-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction ( mkExactprintPluginDescriptor, iePluginDescriptor, typeSigsPluginDescriptor, bindingsPluginDescriptor, fillHolePluginDescriptor, extendImportPluginDescriptor, -- * For testing matchRegExMultipleImports ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Applicative.Combinators.NonEmpty (sepBy1) import Control.Arrow (second, (&&&), (>>>)) import Control.Concurrent.STM.Stats (atomically) import Control.Monad.Extra import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Char import qualified Data.DList as DL import Data.Function import Data.Functor import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import Data.List.Extra import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord (comparing) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Development.IDE.Core.Rules import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes import Development.IDE.Core.Service import Development.IDE.Core.Shake hiding (Log) import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat hiding (ImplicitPrelude) import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.ExactPrint import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util import Development.IDE.GHC.Error import Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint as E import Development.IDE.GHC.Util (printOutputable, printRdrName) import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Args import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.PositionIndexed import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Util import Development.IDE.Plugin.Completions.Types import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.AddArgument import Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.Diagnostic import Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.FillHole (suggestFillHole) import Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.FillTypeWildcard (suggestFillTypeWildcard) import Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.ImportUtils import Development.IDE.Plugin.TypeLenses (suggestSignature) import Development.IDE.Types.Exports import Development.IDE.Types.Location import Development.IDE.Types.Options import GHC (AddEpAnn (AddEpAnn), AnnsModule (am_main), DeltaPos (..), EpAnn (..), LEpaComment) import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as Lang import Ide.Logger hiding (group) import Ide.PluginUtils (extendToFullLines, extractTextInRange, subRange) import Ide.Types import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message (Method (..), SMethod (..)) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams (..), CodeAction (..), CodeActionKind (CodeActionKind_QuickFix), CodeActionParams (CodeActionParams), Command, Diagnostic (..), MessageType (..), Null (Null), ShowMessageParams (..), TextDocumentIdentifier (TextDocumentIdentifier), TextEdit (TextEdit, _range), UInt, WorkspaceEdit (WorkspaceEdit, _changeAnnotations, _changes, _documentChanges), type (|?) (InL, InR), uriToFilePath) import Language.LSP.VFS (virtualFileText) import qualified Text.Fuzzy.Parallel as TFP import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative as RE import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~), (=~~)) -- See Note [Guidelines For Using CPP In GHCIDE Import Statements] #if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) import GHC (Anchor (anchor_op), AnchorOperation (..), EpaLocation (..)) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) import GHC (EpaLocation, EpaLocation' (..), HasLoc (..)) import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (srcSpanToRealSrcSpan) #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Generate code actions. codeAction :: PluginMethodHandler IdeState 'Method_TextDocumentCodeAction codeAction state _ (CodeActionParams _ _ (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) range _) = do contents <- lift $ pluginGetVirtualFile $ toNormalizedUri uri liftIO $ do let text = virtualFileText <$> contents mbFile = toNormalizedFilePath' <$> uriToFilePath uri allDiags <- atomically $ fmap (\(_, _, d) -> d) . filter (\(p, _, _) -> mbFile == Just p) <$> getDiagnostics state (join -> parsedModule) <- runAction "GhcideCodeActions.getParsedModule" state $ getParsedModule `traverse` mbFile let actions = caRemoveRedundantImports parsedModule text allDiags range uri <> caRemoveInvalidExports parsedModule text allDiags range uri pure $ InL actions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iePluginDescriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority E.Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState iePluginDescriptor recorder plId = let old = mkGhcideCAsPlugin [ wrap suggestExportUnusedTopBinding , wrap suggestModuleTypo , wrap suggestFixConstructorImport , wrap suggestExtendImport , wrap suggestImportDisambiguation , wrap suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod , wrap suggestHideShadow , wrap suggestNewImport , wrap suggestAddRecordFieldImport ] plId "Provides various quick fixes" in mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder $ old {pluginHandlers = pluginHandlers old <> mkPluginHandler SMethod_TextDocumentCodeAction codeAction } typeSigsPluginDescriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority E.Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState typeSigsPluginDescriptor recorder plId = mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder $ mkGhcideCAsPlugin [ wrap $ suggestSignature True , wrap suggestFillTypeWildcard , wrap suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyConstraints , wrap removeRedundantConstraints , wrap suggestConstraint ] plId "Provides various quick fixes for type signatures" bindingsPluginDescriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority E.Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState bindingsPluginDescriptor recorder plId = mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder $ mkGhcideCAsPlugin [ wrap suggestReplaceIdentifier , wrap suggestImplicitParameter , wrap suggestNewDefinition , wrap Development.IDE.Plugin.Plugins.AddArgument.plugin , wrap suggestDeleteUnusedBinding ] plId "Provides various quick fixes for bindings" fillHolePluginDescriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority E.Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState fillHolePluginDescriptor recorder plId = mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder (mkGhcideCAPlugin (wrap suggestFillHole) plId "Provides a code action to fill a hole") extendImportPluginDescriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority E.Log) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState extendImportPluginDescriptor recorder plId = mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder $ (defaultPluginDescriptor plId "Provides a command to extend the import list") { pluginCommands = [extendImportCommand] } -- | Add the ability for a plugin to call GetAnnotatedParsedSource mkExactprintPluginDescriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority E.Log) -> PluginDescriptor a -> PluginDescriptor a mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder desc = desc { pluginRules = pluginRules desc >> getAnnotatedParsedSourceRule recorder } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extendImportCommand :: PluginCommand IdeState extendImportCommand = PluginCommand (CommandId extendImportCommandId) "additional edits for a completion" extendImportHandler extendImportHandler :: CommandFunction IdeState ExtendImport extendImportHandler ideState _ edit@ExtendImport {..} = ExceptT $ do res <- liftIO $ runMaybeT $ extendImportHandler' ideState edit whenJust res $ \(nfp, wedit@WorkspaceEdit {_changes}) -> do whenJust (listToMaybe =<< listToMaybe . M.elems =<< _changes) $ \TextEdit {_range} -> do let srcSpan = rangeToSrcSpan nfp _range pluginSendNotification SMethod_WindowShowMessage $ ShowMessageParams MessageType_Info $ "Import " <> maybe ("‘" <> newThing) (\x -> "‘" <> x <> " (" <> newThing <> ")") thingParent <> "’ from " <> importName <> " (at " <> printOutputable srcSpan <> ")" void $ pluginSendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing wedit) (\_ -> pure ()) return $ Right $ InR Null extendImportHandler' :: IdeState -> ExtendImport -> MaybeT IO (NormalizedFilePath, WorkspaceEdit) extendImportHandler' ideState ExtendImport {..} | Just fp <- uriToFilePath doc, nfp <- toNormalizedFilePath' fp = do (ModSummaryResult {..}, ps, contents) <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ runAction "extend import" ideState $ runMaybeT $ do -- We want accurate edits, so do not use stale data here msr <- MaybeT $ use GetModSummaryWithoutTimestamps nfp ps <- MaybeT $ use GetAnnotatedParsedSource nfp (_, contents) <- MaybeT $ use GetFileContents nfp return (msr, ps, contents) let df = ms_hspp_opts msrModSummary wantedModule = mkModuleName (T.unpack importName) wantedQual = mkModuleName . T.unpack <$> importQual existingImport = find (isWantedModule wantedModule wantedQual) msrImports case existingImport of Just imp -> do fmap (nfp,) $ liftEither $ rewriteToWEdit df doc $ extendImport (T.unpack <$> thingParent) (T.unpack newThing) #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) imp #else (makeDeltaAst imp) #endif Nothing -> do let qns = (,) <$> importQual <*> Just (qualifiedImportStyle df) n = newImport importName sym qns False sym = if isNothing importQual then Just it else Nothing it = case thingParent of Nothing -> newThing Just p -> p <> "(" <> newThing <> ")" t <- liftMaybe $ snd <$> newImportToEdit n ps (fromMaybe "" contents) return (nfp, WorkspaceEdit {_changes=Just (M.singleton doc [t]), _documentChanges=Nothing, _changeAnnotations=Nothing}) | otherwise = mzero isWantedModule :: ModuleName -> Maybe ModuleName -> GenLocated l (ImportDecl GhcPs) -> Bool isWantedModule wantedModule Nothing (L _ it@ImportDecl{ ideclName #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) , ideclImportList = Just (Exactly, _) #else , ideclHiding = Just (False, _) #endif }) = not (isQualifiedImport it) && unLoc ideclName == wantedModule isWantedModule wantedModule (Just qual) (L _ ImportDecl{ ideclAs, ideclName #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) , ideclImportList = Just (Exactly, _) #else , ideclHiding = Just (False, _) #endif }) = unLoc ideclName == wantedModule && (wantedModule == qual || (unLoc <$> ideclAs) == Just qual) isWantedModule _ _ _ = False liftMaybe :: Monad m => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a liftMaybe a = MaybeT $ pure a liftEither :: Monad m => Either e a -> MaybeT m a liftEither (Left _) = mzero liftEither (Right x) = return x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- findSigOfDecl :: p ~ GhcPass p0 => (IdP p -> Bool) -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (Sig p) findSigOfDecl pred decls = listToMaybe [ sig | L _ (SigD _ sig@(TypeSig _ idsSig _)) <- decls, any (pred . unLoc) idsSig ] findSigOfDeclRanged :: forall p p0 . p ~ GhcPass p0 => Range -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (Sig p) findSigOfDeclRanged range decls = do dec <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) decls case dec of L _ (SigD _ sig@TypeSig {}) -> Just sig L _ (ValD _ (bind :: HsBind p)) -> findSigOfBind range bind _ -> Nothing findSigOfBind :: forall p p0. p ~ GhcPass p0 => Range -> HsBind p -> Maybe (Sig p) findSigOfBind range bind = case bind of FunBind {} -> findSigOfLMatch (unLoc $ mg_alts (fun_matches bind)) _ -> Nothing where findSigOfLMatch :: [LMatch p (LHsExpr p)] -> Maybe (Sig p) findSigOfLMatch ls = do match <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) ls let grhs = m_grhss $ unLoc match msum [findSigOfBinds range (grhssLocalBinds grhs) -- where clause , do #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,3,0) grhs <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (grhssGRHSs grhs) #else grhs <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (map reLocA $ grhssGRHSs grhs) #endif case unLoc grhs of GRHS _ _ bd -> findSigOfExpr (unLoc bd) ] findSigOfExpr :: HsExpr p -> Maybe (Sig p) findSigOfExpr = go where #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,3,0) && !