, or in the contents of -- @HASKELL_GI_GIR_SEARCH_PATH@. buildSearchPath :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath] buildSearchPath extraPaths = do paths <- case extraPaths of [] -> lookupEnv "HASKELL_GI_GIR_SEARCH_PATH" >>= \case Nothing -> return [] Just s -> return (splitOn searchPathSeparator s) ps -> return ps dataDirs <- girDataDirs return (paths ++ dataDirs) -- | Search for an appropriate @.gir@ file in the search path. girFile :: Text -> Maybe Text -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath) girFile name version searchPath = firstJust <$> (mapM (girFile' name version) searchPath) where firstJust = listToMaybe . catMaybes -- | Try to load the `.gir` file corresponding to the given repository readGiRepository :: Bool -- ^ verbose -> Text -- ^ name -> Maybe Text -- ^ version -> [FilePath] -- ^ searchPath -> IO XML.Document readGiRepository verbose name version extraPaths = do searchPath <- buildSearchPath extraPaths girFile name version searchPath >>= \case Just path -> do when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Loading GI repository: " ++ path XML.readFile XML.def path Nothing -> error $ "Did not find a GI repository for " ++ (T.unpack name) ++ maybe "" ("-" ++) (T.unpack <$> version) ++ " in " ++ show searchPath ++ "."