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) go (HsLet _ _ binds _ _) = findSigOfBinds range binds #else go (HsLet _ binds _) = findSigOfBinds range binds #endif go (HsDo _ _ stmts) = do stmtlr <- unLoc <$> findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (unLoc stmts) case stmtlr of LetStmt _ lhsLocalBindsLR -> findSigOfBinds range lhsLocalBindsLR _ -> Nothing go _ = Nothing findSigOfBinds :: p ~ GhcPass p0 => Range -> HsLocalBinds p -> Maybe (Sig p) findSigOfBinds range = go where go (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ binds lsigs)) = case unLoc <$> findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) lsigs of Just sig' -> Just sig' Nothing -> do lHsBindLR <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start range) (bagToList binds) findSigOfBind range (unLoc lHsBindLR) go _ = Nothing findInstanceHead :: (Outputable (HsType p), p ~ GhcPass p0) => DynFlags -> String -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (LHsType p) findInstanceHead df instanceHead decls = listToMaybe [ hsib_body | L _ (InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = (unLoc -> HsSig {sig_body = hsib_body})})) <- decls, showSDoc df (ppr hsib_body) == instanceHead ] #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) findDeclContainingLoc :: (Foldable t, HasLoc l) => Position -> t (GenLocated l e) -> Maybe (GenLocated l e) #else findDeclContainingLoc :: Foldable t => Position -> t (GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e) -> Maybe (GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e) #endif findDeclContainingLoc loc = find (\(L l _) -> loc `isInsideSrcSpan` locA l) -- Single: -- This binding for ‘mod’ shadows the existing binding -- imported from ‘Prelude’ at haskell-language-server/ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs:10:8-40 -- (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Real’)typecheck(-Wname-shadowing) -- Multi: --This binding for ‘pack’ shadows the existing bindings -- imported from ‘Data.ByteString’ at B.hs:6:1-22 -- imported from ‘Data.ByteString.Lazy’ at B.hs:8:1-27 -- imported from ‘Data.Text’ at B.hs:7:1-16 suggestHideShadow :: ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe TcModuleResult -> Maybe HieAstResult -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [Either TextEdit Rewrite])] suggestHideShadow ps fileContents mTcM mHar Diagnostic {_message, _range} | Just [identifier, modName, s] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "This binding for ‘([^`]+)’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘([^`]+)’ at ([^ ]*)" = suggests identifier modName s | Just [identifier] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "This binding for ‘([^`]+)’ shadows the existing bindings", Just matched <- allMatchRegexUnifySpaces _message "imported from ‘([^’]+)’ at ([^ ]*)", mods <- [(modName, s) | [_, modName, s] <- matched], result <- nubOrdBy (compare `on` fst) $ mods >>= uncurry (suggests identifier), hideAll <- ("Hide " <> identifier <> " from all occurrence imports", concatMap snd result) = result <> [hideAll] | otherwise = [] where L _ HsModule {hsmodImports} = ps suggests identifier modName s | Just tcM <- mTcM, Just har <- mHar, [s'] <- [x | (x, "") <- readSrcSpan $ T.unpack s], isUnusedImportedId tcM har (T.unpack identifier) (T.unpack modName) (RealSrcSpan s' Nothing), mDecl <- findImportDeclByModuleName hsmodImports $ T.unpack modName, title <- "Hide " <> identifier <> " from " <> modName = if modName == "Prelude" && null mDecl then maybeToList $ (\(_, te) -> (title, [Left te])) <$> newImportToEdit (hideImplicitPreludeSymbol identifier) ps fileContents else maybeToList $ (title,) . pure . pure . hideSymbol (T.unpack identifier) <$> mDecl | otherwise = [] findImportDeclByModuleName :: [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> String -> Maybe (LImportDecl GhcPs) findImportDeclByModuleName decls modName = flip find decls $ \case (L _ ImportDecl {..}) -> modName == moduleNameString (unLoc ideclName) isTheSameLine :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool isTheSameLine s1 s2 | Just sl1 <- getStartLine s1, Just sl2 <- getStartLine s2 = sl1 == sl2 | otherwise = False where getStartLine x = srcLocLine . realSrcSpanStart <$> realSpan x isUnusedImportedId :: TcModuleResult -> HieAstResult -> String -> String -> SrcSpan -> Bool isUnusedImportedId TcModuleResult {tmrTypechecked = TcGblEnv {tcg_imports = ImportAvails {imp_mods}}} HAR {refMap} identifier modName importSpan | occ <- mkVarOcc identifier, impModsVals <- importedByUser . concat $ moduleEnvElts imp_mods, Just rdrEnv <- listToMaybe [ imv_all_exports | ImportedModsVal {..} <- impModsVals, imv_name == mkModuleName modName, isTheSameLine imv_span importSpan ], [GRE {gre_name = name}] <- lookupGlobalRdrEnv rdrEnv occ, importedIdentifier <- Right name, refs <- M.lookup importedIdentifier refMap = maybe True (not . any (\(_, IdentifierDetails {..}) -> identInfo == S.singleton Use)) refs | otherwise = False suggestRemoveRedundantImport :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestRemoveRedundantImport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodImports}} contents Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} -- The qualified import of ‘many’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | Just [_, bindings] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "The( qualified)? import of ‘([^’]*)’ from module [^ ]* is redundant" , Just (L _ impDecl) <- find (\(L (locA -> l) _) -> _start _range `isInsideSrcSpan` l && _end _range `isInsideSrcSpan` l ) hsmodImports , Just c <- contents , ranges <- map (rangesForBindingImport impDecl . T.unpack) (T.splitOn ", " bindings >>= trySplitIntoOriginalAndRecordField) , ranges' <- extendAllToIncludeCommaIfPossible False (indexedByPosition $ T.unpack c) (concat ranges) , not (null ranges') = [( "Remove " <> bindings <> " from import" , [ TextEdit r "" | r <- ranges' ] )] -- File.hs:16:1: warning: -- The import of `Data.List' is redundant -- except perhaps to import instances from `Data.List' -- To import instances alone, use: import Data.List() | _message =~ ("The( qualified)? import of [^ ]* is redundant" :: String) = [("Remove import", [TextEdit (extendToWholeLineIfPossible contents _range) ""])] | otherwise = [] where -- In case of an unused record field import, the binding from the message will not match any import directly -- In this case, we try if we can additionally extract a record field name -- Example: The import of ‘B(b2)’ from module ‘ModuleB’ is redundant trySplitIntoOriginalAndRecordField :: T.Text -> [T.Text] trySplitIntoOriginalAndRecordField binding = case matchRegexUnifySpaces binding "([^ ]+)\\(([^)]+)\\)" of Just [_, fields] -> [binding, fields] _ -> [binding] diagInRange :: Diagnostic -> Range -> Bool diagInRange Diagnostic {_range = dr} r = dr `subRange` extendedRange where -- Ensures the range captures full lines. Makes it easier to trigger the correct -- "remove redundant" code actions from anywhere on the offending line. extendedRange = extendToFullLines r -- Note [Removing imports is preferred] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- It's good to prefer the remove imports code action because an unused import -- is likely to be removed and less likely the warning will be disabled. -- Therefore actions to remove a single or all redundant imports should be -- preferred, so that the client can prioritize them higher. caRemoveRedundantImports :: Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> [Diagnostic] -> Range -> Uri -> [Command |? CodeAction] caRemoveRedundantImports m contents allDiags contextRange uri | Just pm <- m, r <- join $ map (\d -> repeat d `zip` suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm contents d) allDiags, allEdits <- [ e | (_, (_, edits)) <- r, e <- edits], caRemoveAll <- removeAll allEdits, ctxEdits <- [ x | x@(d, _) <- r, d `diagInRange` contextRange], not $ null ctxEdits, caRemoveCtx <- map (\(d, (title, tedit)) -> removeSingle title tedit d) ctxEdits = caRemoveCtx ++ [caRemoveAll] | otherwise = [] where removeSingle title tedit diagnostic = mkCA title (Just CodeActionKind_QuickFix) Nothing [diagnostic] WorkspaceEdit{..} where _changes = Just $ M.singleton uri tedit _documentChanges = Nothing _changeAnnotations = Nothing removeAll tedit = InR $ CodeAction{..} where _changes = Just $ M.singleton uri tedit _title = "Remove all redundant imports" _kind = Just CodeActionKind_QuickFix _diagnostics = Nothing _documentChanges = Nothing _edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..} -- See Note [Removing imports is preferred] _isPreferred = Just True _command = Nothing _disabled = Nothing _data_ = Nothing _changeAnnotations = Nothing caRemoveInvalidExports :: Maybe ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> [Diagnostic] -> Range -> Uri -> [Command |? CodeAction] caRemoveInvalidExports m contents allDiags contextRange uri | Just pm <- m, Just txt <- contents, txt' <- indexedByPosition $ T.unpack txt, r <- mapMaybe (groupDiag pm) allDiags, r' <- map (\(t,d,rs) -> (t,d,extend txt' rs)) r, caRemoveCtx <- mapMaybe removeSingle r', allRanges <- nubOrd $ [ range | (_,_,ranges) <- r, range <- ranges], allRanges' <- extend txt' allRanges, Just caRemoveAll <- removeAll allRanges', ctxEdits <- [ x | x@(_, d, _) <- r, d `diagInRange` contextRange], not $ null ctxEdits = caRemoveCtx ++ [caRemoveAll] | otherwise = [] where extend txt ranges = extendAllToIncludeCommaIfPossible True txt ranges groupDiag pm dig | Just (title, ranges) <- suggestRemoveRedundantExport pm dig = Just (title, dig, ranges) | otherwise = Nothing removeSingle (_, _, []) = Nothing removeSingle (title, diagnostic, ranges) = Just $ InR $ CodeAction{..} where tedit = concatMap (\r -> [TextEdit r ""]) $ nubOrd ranges _changes = Just $ M.singleton uri tedit _title = title _kind = Just CodeActionKind_QuickFix _diagnostics = Just [diagnostic] _documentChanges = Nothing _edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..} _command = Nothing -- See Note [Removing imports is preferred] _isPreferred = Just True _disabled = Nothing _data_ = Nothing _changeAnnotations = Nothing removeAll [] = Nothing removeAll ranges = Just $ InR $ CodeAction{..} where tedit = concatMap (\r -> [TextEdit r ""]) ranges _changes = Just $ M.singleton uri tedit _title = "Remove all redundant exports" _kind = Just CodeActionKind_QuickFix _diagnostics = Nothing _documentChanges = Nothing _edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..} _command = Nothing -- See Note [Removing imports is preferred] _isPreferred = Just True _disabled = Nothing _data_ = Nothing _changeAnnotations = Nothing suggestRemoveRedundantExport :: ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> Maybe (T.Text, [Range]) suggestRemoveRedundantExport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{..}} Diagnostic{..} | msg <- unifySpaces _message , Just export <- hsmodExports , Just exportRange <- getLocatedRange $ export , exports <- unLoc export , Just (removeFromExport, !ranges) <- fmap (getRanges exports . notInScope) (extractNotInScopeName msg) <|> (,[_range]) <$> matchExportItem msg <|> (,[_range]) <$> matchDupExport msg , subRange _range exportRange = Just ("Remove ‘" <> removeFromExport <> "’ from export", ranges) where matchExportItem msg = regexSingleMatch msg "The export item ‘([^’]+)’" matchDupExport msg = regexSingleMatch msg "Duplicate ‘([^’]+)’ in export list" getRanges exports txt = case smallerRangesForBindingExport exports (T.unpack txt) of [] -> (txt, [_range]) ranges -> (txt, ranges) suggestRemoveRedundantExport _ _ = Nothing suggestDeleteUnusedBinding :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestDeleteUnusedBinding ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}} contents Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} -- Foo.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-binds] Defined but not used: ‘f’ | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message ".*Defined but not used: ‘([^ ]+)’" , Just indexedContent <- indexedByPosition . T.unpack <$> contents = let edits = flip TextEdit "" <$> relatedRanges indexedContent (T.unpack name) in ([("Delete ‘" <> name <> "’", edits) | not (null edits)]) | otherwise = [] where relatedRanges indexedContent name = concatMap (findRelatedSpans indexedContent name . reLoc) hsmodDecls toRange = realSrcSpanToRange extendForSpaces = extendToIncludePreviousNewlineIfPossible findRelatedSpans :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> Located (HsDecl GhcPs) -> [Range] findRelatedSpans indexedContent name (L (RealSrcSpan l _) (ValD _ (extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind -> Just (lname, matches)))) = case lname of (L nLoc _name) | isTheBinding nLoc -> let findSig (L (RealSrcSpan l _) (SigD _ sig)) = findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig findSig _ = [] in extendForSpaces indexedContent (toRange l) : concatMap (findSig . reLoc) hsmodDecls _ -> concatMap (findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name) matches findRelatedSpans _ _ _ = [] extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind :: HsBind GhcPs -> Maybe (Located (IdP GhcPs), [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]) extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind FunBind { fun_id=lname , fun_matches=MG {mg_alts=L _ matches} } = Just (reLoc lname, matches) extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind _ = Nothing findRelatedSigSpan :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> RealSrcSpan -> Sig GhcPs -> [Range] findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig = let maybeSpan = findRelatedSigSpan1 name sig in case maybeSpan of Just (_span, True) -> pure $ extendForSpaces indexedContent $ toRange l -- a :: Int Just (RealSrcSpan span _, False) -> pure $ toRange span -- a, b :: Int, a is unused _ -> [] -- Second of the tuple means there is only one match findRelatedSigSpan1 :: String -> Sig GhcPs -> Maybe (SrcSpan, Bool) findRelatedSigSpan1 name (TypeSig _ lnames _) = let maybeIdx = findIndex (\(L _ id) -> isSameName id name) lnames in case maybeIdx of Nothing -> Nothing Just _ | [lname] <- lnames -> Just (getLoc lname, True) Just idx -> let targetLname = getLoc $ lnames !! idx startLoc = srcSpanStart targetLname endLoc = srcSpanEnd targetLname startLoc' = if idx == 0 then startLoc else srcSpanEnd . getLoc $ lnames !! (idx - 1) endLoc' = if idx == 0 && idx < length lnames - 1 then srcSpanStart . getLoc $ lnames !! (idx + 1) else endLoc in Just (mkSrcSpan startLoc' endLoc', False) findRelatedSigSpan1 _ _ = Nothing -- for where clause findRelatedSpanForMatch :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> [Range] findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name (L _ Match{m_grhss=GRHSs{grhssLocalBinds}}) = do let go bag lsigs = if isEmptyBag bag then [] else concatMap (findRelatedSpanForHsBind indexedContent name lsigs) bag case grhssLocalBinds of (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ bag lsigs)) -> go bag lsigs _ -> [] findRelatedSpanForHsBind :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> [LSig GhcPs] -> LHsBind GhcPs -> [Range] findRelatedSpanForHsBind indexedContent name lsigs (L (locA -> (RealSrcSpan l _)) (extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind -> Just (lname, matches))) = if isTheBinding (getLoc lname) then let findSig (L (RealSrcSpan l _) sig) = findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig findSig _ = [] in extendForSpaces indexedContent (toRange l) : concatMap (findSig . reLoc) lsigs else concatMap (findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name) matches findRelatedSpanForHsBind _ _ _ _ = [] isTheBinding :: SrcSpan -> Bool isTheBinding span = srcSpanToRange span == Just _range isSameName :: IdP GhcPs -> String -> Bool isSameName x name = T.unpack (printOutputable x) == name data ExportsAs = ExportName | ExportPattern | ExportFamily | ExportAll deriving (Eq) getLocatedRange :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> Maybe Range getLocatedRange = srcSpanToRange . getLoc suggestExportUnusedTopBinding :: Maybe T.Text -> ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> Maybe (T.Text, TextEdit) suggestExportUnusedTopBinding srcOpt ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{..}} Diagnostic{..} -- Foo.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘f’ -- Foo.hs:5:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: type constructor or class ‘F’ -- Foo.hs:6:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: data constructor ‘Bar’ | Just source <- srcOpt , Just [_, name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message ".*Defined but not used: (type constructor or class |data constructor )?‘([^ ]+)’" , Just (exportType, _) <- find (matchWithDiagnostic _range . snd) . mapMaybe (\(L l b) -> if isTopLevel (locA l) then exportsAs b else Nothing) $ hsmodDecls , Just exports <- fmap (fmap reLoc) . reLoc <$> hsmodExports , Just exportsEndPos <- _end <$> getLocatedRange exports , let name' = printExport exportType name sep = exportSep source $ map getLocatedRange <$> exports exportName = case sep of Nothing -> (if needsComma source exports then ", " else "") <> name' Just s -> s <> name' exportsEndPos' = exportsEndPos { _character = pred $ _character exportsEndPos } insertPos = fromMaybe exportsEndPos' $ case (sep, unLoc exports) of (Just _, exports'@(_:_)) -> fmap _end . getLocatedRange $ last exports' _ -> Nothing = Just ("Export ‘" <> name <> "’", TextEdit (Range insertPos insertPos) exportName) | otherwise = Nothing where exportSep :: T.Text -> Located [Maybe Range] -> Maybe T.Text exportSep src (L (RealSrcSpan _ _) xs@(_ : tl@(_ : _))) = case mapMaybe (\(e, s) -> (,) <$> e <*> s) $ zip (fmap _end <$> xs) (fmap _start <$> tl) of [] -> Nothing bounds -> Just smallestSep where smallestSep = snd $ minimumBy (comparing fst) $ map (T.length &&& id) $ nubOrd $ map (\(prevEnd, nextStart) -> textInRange (Range prevEnd nextStart) src) bounds exportSep _ _ = Nothing -- We get the last export and the closing bracket and check for comma in that range. needsComma :: T.Text -> Located [Located (IE GhcPs)] -> Bool needsComma _ (L _ []) = False needsComma source (L (RealSrcSpan l _) exports) = let closeParen = _end $ realSrcSpanToRange l lastExport = fmap _end . getLocatedRange $ last exports in case lastExport of Just lastExport -> not $ T.any (== ',') $ textInRange (Range lastExport closeParen) source _ -> False needsComma _ _ = False opLetter :: T.Text opLetter = ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" parenthesizeIfNeeds :: Bool -> T.Text -> T.Text parenthesizeIfNeeds needsTypeKeyword x | T.any (c ==) opLetter = (if needsTypeKeyword then "type " else "") <> "(" <> x <> ")" | otherwise = x where c = T.head x matchWithDiagnostic :: Range -> Located (IdP GhcPs) -> Bool matchWithDiagnostic Range{_start=l,_end=r} x = let loc = fmap _start . getLocatedRange $ x in loc >= Just l && loc <= Just r printExport :: ExportsAs -> T.Text -> T.Text printExport ExportName x = parenthesizeIfNeeds False x printExport ExportPattern x = "pattern " <> x printExport ExportFamily x = parenthesizeIfNeeds True x printExport ExportAll x = parenthesizeIfNeeds True x <> "(..)" isTopLevel :: SrcSpan -> Bool isTopLevel span = fmap (_character . _start) (srcSpanToRange span) == Just 0 exportsAs :: HsDecl GhcPs -> Maybe (ExportsAs, Located (IdP GhcPs)) exportsAs (ValD _ FunBind {fun_id}) = Just (ExportName, reLoc fun_id) exportsAs (ValD _ (PatSynBind _ PSB {psb_id})) = Just (ExportPattern, reLoc psb_id) exportsAs (TyClD _ SynDecl{tcdLName}) = Just (ExportName, reLoc tcdLName) exportsAs (TyClD _ DataDecl{tcdLName}) = Just (ExportAll, reLoc tcdLName) exportsAs (TyClD _ ClassDecl{tcdLName}) = Just (ExportAll, reLoc tcdLName) exportsAs (TyClD _ FamDecl{tcdFam}) = Just (ExportFamily, reLoc $ fdLName tcdFam) exportsAs _ = Nothing suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyConstraints :: Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyConstraints sourceOpt Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} -- File.hs:52:41: warning: -- * Defaulting the following constraint to type ‘Integer’ -- Num p0 arising from the literal ‘1’ -- * In the expression: 1 -- In an equation for ‘f’: f = 1 -- File.hs:52:41: warning: -- * Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘[Char]’ -- (Show a0) -- arising from a use of ‘traceShow’ -- at A.hs:228:7-25 -- (IsString a0) -- arising from the literal ‘"debug"’ -- at A.hs:228:17-23 -- * In the expression: traceShow "debug" a -- In an equation for ‘f’: f a = traceShow "debug" a -- File.hs:52:41: warning: -- * Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘[Char]’ -- (Show a0) -- arising from a use of ‘traceShow’ -- at A.hs:255:28-43 -- (IsString a0) -- arising from the literal ‘"test"’ -- at /Users/serhiip/workspace/ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs:255:38-43 -- * In the fourth argument of ‘seq’, namely ‘(traceShow "test")’ -- In the expression: seq "test" seq "test" (traceShow "test") -- In an equation for ‘f’: -- f = seq "test" seq "test" (traceShow "test") -- | Just [ty, lit] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat False False True False) <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat False False False True) <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat False False False False) = codeEdit _range ty lit (makeAnnotatedLit ty lit) | Just source <- sourceOpt , Just [ty, lit, srcspan] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message (pat True True False False) , range <- case [ x | (x,"") <- readSrcSpan (T.unpack srcspan)] of [s] -> let x = realSrcSpanToRange s in x{_end = (_end x){_character = succ (_character (_end x))}} _ -> error "bug in srcspan parser" = let lit' = makeAnnotatedLit ty lit; tir = textInRange range source in codeEdit range ty lit (T.replace lit lit' tir) | otherwise = [] where makeAnnotatedLit ty lit = "(" <> lit <> " :: " <> ty <> ")" #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) pat multiple at inArg inExpr = T.concat [ ".*Defaulting the type variable " , ".*to type ‘([^ ]+)’ " , "in the following constraint" , if multiple then "s" else " " , ".*arising from the literal ‘(.+)’" , if inArg then ".+In the.+argument" else "" , if at then ".+at ([^ ]*)" else "" , if inExpr then ".+In the expression" else "" , ".+In the expression" ] #else pat multiple at inArg inExpr = T.concat [ ".*Defaulting the following constraint" , if multiple then "s" else "" , " to type ‘([^ ]+)’ " , ".*arising from the literal ‘(.+)’" , if inArg then ".+In the.+argument" else "" , if at then ".+at ([^ ]*)" else "" , if inExpr then ".+In the expression" else "" , ".+In the expression" ] #endif codeEdit range ty lit replacement = let title = "Add type annotation ‘" <> ty <> "’ to ‘" <> lit <> "’" edits = [TextEdit range replacement] in [( title, edits )] -- | GHC strips out backticks in case of infix functions as well as single quote -- in case of quoted name when using TemplateHaskellQuotes. Which is not desired. -- -- For example: -- 1. -- -- @ -- File.hs:52:41: error: -- * Variable not in scope: -- suggestAcion :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> Range -- * Perhaps you meant ‘suggestAction’ (line 83) -- File.hs:94:37: error: -- Not in scope: ‘T.isPrfixOf’ -- Perhaps you meant one of these: -- ‘T.isPrefixOf’ (imported from Data.Text), -- ‘T.isInfixOf’ (imported from Data.Text), -- ‘T.isSuffixOf’ (imported from Data.Text) -- Module ‘Data.Text’ does not export ‘isPrfixOf’. -- @ -- -- * action: \`suggestAcion\` will be renamed to \`suggestAction\` keeping back ticks around the function -- -- 2. -- -- @ -- import Language.Haskell.TH (Name) -- foo :: Name -- foo = 'bread -- -- File.hs:8:7: error: -- Not in scope: ‘bread’ -- * Perhaps you meant one of these: -- ‘break’ (imported from Prelude), ‘read’ (imported from Prelude) -- * In the Template Haskell quotation 'bread -- @ -- -- * action: 'bread will be renamed to 'break keeping single quote on beginning of name suggestReplaceIdentifier :: Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestReplaceIdentifier contents Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} | renameSuggestions@(_:_) <- extractRenamableTerms _message = [ ("Replace with ‘" <> name <> "’", [mkRenameEdit contents _range name]) | name <- renameSuggestions ] | otherwise = [] suggestNewDefinition :: IdeOptions -> ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestNewDefinition ideOptions parsedModule contents Diagnostic {_message, _range} | Just (name, typ) <- matchVariableNotInScope message = newDefinitionAction ideOptions parsedModule _range name typ | Just (name, typ) <- matchFoundHole message, [(label, newDefinitionEdits)] <- newDefinitionAction ideOptions parsedModule _range name (Just typ) = [(label, mkRenameEdit contents _range name : newDefinitionEdits)] | otherwise = [] where message = unifySpaces _message newDefinitionAction :: IdeOptions -> ParsedModule -> Range -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] newDefinitionAction IdeOptions {..} parsedModule Range {_start} name typ | Range _ lastLineP : _ <- [ realSrcSpanToRange sp | (L (locA -> l@(RealSrcSpan sp _)) _) <- hsmodDecls, _start `isInsideSrcSpan` l ], nextLineP <- Position {_line = _line lastLineP + 1, _character = 0} = [ ( "Define " <> sig, [TextEdit (Range nextLineP nextLineP) (T.unlines ["", sig, name <> " = _"])] ) ] | otherwise = [] where colon = if optNewColonConvention then " : " else " :: " sig = name <> colon <> T.dropWhileEnd isSpace (fromMaybe "_" typ) ParsedModule {pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}} = parsedModule {- Handles two variants with different formatting 1. Could not find module ‘Data.Cha’ Perhaps you meant Data.Char (from base- 2. Could not find module ‘Data.I’ Perhaps you meant Data.Ix (from base- Data.Eq (from base- Data.Int (from base- -} suggestModuleTypo :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)] suggestModuleTypo Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} | "Could not find module" `T.isInfixOf` _message = case T.splitOn "Perhaps you meant" _message of [_, stuff] -> [ ("replace with " <> modul, TextEdit _range modul) | modul <- mapMaybe extractModule (T.lines stuff) ] _ -> [] | otherwise = [] where extractModule line = case T.words line of [modul, "(from", _] -> Just modul _ -> Nothing suggestExtendImport :: ExportsMap -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, Rewrite)] suggestExtendImport exportsMap (L _ HsModule {hsmodImports}) Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} | Just [binding, mod, srcspan] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) "Add ‘([^’]*)’ to the import list in the import of ‘([^’]*)’ *\\(at (.*)\\)\\." #else "Perhaps you want to add ‘([^’]*)’ to the import list in the import of ‘([^’]*)’ *\\((.*)\\)\\." #endif = suggestions hsmodImports binding mod srcspan | Just (binding, mod_srcspan) <- matchRegExMultipleImports _message = mod_srcspan >>= uncurry (suggestions hsmodImports binding) | otherwise = [] where canUseDatacon = case extractNotInScopeName _message of Just NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass{} -> False _ -> True suggestions decls binding mod srcspan | range <- case [ x | (x,"") <- readSrcSpan (T.unpack srcspan)] of [s] -> let x = realSrcSpanToRange s in x{_end = (_end x){_character = succ (_character (_end x))}} _ -> error "bug in srcspan parser", Just decl <- findImportDeclByRange decls range, Just ident <- lookupExportMap binding mod = [ ( "Add " <> renderImportStyle importStyle <> " to the import list of " <> mod , quickFixImportKind' "extend" importStyle , uncurry extendImport (unImportStyle importStyle) decl ) | importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles ident ] | otherwise = [] lookupExportMap binding mod | let em = getExportsMap exportsMap #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) match = mconcat $ lookupOccEnv_AllNameSpaces em (mkVarOrDataOcc binding) #else match1 = lookupOccEnv em (mkVarOrDataOcc binding) match2 = lookupOccEnv em (mkTypeOcc binding) , Just match <- match1 <> match2 #endif -- Only for the situation that data constructor name is same as type constructor name, -- let ident with parent be in front of the one without. , sortedMatch <- sortBy (\ident1 ident2 -> parent ident2 `compare` parent ident1) (Set.toList match) , idents <- filter (\ident -> moduleNameText ident == mod && (canUseDatacon || not (isDatacon ident))) sortedMatch , (ident:_) <- idents -- Ensure fallback while `idents` is empty = Just ident -- fallback to using GHC suggestion even though it is not always correct | otherwise = Just IdentInfo { name = mkVarOrDataOcc binding , parent = Nothing , identModuleName = mkModuleNameFS $ mkFastStringByteString $ T.encodeUtf8 mod} data HidingMode = HideOthers [ModuleTarget] | ToQualified Bool -- ^ Parenthesised? ModuleName data ModuleTarget = ExistingImp (NonEmpty (LImportDecl GhcPs)) | ImplicitPrelude [LImportDecl GhcPs] targetImports :: ModuleTarget -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] targetImports (ExistingImp ne) = NE.toList ne targetImports (ImplicitPrelude xs) = xs oneAndOthers :: [a] -> [(a, [a])] oneAndOthers = go where go [] = [] go (x : xs) = (x, xs) : map (second (x :)) (go xs) isPreludeImplicit :: DynFlags -> Bool isPreludeImplicit = xopt Lang.ImplicitPrelude -- | Suggests disambiguation for ambiguous symbols. suggestImportDisambiguation :: DynFlags -> Maybe T.Text -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [Either TextEdit Rewrite])] suggestImportDisambiguation df (Just txt) ps fileContents diag@Diagnostic {..} | Just [ambiguous] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "Ambiguous occurrence ‘([^’]+)’" , Just modules <- map last <$> allMatchRegexUnifySpaces _message "imported from ‘([^’]+)’" , local <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "defined at .+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+" = suggestions ambiguous modules (isJust local) | otherwise = [] where L _ HsModule {hsmodImports} = ps locDic = fmap (NE.fromList . DL.toList) $ Map.fromListWith (<>) $ map ( \i@(L _ idecl) -> ( T.pack $ moduleNameString $ unLoc $ ideclName idecl , DL.singleton i ) ) hsmodImports toModuleTarget "Prelude" | isPreludeImplicit df = Just $ ImplicitPrelude $ maybe [] NE.toList (Map.lookup "Prelude" locDic) toModuleTarget mName = ExistingImp <$> Map.lookup mName locDic parensed = "(" `T.isPrefixOf` T.strip (textInRange _range txt) -- > removeAllDuplicates [1, 1, 2, 3, 2] = [3] removeAllDuplicates = map NE.head . filter ((==1) . length) . NE.group . sort hasDuplicate xs = length xs /= length (S.fromList xs) suggestions symbol mods local | hasDuplicate mods = case mapM toModuleTarget (removeAllDuplicates mods) of Just targets -> suggestionsImpl symbol (map (, []) targets) local Nothing -> [] | otherwise = case mapM toModuleTarget mods of Just targets -> suggestionsImpl symbol (oneAndOthers targets) local Nothing -> [] suggestionsImpl symbol targetsWithRestImports local = sortOn fst [ ( renderUniquify mode modNameText symbol False , disambiguateSymbol ps fileContents diag symbol mode ) | (modTarget, restImports) <- targetsWithRestImports , let modName = targetModuleName modTarget modNameText = T.pack $ moduleNameString modName , mode <- [ ToQualified parensed qual | ExistingImp imps <- [modTarget] {- HLINT ignore suggestImportDisambiguation "Use nubOrd" -} -- TODO: The use of nub here is slow and maybe wrong for UnhelpfulLocation -- nubOrd can't be used since SrcSpan is intentionally no Ord , L _ qual <- nub $ mapMaybe (ideclAs . unLoc) $ NE.toList imps ] ++ [ToQualified parensed modName | any (occursUnqualified symbol . unLoc) (targetImports modTarget) || case modTarget of ImplicitPrelude{} -> True _ -> False ] ++ [HideOthers restImports | not (null restImports)] ] ++ case targetsWithRestImports of (m,ms):_ | local -> let mode = HideOthers (m:ms) in [( renderUniquify mode T.empty symbol True , disambiguateSymbol ps fileContents diag symbol mode )] _ -> [] renderUniquify HideOthers {} modName symbol local = "Use " <> (if local then "local definition" else modName) <> " for " <> symbol <> ", hiding other imports" renderUniquify (ToQualified _ qual) _ symbol _ = "Replace with qualified: " <> T.pack (moduleNameString qual) <> "." <> symbol suggestImportDisambiguation _ _ _ _ _ = [] occursUnqualified :: T.Text -> ImportDecl GhcPs -> Bool occursUnqualified symbol ImportDecl{..} | isNothing ideclAs = Just False /= -- I don't find this particularly comprehensible, -- but HLint suggested me to do so... #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) (ideclImportList <&> \(isHiding, L _ ents) -> let occurs = any ((symbol `symbolOccursIn`) . unLoc) ents in (isHiding == EverythingBut) && not occurs || (isHiding == Exactly) && occurs ) #else (ideclHiding <&> \(isHiding, L _ ents) -> let occurs = any ((symbol `symbolOccursIn`) . unLoc) ents in isHiding && not occurs || not isHiding && occurs ) #endif occursUnqualified _ _ = False symbolOccursIn :: T.Text -> IE GhcPs -> Bool symbolOccursIn symb = any ((== symb). printOutputable) . ieNames targetModuleName :: ModuleTarget -> ModuleName targetModuleName ImplicitPrelude{} = mkModuleName "Prelude" targetModuleName (ExistingImp (L _ ImportDecl{..} :| _)) = unLoc ideclName disambiguateSymbol :: ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> HidingMode -> [Either TextEdit Rewrite] disambiguateSymbol ps fileContents Diagnostic {..} (T.unpack -> symbol) = \case (HideOthers hiddens0) -> [ Right $ hideSymbol symbol idecl | ExistingImp idecls <- hiddens0 , idecl <- NE.toList idecls ] ++ mconcat [ if null imps then maybeToList $ Left . snd <$> newImportToEdit (hideImplicitPreludeSymbol $ T.pack symbol) ps fileContents else Right . hideSymbol symbol <$> imps | ImplicitPrelude imps <- hiddens0 ] (ToQualified parensed qualMod) -> let occSym = mkVarOcc symbol rdr = Qual qualMod occSym in Right <$> [ if parensed then Rewrite (rangeToSrcSpan "" _range) $ \df -> liftParseAST @(HsExpr GhcPs) df $ T.unpack $ printOutputable $ HsVar @GhcPs noExtField $ reLocA $ L (mkGeneralSrcSpan "") rdr else Rewrite (rangeToSrcSpan "" _range) $ \df -> liftParseAST @RdrName df $ T.unpack $ printOutputable $ L (mkGeneralSrcSpan "") rdr ] findImportDeclByRange :: [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> Range -> Maybe (LImportDecl GhcPs) findImportDeclByRange xs range = find (\(L (locA -> l) _)-> srcSpanToRange l == Just range) xs suggestFixConstructorImport :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)] suggestFixConstructorImport Diagnostic{_range=_range,..} -- ‘Success’ is a data constructor of ‘Result’ -- To import it use -- import Data.Aeson.Types( Result( Success ) ) -- or -- import Data.Aeson.Types( Result(..) ) (lsp-ui) -- -- On 9.8+ -- -- In the import of ‘ModuleA’: -- an item called ‘Constructor’ -- is exported, but it is a data constructor of -- ‘A’. | Just [constructor, typ] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) "an item called ‘([^’]*)’ is exported, but it is a data constructor of ‘([^’]*)’" #else "‘([^’]*)’ is a data constructor of ‘([^’]*)’ To import it use" #endif = let fixedImport = typ <> "(" <> constructor <> ")" in [("Fix import of " <> fixedImport, TextEdit _range fixedImport)] | otherwise = [] suggestAddRecordFieldImport :: ExportsMap -> DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, TextEdit)] suggestAddRecordFieldImport exportsMap df ps fileContents Diagnostic {..} | Just fieldName <- findMissingField _message , Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents = let qis = qualifiedImportStyle df suggestions = nubSortBy simpleCompareImportSuggestion (constructNewImportSuggestions exportsMap (Nothing, NotInScopeThing fieldName) Nothing qis) in map (\(ImportSuggestion _ kind (unNewImport -> imp)) -> (imp, kind, TextEdit range (imp <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " "))) suggestions | otherwise = [] where findMissingField :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text findMissingField t = let hasfieldRegex = "((.+\\.)?HasField) \"(.+)\" ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)" regex = "(No instance for|Could not deduce):? (\\(" <> hasfieldRegex <> "\\)|‘" <> hasfieldRegex <> "’|" <> hasfieldRegex <> ")" match = filter (/="") <$> matchRegexUnifySpaces t regex in case match of Just [_, _, _, _, fieldName, _, _] -> Just fieldName _ -> Nothing -- | Suggests a constraint for a declaration for which a constraint is missing. suggestConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)] suggestConstraint df ps diag@Diagnostic {..} | Just missingConstraint <- findMissingConstraint _message = let #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) parsedSource = ps #else parsedSource = makeDeltaAst ps #endif codeAction = if _message =~ ("the type signature for:" :: String) then suggestFunctionConstraint df parsedSource else suggestInstanceConstraint df parsedSource in codeAction diag missingConstraint | otherwise = [] where findMissingConstraint :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text findMissingConstraint t = let -- The regex below can be tested at: -- https://regex101.com/r/dfSivJ/1 regex = "(No instance for|Could not deduce):? (\\((.+)\\)|‘(.+)’|.+) arising from" -- a use of / a do statement match = matchRegexUnifySpaces t regex -- For a string like: -- "Could not deduce: ?a::() arising from" -- The `matchRegexUnifySpaces` function returns two empty match -- groups at the end of the list. It's not clear why this is the -- case, so we select the last non-empty match group. getCorrectGroup = last . filter (/="") in getCorrectGroup <$> match -- | Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration for which a constraint is missing. suggestInstanceConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)] suggestInstanceConstraint df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint | Just instHead <- instanceHead = [(actionTitle missingConstraint , appendConstraint (T.unpack missingConstraint) instHead)] | otherwise = [] where instanceHead -- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with no existing constraints. -- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’ -- Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the instance declaration -- • In the expression: x == y -- In an equation for ‘==’: (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y -- In the instance declaration for ‘Eq (Wrap a)’ | Just [instanceDeclaration] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "In the instance declaration for ‘([^`]*)’" , Just instHead <- findInstanceHead df (T.unpack instanceDeclaration) hsmodDecls = Just instHead -- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with one or more existing constraints. -- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’ -- from the context: Eq a -- bound by the instance declaration at /path/to/Main.hs:7:10-32 -- Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the context of the instance declaration -- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘x' == y'’ -- In the expression: x == y && x' == y' -- In an equation for ‘==’: -- (Pair x x') == (Pair y y') = x == y && x' == y' | Just [instanceLineStr, constraintFirstCharStr] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "bound by the instance declaration at .+:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)" , Just (L _ (InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = (unLoc -> HsSig{sig_body = hsib_body})}))) <- findDeclContainingLoc (Position (readPositionNumber instanceLineStr) (readPositionNumber constraintFirstCharStr)) hsmodDecls = Just hsib_body | otherwise = Nothing readPositionNumber :: T.Text -> UInt readPositionNumber = T.unpack >>> read @Integer >>> fromIntegral actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text actionTitle constraint = "Add `" <> constraint <> "` to the context of the instance declaration" suggestImplicitParameter :: ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)] suggestImplicitParameter (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {_message, _range} | Just [implicitT] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "Unbound implicit parameter \\(([^:]+::.+)\\) arising", Just (L _ (ValD _ FunBind {fun_id = L _ funId})) <- findDeclContainingLoc (_start _range) hsmodDecls, Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC {hswc_body = (unLoc -> HsSig {sig_body = hsib_body})}) <- findSigOfDecl (== funId) hsmodDecls = [( "Add " <> implicitT <> " to the context of " <> T.pack (printRdrName funId) , appendConstraint (T.unpack implicitT) hsib_body)] | otherwise = [] findTypeSignatureName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text findTypeSignatureName t = matchRegexUnifySpaces t "([^ ]+) :: " >>= listToMaybe -- | Suggests a constraint for a type signature with any number of existing constraints. suggestFunctionConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)] suggestFunctionConstraint df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint -- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’ -- Possible fix: -- add (Eq a) to the context of -- the type signature for: -- eq :: forall a. a -> a -> Bool -- • In the expression: x == y -- In an equation for ‘eq’: eq x y = x == y -- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’ -- from the context: Eq a -- bound by the type signature for: -- eq :: forall a b. Eq a => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool -- at Main.hs:5:1-42 -- Possible fix: -- add (Eq b) to the context of -- the type signature for: -- eq :: forall a b. Eq a => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool -- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘y == y'’ -- In the expression: x == x' && y == y' -- In an equation for ‘eq’: -- eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y' | Just typeSignatureName <- findTypeSignatureName _message , Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC{hswc_body = (unLoc -> HsSig {sig_body = sig})}) <- findSigOfDecl ((T.unpack typeSignatureName ==) . showSDoc df . ppr) hsmodDecls , title <- actionTitle missingConstraint typeSignatureName = [(title, appendConstraint (T.unpack missingConstraint) sig)] | otherwise = [] where actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text actionTitle constraint typeSignatureName = "Add `" <> constraint <> "` to the context of the type signature for `" <> typeSignatureName <> "`" -- | Suggests the removal of a redundant constraint for a type signature. removeRedundantConstraints :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)] #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) removeRedundantConstraints df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic{..} #else removeRedundantConstraints df (makeDeltaAst -> L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic{..} #endif -- • Redundant constraint: Eq a -- • In the type signature for: -- foo :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -- • Redundant constraints: (Monoid a, Show a) -- • In the type signature for: -- foo :: forall a. (Num a, Monoid a, Eq a, Show a) => a -> Bool -- Account for both "Redundant constraint" and "Redundant constraints". | "Redundant constraint" `T.isInfixOf` _message , Just typeSignatureName <- findTypeSignatureName _message , Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC{hswc_body = (unLoc -> HsSig {sig_body = sig})}) <- fmap(traceAst "redundantConstraint") $ findSigOfDeclRanged _range hsmodDecls , Just redundantConstraintList <- findRedundantConstraints _message , rewrite <- removeConstraint (toRemove df redundantConstraintList) sig = [(actionTitle redundantConstraintList typeSignatureName, rewrite)] | otherwise = [] where toRemove df list a = T.pack (showSDoc df (ppr a)) `elem` list parseConstraints :: T.Text -> [T.Text] parseConstraints t = t & (T.strip >>> stripConstraintsParens >>> T.splitOn ",") <&> T.strip stripConstraintsParens :: T.Text -> T.Text stripConstraintsParens constraints = if "(" `T.isPrefixOf` constraints then constraints & T.drop 1 & T.dropEnd 1 & T.strip else constraints {- 9.2: "message": "/private/var/folders/4m/d38fhm3936x_gy_9883zbq8h0000gn/T/extra-dir-53173393699/Testing.hs:4:1: warning: ⢠Redundant constraints: (Eq a, Show a) ⢠In the type signature for: foo :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Bool", 9.0: "message": "⢠Redundant constraints: (Eq a, Show a) ⢠In the type signature for: foo :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Bool", -} findRedundantConstraints :: T.Text -> Maybe [T.Text] findRedundantConstraints t = t & T.lines -- In <9.2 it's the first line, in 9.2 it' the second line & take 2 & mapMaybe ((`matchRegexUnifySpaces` "Redundant constraints?: (.+)") . T.strip) & listToMaybe >>= listToMaybe <&> parseConstraints formatConstraints :: [T.Text] -> T.Text formatConstraints [] = "" formatConstraints [constraint] = constraint formatConstraints constraintList = constraintList & T.intercalate ", " & \cs -> "(" <> cs <> ")" actionTitle :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> T.Text actionTitle constraintList typeSignatureName = "Remove redundant constraint" <> (if length constraintList == 1 then "" else "s") <> " `" <> formatConstraints constraintList <> "` from the context of the type signature for `" <> typeSignatureName <> "`" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod :: ExportsMap -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, [Either TextEdit Rewrite])] suggestNewOrExtendImportForClassMethod packageExportsMap ps fileContents Diagnostic {_message} | Just [methodName, className] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "‘([^’]*)’ is not a \\(visible\\) method of class ‘([^’]*)’", idents <- maybe [] (Set.toList . Set.filter (\x -> fmap occNameText (parent x) == Just className)) $ lookupOccEnv (getExportsMap packageExportsMap) (mkVarOrDataOcc methodName) = mconcat $ suggest <$> idents | otherwise = [] where suggest identInfo | importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles identInfo, mImportDecl <- findImportDeclByModuleName (hsmodImports . unLoc $ ps) (T.unpack moduleText) = case mImportDecl of -- extend Just decl -> [ ( "Add " <> renderImportStyle style <> " to the import list of " <> moduleText, quickFixImportKind' "extend" style, [Right $ uncurry extendImport (unImportStyle style) decl] ) | style <- importStyle ] -- new _ | Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents -> (\(kind, unNewImport -> x) -> (x, kind, [Left $ TextEdit range (x <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " ")])) <$> [ (quickFixImportKind' "new" style, newUnqualImport moduleText rendered False) | style <- importStyle, let rendered = renderImportStyle style ] <> [(quickFixImportKind "new.all", newImportAll moduleText)] | otherwise -> [] where moduleText = moduleNameText identInfo suggestNewImport :: DynFlags -> ExportsMap -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, CodeActionKind, TextEdit)] suggestNewImport df packageExportsMap ps fileContents Diagnostic{..} | msg <- unifySpaces _message , Just thingMissing <- extractNotInScopeName msg , qual <- extractQualifiedModuleName msg , qual' <- extractDoesNotExportModuleName msg >>= (findImportDeclByModuleName hsmodImports . T.unpack) >>= ideclAs . unLoc <&> T.pack . moduleNameString . unLoc , -- tentative workaround for detecting qualification in GHC 9.4 -- FIXME: We can delete this after dropping the support for GHC 9.4 qualGHC94 <- guard (ghcVersion == GHC94) *> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName (extractTextInRange _range fileContents) , Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents , extendImportSuggestions <- matchRegexUnifySpaces msg #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) "Add ‘[^’]*’ to the import list in the import of ‘([^’]*)’" #else "Perhaps you want to add ‘[^’]*’ to the import list in the import of ‘([^’]*)’" #endif = let qis = qualifiedImportStyle df -- FIXME: we can use thingMissing once the support for GHC 9.4 is dropped. -- In what fllows, @missing@ is assumed to be qualified name. -- @thingMissing@ is already as desired with GHC != 9.4. -- In GHC 9.4, however, GHC drops a module qualifier from a qualified symbol. -- Thus we need to explicitly concatenate qualifier explicity in GHC 9.4. missing | GHC94 <- ghcVersion , isNothing (qual <|> qual') , Just q <- qualGHC94 = qualify q thingMissing | otherwise = thingMissing suggestions = nubSortBy simpleCompareImportSuggestion (constructNewImportSuggestions packageExportsMap (qual <|> qual' <|> qualGHC94, missing) extendImportSuggestions qis) in map (\(ImportSuggestion _ kind (unNewImport -> imp)) -> (imp, kind, TextEdit range (imp <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " "))) suggestions where qualify q (NotInScopeDataConstructor d) = NotInScopeDataConstructor (q <> "." <> d) qualify q (NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass d) = NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass (q <> "." <> d) qualify q (NotInScopeThing d) = NotInScopeThing (q <> "." <> d) L _ HsModule {..} = ps suggestNewImport _ _ _ _ _ = [] {- | Extracts qualifier of the symbol from the missing symbol. Input must be either a plain qualified variable or possibly-parenthesized qualified binary operator (though no strict checking is done for symbol part). This is only needed to alleviate the issue #3473. FIXME: We can delete this after dropping the support for GHC 9.4 >>> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName "P.lookup" Just "P" >>> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName "ΣP3_'.σlookup" Just "\931P3_'" >>> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName "ModuleA.Gre_ekσ.goodδ" Just "ModuleA.Gre_ek\963" >>> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName "(ModuleA.Gre_ekσ.+)" Just "ModuleA.Gre_ek\963" >>> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName "(ModuleA.Gre_ekσ..|.)" Just "ModuleA.Gre_ek\963" >>> extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName "A.B.|." Just "A.B" -} extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text extractQualifiedModuleNameFromMissingName (T.strip -> missing) = T.pack <$> (T.unpack missing RE.=~ qualIdentP) where {- NOTE: Haskell 2010 allows /unicode/ upper & lower letters as a module name component; otoh, regex-tdfa only allows /ASCII/ letters to be matched with @[[:upper:]]@ and/or @[[:lower:]]@. Hence we use regex-applicative(-text) for finer-grained predicates. RULES (from [Section 10 of Haskell 2010 Report](https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch10.html)): modid → {conid .} conid conid → large {small | large | digit | ' } small → ascSmall | uniSmall | _ ascSmall → a | b | … | z uniSmall → any Unicode lowercase letter large → ascLarge | uniLarge ascLarge → A | B | … | Z uniLarge → any uppercase or titlecase Unicode letter -} qualIdentP = parensQualOpP <|> qualVarP parensQualOpP = RE.sym '(' *> modNameP <* RE.sym '.' <* RE.anySym <* RE.few RE.anySym <* RE.sym ')' qualVarP = modNameP <* RE.sym '.' <* RE.some RE.anySym conIDP = RE.withMatched $ RE.psym isUpper *> RE.many (RE.psym $ \c -> c == '\'' || c == '_' || isUpper c || isLower c || isDigit c) modNameP = fmap snd $ RE.withMatched $ conIDP `sepBy1` RE.sym '.' constructNewImportSuggestions :: ExportsMap -> (Maybe T.Text, NotInScope) -> Maybe [T.Text] -> QualifiedImportStyle -> [ImportSuggestion] constructNewImportSuggestions exportsMap (qual, thingMissing) notTheseModules qis = nubOrdBy simpleCompareImportSuggestion [ suggestion | Just name <- [T.stripPrefix (maybe "" (<> ".") qual) $ notInScope thingMissing] -- strip away qualified module names from the unknown name , identInfo <- maybe [] Set.toList $ lookupOccEnv (getExportsMap exportsMap) (mkVarOrDataOcc name) <> lookupOccEnv (getExportsMap exportsMap) (mkTypeOcc name) -- look up the modified unknown name in the export map , canUseIdent thingMissing identInfo -- check if the identifier information retrieved can be used , moduleNameText identInfo `notElem` fromMaybe [] notTheseModules -- check if the module of the identifier is allowed , suggestion <- renderNewImport identInfo -- creates a list of import suggestions for the retrieved identifier information ] where renderNewImport :: IdentInfo -> [ImportSuggestion] renderNewImport identInfo | Just q <- qual = [ImportSuggestion importanceScore (quickFixImportKind "new.qualified") (newQualImport m q qis)] | otherwise = [ImportSuggestion importanceScore (quickFixImportKind' "new" importStyle) (newUnqualImport m (renderImportStyle importStyle) False) | importStyle <- NE.toList $ importStyles identInfo] ++ [ImportSuggestion importanceScore (quickFixImportKind "new.all") (newImportAll m)] where -- The importance score takes 2 metrics into account. The first being the similarity using -- the Text.Fuzzy.Parallel.match function. The second is a factor of the relation between -- the modules prefix import suggestion and the unknown identifier names. importanceScore | Just q <- qual = let similarityScore = fromIntegral $ unpackMatchScore (TFP.match (T.toLower q) (T.toLower m)) :: Double (maxLength, minLength) = case (T.length q, T.length m) of (la, lb) | la >= lb -> (fromIntegral la, fromIntegral lb) | otherwise -> (fromIntegral lb, fromIntegral la) lengthPenaltyFactor = 100 * minLength / maxLength in max 0 (floor (similarityScore * lengthPenaltyFactor)) | otherwise = 0 where unpackMatchScore pScore | Just score <- pScore = score | otherwise = 0 m = moduleNameText identInfo data ImportSuggestion = ImportSuggestion !Int !CodeActionKind !NewImport deriving ( Eq ) -- | Implements a lexicographic order for import suggestions that ignores the code action. -- First it compares the importance score in DESCENDING order. -- If the scores are equal it compares the import names alphabetical order. -- -- TODO: this should be a correct Ord instance but CodeActionKind does not implement a Ord -- which would lead to an unlawful Ord instance. simpleCompareImportSuggestion :: ImportSuggestion -> ImportSuggestion -> Ordering simpleCompareImportSuggestion (ImportSuggestion s1 _ i1) (ImportSuggestion s2 _ i2) = flip compare s1 s2 <> compare i1 i2 newtype NewImport = NewImport {unNewImport :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newImportToEdit :: NewImport -> ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe (T.Text, TextEdit) newImportToEdit (unNewImport -> imp) ps fileContents | Just (range, indent) <- newImportInsertRange ps fileContents = Just (imp, TextEdit range (imp <> "\n" <> T.replicate indent " ")) | otherwise = Nothing -- | Finds the next valid position for inserting a new import declaration -- * If the file already has existing imports it will be inserted under the last of these, -- it is assumed that the existing last import declaration is in a valid position -- * If the file does not have existing imports, but has a (module ... where) declaration, -- the new import will be inserted directly under this declaration (accounting for explicit exports) -- * If the file has neither existing imports nor a module declaration, -- the import will be inserted at line zero if there are no pragmas, -- * otherwise inserted one line after the last file-header pragma newImportInsertRange :: ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe (Range, Int) newImportInsertRange ps fileContents | Just ((l, c), col) <- case hsmodImports of -- When there is no existing imports, we only cares about the line number, setting column and indent to zero. [] -> (\line -> ((line, 0), 0)) <$> findPositionNoImports ps fileContents _ -> findPositionFromImports hsmodImports last , let insertPos = Position (fromIntegral l) (fromIntegral c) = Just (Range insertPos insertPos, col) | otherwise = Nothing where L _ HsModule {..} = ps -- | Find the position for a new import when there isn't an existing one. -- * If there is a module declaration, a new import should be inserted under the module declaration (including exports list) -- * Otherwise, a new import should be inserted after any file-header pragma. findPositionNoImports :: ParsedSource -> T.Text -> Maybe Int findPositionNoImports ps fileContents = maybe (Just (findNextPragmaPosition fileContents)) (findPositionAfterModuleName ps) hsmodName where L _ HsModule {..} = ps -- | find line number right after module ... where findPositionAfterModuleName :: ParsedSource -> LocatedA ModuleName -> Maybe Int findPositionAfterModuleName ps _hsmodName' = do -- Note that 'where' keyword and comments are not part of the AST. They belongs to -- the exact-print information. To locate it, we need to find the previous AST node, -- calculate the gap between it and 'where', then add them up to produce the absolute -- position of 'where'. lineOffset <- whereKeywordLineOffset -- Calculate the gap before 'where' keyword. #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) pure lineOffset #else -- The last AST node before 'where' keyword. Might be module name or export list. let prevSrcSpan = maybe (getLoc _hsmodName') getLoc hsmodExports case prevSrcSpan of UnhelpfulSpan _ -> Nothing (RealSrcSpan prevSrcSpan' _) -> -- add them up produce the absolute location of 'where' keyword Just $ srcLocLine (realSrcSpanEnd prevSrcSpan') + lineOffset #endif where L _ HsModule {..} = ps -- The relative position of 'where' keyword (in lines, relative to the previous AST node). -- The exact-print API changed a lot in ghc-9.2, so we need to handle it separately for different compiler versions. whereKeywordLineOffset :: Maybe Int #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) whereKeywordLineOffset = case hsmodAnn hsmodExt of #else whereKeywordLineOffset = case hsmodAnn of #endif EpAnn _ annsModule _ -> do -- Find the first 'where' whereLocation <- listToMaybe . mapMaybe filterWhere $ am_main annsModule epaLocationToLine whereLocation #if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) EpAnnNotUsed -> Nothing #endif filterWhere (AddEpAnn AnnWhere loc) = Just loc filterWhere _ = Nothing epaLocationToLine :: EpaLocation -> Maybe Int #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) epaLocationToLine (EpaSpan sp) = fmap (srcLocLine . realSrcSpanEnd) $ srcSpanToRealSrcSpan sp #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) epaLocationToLine (EpaSpan sp _) = Just . srcLocLine . realSrcSpanEnd $ sp #else epaLocationToLine (EpaSpan sp) = Just . srcLocLine . realSrcSpanEnd $ sp #endif epaLocationToLine (EpaDelta (SameLine _) priorComments) = Just $ sumCommentsOffset priorComments -- 'priorComments' contains the comments right before the current EpaLocation -- Summing line offset of priorComments is necessary, as 'line' is the gap between the last comment and -- the current AST node epaLocationToLine (EpaDelta (DifferentLine line _) priorComments) = Just (line + sumCommentsOffset priorComments) sumCommentsOffset :: [LEpaComment] -> Int #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) sumCommentsOffset = sum . fmap (\(L anchor _) -> anchorOpLine anchor) #else sumCommentsOffset = sum . fmap (\(L anchor _) -> anchorOpLine (anchor_op anchor)) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) anchorOpLine :: EpaLocation' a -> Int anchorOpLine EpaSpan{} = 0 anchorOpLine (EpaDelta (SameLine _) _) = 0 anchorOpLine (EpaDelta (DifferentLine line _) _) = line #else anchorOpLine :: AnchorOperation -> Int anchorOpLine UnchangedAnchor = 0 anchorOpLine (MovedAnchor (SameLine _)) = 0 anchorOpLine (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine line _)) = line #endif findPositionFromImports :: HasSrcSpan a => t -> (t -> a) -> Maybe ((Int, Int), Int) findPositionFromImports hsField f = case getLoc (f hsField) of RealSrcSpan s _ -> let col = calcCol s in Just ((srcLocLine (realSrcSpanEnd s), col), col) _ -> Nothing where calcCol s = srcLocCol (realSrcSpanStart s) - 1 -- | Find the position one after the last file-header pragma -- Defaults to zero if there are no pragmas in file findNextPragmaPosition :: T.Text -> Int findNextPragmaPosition contents = lineNumber where lineNumber = afterLangPragma . afterOptsGhc $ afterShebang afterLangPragma = afterPragma "LANGUAGE" contents' afterOptsGhc = afterPragma "OPTIONS_GHC" contents' afterShebang = lastLineWithPrefix (T.isPrefixOf "#!") contents' 0 contents' = T.lines contents afterPragma :: T.Text -> [T.Text] -> Int -> Int afterPragma name contents lineNum = lastLineWithPrefix (checkPragma name) contents lineNum lastLineWithPrefix :: (T.Text -> Bool) -> [T.Text] -> Int -> Int lastLineWithPrefix p contents lineNum = max lineNum next where next = maybe lineNum succ $ listToMaybe . reverse $ findIndices p contents checkPragma :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool checkPragma name = check where check l = isPragma l && getName l == name getName l = T.take (T.length name) $ T.dropWhile isSpace $ T.drop 3 l isPragma = T.isPrefixOf "{-#" -- | Construct an import declaration with at most one symbol newImport :: T.Text -- ^ module name -> Maybe T.Text -- ^ the symbol -> Maybe (T.Text, QualifiedImportStyle) -- ^ qualified name and style -> Bool -- ^ the symbol is to be imported or hidden -> NewImport newImport modName mSymbol mQualNameStyle hiding = NewImport impStmt where symImp | Just symbol <- mSymbol , symOcc <- mkVarOcc $ T.unpack symbol = " (" <> printOutputable (parenSymOcc symOcc $ ppr symOcc) <> ")" | otherwise = "" impStmt = "import " <> qualifiedModName (snd <$> mQualNameStyle) <> (if hiding then " hiding" else "") <> symImp <> maybe "" (\qual -> if modName == qual then "" else " as " <> qual) mQual mQual = fst <$> mQualNameStyle qualifiedModName Nothing = modName qualifiedModName (Just QualifiedImportPrefix) = "qualified " <> modName qualifiedModName (Just QualifiedImportPostfix) = modName <> " qualified" newQualImport :: T.Text -> T.Text -> QualifiedImportStyle -> NewImport newQualImport modName qual qis = newImport modName Nothing (Just (qual, qis)) False newUnqualImport :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool -> NewImport newUnqualImport modName symbol = newImport modName (Just symbol) Nothing newImportAll :: T.Text -> NewImport newImportAll modName = newImport modName Nothing Nothing False hideImplicitPreludeSymbol :: T.Text -> NewImport hideImplicitPreludeSymbol symbol = newUnqualImport "Prelude" symbol True canUseIdent :: NotInScope -> IdentInfo -> Bool canUseIdent NotInScopeDataConstructor{} = isDatacon canUseIdent NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass{} = not . isDatacon canUseIdent _ = const True data NotInScope = NotInScopeDataConstructor T.Text | NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass T.Text | NotInScopeThing T.Text deriving Show notInScope :: NotInScope -> T.Text notInScope (NotInScopeDataConstructor t) = t notInScope (NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass t) = t notInScope (NotInScopeThing t) = t extractNotInScopeName :: T.Text -> Maybe NotInScope extractNotInScopeName x | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "Data constructor not in scope: ([^ ]+)" = Just $ NotInScopeDataConstructor name | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "Not in scope: data constructor [^‘]*‘([^’]*)’" = Just $ NotInScopeDataConstructor name | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope: type constructor or class [^‘]*‘([^’]*)’" = Just $ NotInScopeTypeConstructorOrClass name | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope: \\(([^‘ ]+)\\)" = Just $ NotInScopeThing name | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope: ([^‘ ]+)" = Just $ NotInScopeThing name | Just [name] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "ot in scope:[^‘]*‘([^’]*)’" = Just $ NotInScopeThing name | otherwise = Nothing extractQualifiedModuleName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text extractQualifiedModuleName x | Just [m] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces x "module named [^‘]*‘([^’]*)’" = Just m | otherwise = Nothing -- | If a module has been imported qualified, and we want to ues the same qualifier for other modules -- which haven't been imported, 'extractQualifiedModuleName' won't work. Thus we need extract the qualifier -- from the imported one. -- -- For example, we write f = T.putStrLn, where putStrLn comes from Data.Text.IO, with the following import(s): -- 1. -- import qualified Data.Text as T -- -- Module ‘Data.Text’ does not export ‘putStrLn’. -- -- 2. -- import qualified Data.Text as T -- import qualified Data.Functor as T -- -- Neither ‘Data.Functor’ nor ‘Data.Text’ exports ‘putStrLn’. -- -- 3. -- import qualified Data.Text as T -- import qualified Data.Functor as T -- import qualified Data.Function as T -- -- Neither ‘Data.Function’, -- ‘Data.Functor’ nor ‘Data.Text’ exports ‘putStrLn’. extractDoesNotExportModuleName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text extractDoesNotExportModuleName x | Just [m] <- #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) matchRegexUnifySpaces x "the module ‘([^’]*)’ does not export" <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces x "nor ‘([^’]*)’ export" #else matchRegexUnifySpaces x "Module ‘([^’]*)’ does not export" <|> matchRegexUnifySpaces x "nor ‘([^’]*)’ exports" #endif = Just m | otherwise = Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkRenameEdit :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> T.Text -> TextEdit mkRenameEdit contents range name | maybeIsInfixFunction == Just True = TextEdit range ("`" <> name <> "`") | maybeIsTemplateFunction == Just True = TextEdit range ("'" <> name) | otherwise = TextEdit range name where maybeIsInfixFunction = do curr <- textInRange range <$> contents pure $ "`" `T.isPrefixOf` curr && "`" `T.isSuffixOf` curr maybeIsTemplateFunction = do curr <- textInRange range <$> contents pure $ "'" `T.isPrefixOf` curr extractRenamableTerms :: T.Text -> [T.Text] extractRenamableTerms msg -- Account for both "Variable not in scope" and "Not in scope" | "ot in scope:" `T.isInfixOf` msg = extractSuggestions msg | otherwise = [] where extractSuggestions = map getEnclosed . concatMap singleSuggestions . filter isKnownSymbol . T.lines singleSuggestions = T.splitOn "), " -- Each suggestion is comma delimited isKnownSymbol t = " (imported from" `T.isInfixOf` t || " (line " `T.isInfixOf` t getEnclosed = T.dropWhile (== '‘') . T.dropWhileEnd (== '’') . T.dropAround (\c -> c /= '‘' && c /= '’') -- | If a range takes up a whole line (it begins at the start of the line and there's only whitespace -- between the end of the range and the next newline), extend the range to take up the whole line. extendToWholeLineIfPossible :: Maybe T.Text -> Range -> Range extendToWholeLineIfPossible contents range@Range{..} = let newlineAfter = maybe False (T.isPrefixOf "\n" . T.dropWhile (\x -> isSpace x && x /= '\n') . snd . splitTextAtPosition _end) contents extend = newlineAfter && _character _start == 0 -- takes up an entire line, so remove the whole line in if extend then Range _start (Position (_line _end + 1) 0) else range splitTextAtPosition :: Position -> T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text) splitTextAtPosition (Position (fromIntegral -> row) (fromIntegral -> col)) x | (preRow, mid:postRow) <- splitAt row $ T.splitOn "\n" x , (preCol, postCol) <- T.splitAt col mid = (T.intercalate "\n" $ preRow ++ [preCol], T.intercalate "\n" $ postCol : postRow) | otherwise = (x, T.empty) -- | Returns [start .. end[ textInRange :: Range -> T.Text -> T.Text textInRange (Range (Position (fromIntegral -> startRow) (fromIntegral -> startCol)) (Position (fromIntegral -> endRow) (fromIntegral -> endCol))) text = case compare startRow endRow of LT -> let (linesInRangeBeforeEndLine, endLineAndFurtherLines) = splitAt (endRow - startRow) linesBeginningWithStartLine (textInRangeInFirstLine, linesBetween) = case linesInRangeBeforeEndLine of [] -> ("", []) firstLine:linesInBetween -> (T.drop startCol firstLine, linesInBetween) maybeTextInRangeInEndLine = T.take endCol <$> listToMaybe endLineAndFurtherLines in T.intercalate "\n" (textInRangeInFirstLine : linesBetween ++ maybeToList maybeTextInRangeInEndLine) EQ -> let line = fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe linesBeginningWithStartLine) in T.take (endCol - startCol) (T.drop startCol line) GT -> "" where linesBeginningWithStartLine = drop startRow (T.splitOn "\n" text) -- | Returns the ranges for a binding in an import declaration rangesForBindingImport :: ImportDecl GhcPs -> String -> [Range] #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,5,0) rangesForBindingImport ImportDecl{ ideclImportList = Just (Exactly, L _ lies) } b = concatMap (mapMaybe srcSpanToRange . rangesForBinding' b') lies where b' = wrapOperatorInParens b #else rangesForBindingImport ImportDecl{ ideclHiding = Just (False, L _ lies) } b = concatMap (mapMaybe srcSpanToRange . rangesForBinding' b') lies where b' = wrapOperatorInParens b #endif rangesForBindingImport _ _ = [] wrapOperatorInParens :: String -> String wrapOperatorInParens x = case uncons x of -- see #2483 and #2859 -- common lens functions use the _ prefix, and should not be wrapped in parens Just ('_', _t) -> x Just (h, _t) -> if isAlpha h then x else "(" <> x <> ")" Nothing -> mempty smallerRangesForBindingExport :: [LIE GhcPs] -> String -> [Range] smallerRangesForBindingExport lies b = concatMap (mapMaybe srcSpanToRange . ranges') lies where unqualify = snd . breakOnEnd "." b' = wrapOperatorInParens $ unqualify b #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) ranges' (L _ (IEThingWith _ thing _ inners _)) #else ranges' (L _ (IEThingWith _ thing _ inners)) #endif | T.unpack (printOutputable thing) == b' = [] | otherwise = [ locA l' | L l' x <- inners, T.unpack (printOutputable x) == b'] ranges' _ = [] rangesForBinding' :: String -> LIE GhcPs -> [SrcSpan] #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) (IEVar _ nm _)) #else rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) (IEVar _ nm)) #endif | L _ (IEPattern _ (L _ b')) <- nm , T.unpack (printOutputable b') == b = [l] rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) x@IEVar{}) | T.unpack (printOutputable x) == b = [l] rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) x@IEThingAbs{}) | T.unpack (printOutputable x) == b = [l] #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) (IEThingAll _ x _)) #else rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) (IEThingAll _ x)) #endif | T.unpack (printOutputable x) == b = [l] #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,9,0) rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) (IEThingWith _ thing _ inners _)) #else rangesForBinding' b (L (locA -> l) (IEThingWith _ thing _ inners)) #endif | T.unpack (printOutputable thing) == b = [l] | otherwise = [ locA l' | L l' x <- inners, T.unpack (printOutputable x) == b] rangesForBinding' _ _ = [] -- | 'allMatchRegex' combined with 'unifySpaces' allMatchRegexUnifySpaces :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [[T.Text]] allMatchRegexUnifySpaces message = allMatchRegex (unifySpaces message) -- | Returns Just (all matches) for the first capture, or Nothing. allMatchRegex :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [[T.Text]] allMatchRegex message regex = message =~~ regex -- functions to help parse multiple import suggestions -- | Returns the first match if found regexSingleMatch :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text regexSingleMatch msg regex = case matchRegexUnifySpaces msg regex of Just (h:_) -> Just h _ -> Nothing -- | Process a list of (module_name, filename:src_span) values -- -- Eg. [(Data.Map, app/ModuleB.hs:2:1-18), (Data.HashMap.Strict, app/ModuleB.hs:3:1-29)] regExImports :: T.Text -> Maybe [(T.Text, T.Text)] regExImports msg | Just mods' <- allMatchRegex msg "‘([^’]*)’" , Just srcspans' <- allMatchRegex msg -- This regex has to be able to deal both with single-line srcpans like "(/path/to/File.hs:2:1-18)" -- as well as multi-line srcspans like "(/path/to/File.hs:(3,1)-(5,2))" #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) "\\(at ([^:]+:[^ ]+)\\)" #else "\\(([^:]+:[^ ]+)\\)" #endif , mods <- [mod | [_,mod] <- mods'] , srcspans <- [srcspan | [_,srcspan] <- srcspans'] -- check we have matching pairs like (Data.Map, (app/src.hs:1:2-18)) , let result = if length mods == length srcspans then Just (zip mods srcspans) else Nothing = result | otherwise = Nothing matchRegExMultipleImports :: T.Text -> Maybe (T.Text, [(T.Text, T.Text)]) matchRegExMultipleImports message = do #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0) let pat = T.pack "Add ‘([^’]*)’ to one of these import lists: *(‘.*\\))$" #else let pat = T.pack "Perhaps you want to add ‘([^’]*)’ to one of these import lists: *(‘.*\\))$" #endif (binding, imports) <- case matchRegexUnifySpaces message pat of Just [x, xs] -> Just (x, xs) _ -> Nothing imps <- regExImports imports return (binding, imps)